Looking for a list of Nintendo's first-party Game Boy games? Wonder what the best first-party Game Boy game is? We're here to help.

Our ranked list of the Top 50 Best Game Boy Games Ever covers every game on the system, but here we're looking specifically at Nintendo-developed Game Boy games released in the West. All of the games below were developed (or co-developed) by Nintendo and therefore represent the company's in-house output on the Game Boy. Not the Game Boy Color or the Game Boy Advance, just the original DMG-001 and its Pocket follow-up. And Nintendo published other titles, too; these are just the Nintendo-developed games, so none of HAL's Kirbys or the Rare-developed DKCs.
This is a reader-ranked list based on the User Ratings of each game in our database. As such, it's subject to real-time change at any time. If you haven't personally rated any of the games below, you can assign them a score out of 10 right now and exert your influence on the ranking. You can also use the search bar below to quickly find any Nintendo-developed Game Boy games and rate them as you wish:
So, let's take a look at every first-party Game Boy game, as ranked by you, beginning at the bottom...
25. Baseball (GB)
Baseball was never a great game, but the ability to play it with friends meant it was a functional addition to any Game Boy library. Any fond memories you have of Baseball include a second player, we can assure you. Without that second player, even nostalgia won't help; this is not the game you remember.
You can understand the mechanical simplicity given the hardware, and a certain level of appeal given the lack of portable baseball alternatives in 1989, but this one is not worth chasing these days.
24. Magnetic Soccer (GB)
This one may not be familiar to soccer-loving US Game Boy owners, although to be fair it's unlikely to be at the forefront of European footy fans' minds, either. Released in 1992 exclusively in Europe, Magnetic Soccer was Nintendo's lacklustre, top-down take on foosball and certainly not something that sticks in the memory.
It's pretty much standard table football, with rows of players scootching left or right as you chase the ball around the table, aiming for the (massive) goal at the opposite end. You can hold the ball and power up shots, which makes things a little more interesting, but it's very basic stuff and the audio grates within moments of starting a match.
23. Alleyway (GB)
Aside from the Mario cameos (if you pay attention when starting the game, you'll see that Mario himself jumps into the paddle and pilots it, and many of the bonus stages are shaped like Mario characters), there's not much to say about Alleyway. You bounce the ball with your paddle to break all the blocks on the screen, in time-honoured Breakout style.
At its best, it's simply Arkanoid without all the fluff. If you grew up with it or you're after some reasonably compelling block-breaking, you might get a kick out of it.
22. F-1 Race (GB)
Loosely based on the HAL Laboratory-developed F1 Race for the Famicom released six years prior (which Satoru Iwata programmed, no less), F-1 Race is a decent globe-trotting racer perhaps most notable for the version that bundled in the Game Boy Four Player Adapter, which — surprise! — enabled four-player races. With cameos from a bunch of Nintendo characters, this was an impressive little title [insert limited hardware caveat here] and good fun if you could rally other racers to join you.
21. Radar Mission (GB)
Essentially Nintendo's take on Battleships, Radar Mission is still a fun little piece of turn-based gaming history, and its charming presentation and excellent soundtrack mean it has aged far better than it might have. Co-developed by Pax Softnica and Nintendo R&D1, it will appeal to anyone interested in the inspiration for the company's aquatic IP such as Steel Diver, or gamers looking for some simple-yet-strategic gameplay with a retro kick. An inessential curio, then.
20. Wave Race (GB)
This original top-down Wave Race kicked off the series in 1992, although its sequels on Nintendo 64 and GameCube would make far bigger splashes in the future. Don't get us wrong, this a fine game in its own right (especially if you've got a link cable and three pals), but the majesty of its successor's wave physics wasn't possible on Game Boy and, while fun, this is merely a competent (wave) racer.
19. Golf (GB)
While certainly basic, Golf doesn't have many overt flaws. You get a simple game conducive to short bursts that controls well and looks quite good. But you don't get much that will keep you coming back: with only two courses and no surprises along the way, the game starts to feel very repetitive very quickly.
If you love golf games, you probably have something better to play already. And if you don't, this probably isn't the best place to start.
18. Tennis (GB)
Between the NES and Game Boy versions of Tennis, this is the one people usually remember, and for good reason: it's a lot more enjoyable simply due to its presentation. As with the similarly bluntly-named Golf, it's a basic game but extremely solid in those basics. It's got impressive controls and physics for such a small title, and while there's not really that much to do, you're getting an enjoyable, fun little game which will keep you entertained for a set or so. Perfect for a short trip, although we'd recommend Camelot's Mario Tennis on GBC if you're after something with more strings on its racket.
