Ahh, the sweet sound of nostalgia. Yes, despite being Nintendo Life, Sega is unmistakably a part of our childhoods. Equally important, it's also a part of the Big N's history. From the great rivalry of the late '80s and early '90s, to Mario and Sonic teaming up and facing off in more recent years, Sega's position in video game history is undeniable, with all of the developer's ups and downs.
So when Sega revealed it developing new games for five iconic franchises — with more to come — we may have squealed a bit. It was arguably the reveal of The Game Awards 2023 for us, and it got us a bit heady over what we may well see mark a return.
The five games we know are returning to Sega's shelves are Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Crazy Taxi — a huge slice of '90s Sega, from stylish action to challenging combat, it represents some of the best of the Mega Drive / Genesis and Dreamcast eras. In some cases, some of the original team are even returning.
So this is the first stage of the Next Level of Sega, but with the company leaving the door open for other franchises, and a plethora of gems to dig out of the closet, what else do we want to see make a comeback? Sega made some trademarks in Japan on 6th December for a number of games, and while one of those has been confirmed, Kid Chameleon, Altered Beast, and Eternal Champions have all be registered. Hmmmm.
With this in mind, we've briefly become Sega Life and slipped our red sneakers on to share what Sega games and franchises we want to see get a reboot. Check out our picks below, then tell us what you want to see!
The House of the Dead (Ollie Reynolds, staff writer)

Now before you say anything, yes, I know the Switch got a remake of the original The House of the Dead in 2022 and yes, it's only been five years since the arcade-exclusive House of the Dead: Scarlet Dawn. Regardless, I'd still love it if Sega revisited this excellent (and wholly underappreciated) franchise properly with a brand-new entry for consoles.
It doesn't even need to be a light gun shooter, either. I'd take a standard FPS in a similar vein to ZombiU (another underrated gem) any day. What always stood out to me with Sega's franchise - particularly the arcade original - was its delightfully gothic aesthetic: the rain, the cobwebs, the gigantic full moon. It was a game that knew what it was and didn't take itself too seriously.
Some of the biggest publishers in the business have a great survival horror franchise to call their own: Capcom has one with Resident Evil; Konami has one (sort of) with Silent HIll; and EA has one with Dead Space. It's time for Sega to join the big leagues and evolve The House of the Dead into something that can not only survive in the modern age, but thrive. It has the chops to do it, but Sega needs to approach it with the utmost care.
The ball's in your court, Sega.
Phantasy Star (Alana Hagues, deputy editor)

Sega is killing it in the RPG market nowadays. The studio is responsible for publishing both the Like a Dragon and Persona franchises, and they're arguably the two of the biggest Japanese-developed games out there right now. So surely now is the time to bring back Phantasy Star, right?
"But Alana! Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis launched in the West in 2021. It's still alive." Well, okay, I'm not talking about the Online games — as much as I love the OG Phantasy Star Online. I'm talking classic Phantasy Star: Turn-based RPGs with a sprawling, interplanetary narrative and fun characters. Phantasy Star IV can easily be placed up there along with the other RPG greats of the '90s with its manga panel cutscenes, awesome music, and addictive combat.
But there hasn't been a proper mainline Phantasy Star game since Phantasy Star IV. Seriously. 1993 ('95 in the West) was the last main game before the franchise jumped into the MMO sphere. There were the action RPG spin-offs in Universe and Portable, but there's such potential in creating a throwback RPG with gorgeous pixel art, or even a unique art style like that new Shinobi game. I just want Phantasy Star back: a return to Algol; fun alien characters; a badass heroine like Alys; and the unintelligible spell names (without a manual, anyway). Just don't bring back those first-person dungeons — unless you're taking the SEGA AGES Phantasy Star route.
(And you probably thought I'd say Skies of Arcadia, huh?)
Alex Kidd (Jim Norman, staff writer)

If you had asked me this question a week ago, I would have said Jet Set Radio in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, we know that one is coming, so I better reach into the sack of long-forgotten SEGA franchises and see what else there is to pull out.
