@Rooty Animal Well didn't seem brilliant to me at first, either. But how far into it have you gotten? It gets more clever the further you go.
@RygelXVIII @somnambulance Regarding Braid, I don't have any negative impressions of Jonathan Blow, and his game The Witness is one of my all time favorites. But Braid I bought several years ago and it just wasn't fun for me at all. Felt like a really creative idea that wasn't actually an enjoyable game. To me, it feels like the definition of an overhyped game just because it did something innovative. But that's just me.
I haven't played this in a while but I had a really great time with it. I normally don't care about online shooters but this one was quite good. Did they ever add in the proper single player campaign? I would totally go back for that.
Nothing new for me. I'm still working through Corn Kidz 64, which is a much fuller experience than some reviews led me to believe. Sure there aren't a bunch of levels but getting 100% is quite a challenge with how densely the game is packed. I've put in 10 hours and still have plenty to do.
1. I actually would love another bongo platformer. Jungle Beat is absolutely one of the most fun games I've ever played. (GameCube version only, the Wii version absolutely ruined the fun of the game).
2. I think a proper sequel to Diddy Kong Racing would be awesome. That mixture of racing and adventure was so well done.
3. A 3D game could be great, but I fear that comparisons with DK64 would doom the game. Whether it's "too different" or "too similar", a follow up to DK64 is going to be polarizing and being in that game's shadow is risky.
4. My favorite games in the series are DKC2 and DKC3, so part of me really wants a 2D DK. But the Retro games, while well done, made me realize how hard it is to do a 2D platformer that lives up to my expectations, so I don't have much confidence in a new 2D DKC.
@Not_Soos Thanks for the response!
Yeah it's unfortunate that Tinykin gets commonly labeled as a Pikmin style game. Despite appearances, it shares almost no DNA with that series and is a 3D platformer through and through. Can't recommend it highly enough!
Also, It Takes Two is fantastic but I recommend playing it on PS4 or PS5 if possible. The graphics are genuinely wonderful but take a huge hit on Switch, both in resolution and frame rate. I don't normally care but in this case it does make a difference.
@Not_Soos Since you've played so many 3D platformers on Switch I'd like to hear your input on maybe your favorites on the system. Mine are probably Bowser's Fury and Tinykin.
I'm playing Corn Kidz 64 right now. Barely started but I have very high hopes so far.
Animal Well all the way!
I watched about 10 different YouTube reviews today. Not even sure why because I was sold after just one. Sounds like an incredible experience.
@MsMaestroon Everyone has a different opinion but personally I loved TotK way more than BotW, no contest. Even if you didn't finish the first game, I think it's totally worth giving the sequel a shot. FWIW
Now that it has been 6 years since this game released, I can absolutely say this little hidden gem will always be in my memory as one of the system defining experiences on Switch. When it came out, I got completely immersed in this game, and it was truly a special experience that I'm so glad I didn't miss out on.
I have a soft spot for Monkey Ball Jr on GBA. That game is incredible both for how good they made it look on a non 3D system and also how well it works without analog controls.
I beat that game 100%, including all Master levels. It was an amazing experience.
The first 2 on GameCube are obviously the best, but my affection for the GBA game is the strongest.
@Arcata I think it was less scary to me because there's so many cheap attacks in Pikmin 2 caves that I got really used to resetting the game anytime my Pikmin got obliterated.
It's a cool enemy to be sure, but I'd have to say there are scarier things in other Nintendo games. For me, the TotK Gloom Hands consistently scared the crap out of me.
Also, in the early part of Metroid Prime 2:Echoes, running from air bubble to air bubble made me legitimately feel like I'd suffocate in real life.
I'm shocked nobody in the comments has speculated that the removal and subsequent restoration of the posters was actually an intentional marketing/sales technique to garner more attention and sell more copies of the game. Because I guarantee you that has been the effective result of all this, intentional or not.