17. Solar Striker (GB)
A first-party vertical-scrolling shmup, Gunpei Yokoi and Satoru Okada — the two designers primarily responsible for the Game Boy itself — were deeply involved in the development of Solar Striker. Released in 1990, within a year of the Game Boy's debut, its hectic action showed just what the modest machine was capable of and, while it hasn't gone down as a celebrated classic in Nintendo's annals, it's still a quietly solid shooter with an excellent soundtrack.
16. Kirby's Block Ball (GB)
A first playthrough of Kirby’s Block Ball lasts about three hours — it’ll take most players longer to surmount each world’s benchmark high score and unlock the final world — and there’s replay value to be found in score-making.
The classic gameplay of Breakout and the delightful Kirby presentation, music, and unique power-ups come together well, even if there can be a tad too much waiting and hoping in later worlds. Still, Block Ball is a solid block of entertainment.
15. Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB)
Metroid II: Return of Samus expands on the original NES title nicely. There's still no map for the game's giant world, which isn’t necessarily a problem due to this game’s linearity, although it can be an issue if you put it down for a while and don’t remember where you got to. There's a decent amount of exploration and hidden items to find, and the hunt to find and kill the 39 Metroids is fairly fun.
Although nowhere near as refined as the 2D masterpiece that is Super Metroid, Metroid II arguably holds up better than the original NES game and is still worth playing. Of course, the 3DS remake is arguably the best way to play the first return of Samus these days, but the original still has a lo-fi charm of its own.
14. Balloon Kid (GB)
A sequel to the NES game Balloon Fight, Balloon Kid isn't without its charms, but those charms are undeniably superficial: the graphics are nice, the music is fun, and the nods to Balloon Fight are all worth a smile, but there’s not a huge amount of depth.
That said, it nails the mechanics of the original game and expands on its endlessly replayable Balloon Trip mode, making it ideally suited as a portable experience.
13. Tetris 2 (GB)
This time it’s personal. A sequel to the system-selling puzzler was an absolute given, of course, and looking back on Tetris 2 all these years later, it’s admirable just how much of a departure it was from the original classic.
Named Tetris Flash in Japan, it takes the basic falling-blocks gameplay but adds in a match-three element with irregularly-shaped tetrominoes. It’s jarring at first if disappearing horizontal lines are burnt into your brain, but give it time and you’ll find a surprisingly addictive little puzzle game in its own right.
Comments 33
Sad to see Super Mario Land (GB) ending up in 14th place out of 25 games.
just shows how much of an improvement GBC was
Would be nice if Nintendo would make a remake collection of Mario Land 1, 2 and 3.
Could also include the orginal versions and new colored original versions.
Maybe even add Super Mario 3D land. The Mario Land Collection.
Donkey Kong 94 should also have a remake and/or colored version.
Game Boy Mini anyone?
With option to plug into TV.
NES Mini 2016 (Has it really been 7,5 years?)
SNES Mini 2018
There was a Wave Race on the Game Boy? Why?
Also Kirbys Block Ball is FAR better than Kirbys Pinball Land.
Some really fantastic games here. Zelda and Tetris are no-brainers, Donkey Kong is in the running for best game in the series, and Mole Mania is a super-polished sleeper hit that should've become a series. I'm also partial to the Mario/Wario platformers.
"There was a Wave Race on the Game Boy? Why?"
Well, the Game Boy version was the first in the series:
Wave Race (GB) 1992
Wace Race 64 (... N64) 1996
Wace Race: Blue Storm (GC) 2001
(Wii Sports Resort (Wii) 2009 with it's "Power Cruising" Jet ski mode.)
Both Wave Race 64 and Wave Race (GB) was released in Europe in 1997 though.
Maybe there will be a new instalment on Switch 2!
Kirby's Block Ball and Mole Mania are surely obvious picks for NSO soon? Well, my personal picks anyway
Time to get on my soapbox again - "black cartridge" games should absolutely be part of ranking lists for BOTH GB and GBC games. Why? Because they are fully playable on original hardware! It seems silly to exclude them. This means these games should be included:
Pokemon Gold/Silver
Pokemon Trading Card Game
Pokemon Pinball
Game & Watch Gallery 2
Game & Watch Gallery 3
Just saying...Top 20 looks a lot different if you throw these in
EDIT: I guess Pokemon games are 2nd party not 1st party. Still, G&W 2 and 3 should be added
@Mana_Knight I've heard one too many things about Block Ball with its awesome chip tunes and epic game mechanics. It sounds like it's the best spinoff of the classic era (1992-2001).