Wait a second. What’s this dusty one right at the bottom? I can wipe away some of the dirt to see the title... Alex Kidd? Not to ring the same bell as Alana, but we got one of them back in 2021, didn't we? Well yes, we did, but hear me out here. If there is any SEGA series that needs a reboot in the strongest possible way, it's this one.
Without counting Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, the Master System's Shinobi World was the last time that SEGA's OG poster child got an original game. That was in 1990. Today, it's hardly a hot take to say that these original games have their flaws (which were only emphasised in the 2021 remake), but where there is platforming, there is promise.
Rebuild this one from the ground up. Give us some well-designed levels and some crisp visuals to boot. Yes, we're full of platformers on the Switch, but there's always room for a throwback.
Streets of Rage / Out Run (Gavin Lane, editor)

While the news that Sega would be revisiting its back catalogue for new projects wasn't a surprise, that trailer certainly tickled the nostalgia gland. Streets of Rage is the most exciting franchise from the selection shown, but the early dev footage featured has me wary. After Dotemu, Lizardcube, and Guard Crush did such stellar work on Streets of Rage 4, this apparent switch to 3D (or 2.5D perhaps — it's tough to tell exactly how much freedom of movement you have from the glimpses in the trailer) opens the door to all sorts of issues. Bare Knuckle's gameplay has a very specific, balletic rhythm and without knowing who's behind this new entry and how they will translate that beat-based flow, I'm approaching with extreme caution. Still, it's the series that excites me most from the trailer.
As for those 'other' franchises, I'd love to see Out Run return. We all need those Sega-blue skies to brighten our lives, and while plenty of other studios have tapped into that Magical Sound Shower vibe, there's still nothing like the real McCoy. In fact, it needn't be a totally new game — I'd be ecstatic to see an Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast remaster. It's not easily available in an official capacity, and the Ferrari licensing is no doubt the cause, but give it to M2 to craft a modern remaster (removing the real-life branding and designs if necessary) and I'd be a very happy camper.
And hey, run-based games have been all the rage for years now. This one's got it in the title.
Well, those are our picks for our dream Sega franchise reboots, but what are your picks? And what already-announced game are you looking forward to the most? Vote in our polls below and share your favourite Sega games in the comments.
Note: We know that some of the options below have made a comeback in some way or another — some as remakes, others as mobile games, or even as hugely successful Kickstarter campaigns à la Shenmue III — but with Sega back at the helm, and a potential reboot or new game on the horizon, we're asking you to reach into your dreams here.
Comments 153
Eternal Champions. Sega CD version is still great to this day.
Would love to get a current gen Nights or Virtual On game.
I'm not SEGA kid.
I didn't grow by SEGA games since a lot of SEGA games are for older audiences with edgy gameplay and I personally do not like most of SEGA games like that, but I played very very few SEGA games like Sonic just for curiosity, Olympic Games and MaiMai Arcade.
Out Run
Just Out Run
Give me an Out Run Trilogy Collection, a new Out Run, and then we'll talk some more.
Classic, turn-based, singleplayer Phantasy Star is getting my main vote. Sega really has a criminally overlooked game with Phantasy Star IV. And with the resurgence of popularity that pixel RPGs have gained in the indie scene as of late (Undertale, Sea of Stars, etc), Sega could very well have the opportunity to get in on that action themselves. Alternatively, they could go the direction Star Ocean took and make everything super duper modern. (though I have heard mixed opinions regarding Star Ocean TDF). But personally I would prefer the pixel route.
Shining Force wasn't on the poll, but it gets a special mention too. I know that there are modern Shining games, but Shining Force was kind of its own sub-series with its own identity, so it would be nice to see that return too maybe.
My other option goes to Fantasy Zone (which also isn't on the poll). I normally am not a fan of shmups, but Fantasy Zone was pretty much the only shmup I could actually properly get into - due to the lack of autoscrolling, mostly. It was interesting to see the Fantasy Zone callback level in the recent Sonic game - it shows that it's still in the back of Sega's mind at the very least.
