

Gaming since the Atari 2600.

Comments 3,651

Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's Game Boy Library With Two More Titles


There are 100 levels but they're tiny. There are countless Gameboy games that take much longer to complete. Link's Awakening, Survival Kids, Wario Lands, Donkey Kong Lands, etc.

A game like Fortified Zone only has 4 levels but will likely take someone 10-20 hours to complete because of the mastery it requires (though technically it can be finished in an hour if you know what you're doing).

Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Officially Revealed For Nintendo Switch


Did anyone else have a really hard time playing THPS 1+2 in handheld mode? For an experienced player, I found it cramped my hands trying to play at a high level. I tried it on Switch Lite and also with multiple grip attachments but ultimately just went back to playing the game on PS4. It's a shame because it looked incredibly impressive visually for the Switch and ran smoothly. Just the ergonomics I found to be a problem. It works with a Pro Controller on the TV but then I lost the handheld selling point.

Re: Turok Receives A New Update For Nintendo Switch, Here's What's Included


I enjoyed the first Turok, but boy I got annoyed with the 2nd game. I've heard such good things about it but it fell really flat for me.

"Where do I go? What do I need to do? Where does this portal take me? How is this type of portal different? I didn't want to take that portal... how do I get back? I've explored this level forever and can't find what is left to accomplish!"

I wanted to have fun but maybe I'm just not smart enough for it. I think I only got through 2 or 3 levels.

Re: Best Wario Games Of All Time


@whitespy12 The list is based on user rankings, not the opinions of the NL staff.
And if you look at user scores, there's a very narrow margin, meaning the games are nearly tied. The mainline games range from 8.2-8.6.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (8th February)


Playing Captain Toad Treasure Tracker after a decade of sleeping on this game! It always looked too slow-paced and boring.
However, I just picked it up on the Switch and am LOVING it. Way more engaging than I could have imagined. The focus on moving the camera to examine these dioramas from every angle to uncover every secret is incredibly satisfying, and I especially love the pixel Toad hide and seek challenges.

Re: Anniversary: Resident Evil 4, One Of The Greatest Games Ever Made, Turns 20


My favorite memory of RE4 is how I worked the trade-in system at Blockbuster to get the game new at launch for only $8. They had buy 2 used games, get 1 free. So I bought the cheapest thing they had, meaning I got 3 copies of Turok Evolution for $8.

They also had trade any 3 games in, get any 1 game. So I turned around and traded 3 used copies of Turok Evolution for 1 new copy of Resident Evil 4 (just a week or two after it released on Gamecube).

I felt like a mad genius! As a broke college student, these were necessary survival skills 😄

... and since that time I've bought the game not only on Gamecube but also Wii, PS4, and Switch.

Re: Random: Metroid Prime 4 'OG' Amazon Pre-Orders Are Being Cancelled


I have had a pre-order on Amazon since this game was first announced. However, it's been so long that I've since moved. When I went to update the address on the pre-order, it forced me to cancel the pre-order and create a new one. Felt kind of sad to lose a pre-order that was so ancient 😄 (Plus my order back then had qualified for 20% off, which is now lost)

Re: Team Ninja Gears Up For Its 30th Anniversary


@rvcolem1 I agree, the first person perspective for missiles and grappling was dumb and unnecessarily awkward. As well as the forced slow-walk sections with the camera over the shoulder.

I actually like the way you moved through a 3D environment with just the D-pad on the Wiimote. It feels really good to me for some reason.

Re: Team Ninja Gears Up For Its 30th Anniversary


@Samalik Yeah I've been seriously considering buying the Ninja Gaiden collection on Switch. Here is my only question: can you turn off the gore?
Based on early reviews, the collection launched without gore (which disappointed a lot of people), but then it was patched in. Personally, I don't like blood in my games, so I'm hoping there is a way to turn it off.

Re: Team Ninja Gears Up For Its 30th Anniversary


I may be alone, but I'd LOVE for them to do a follow-up to Metroid: Other M.
Despite its flaws, I absolutely love that game and have replayed it so many times, including this past year.

With a little tweaking, I think that sort of 3rd person Metroid could be the ideal scenario for the series. The dodge mechanic is incredibly satisfying, and the shine spark/speed booster is the best in the series.

Re: 'Nintendo Music' Adds A Huge Zelda Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included


@garfreek Yeah, funny thing about Skyward Sword. My first playthrough back in 2011 was magical. I liked the motion controls and generally thought everything was incredible. I'll never forget beating Demise for the first time... it was just minutes from midnight on New Years Eve. I immediately told my wife this is now my 2nd favorite Zelda (nothing could beat Majora).

Then I replayed the game about a year later and... hated it. So many parts were mind numbingly tedious and Fi was insulting my intelligence every couple of minutes. The only parts I still really enjoyed were the Skykeep dungeon and the fight with Demise.

I sold the game immediately and swore to never touch it again.

That said, last night I started listening to the soundtrack and yeah it's quite good!