I bought Prince of Persia on Gamecube when it released and to this day I consider it one of the most overrated games I've ever played. It received INCREDIBLE review scores at the time, but I found it quite simplistic, unchallenging, and unremarkable.
Don't get me wrong... it's in no way a bad game. Just as average as average gets. The only thing I truly loved about the game was the song in the credits. I still remember it to this day.
The fact that it's a puzzle game that looks like The Witness of enough to grab my attention.
I'm curious to know what puzzle games people think are best on Switch. Not stuff like Tetris but legit puzzle games. I don't really pay much attention to the genre, but in the rare case that I play one, I often enjoy it. Superliminal, The Witness, etc.
@CJD87 @SolBlazer FWIW, on my first playthrough I also thought Hollow Knight was too long, confusing, and disjointed. When I decided to replay it, I absolutely loved it. Now I've fully beaten the game several times and it is undoubtedly my favorite game ever and I doubt anything other than Silksong could dethrone it. (For reference, I've been gaming on all systems/genres since Atari 2600).
All that to say, you may want to give it another chance as my opinion changed for the better in a massive way.
I love this game, but definitely happy to stick with the superior PS4 version. This is one game where the graphical downgrade of the Switch version really does take away something special.
I bought this game years ago and have great admiration for it. Spent hours learning the nuanced hidden move sets and watching tutorials. But I never managed to get all that far.
It's a brutal game that I wish I found more enjoyable to play. I've started new files a few times over the years but the frustration level is always higher than I remembered.
I love Dark Souls frustration. But this is like playing Dark Souls with a broken dagger, no armor, and no leveling up... on your first playthrough. Maybe one day it will click for me.
BotW is very good, but too much of the really cool stuff requires creative crafting way beyond my ability.
TotK actually made crafting simple enough that I could feel like a genius. Also, the challenge and variety of enemies/bosses is way better.
BotW I had to work to appreciate. TotK was effortlessly one of the most fun games I've played in 40 years of gaming.
There were way more immersive sidequests in TotK and also, the shrines of TotK were WAY better than BotW. No contest, IMO.
My only preference for BotW is that it's a little less intimidating because there's way less interesting content for me to feel like I completed it. But in TotK, I want to do absolutely everything, making returning to the game a little more daunting.
@Isoph0451 DKC Returns is a solid pick. As time goes on, I realize I actually like its level design better than Tropical Freeze. The thing I don't like though is the ridiculous Wii waggle to roll. If they removed that in a Switch port, it would be so much better.
I'd also love to see a cartridge with DKC 1-3 on it. I know they're available on NSO, but I'd still totally buy a collection like that.
1001 Spikes*
A Link Between Worlds
F-Zero GX
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario Galaxy 2 (best Mario)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (best Metroid)
Metroid Prime 4
Metroid: Samus Returns
Wario Land (SML3)
Yoshi's Woolly World (best Yoshi)
*not only is this one of my favorite platformers, but this port/remake was announced back when the Switch was first announced!
@Dang_69 Yeah, I do think the music and atmosphere of the E.M.M.I. sections is amazing! Those sound effects are really unsettling, as is the sort of static filter over the screen.
When I criticized the lack of atmosphere, I meant the game overall, but those sections are certainly tense in an incredible way. I replayed Dread recently for the 5th time and am still super impressed with the mood they created for the EMMI chases.
@Dang_69 I love Dread, but it leaves little impression in terms of atmosphere. It feels pretty sterile. I guess defining "atmosphere" can be subjective, but I just don't happen to think that was something Dread did well at all compared to Prime, Echoes, Super, Fusion, etc. Heck, even Other M has a better sense of atmosphere, and I don't think that was an especially strong suit of that game either.
@echoplex Yeah, I should have mentioned Dark Aether in my post. I swear the intense feeling of running from light bubble to light bubble was so heavy and palpable I could almost taste it. Felt like suffocating, but... in a good way
Nah, to me the atmosphere of Super Metroid was completely bested by Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. In particular, Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress are incredible, but the whole game oozes atmosphere and has the coolest architecture and art design I've ever seen in a game. And some of the music is so immersive I forget I'm playing a game.
