Comments 1,383

Re: Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Details New Trade Feature, Arriving This Month


I think I only have 4 of the 4 Diamond cards left to obtain (Venusaur EX, Marowak EX, Blastoise EX, & Zapdos EX), so at least I'll be able to complete the set as I have lots of duplicates of the EX cards I do have I can use for trading.

Similar story for the 1 Star cards, though I think there's a bit more I don't have (maybe 5 or 6). Still have enough duplicates to trade.

Kind of a bummer you can't trade the 2 or 3 Star cards (or the Crowns), but they're all just alt arts of less rare cards so they don't give you an advantage in the actual game (same for 1 Stars though), so I can live with it. They're rare enough that I don't have enough duplicates to trade with anyways.

Re: Pokémon TCG Pocket Has Already Generated $120 Million Since Launch


Been enjoying it (entirely F2P), but need some sort of new event to keep me engaged (I was hoping they'd have something ready to go to replace the Lapras EX event that just ended, but apparently not).

I've completed all the Solo battles, got 45 wins in the Multiplayer event (there's no more rewards after that point), and as I've mentioned previously the Lapras event is over as well (completed it BTW).

After reaching level 15 or so, the 15 EXP you get from winning a multiplayer match is such a pittance that it's not really an incentive to keep playing on it's own (especially since you're not guaranteed to win & you get no EXP at all for a loss). They need to give you like 5 EXP or something for every match played (even the losses), just so you're always getting something out of it. It's no fun losing 2-4 matches in a row before getting that win with only the win's 15 EXP to show for it.

I still enjoy opening my twice daily packs, though it's gotten to the point where I'm not getting jack.

Re: Pokémon TCG Pocket Adds Anticipated Feature Early 2025, But There's A Catch...


I haven't collected Pokemon cards since I was a kid in the 90's, but I never used them in the actual game they were supposed to be played with, so I decided to try this out and it's actually really fun.

Haven't spent a dime but already have three different viable decks built (a fire set centered around two Charizard EX & a Moltres EX, a water set centered around two Lapras EX & a Articuno EX, and an electric set centered around two Pikachu EX and a Zapdos EX). Also have EX variants of Eggsecuter, Mewtwo, & Gengar, but don't quite have the right cards to build decks around them (getting close with Eggsecuter though).

I've won about 40 matches in the event so far.

Re: Review: Yakuza Kiwami (Switch) - A Decent Port Of An Ambitious, Frustrating Game


I played this on PS4 years ago and sorta agree that the first few bosses/special fights can be a bit annoying/long winded (I think you have a number of them before the game really opens up), but I don't remember them being that hard.

It only gets easier once things open up too. By endgame I always had enough healing/special bar filling items at my disposal that I could practically cheese all the bosses, even the final one.

Re: UK Charts: Astro Bot Soars Above The Competition In A Quiet Week For Switch


Glad for Astro Bot! I definitely want to play it, but am currently playing Trails Through Daybreak on PS5, and since that's like a 100 hour JRPG it'll probably be a few months before I can get to Astro (it'll be my number one priority once I'm done with Trails though, no matter what else comes out).

Currently getting my platforming fix by playing Bakeru on Steam, and having a blast with it. It's a shame that it's going to be buried by bigger names, as this would definitely have a shot at being the year's best platformer if it weren't for Astro Bot (reminds me a lot of Kirby & the Forgotten Land in terms of style, scope, & gameplay).

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Contra: Hard Corps / Probotector


Went with Japan as I prefer the anime aesthetic (since it originated in Japan and this is probably the most "intended" look), but will admit the US design goes absolutely hard, so it's a close second.

EU isn't even in consideration since it's a result of regional censorship, and thus the theme isn't an intended choice (even though I love Mecha and think the characters look pretty dope).

