Comments 348

Re: Sega Is "Evaluating" Its Own Netflix-Style Subscription Service


I'm not 100% against this, but only if they finally start porting Saturn, Dreamcast and arcade games that we've been waiting for better access to since 2001.

I think a few people referenced this, but a while back they launched Sega Forever on mobile and said they wanted to get "everything" on there and it was gone in a couple years. They never got past the same 50 odd Genesis games and half-dozen Dreamcast games that always get ported.

They have the library to make something like this work, if it's priced competitively AND they dig up a lot more of their past.

Re: Thunderful Announces Its Second Restructuring Program In One Year


I had honestly forgotten Heist 2 even came out. I'm not really familiar with any of Thundeful's stuff outside of Steamworld, and I don't entirely understand their relationship to Image & Form - they own them? But, would be a major bummer if they got pulled under along with them. I guess I don't understand how an indie publisher even has that many employees to begin with.

Re: Tales Of Kenzera Director Slams Publishers' Desire To Create "The Next Fortnite"


I think it's silly to call out big pubs over chasing Fortnite. They are huge corporations with tons of shareholders. Do I want them to champion artsy games? Sure, but I get why they don't- I think his game is a perfect example, I don't think EA had any idea how to market it.

There are spaces for these games with numerous indie pubs now. I don't know if ZAU would have done better there but it would have made more sense.

I actually really enjoyed ZAU. I think it was a challenging game to market, period. We don't see a lot of games with African settings and roots, and frankly the hook for me was the story, which is not easily communicated, nor something I think many players would be drawn to.

Re: Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Gets Gorgeous Overview Trailer


I really don't like the look of this. I like the idea of these "HD-2D" games, but I just don't feel like there is any harmony between the sprites and the environmental rendering. It just looks weird, to me.

I also have to say it's jarring to see the animation in this game with things like Sea of Stars out now. Just the walking animation is so dated, I think is part of my world and character disconnect.

I've become a little bit of DQ fan recently, but I'll probably skip these and wait for XIII, whenever that manifests.

Re: Stunning Sci-Fi RPG 'Beyond Galaxyland' Blasts Off On Switch Next Month


Huh, I want to like the look, but I think a lot of the stuff in the trailer is super busy. I think they could have simplified a little more, it's pretty over stimulating - the cutting of the trailer and dynamic cameras certainly didn't help.

Anyway, I'd like see how the game looks when it's jusy simply being played. I love the Sword & Sorcery style of pixel art, so I'm not totally writing this off.

Re: Talking Point: Would $499 Be Too Much For 'Switch 2'?


$500 is too much, IMO. I think $400 is the right price point, it allows Nintendo some mobility up and down for deluxe or paired down versions of the console.

At $500 though, you're getting into Steam Deck territory. I get you can't play Mario and Zelda on a Steam Deck, but at least for some us there's a perception about what tech you're getting.

For me personally, anything over $300 is probably a no go. Switch is my secondary machine and Switch 2 will be the same way, if I get one at all. I'll be waiting for Switch Lite 2, or whatever.

Re: Soapbox: Square Enix's "Extraordinary Losses" And This Whole Xbox Mess Have Me Scared For The Future


I think doubling down on their major IP is easily the most boring path, but it's basically the same strategy that every major publisher is doing. Ubisoft reportedly has 7 AC games in development, Capcom is remaking basically every Resident Evil game, etc.

It's a major bummer that major pubs cannot seem to figure out moderate budget games and studios. Another great example is Take Two closing Roll7 last week. Rollerdrome and OlliOlli World were fantastic small games, and I can't imagine their studio was wrecking Take Two's bottom line.

Re: Talking Point: What's Your Personal Favourite Super Mario Game?


Hahaha haha, dang, my game is at 0%. Super Mario 3D Land is my game, with Galaxy a close second. Something about the goal based levels and the light 3D, plus the amazing 3D effects, I just think it's the best Mario has been. I also feel like it works so well because it's the last smaller Mario game that wasn't designed to support 4 player co-op. Those games always feel slightly different to me, even playing alone.

Re: New SteamWorld Game Sales Fell "Slightly Short" Of Thunderful's Expectations


This comment section seems to confirm it was the genre that threw off their sales target, along with people playing on Game Pass.

