Tchia is incredible. If that's all you need to know, then good — this game is best played, in our opinion, completely blind. That's how we went into it, and it was all the better for it. Every strange, unexpected twist was a delight, and we never knew where the game would take us next. So, please, if you trust our opinions, trust this one: Tchia is incredible.
Here's what we knew about Tchia before we went into it: it had been touted as one of those nebulously-defined "cosy games", and it involved sailing. That much you could divine from its key art alone, with a girl on a raft sailing through crisp, blue waters towards sparkling white sands. It was only an hour or two into the game before we started to understand that Tchia is much, much more than that. Almost a ludicrous amount of more-ness, really, especially considering that the team that created this wonderful game is just 12 people.

But to reduce it to game-describing words, Tchia is an action-adventure game set on a small archipelago, based on the Melanesian islands of New Caledonia, off the coast of Australia. The main character, the titular Tchia, lives a peaceful life with her father on a tiny sandspit called Uma, playing ukelele by the fire and diving for pearls, until he is kidnapped by militaristic villains.
New Caledonia is not a place we are greatly familiar with, so getting to experience it through Tchia's eyes was a refreshing new perspective. All the dialogue is recorded in a mixture of French and Drehu, two of the languages spoken on New Caledonia, and translated into English via subtitles, and the folklore and culture — fabric soldiers, ukelele songs, worm-villains that eat children — is like nothing we've seen before in games.
Woven into this folklore is an original, lovingly-written story that is at times both genuinely hilarious and heartbreakingly sad. Tchia's writers do not flinch from adult topics, and we were quite surprised by how dark it got in places — but the scenes of gore, death, and hopelessness are balanced expertly with themes of hope, bravery, and love.
Our heroine, Tchia, is the perfect protagonist for this game about exploration and discovery. She embodies the themes of courage and determination just as the villain, Meavora, who kidnaps and eats children, represents the opposite extreme. We learn about Tchia through cutscenes, all of which are custom-animated and unfairly gorgeous, and we discover her to be devoted, daring, and devilishly funny in the way only young teens can be: at times awkward and goofy, but also unburdened by self-consciousness.
Early on in the game, Tchia discovers that she has the power to possess animals and inanimate objects, and it's this power that will help her save her father and her home from Meavora and his lackeys. At first, the possession mechanic seems basic — you can possess rocks and fling yourself across the map, or you can possess crabs to waddle around sideways and pinch at things. But once you make it to the main island, Tchia's possession mechanic becomes the very heart of the game, as you soul-jump into birds to soar across the mountains, or take over a shark to stalk the depths of the ocean.

What we thought was a sailing game quickly became a traversal game, reminiscent of the graceful fluidity of Breath of the Wild's climbing and gliding, or the smaller (but no less enchanting) flying mechanic in A Short Hike. Each animal has its own abilities — crabs can fit into tight spaces and snip through metal; dogs and boars can dig into the dirt; cats can see in the dark; dolphins can sprint through the water — but it's the birds that change the landscape most thoroughly. Gliding effortlessly over the terrain is glorious, and there were times when we'd hop into a bird just to scout for treasure locations, of which there are many. Walking is for chumps.
There are also Meavora's enemy camps to clear out, filled with fabric soldiers and laser-shooting sentinels. These seem tricky, but you'll quickly learn that possessing something flammable and hurling yourself at them is not only effective, but incredibly fun. It's a bit like a bitesize Ubisoft camp-clearing mission from Far Cry or Assassin's Creed, except you can do the whole mission as an exploding jerrycan and then bug out as a literal centipede, if you like.
If you find yourself in need of more soul-jump power, you'll have to find totem shrines, which are unlocked by carving a replica of the totem face on the door. Once inside, you'll have to complete some kind of puzzle or challenge — one was a flying race, another a hide-and-seek stealth mission, and yet another was a ukelele dance-off with a bunch of forest critters — with a prize that increases your ability to possess animals for longer. Some of these minigames are a bit difficult, but good news: there's an option to skip any gameplay section at any time. You may miss story beats, but we never did — it just skips to the start of the next cutscene, which is usually the one at the end of that particular challenge.

We strongly recommend you seek out the rock-balancing challenges, too, which give you new songs to play on your ukelele that can summon crabs, birds, and fish, or change the time of day, or make it rain, or let you breathe underwater. These soul melodies are an incredibly thoughtful addition that preserve the game's momentum — you're never without an escape route if you can summon birds at will — but even the notes themselves are funny. Summon Crab is CAAB, Bird is BAAD, and Dog is DAAG. Changing the time to midnight tells you to go to BEED. And how do you attract animals? You FEED them. Obviously.