Oh! And I want to give a shoutout to Comix Zone too - Just like shmups, I'm not really a beat 'em up fan either, yet Comix Zone managed to capture my attention regardless - likely due to the fun aesthetic, alternate routes through each level, and the mini-puzzles and hidden items - it was a lot more engaging of a beat 'em up than the likes of Streets of Rage in my mind. Would be cool to see another one.
Sword of Vermilion
Skies of Arcadia is clearly the correct answer but I would love to see them give Kid Chameleon another go. It was a bit rough around the edges and clunky in places but had some fantastic ideas and loads of potential. Reboot as a Metroidvania perhaps?
I wish Capcom would revive Power Stone
A brand new Out Run would be great. Especially after Out Run 2006 ended up being an absolute treat.
At this point though, I'd be happy with a port of Outrunners Arcade.
I think Shinobi has the most potential.
Shining Force? Hello?
I could see Sega still being as popular as Nintendo today if they played their cards right. They had an immense load of creativity with weird ideas and making them work really well. Also bring back Decap Attack, Echo the Dolphin, Phantasy Star, etc. etc. etc...
Just thinking about what could be done in a Skies of Arcadia 2 fires up my imagination! Thinking on the scale of Tears of the Kingdom Sky Islands (not saying copying style/gameplay/etc just the scale) but even larger and grander because they don't need to build a ground level world. More versatility and customization with the ships to make exploring this grand sky world really fun. They did such a great job creating that feeling of exploration and adventure despite all the constraints of technology at the time, just think what they could accomplish now!
The game that has been rumored to be in development for a while now, Skies of Arcadia Remastered.
A new Golden Axe and/or Shinobi would be sweet.
Billy Hatcher is the big one since it's the one I know the most despite unfortunately never being able to play it myself, but based on what I've heard I'd say Nights and Skies of Arcadia, too (although honestly I wouldn't mind even just ports/remasters/remakes of them and other series mentioned)!
Why a Reboot?
Most of those Games can just go on without any Need of an Reboot.
Virtua Fighter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give us a collection, or if only one, VF4 Evolution in HD!
(VFV was a bit thin).
VF needs needs characters and more fluidity in animation... they seem too stiff. So much gold on them hills!
@OldManHermit Those are among the ones already announced, fingers crossed they'll be good!
Real Sound: Kaze no Regret!
Virtua Fighter!
And... D's Diner/D no Shokutaku/D! But, I don't know who owns the IP after Kenji Iino's death... Probably, his company(fyto, previously known as Super Warp and WARP) owns the IP, but I don't know anything about it... I know that the 1st game got rerelease years ago, and that's all...
But, I don't need any reboots! In most cases, reboots sucks!
Edit: We also need Segagaga, Gunvalkyrie, and Jet Set Radio!
An HD remake of Billy Hatcher would be excellent.
For me it’s Virtua Fighter and it’s not close. I haven’t even played a Virtua Fighter game before but Bandai Namco is the only publisher currently releasing serious 3D fighters. Getting a competitor in the mix would be fantastic for the genre.
phantasy star..
@JohnnyMind Ah I see, I only skimmed through the article so I missed that, thanks!
What we really need is another Sonic game. It's been weeks since we had the last one.
Skies of arcadia remake and sequel please. Sega rally or daytona collection would be lovely. Virtua cop/hotd collection as well with decent light gun solution please as well, cheers
OutRun, Pulseman, Ristar, Billy Hatcher.
That's all I need.
Perhaps Fighting Vipers maybe????
I don’t need a new ChuChu Rocket!, but would love to play the GBA version on NSO. 😊
Anything Altered Beast would be great.
We do have two games on Switch, but more Monkey Ball is always welcome. 😊
My vote is for Vectorman! I dont think its Sega proper, but Blue Sky Entertainment shut down decades ago, so there's not much in the way of Sega snatching up the rights
I only want Shining Force. But man, I want it so badly!
100% agree with you - Phantasy Star V (single player, not PSO) and Shining Force IV all the way. A remake of SFIII would be welcome, with all 3 episodes outside of Japan this time, too.