I'll add my hat to the ring, I didn't check out Build because I'm not a big sim fan. I used to enjoy Sim City way back, but I'm not sure what would get me interested in a new city builder.

I'll also add that I really disliked the art in Build. I've loved the 2D aesthetics of Dig, Heist and Quest, and Build's 3D just looked generic besides those games. When I first saw it I didn't really believe it was a Steamworld game.

While I'd love to see a Heist sequel most, I'm happy that Image & Form do not rest on their laurels, trying out new genres. It just seems like Build was a little bit of a misfire. Hopefully it doesn't do their company too much harm.

Re: Zelda Producer Responds To Fans Who Want A More "Traditional Linear" Adventure


I don't see why they can't do both. They were making 3D Zeldas and 2D Zeldas for a long time side by side.

I haven't tried TotK because I never finished BotW, which I appreciated for what it was but craved a more directed experience. If Zelda is just this huge sparse adventure series now, we'll it's not all Zelda'y to me.

I feel like it's kind of dismissive that Aunoma thinks it's just nostalgia. People like linear games and open world games for different reasons. Neither is inherently better or worse.

Re: Sega Plans To Revive Even "More" Legacy Franchises


I was very excited about this little sizzle reel, but I also have a healthy dose of skepticism and questions. My major question is: who are developing these games? I don't think Sega has the internal teams to handle this many games in house, in addition to new Like a Dragon and Sonic titles which are undoubtedly in development. I'm not opposed to them partnering (SoR4 was a miracle), I'm just curious.

Re: Xbox Reiterates Interest In Bringing Game Pass To "Every Screen" Including Nintendo Platforms


I probably wouldn't subscribe, but I'm not inherently against it.

I'd like to see a baby step first. I'd like to see some Microsoft Studio releases ported to other hardware, like Starfield on PS5 and Hi-Fi Rush on Switch. Make gamers on other platforms feel like part of the "Xbox community".

But yeah, this definitely in response to how poor Series X/S is selling and likely stagnant Game Pass numbers, and oh yah, a $70b bill 🙄

Re: My Little Pony-Inspired Release Them's Fightin' Herds Ending Active Development


Sad for fans of the game but it never seemed to find a large enough audience. Hopefully it'll continue to have its small, passionate scene like Skull Girls has found.

Tbh I've never tried the game. It looks cool and I have it on PC but I'm not as into Versus series style games and frankly don't have the bandwidth to play a second fg on top of SF6, which I haven't played much of recently either.

Re: Reaction: What's Your Gut Feeling On The Zelda Movie News?


I'm not super invested in Zelda so my reaction is a bit muted, but my immediate thought was Sony couldn't make a great film out of their own property in Uncharted. What hope is there with a brand like Zelda?

I don't necessarily have a problem with live action. They just need good people coming up with the aesthetics of the film.

Re: Mini Review: Alien Hominid Invasion - An Explosive, Superior Sequel


I absolutely loved the original on PS2. I think Dan Paladin's style is still fresh and fun. It does recall the Flash era, but only because that's when he came to prominence on Newgrounds.

I'm actually disappointed that they moved away from linear level-based gameplay for Invasion, but certainly will give it a shot at some point. I'm also really bummed that once again The Behemoth has left PlayStation players in the cold - we aren't getting either HD or Invasion.

I only have a Lite and I can't imagine playing Hominid on that, given how chaotic the games get.

Re: Talking Point: "This Is Only The Beginning" - What Should Konami Do With Metal Gear Next?


I would like to see Konami retire the franchise or totally reimagine it. I don't have an issue with them porting games and such, but if they intend on making a new game I think they need to drastically revise what the series is. It's so synonymous with Kojima that I can't see them making a game that faithfully follows what came before - although maybe it could be a little more reigned in lol

Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy A Digital-Only 'Switch 2'?


Like the staff most of my Switch library is digital. I only tend to buy first party games on cart because indie games are almost always cheaper digital AND actually available at launch.

If it was significantly cheaper I would consider a digital only. Nintendo products are my secondary consoles and the realities of me returning to a physical library down the road is highly unlikely.

There is definitely a stubborn part of me that likes having physical games still, but it's just increasingly impractical.