I hope it plays like a more approachable version of Rain World. I appreciate so much what that game tries to do but it was just too frustrating for me to be fun. I absolutely LOVE hard games but this was just on a different level compared to something like Dark Souls. It felt hopeless and crushed me.
Splatoon 1 was the only one that really hooked me. The 2nd and 3rd just didn't.
In the first game... the level design, aesthetics, music, costumes, weapons, Callie & Marie... everything was just a lot more interesting to me (even after playing the sequel).
I normally don't play online games very much, but Splatoon 1 was a big exception. In fact, I played it so much that I sold it to make myself stop playing 😂. I LITERALLY BOUGHT IT, SOLD IT, AND REBOUGHT IT 3 SEPARATE TIMES!! That's how hooked I was and how desperate I was to get un-hooked.
Comments 3,651
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (May 2024)
@Rooty Animal Well didn't seem brilliant to me at first, either. But how far into it have you gotten? It gets more clever the further you go.
@RygelXVIII @somnambulance Regarding Braid, I don't have any negative impressions of Jonathan Blow, and his game The Witness is one of my all time favorites. But Braid I bought several years ago and it just wasn't fun for me at all. Felt like a really creative idea that wasn't actually an enjoyable game. To me, it feels like the definition of an overhyped game just because it did something innovative. But that's just me.
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (May 2024)
Animal Well will likely be my GotY. I doubt even Elden Ring DLC can top it. Only Silksong will have a fighting chance.
Re: Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games And Accessories For June And July 2024
And also Silksong 🤞
Re: Toy Shooter Hypercharge: Unboxed Is Adding Cross-Platform Support
@Solomon_Rambling At some point they added a straight up death match mode, which is what I enjoyed more than the protect the base thing.
Re: Toy Shooter Hypercharge: Unboxed Is Adding Cross-Platform Support
I haven't played this in a while but I had a really great time with it. I normally don't care about online shooters but this one was quite good. Did they ever add in the proper single player campaign? I would totally go back for that.
Re: Nintendo Download: 23rd May (North America)
Nothing new for me. I'm still working through Corn Kidz 64, which is a much fuller experience than some reviews led me to believe. Sure there aren't a bunch of levels but getting 100% is quite a challenge with how densely the game is packed. I've put in 10 hours and still have plenty to do.
Re: Poll: A New Donkey Kong Game Must Be Coming, But What Should It Be?
1. I actually would love another bongo platformer. Jungle Beat is absolutely one of the most fun games I've ever played. (GameCube version only, the Wii version absolutely ruined the fun of the game).
2. I think a proper sequel to Diddy Kong Racing would be awesome. That mixture of racing and adventure was so well done.
3. A 3D game could be great, but I fear that comparisons with DK64 would doom the game. Whether it's "too different" or "too similar", a follow up to DK64 is going to be polarizing and being in that game's shadow is risky.
4. My favorite games in the series are DKC2 and DKC3, so part of me really wants a 2D DK. But the Retro games, while well done, made me realize how hard it is to do a 2D platformer that lives up to my expectations, so I don't have much confidence in a new 2D DKC.
Re: Sonic Adventure-Like 3D Action Platformer 'Spark The Electric Jester 3' Coming To Switch
@Not_Soos Thanks for the response!
Yeah it's unfortunate that Tinykin gets commonly labeled as a Pikmin style game. Despite appearances, it shares almost no DNA with that series and is a 3D platformer through and through. Can't recommend it highly enough!
Also, It Takes Two is fantastic but I recommend playing it on PS4 or PS5 if possible. The graphics are genuinely wonderful but take a huge hit on Switch, both in resolution and frame rate. I don't normally care but in this case it does make a difference.
Re: Sonic Adventure-Like 3D Action Platformer 'Spark The Electric Jester 3' Coming To Switch
@Not_Soos Since you've played so many 3D platformers on Switch I'd like to hear your input on maybe your favorites on the system. Mine are probably Bowser's Fury and Tinykin.