Burning Rangers, Virtua Fighter, Phantasy Star, and Ecco the Dolphin.
We need a HDTV Light Gun so we can bring back all the classic SEGA and Nintendo games...
Skies of Arcadia. Remaster it
Remix it. Remake it. Revive it. Reinvent it. Just re-it.
Virtual fighter, altered beast, Crazy taxi, but also shenmue that game whas imo equal level to Zelda when it came out "i see"
I also believe that all these Sega games, would do really well on the next Nintendo Switch 2.
No select all option :'(
They do have a really great IP catalogue, bring everything back, but take your time and don't rush development.
Indeed, they have to take their time an be really carefully, in what made those games that great.
Wonder Boy by far followed by Alex Kidd, Dynamite Dux, Ecco the Dolphin and Tails spinoff games. There are a number of Sonic the Hedgehog characters such as Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Cream, Rouge, Espio, Vector, Charmy Bee, Blaze, I would love to see in spinoff games whether it is them alone or teaming up with each other like Nintendo have done with Mario characters such as Luigi, Yoshi, Wario, Captain Toad and Princess Peach who has a new game coming out next year.
Virtua Fighter. All I want is VF6.
@Debbiee I could see Nack the Weasel in a Dynamite Sux game.
If Sega is planning to revive all their old franchise/IP then these are the ones that need to see a return. Note that these need new entry but remakes and remastered would be nice:
The ones that don't need these treatment are these:
@Serpenterror Why not Wonder Boy? The unofficial sequel, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom was awesome and showed Wonder Boy still has a lot to offer.
@Debbiee Too much for now, too many will stale the franchise. A sequel would be nice but I don't want one until next gen.
I loved House of the Dead but am not really interested in it getting turned into an FPS. It's a shame light-gun games are now either sketchy controls or a super-niche product. Guess they could always go back to Typing of the Dead!
@Serpenterror All of the latest Wonder Boy games have been remakes though. Not new games. We haven't officially had a new Wonder Boy game since 1994 and had to wait 24 years to get an unofficial one.
I personally think Sega should have never stopped making Wonder Boy or Alex Kidd games and as somebody who grew up with a Sega Master System and Sega Mega Drive them stopping making those games was one of the main reasons I moved to Nintendo consoles.
I would've said Streets of Rage myself if it wasn't already announced (though I will go against the grain and say that I'm actually extremely interested in how a 3D take on the series will play out) so I'm going to go with another SEGA beat-em-up that I'm surprised isn't listed here: Comix Zone.
I played it for the first time around about when it released on NSO back in 2022 and have always been captivated by it ever since; it's brutally difficult (perhaps to a fault) but it's aesthetic is one of the most impressive and well-realised I've ever seen, especially for the system it came out on and, with a movie adaptation on the way (because why not I guess XD), I feel like now would be the perfect time to bring it back.
oh and assuming they aren't working on that new Shinobi, get Dotemu/LizardCube to make it; they would capture the comic-book artstyle PERFECTLY.
Comix Zone, OBVIOUSLY! Can't believe you left that off the list.
Sub-Terrania is also one of my all time favorite games Sega published, and I'd love to see it revisited. I've never played anything quite like it.
I also want to see a reboot of Chu Chu Rocket. Even if they had just ported the original to Switch, with online multiplayer, that would have been amazing. I poured hundreds of hours into the GBA version back when it released.
What they're doing with Shinobi looks just right, so other than that I'll say:
I’d like to see Valkyria Chronicles 3 and a new shining force.
Phantasy Star - a thousand times yes. That’s all I ever want from Sega.
Someone always mentions Altered Beast but that game was really not very engaging.
The only franchise I want from Sega is the Chao Garden.
Just give us all the original arcade and Master System games on a modern console or Steam. It's ridiculous that so many of the classics are unavailable to purchase in 2023. Throw in Saturn and Dreamcast while you're at it.
Alien Storm
Sega Rally
Shining Force
Battle Mania
I hope SEGA's looking at this, because Skies of Arcadia currently has the most votes, and they should definitely be listening to this lol
@Sinton Yes. This!! I would love to have Dynamite Dux, Psycho Fox, Teddy Boy and The Simpsons: Bart vs The Space Mutants on modern consoles.