Re: Rumour: 'Tales Of Xillia Remastered' Switch Release Spotted Online


I really loved Abyss & Vesperia, didn't think Zestiria or Berseria lived up to them (though Berseria was the much better of the two), and then the series got back on it's feet again with Arise, which I loved.

I started to play Symphonia a couple years ago, but only got a couple hours into it before coming down with Covid & never went back to it after two weeks of just not wanting to play anything. Maybe I should try it again.

Would give this a shot if it's real.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Duel - Urban Champion


NL: Mentions that the game launched in Japan 2 years before any other region.

Also NL: Still gives EU top billing for reusing the JPN art (on a JPN developed game).

Anyhow, I don't think any variant is all that great, but I did indeed end up voting for the JAPAN/EUROPE art.

Re: Random: Zelda Fan Jailed For Carrying Small Master Sword Replica


@Kilroy, actually, I mostly use plastic utensils, lol.

Yes, they can cut, poke, & (theoretically) be a weapon of some sort (the same can be said of a pen, rock, any other myriad of items), but I'd never in my wildest dreams imagine mere possession of a plastic knife would be grounds for arrest.

Kind of a moot point anyways, as the link @DarthXenos posted does indeed show it to be made of some sort of steel alloy (albeit unsharpened). A prison sentence still seems absolutely wild to me though. Should have just been a warning or small fine at most.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - DK: King Of Swing


No way EU is winning with them hanging onto pegs that are just unnaturally connecting to absolutely nothing (I get that's how it may be in game, but it makes for a sloppy looking art piece).

Going for the US art this week. Looks like they're mid swing.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil


Going with Japan since it seems they did a bit more with the concept.

Also, again, stop giving EU top billing when they use the same art as the region the game was developed in. In this case it should be listed as NA/EU.

It would make sense to give EU top billing if NA or JP were using the EU art of a European developed game (like Banjo, Worms, etc.), but you have a bad habit of giving EU top billing on all shared art, even if most examples originated in JP or NA.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Paint (SNES)


Seems to be the unpopular opinion, but I'm going with the JPN box.

The actual art piece on the NA/EU box certainly is better, but otherwise it's way too cluttered (both with text & the incorporation of the mouse).

The JPN box may seem a bit more plain, but it's cleanly formatted & easy on the eyes.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Pokémon Yellow Version


Going to vote for NA/EU (giving NA top billing since the game didn't release in the EU until about 8 months later, so they very much just copied the NA design).

The JPN art is good too, but as others have said the text makes it too cluttered, & it doesn't have the nostalgia going for it for me.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)


I think they're both pretty good for what they are, but I went with the JPN/EU art (giving Japan first billing over EU since it's the region of origin, which is how it should be done when two regions share the same art. The article makes it sound like Japan is using EU art, when it's the other way around).

Re: Video: New Endless Ocean Luminous Overview Trailer Teases "Limited-Time" Event Dives


@UltimateOtaku91, every single one of those examples you gave outside of Monster Hunter (which never really had a strong story/adventure element to it anyway) was live service from the start, so it's to be expected.

Endless Ocean is a bit different in that the last couple had some sort of deliberately crafted single player adventure/exploration core to them, so sort of throwing that away (or at least to the side) in favor of a procedurally generated, limited time live-service approach is bound to ruffle the feathers of some pre-existing fans (few of them as there are, given the series niche status).

Granted, even as someone who hasn't played the originals, the large online/procedurally generated focus of this one is dampening my excitement for it, as I happen to prefer expertly hand crafted single player experiences. Though I still have my eye on it.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Kirby Super Star


Definitely the Japanese one. Looks classy & sophisticated, not something you see everyday. Would look great as a poster in a game room.

The US art in second, with EU last (Super Star is an infinitely better subtitle than Fun Pack, and I happen to think the stars pop more against the black background).

Re: Random: Sakurai Endorses Powerwash Simulator And Other 'Work' Games


Yeah, Powerwash Simulator is pretty great to unwind to, even if a few levels have somewhat irritating areas to reach.