I'm playing Corn Kidz 64 right now. Barely started but I have very high hopes so far.
Re: Nintendo Download: 9th May (North America)
Animal Well all the way!
I watched about 10 different YouTube reviews today. Not even sure why because I was sold after just one. Sounds like an incredible experience.
Re: Nintendo Direct June 2024 Confirmed To Boost An Otherwise Quiet Year For Switch
Re: Here Are The Top Ten Best-Selling Nintendo Switch Games As Of March 2024
@MsMaestroon Everyone has a different opinion but personally I loved TotK way more than BotW, no contest. Even if you didn't finish the first game, I think it's totally worth giving the sequel a shot. FWIW
Re: Here Are The Top Ten Best-Selling Nintendo Switch Games As Of March 2024
Tears of the Kingdom achieving (in 1 year!) 2/3 as many sales as Breath of the Wild has achieved in 7 years is really incredible.
Re: Review: Another Crab's Treasure (Switch) - Great Ideas, Crabby Performance
Sounds like I'll be buying this on Steam Deck then...
Re: Review: Infernium (Switch eShop)
Now that it has been 6 years since this game released, I can absolutely say this little hidden gem will always be in my memory as one of the system defining experiences on Switch.
When it came out, I got completely immersed in this game, and it was truly a special experience that I'm so glad I didn't miss out on.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Super Monkey Ball Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking
I have a soft spot for Monkey Ball Jr on GBA. That game is incredible both for how good they made it look on a non 3D system and also how well it works without analog controls.
I beat that game 100%, including all Master levels. It was an amazing experience.
The first 2 on GameCube are obviously the best, but my affection for the GBA game is the strongest.
Re: Review: Cavern Of Dreams (Switch) - A Rich, Rare Homage To The N64's Finest 'Formers
@N64-ROX Danger Zone is a spiritual successor to the crash mode of Burnout 3, but it's actually better, IMO.
I didn't care for Danger Zone 2, though.
Re: Soapbox: 20 Years On, Pikmin 2's Waterwraith Remains Nintendo's Scariest Moment
@Kilroy I want Prime 2 on Switch so badly! It's my favorite Metroid game and one of my favorite games period.
Re: Soapbox: 20 Years On, Pikmin 2's Waterwraith Remains Nintendo's Scariest Moment
@Arcata I think it was less scary to me because there's so many cheap attacks in Pikmin 2 caves that I got really used to resetting the game anytime my Pikmin got obliterated.
Re: Soapbox: 20 Years On, Pikmin 2's Waterwraith Remains Nintendo's Scariest Moment
It's a cool enemy to be sure, but I'd have to say there are scarier things in other Nintendo games. For me, the TotK Gloom Hands consistently scared the crap out of me.
Also, in the early part of Metroid Prime 2:Echoes, running from air bubble to air bubble made me legitimately feel like I'd suffocate in real life.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Pokémon Yellow Version
I don't even like Pokémon but I have always loved that NA box art.
Re: Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Will Restore Missing Posters In Patch 3
I'm shocked nobody in the comments has speculated that the removal and subsequent restoration of the posters was actually an intentional marketing/sales technique to garner more attention and sell more copies of the game. Because I guarantee you that has been the effective result of all this, intentional or not.
Re: Review: Kudzu (Switch) A Delightful, Leafy Ode To Link's Awakening And The Game Boy
I'm definitely going to get this. For $5 it sounds well worth it, despite any flaws.
Re: Best First-Party Game Boy Games
Where are the Donkey Kong Land games? Particularly 2 and 3 are the best games on the system IMO.
Re: Nintendo Download: 18th April (North America)
CornKidz 64 has my interest, especially at such a reasonable price.
Re: Motorsport Eras Collide In 'Hot Lap Racing', Speeding Onto Switch This July
There is already a "Hot Lap League" racing game on Switch. They couldn't differentiate their game just a tad bit more?