@Lofoten I’m choosing to take it that the competition is SO fierce and the quality SO high that you’re still getting all-timers in the teens.
Where are the Donkey Kong Land games? Particularly 2 and 3 are the best games on the system IMO.
Oh yes! Link's Awakening is my number one too. I think the game aged really well.
How does Metroid II end up at 19?!
Headline says we have only the readers to blame!
I never understood the love for GB Tetris. The controls aren't as good as they need to be. NES Tetris is the Tetris for me.
Kirby's Block Ball is criminally underrated, it's probably the best Arkanoid clone I've ever played. It's got copy abilities, boss fights, level gimmicks, varied layouts, minigames, and one of the best soundtracks on the system. It's definitely better than at least Tennis and Golf.
Nice to see Tennis included. To this day I still enjoy it's cute little characters and awesome soundtrack
Block Ball deserves better. Outside of an occasional tedious moment of chasing a single block in a weird spot it's about as crisply solid as a GB experience gets.
The GB had some great games despite it's limitations. To me, Donkey Kong '94 takes the #1 spot. Maybe it's partially because 1994 being a very memorable year for me, but the game itself provided do much fun and content.
Balloon Kid is another favorite of mine and for many years I've wanted Nintendo to give the game something new.
@LinktotheFuture The controls are actually very solid, only thing is there are less levels and the game actually ends unlike the NES versions plus there are multiplayer link mode.
it's weird to call the list "BEST first party gameboy games" and then start the list with games that you don't think are good. 🤔
@Serpenterror They have always felt sluggish to me, while the NES version is perfect.
Actually shocked pokemon red/blue is not on this list.
I'd argue that Wario Land 2 is better than the first one, but 1 (SML3?) is still very deserving of that high a placement. All the Wario Land games are brilliant.
I want to add a healthy dose of negativity by saying that these should ALL have been on NSO from day one.
Marioland 2 is one of my all time favorites; I personally enjoy it more than any of the Wario games and even more than most Mario games.
Metroid 2 was one of my favorite GB games and it was a real surprise as I had never played anything like it. I picked it up after a friend was raving about it and he was not wrong. I played it again last year and thought it was still great fun. One thing I liked more in Metroid 2 over Super Metroid was that it was more combat focused. Super Metroid is wonderful, but I had trouble getting into it at first and felt like it could have used a bit more action.
I've always enjoyed the first Super Mario Land. It's basic, but that's part of the charm. As an early game, the size of the ROM is tiny. I thought they did a good job taking the essence of the first Super Mario and creating a new game with that general feel. I didn't get into the second game at first because the bigger sprites make everything zoomed in due to the limited pixel resolution. This does affect the level design as a commenter above said. But I did have fun with it after a bit. Wario Land 1 is fantastic. I liked it when it was new and have played it a few times fairly recently. It's great.
I love seeing that Nintendo made more arcade-like games for the GB like Wave Race, F!, Solar Striker etc. Donkey Kong 94 was very clever and is Nintendo at its best in its purest form. That extends to the Mario vs. Donkey Kong game on GBA, Those games are a showcase of basic game design. I had Dr. Mario, and that was more fun than I expected as I didn't find puzzle games appealing. A couple of years back, I played Game & Watch Gallery and enjoyed that. Again, some very clever game design by Nintendo.
Kirby's Block Ball only at Rank 20?
Tennis & Golf above it at 16 and 15??
Guys, we seriously need to talk.
bit of a strange subselection, but reallt happy mole mania is ranked high... love the game and recnetly bought a japanese boxed version because it's so cute (looks so good in the analogue pocket)
HUGE fan of Super Mario Land here. It's short, but lacks any fluff whatsoever - 12 pretty solid platformy/shooty levels that you're easily going to get through on your battery life. Perfect to smash through on a morning train commute, and the New Game+ genuinely makes for a good challenge. SML2 absolutely looked the part, but seemed to lack a little bit of soul.
More love for Super Mario Land here too.
The sequel always felt off and sluggish. Loads more content and graphics similar to the SMW but it was too zoomed in with a small playfield. The Mario animation is strange too. He always looks like he's running with a stick up his @$$
Mole Mania beat Super Mario Land, who did these insane votes?
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