And now we're running out of space to discuss things in full, but there's still so much more to discover. There are rhythm minigames. And a really good photo mode. And a hidden-treasure-chest scavenger hunt. And woodcarving. And photo-developing. And pearl-diving. And boat races. And diving competitions. It's honestly ludicrous how much Awaceb packed into this game. With only 12 people on the team! It's nuts.
Just play it. Tchia is incredible.
Every single new thing we discovered about Tchia was delightful. Multiple times, we thought to ourselves, 'They didn't need to go this hard', but they always did, and it always paid off. Each cutscene is full of details and character, and the game is constantly trying to make you laugh with strange visual jokes and unexpected dialogue, which always works. Every part of this game goes above and beyond, in ways we can't even put into words, because Tchia made us feel speechless with joy at every turn.
Comments 43
That’s all I came here to do.
(Glad the reviewer enjoyed it so much!)
Hmm, going to have to pass after reading other reviews. But glad the reviewer enjoyed it.
Played it for a little bit on the PS5. Boring, unneccesarily confusing and just plain annoying. Cute graphics, but that's all it has going for it.
9/10 is far too high - but then again, NL's reviews tend to be vastly inaccurate anyway.
@Maubari As long as the review succeeds in putting across the reviewer's opinion of the game, I'm not sure how it can be inaccurate? Unless there are some factual errors?
Saw a few people playing this on twitch.
Looks wonderful and creative. I'm glad (and shocked) to hear the Switch version holds up!
Eh, all the side activities just sound like random bloated distractions. But the art looks neat atleast.
The possession mechanic seems to have Super Mario Odyssey written all over it, and if it plays anything like that game I’m sure it’s an amazing experience! I’ll definitely have to check it out, any Odyssey-like is an instant buy for me.
Well, well, well, the cat is well and truly amongst the pigeons. Never heard of this game before. And it has a physical release! The wonder!
9/10 eh? Reads like a 10/10.
I'm curious about so much, not least how big a game it is (how much play time is to be expected), but I reckon I shall have to find out for myself because I trust @KateGray enough to only skim the review to avoid finding out anything better experienced during the game.
I hope and sense my daughter's going to love this - looks like some sort of Breath of the Wild/Moana cross, but this one even has underwater swimming!
@Skunkfish While I agree with you, I can't help but think the score is a bit inflated when one of the pros is "A fresh and loving perspective on an underappreciated culture".
You know how many cultures there are in the world? The average person in their lifetime won't even experience a fraction of them. Many of them go unnoticed or overlooked. It doesn't mean said cultures are underappreciated, it just means the vast majority lack knowledge their existence. There are simply too many as is.
Even still, said culture isn't underappreciated. Quite the opposite really. It is appreciated, by the people of that culture. It's their culture which holds more value than any outsiders appreciation of it.
Seems like this is for someone else, looks boring. Glad for people that will enjoy it.
@gcunit I think she'll love it! A warning from later in the review: some of the topics are a bit dark, but in a cartoony way. There is death, murder, dismemberment, and a character that eats babies. But again, it's all cartoony, so it's up to you
Length-wise it's a short 6-8 hours to blast through the story, but there's so much stuff to do you can easily play for at least twice that long!
Thanks for the review, love to hear it's so good and will eventually get it myself for sure!
@Maubari I feel like I've noticed that on a few games myself recently, where maybe there needs to be different standards based on whether it's Indie or AAA or something. Do you know of any sites that seem more accurate to check game ratings?
@TotalHenshin You monster! Now that's all I'm going to hear when I see this game's name...
I've already said this before but I really did not like this game. I respect the reviewer's opinion about the humor but I felt the exact opposite. There's a running gag with a chicken whose head was cut off that's constantly spitting out blood. At another point, someone eats a baby. And plenty of poop humor. It's gross, and really turned me off from enjoying the better mechanics of the game.
I do want more culturally specific-inspired games like this and Zau, but not with gross-out humor and "shock value".
You’re welcome! 😇
I already had this game wishlisted and was happy to have a good review to read. Definitely sounds like a fun game. I unfortunately spoiled myself by watching some PS5 gameplay — normally I'm not a big graphics snob, but the PS5 version looks insanely better and for a game like this where the graphics is truly part of the experience I feel like the Switch version won't quite deliver the intended experience.
I may put this game on my ever-growing 'maybe there will be an improved Switch 2 version' although I realize, sadly, the answer may be 'no' since a lot of indies don't get much support post-initial-release.
@FishyS oh yeah, when I was done with the Switch version and looked up PC/console reviews, I felt a little robbed by how gorgeous it is! That's why it's one of my main cons in this review. However... if I liked it this much on Switch, I bet I'd like it even more on PS5 or Xbox 😊
How mature does this game get? I'm always up for some solid mature storytelling.
@Citrus_Architect Oh lord, THANK YOU for the warning. When I read " gorgeous and mature writing" I thought it was a story like Deathly Hallows, not that stuff.