Re: Nintendo Indie World Showcase April 2024 - Every Announcement, Game Reveal & Trailer
I liked the part where they announced the Silksong release date but only if you played the video in reverse. Blew my mind!
Re: Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time Remake Dev Update Shared In New "Exclusive"
I bought Prince of Persia on Gamecube when it released and to this day I consider it one of the most overrated games I've ever played. It received INCREDIBLE review scores at the time, but I found it quite simplistic, unchallenging, and unremarkable.
Don't get me wrong... it's in no way a bad game. Just as average as average gets. The only thing I truly loved about the game was the song in the credits. I still remember it to this day.
All that said, I have zero hype for this remake.
Re: Review: Botany Manor (Switch) - Cosy Yet Challenging, This Puzzler Is Quite Beautiful
@Glasso I have all those games except Filmechanism, which I've never heard of. I'll check it out. Thanks!
@DwaynesGames I was super excited about The Pedestrian but when I played the demo, it wasn't a lot of fun for me.
Re: Review: Botany Manor (Switch) - Cosy Yet Challenging, This Puzzler Is Quite Beautiful
The fact that it's a puzzle game that looks like The Witness of enough to grab my attention.
I'm curious to know what puzzle games people think are best on Switch. Not stuff like Tetris but legit puzzle games. I don't really pay much attention to the genre, but in the rare case that I play one, I often enjoy it. Superliminal, The Witness, etc.
Re: Feature: Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers' Choice (March 2024)
Crypt Stalker is the only one of interest to me. I haven't played it yet but I did buy it.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Super Bomberman (SNES)
North America is HORRIBLE.
Japan would be great without the clown.
Europe wins.
Re: Kudzu Is A Lovely Zelda-Inspired Adventure That's Playable On Game Boy
This looks really promising.
Re: Surprise! A New Listing For Hollow Knight: Silksong Has Appeared Online
@CJD87 @SolBlazer
FWIW, on my first playthrough I also thought Hollow Knight was too long, confusing, and disjointed.
When I decided to replay it, I absolutely loved it.
Now I've fully beaten the game several times and it is undoubtedly my favorite game ever and I doubt anything other than Silksong could dethrone it. (For reference, I've been gaming on all systems/genres since Atari 2600).
All that to say, you may want to give it another chance as my opinion changed for the better in a massive way.
Re: Community: What's The Best Switch eShop Game We Missed? (March 2024)
There is this game Balatro you may have missed...
Re: Random: Capcom Reveals "Most Popular" Games And Comments From Fan Survey
HENSHIN A GO-GO BABY!! is the only correct answer to any Capcom survey.
Re: Co-Op Adventure 'It Takes Two' Has Now Sold Over 16 Million Copies
I love this game, but definitely happy to stick with the superior PS4 version. This is one game where the graphical downgrade of the Switch version really does take away something special.
Re: Watch Out, 'Rain World' Is Getting Another Major Expansion
I bought this game years ago and have great admiration for it. Spent hours learning the nuanced hidden move sets and watching tutorials. But I never managed to get all that far.
It's a brutal game that I wish I found more enjoyable to play. I've started new files a few times over the years but the frustration level is always higher than I remembered.
I love Dark Souls frustration. But this is like playing Dark Souls with a broken dagger, no armor, and no leveling up... on your first playthrough. Maybe one day it will click for me.
Re: Every Game In Nintendo's 'Partner Spotlight' eShop Sale (North America)
Nothing I want... thankfully
Re: Review: Pepper Grinder (Switch) - A Cracking Platformer That Drills Down & Strikes Gold
I got bored before even finishing the demo, so it's not for me.
Re: Nintendo Download: 28th March (North America)
Me: Waiting eagerly for "Savior" to release.
Eshop: Here is a game called "Saviorless."
Re: Poll: So, Do You Prefer Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Or Tears Of The Kingdom?
BotW is very good, but too much of the really cool stuff requires creative crafting way beyond my ability.
TotK actually made crafting simple enough that I could feel like a genius. Also, the challenge and variety of enemies/bosses is way better.