Sega games never really appealed to me. Not even Sonic (even though I am fond of the character and quasi-world building). Gameplay has always been a little too difficult.
After Burner, Ecco the Dolphin, and Super Hang-On...
Dragon Force would be amazing
@Serpenterror Ah I see Madworld in there. Still my fav Wii game.
There's a ton that I would love them to dip into, more jet set radio, golden axe, shinobi etc. I would also love a Sonic Adventure 3, really enjoyed 1 & 2 and if they made a similar style game I would be pumped (sonic Frontiers was good and Sonic Generations was great). I would go nuts for a continuation of the original Shenmue 1 & 2 story line. Shenmue 3 retconned the magic that was alluded to and about to be seen at the end of 2 and that really bugged the heck out me. Was looking forward to a game that took place in semi modern real world where magic just got unleashed.
(and Space Channel 5)
Just Ristar 2, plz
Shinning Force, Soleil, Story of Thor, Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragon Saga, Phantasy Star... So many great RPGs!
1) Shining Force (Even a remaster of SFIII, which Sega criminally never localized Scenarios 2 and 3 for, would be an excellent and truly epic 190-plus hours introduction for a new generation of SRPG enthusiasts).
2) Skies of Arcadia
3) Dragon Force
4) Old school, offline Phantasy Star set in the Algol star system
5) Out Run 2006: Coast2Coast
6) Afterburner Climax
7) A comprehensive collection of Sega's Arcade coin-ops, especially:
A) Congo Bongo
B) Zaxxon
C) Pengo
D) Super Monaco GP
E) Daytona USA
F) Daytona USA 2/Sega Racing Classic
G) The Virtua Fighter series
H) Sega Rally Championship
I) Virtua Racing
J) Out Run
K) Space Harrier
L) Afterburner
M) Golden Ave
N) Altered Beast
O) Super Star Wars Arcade
P) Super Hang-On
Q) SCUD Racer
8) Bug!
9) Three Dirty Dwarves
10) Magic Knight RayEarth
11) Albert Odyssey
12) LandStalker
13) Panzer Dragoon Saga (Can't believe I forgot to include this one; it's one of the most atmospheric (in a bleak, hopeless way) RPGs I've ever played, and it was one of the most ambitious ever attempted (4 CDs) when it originally released (all 3000 copies Sega manufactured for the entire North American market).
Can't believe Virtua Cop only has 3% of votes.
I'd love it if someone developed a light gun technology that worked on modern tvs.
I guess not many people on here were around in the 90s so don't know how good these games were.
NiGHts… into Dreams is my favorite game ever. I still keep my Sega Saturn around just for that one and Christmas NiGHts. I don’t even hate the Wii one, and a remaster of it with the ability to skip cutscenes and smoothed out controls could make it better. Also it’s CRAZYTOWN that we don’t even have the original on Switch! Seventh gen consoles got the remake and if they threw it on switch It would sell plenty!
Ooooooh but a third entry?? With the Nightopian garden, and a new story and HD graphics would just be lovely. Also genuinely surprising that some plucky indie studio hasn’t made their NiGHts-like yet… that’s an open market
@AtlanteanMan I was certain that in the wake of how successful Fire Emblem: Awakening was that we would see a “proper” Shining Force game with similar life-sim elements. Perhaps that is not what the fan base wants (Fire Emblem fans are also divided on it I guess!) but it could spell success!!!
You have Sakura Taisen on your list, but are you aware that the most recent Sakura Wars game was released in 2019 for the PlayStation 4?
Honestly, Phantasy Star (not online - not a dig on the online, but Phantasy Star like the first 4, or even a reboot).
And Shining Force.
Honestly, those series' early entries, in my little opinion, stand toe to toe with the best SNES RPG's. And I didn't even play those Genesis entries until my late 20's. No nostalgia goggles there.
I really do think that if they poured proper budget, involved some of the original talent and collaborated with new talent, it would be dope.