@GooseLoose1 What you said is totally true. There was a TV sitcom about muslims, and while my devoutly muslim family loved it, I doubt whether people of other cultures would. This game must be a joy to see for a New Caledonian, but I doubt people from other cultures would appreciate it as much.
This game would have slipped quietly past me had i not seen this review, so thank you, Kate!
I used to love rafting and exploring willderness, but the latter can often be more enjoyable in a virtual dimension, where one isn’t constantly harassed by arthropods, and the heat from that accursed ball of bright, the sun. Which happens to frequently look blisteringly beautiful in the trailer which i just sampled a brief gander at, despite the reviewer’s recommendation to go in blind. I couldn’t help but take a wee peek!
I will play this.
@KateGray Yea, It looks absolutely gorgeous running @ 4k60fps on my PS5. If you have a Xbox (and Gamepass) you should definitely check it out running at a higher fidelity.
It’s on my wishlist but I think it is on gamepass. I will try it there.
This is a great game. I played a bit on PS5 before bouncing off of it with other games. I think I would have loved it more if it wasn't an open worlder, which I'm pretty tired of. Definitely recommend others check it out.
I gave the PS5 version a 7/10- a fun look at New Caledonian culture with mechanics clearly inspired by BOTW, Wind Waker and Mario Odyssey, but somewhat shallow feeling.
This review sold me on this game so i bought a physical copy of the game from Amazon.
@TotalHenshin Beat me to it 😂
I'm really shocked and impressed at this review, and now I'll have to take another look at this game. Still not sure if it's for me, but I hardly saw anything that "couldn't" be me. It might as well be Avenging Spirit 3D with the possession mechanic.
@Diogmites not talking for @Maubari, but I think he is stating his opinion, he/she found it boring and confusing after a little bit of play. That is a fair assessment and why would they continue with something they didn't enjoy.
I think @KateGray does a very solid job reviewing games, just I've seen that we tend to have different tastes. The review was informative and well written but the cool thing is that because she did a solid job with the review I know I most likely wouldn't like it.
This review made me pick up a copy for my wife. Not my type of game, but this definitely sounds like something she would enjoy.
@Diogmites cool things about games and movies is that we can love them and disagree. I'm sure I like games that people don't and that's OK. I just think as adults we can respectfully disagree. I love Hades and everyone at work hates it...
Have a good weekend and if in the US have a good and safe holiday.
@Diogmites touche, my mind must have melted from 110 degree heat, guess I'll rethink everything now. Maybe Boba fett was a good show, Ivan ooze was the best power rangers villian, Arnold was brilliant as Mr freeze, my sister is smart, cats and dogs living together mass hysteria!!!!
@Diogmites yes I understood, I may play an idiot on the interwebs but my basic reading comprehension is rather solid.
@Diogmites all good I'm just a stranger in a strange land, but it has turned late here and now I must rest.
@Maubari I got the platinum and never found any part of the game to be boring or lacking.
Is this tiktok generation brainrot?
@rvcolem1 Thank you for saying that! I don't mind people disagreeing with me — I'm a game reviewer, not an Always Correct Opinion Haver, because those don't exist — but I do mind when people say I'm wrong, or biased, or stupid, or whatever.
I mean, I might be all of those things at times, but reviews are subjective, and are designed to let people know what a game is about, so they can choose for yourself — like you did I think giving something a 9 or 10 just makes people very angry for reasons I can never quite understand.
Played it on PS5 and as much as I wanted to like it, I didn't. Finished it to see where the story was gonna go, but the ending sucks. The gameplay is repetitive, the graphics not very good, the controls wonky, and I honestly don't understand the hype. I do feel bad about this because it's clear it's a passion project of a small team who poured their heart and soul into it, and I feel so guilty I can't give it the same love.
So weird that alot of games gets so high score in this site. And i think they are pure crap. I wonder if sometimes this site are alittle generous with score of some reason.
I loved this game on PS5. Absolutely stunning vistas, unique gameplay, and fun open world diversions.
"Naturally, it does look a lot nicer on other consoles"
This shouldn't be taken into consideration for a final note, but I'm glad that it's being recognized at least.
Haven't played yet. Your opinion seems very open and honest. Thank you.
This review is HIGHLY exaggerated. The visuals of the game are mediocre at best, at least on the Switch, and things clip through each other all the time. The story and the music are nice, but the humor is not even close to being what you said. It's fun, sometimes kinda funny but that's it. Gameplay is nice but gets repetitive after a while, as does the music and themes of the game. I unfortunately think I went with a too high expectation because of this review and was somewhat disappointed. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's a 7/10 or 8/10 at best.
Took advice of reviewer and went into game with no knowledge. Agree with review, the game is great. Read review after game, and I don’t have anything to add. Thanks for the review!
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