It has a ton of content too. I've been playing it off & on since the Holidays (inbetween other games) and I'm not even done with the "campaign" (haven't even touched the bonus levels or any of the DLC). Think I'm getting close, though.

Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 'Future Saga' DLC Officially Revealed


@Darthmoogle, I'm assuming it's because the "Ultimate Evil" SSG Vegeta in the trailer has purple hair/aura, much like how his manga exclusive Ultra Ego form is often colorized.

TBH that's what I thought it was too when I first saw the thumbnail (of course, I don't think he has eyebrows in UE, like he does here, so that should have given it away).

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Super Scribblenauts


The US art for me this week. EU is similar quality, but the banner at the bottom takes away some points (plus, the "bursting through the paper" on the US art gives it a few points).

The Japanese one is inspired and arguably more "arty" than the other two, but has perhaps a bit too much text.

Re: UK Charts: Final Fantasy Pushes Mario vs. Donkey Kong Further Down The Standings


As it so happens I just finished off Mario VS Donkey Kong and started Final Fantasy VII Rebirth over the weekend.

M VS DK was a solid game, not GotY material or anything, but a solid release that honestly got pretty tough at times (especially certain boss fights & the EX missions).

The Grasslands have opened up for me in FFVII Rebirth and it's been fun travelling between all the points of interest on Chocobo back.

Re: Talking Point: What Would Make You Happy To Give Up Physical Games And Go 100% Digital?


I'm mostly physical on Switch, though I do have a number of digital titles that don't have a physical version (or only got limited run physical editions).

However, I'm pretty much all digital on PS (& PC obviously).

However However, I'm big into collecting physical media in terms of movies & TV shows (particularly anime, but I have a growing selection of live action films as well), with the vast majority being on Blu-Ray (with a smaller selection of UHD BDs, and exactly one DVD set that hasn't had a BD release).

Re: UK Charts: Prince Of Persia Starts Strong While Another Code Struggles To Make A Splash


Granted I'm in the US so stock may be different as far as the UK is concerned, but I've had Another Code pre-ordered on Amazon since before release, and they don't even have an estimated release or shipping date on my order, like their system doesn't even know when the game's going to release (even though it was released last week).

I don't know when I'm going to be getting it.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Viewtiful Joe 2


Definitely going with the US art this week. Gives a good sense of the action & gives a good indication of the colorful world they inhabit.

Out of the other two, I'd give Japan the edge, with EU at the bottom. While they take similar approaches, the poses & shading on the JPN art really pop & add a level of dynamism lacking in the EU effort.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Trace Memory


They're both not that great, but I went with EU as I prefer the zoomed out shot of the protag.

It's not even really EU box art though. It's JPN art, and instead of merely giving EU top billing incorrectly, NL decided to excise any mention of Japan all together. For shame.

Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Makes The Final 5 Of "Players' Voice" At The Game Awards


@the_beaver, same reason Among Us was nominated for a bunch of stuff in 2020 even though it released in 2018.

According to their FAQ a game doesn't actually have to have released in a given year to be eligible. As long as it has received some sort of transformative content upgrade(s), i.e. any "live service" game, or newly found "cultural relevance" that it didn't have in it's release year, they consider a game to be a "current year" experience.

I can almost swear some fighting games, like Mortal Kombat 11, have been nominated in multiple years as well. (EDIT: yep, it was nominated for best fighting game in both 2019 & 2020, and won in the latter year).

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Donkey Kong


Going with Japan this week.

The US one is kinda boring in hindsight (though I know at the time it was to be honest with what the game would look like), EU is just copying JPN's homework & isn't really different enough to be separate IMO (though I guess this is better than having them be one entry & NL giving EU top billing even though the game & art originated in JPN as they usually do), and the Bonus selection simply isn't even fair (it's technically an entirely different release, and it's from a much later era when character designs had been more standardised).