That said, I'm grateful and excited for what SEGA has already announced. I love Sonic, but really don't want them leaning on Sonic and friends so much. They have so much great IP.
Thank you for mentioning the ahead-of-it's time sci-fi phantasy radness that is Phantasy Star.
Skies of Arcadia is the obvious choice, but I still play Phantasy Star Portable 2 for the PSP because I like to play these games solo and it's gona full-blown MMO lately, which just isn't my jam. I should probably play the classics too, but I discovered Phantasy Star on the PSP and that's the version I know and love.
So kudos to you Alana for speaking up for the Phantasy Star crowd!
The House of the Dead, Shenmue, and Skies of Arcadia. I loved HoD:Overkill and thought it would've gotten a follow-up. Shenmue I never got the chance to get deep with in my short time with it, same with Skies of Arcadia.
This is easy, Gunstar Heroes 3 and Thunder Force 7. Preferably both would be in 2D.
On the 3D side of things, I'd love another Skies of Arcadia and Valkyria Chronicles 5. I'd even be delighted with a remake of Valkyria Chronicles 3 for an international audience.
I was a huge fan of VF4 on the PS2. I thought it was a very unique 3D fighting experience. I know there's been one since that....I think; but it would be cool to see that series make a full comeback.
Also, I would love a modern Sega Rally.
For my third I picked other. Why is Shining Force not included??? I don't even understand how this mistake happened on this site.
@BLAZINOAH I believe Gunstar Heroes is owned by Treasure but I could be wrong. That would be awesome though.
@ScalenePowers I personally could do without the life-sim inclusion. I feel this has almost killed the Fire Emblem series for me. I really enjoyed the Shining Force games back on the Genesis.
I’d be happy with pretty much any Saturn/Dreamcast franchise being revived. Jet Set Radio is obviously #1, but Panzer Dragoon Saga and Phantasy Star would be glorious to see. I’d like to see a new Virtua Fighter. Curious if they could make a new NiGHTs game in 2024 or beyond.
@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot i like this!
This is impossible to pick just three...
Shining force
Panzer dragoon
Story of Thor (beyond oasis for those in the USA)
Skies of Arcadia
Phantasy star
Chu Chu rocket
Billy hatcher
ECCO the dolphin
I would love to see new Kid Chameleon, Ristar and Nights!
Shinning Force.
Phantasy Star.
Golden Axe Warrior.
"In fact, it needn't be a totally new game — I'd be ecstatic to see an Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast remaster."
^ a thousand times this — my ex purchased OutRun 2 on their PSN account while it was still available, but I didn't realise I hadn't on mine until it had already been delisted! Pesky licensing wrinkles... This is why we don't have any ports of the After Burner series, isn't it? And also why they can't reissue the arcade port of Golden Axe, because it uses sound samples from movies...
Skies of Arcadia is leading. Good.
Am I the only one who doesn't like the art style of the new Jet Set game? Looks like they're going for a more "realistic" look, but the original games funky cartoon style was a huge part of its charm! But I digress...
I'd like a 3D Ristar game, a new Space Channel 5, Oh, and Knuckles needs his own game, he's due.
Vectorman, Billy Hatcher, and Eswat.
Gain Ground please.
I'm bitterly disappointed by the absence of Herzog from this list. Herzog Zwei was a revelation to me (I had never played it before the AGES Switch release). That game is still distinct and viable to play to this day. I only wish I had regular online partners to play against...
I'd love to see them revive Dark Wizard. It was a fun turn-based strategy game on Sega-CD, and it would be great to have an updated version.
I voted for Altered Beast as I really enjoyed it on the Sega Megadrive Collections. And then I would really love ports of Pengo and Zaxxon for modern systems.
OutRun 3 is overdue and SEGA Rally... Shining Force, Panzer Dragoon (and Saga), Burning Rangers...
@Andee I also missed the PSN version of OutRun Online Arcade, I have the Physical PC version of Coast to Coast and the Xbox port, which runs mostly OK on 360 at least. A digital reissue would be great, though very unlikely due to licensing.