BotW I had to work to appreciate. TotK was effortlessly one of the most fun games I've played in 40 years of gaming.
There were way more immersive sidequests in TotK and also, the shrines of TotK were WAY better than BotW. No contest, IMO.
My only preference for BotW is that it's a little less intimidating because there's way less interesting content for me to feel like I completed it. But in TotK, I want to do absolutely everything, making returning to the game a little more daunting.
Re: Feature: 33 Games We're Surprised Still Aren't On Switch
@Isoph0451 DKC Returns is a solid pick. As time goes on, I realize I actually like its level design better than Tropical Freeze. The thing I don't like though is the ridiculous Wii waggle to roll. If they removed that in a Switch port, it would be so much better.
I'd also love to see a cartridge with DKC 1-3 on it. I know they're available on NSO, but I'd still totally buy a collection like that.
Re: Feature: 33 Games We're Surprised Still Aren't On Switch
1001 Spikes*
A Link Between Worlds
F-Zero GX
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario Galaxy 2 (best Mario)
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (best Metroid)
Metroid Prime 4
Metroid: Samus Returns
Wario Land (SML3)
Yoshi's Woolly World (best Yoshi)
*not only is this one of my favorite platformers, but this port/remake was announced back when the Switch was first announced!
Re: Soapbox: 30 Years Later, Super Metroid's Foreboding Atmosphere Is Still Unmatched
@Dang_69 Yeah, I do think the music and atmosphere of the E.M.M.I. sections is amazing! Those sound effects are really unsettling, as is the sort of static filter over the screen.
When I criticized the lack of atmosphere, I meant the game overall, but those sections are certainly tense in an incredible way. I replayed Dread recently for the 5th time and am still super impressed with the mood they created for the EMMI chases.
Re: Soapbox: 30 Years Later, Super Metroid's Foreboding Atmosphere Is Still Unmatched
@Dang_69 I love Dread, but it leaves little impression in terms of atmosphere. It feels pretty sterile. I guess defining "atmosphere" can be subjective, but I just don't happen to think that was something Dread did well at all compared to Prime, Echoes, Super, Fusion, etc. Heck, even Other M has a better sense of atmosphere, and I don't think that was an especially strong suit of that game either.
Re: Soapbox: 30 Years Later, Super Metroid's Foreboding Atmosphere Is Still Unmatched
@echoplex Yeah, I should have mentioned Dark Aether in my post. I swear the intense feeling of running from light bubble to light bubble was so heavy and palpable I could almost taste it. Felt like suffocating, but... in a good way
Re: Soapbox: 30 Years Later, Super Metroid's Foreboding Atmosphere Is Still Unmatched
Nah, to me the atmosphere of Super Metroid was completely bested by Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. In particular, Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress are incredible, but the whole game oozes atmosphere and has the coolest architecture and art design I've ever seen in a game. And some of the music is so immersive I forget I'm playing a game.
Also, Hollow Knight.
Re: Animal Well Brings Pretty Platforming And Creepy Creatures To Switch This May
I hope it plays like a more approachable version of Rain World. I appreciate so much what that game tries to do but it was just too frustrating for me to be fun. I absolutely LOVE hard games but this was just on a different level compared to something like Dark Souls. It felt hopeless and crushed me.
Re: Soapbox: As Splatoon's Online Wraps Up Nearly 9 Years On, How Does It Compare To Splatoon 3?
Splatoon 1 was the only one that really hooked me. The 2nd and 3rd just didn't.
In the first game... the level design, aesthetics, music, costumes, weapons, Callie & Marie... everything was just a lot more interesting to me (even after playing the sequel).
I normally don't play online games very much, but Splatoon 1 was a big exception. In fact, I played it so much that I sold it to make myself stop playing 😂. I LITERALLY BOUGHT IT, SOLD IT, AND REBOUGHT IT 3 SEPARATE TIMES!! That's how hooked I was and how desperate I was to get un-hooked.