New golden axe with 2D graphics like atlus dragon crown will be super cool I think, also 2D phantasy star remake with 2D-HD engine like octopath traveller
@PeteW There are at least two modern lightgun systems now: Aimtrak and Sinden!
@HammerGalladeBro Yes to all of those!
Though Pulseman is by GameFreak, and a sequel to that would be cutting further into Pokemon's shoestring budget...
Why not Dynamite Headdy?
YES! vf4 was an excellent and i believe underrated game. i never got to play 5 but every once in a while (like right now) i get reminded of its existence and wonder if its even better!
Shining force!
Amend the poll to include please. Enough people are mentioning it in the comments.
Virtua tennis pleeeeeease!
So many great games on the list, even for me, who was always a Nintendo Kid.
I voted for Ecco, Nights and OutRun. I didn't consider for my vote games that were announced last week, since they are confirmed.
Another Genesis game I loved was Zoom, which is never remembered.
I see a few Shining force fans here, which is great. if they want to follow along and make a 2.5D shining force remake or two would be great. maybe the second one. as well as the shining in the darkness or holy ark games could use a remake.
I didn't know that dragon force was a Sega game? I haven't played it in 20 years. that would be cool too actually. its underrated. A turn base Phantasy star would be great too. also the new golden axe I wasn't feeling the look of it but we will see on release.
@wiiware that would be sick and a great idea. haha
I have 3 id like to see first
1. Eternal Champions 2
2. Phantasy Star (5)
3. Panzer Dragoon Saga 2
Id settle for solid remasters of the last releases, but would prefer new iterations.
I voted for Phantasy Star, Skies of Arcadia, and Virtua Cop. It wasn't on the list, but I'd love to see a new Shining Force, or a remaster of SF3 all 3 scenarios, as only part one ever got a proper English release. RIP Saturn.
@Beefcakeyamato Yes, great shout out for Shining the Holy Ark. I have great memories of that game in the Summer of '97, before Final Fantasy VII took over the world a few months later. The battle music from StHA still pops in my head from time to time, even though I haven't played it in about 25 years.
Beyond Oasis, Clockwork Knight, Bug!, Shining Force, Kid Chamelon, Chakan, Eternal Champions, Virtua Cop, etc.
Space Harrier.
Dragon Force, Shining Force and Alex Kidd.
I also would love Disney games that Sega did, lack The Lucky Dime Caper (Master System) and Quack Shot (Mega Drive).
Power Stone would be amazing!
Valkyria Chronicles 2 and localize 3. I'll take 5 while i'm making demands.
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
1. Eternal Champions 2: challenge from the Dark Side (Sega CD) REMAKE
2. Decap Attack (or Psycho Fox) , my favorite sega game.
3. Virtua Fighter (my second favorite sega game).
4. Outrun 3: coast to coast
Please…Sega you don’t waste time with Skies of Arcade. God…this game is the biggest trash i’ ve ever played.
I loved the “new” outrun they did on the 360 so something like that but more modern would be amazing.
A new altered beast would def be interesting too, the original was the very first game I ever completed!
@Runex2121 Eternal Champion 2 is one of the best sega fighting games. We need Eternal Champions 3 or Eternal Champions 2 Remake. Eternal 2 is the first game with cinematic (CG) fatalitie.And this game has the best fatalities…better than Mortal Kombat
Burning Rangers! Great soundtrack.
cries in Rhythm Thief loneliness
I don't know if they could muster it, cuz it'd be a tall ask, but Phantasy Star V would be on my to-play list immediately.
No more coy subtitles, no more spin-offs, just continue the series dangit. I wanna play me some more Phantasy Star.
Road Rash would be my choice
Just release these on physical and no micro-transactions. You want your glory days back Sega? I know I sure want them back for you. Then go back to how things used to be done and buck the trend set by the industry of digital purchases (aka glorifed rentals) and games released with missing content that you later "have the opportunity to buy". If you can't tell, I'm entirely over the modern gaming industries garbage and will have absolutely no sympathy when it crashes due to the industries continual anti consumer practices.
I'd take a bullet for NiGHTS 3.
Shining Force, baby. And I mean a legit SRPG, none of these weird spin offs. Get Camelot and make a true Shining Force IV, or, and I'd honestly prefer this, remake III with all 3 scenarios rolled into one game.
There are so many franchises I'd love to see come back, and many of them were in their TGA trailer. Obviously Skies of Arcadia, the superior Sega RPG, in any form (but if they're going to pen a bad tale, then just give us a remake instead!), but an extra special mention for Virtua Fighter, which is completely unique in the 3D fighter space, and well-deserving of that numeral 6.
Long over-due describes pretty much anything on the list.
Glad to see Shining Force get so much love in the comments. SRPGs still sell. There's no reason not to revive it.
Also Phantasy Star would be great. I feel like the nostalgia market would be huge. Phantasy Star built the sci-fi RPG genre and it's come a long way since IV.
Think of what you could do with a modern iterations Phantasy Star and Shining Force, Sega.
Something tell me people want to see Skies of Arcadia again.
I love Shenmue, but I want it to be finished first before even thinking about a reboot.
The game was so ahead of its time when it was released.
I chose Phantasy Star, Skies of Arcadia, and Altered Beast
Being such a SEGA fan, I’m thrilled about the 5 they announced. I’m so pleased. Sure there’s more franchises I can think of like Ecco, Shenmue, Virtua Fighter, Nights… gives me hopes for the future of SEGA.
Would love to see a return for Billy Hatcher. The original game is quite fun and has some nuanced mechanics that if refined could make another truly spectacular platformer.
Obligatory 'Give me Skies of Arcadia!' also.
Wouldn't think anyone would mention the old obscure games that came to my mind in Black Belt and Zillion. Very fond memories playing those games at my friend's house in my childhood as I never had a master system. One other I would add to your list is My Hero.
@ScalenePowers I absolutely loved FE Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn; the primary focus was kept on the outstanding and varied battles as well as the superb storyline. Support conversations actually revealed meaningful insights into the characters and their motivations and even gave hints regarding upcoming battles, all while keeping things appropriately brief so as not to detract from the pacing.
Which brings me to FE Three Houses and especially Engage. At first Three Houses' Sanctuary had some appeal, but after dozens of hours of repeatedly wandering its sprawl to get in every last conversation and task over the course of the game (I tend to be a completist), it had gotten so tedious that I never started a second playthrough. Engage was even worse; it's support conversations were typically meaningless at best and painfully absurd at worst. This wasn't the "quirky Japanese characters and humor" that most other RPGs have managed to make appealing; it was two-dimensional freakshows that lacked any genuine humanity, and by Chapter 12 or so I realized that I was actually spending way more time at the hub doing busy work I hated; the SRPG aspects had become secondary to making some sort of vapid life/relationship sim. I simply quit and haven't looked back since.
So NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT regarding Sega trying to incorporate other non-related mechanics into Shining Force in some misguided attempt to "mainstream" it. Fire Emblem may be more popular overall now than ever, but as long as Nintendo continues its current direction I am done with the franchise. Shining Force III gave me 190 hours of one of the best storyline, most deliciously manipulative villains, and some of the most epic battles I've ever enjoyed in an SRPG; give me that ANY day over a game with a few dozen hours of battles and a hundred hours of empty fluff and padding like FE has become.
I would love to see another game in the Beyond Oasis series. The last game in the series The Legend of Oasis aka The Story of Thor 2 (in Europe) is absolutely amazing on Sega Saturn and deserves another game!!
@GamingFan4Lyf Oh man I'd love to see what a new Altered Beast would look like, especially with the recent revival of the sidescrolling brawler.
Cyber Troopers Virtual On Series and Phantasy Star series (The last one i love is Phantasy Star Nova and it's stuck on PSVita forever)
@dkxcalibur The "life sim" aspect (I had to retype that in the interest of being kind) absolutely HAS killed Fire Emblem for me. I got sick to death of it after one playthrough in Three Houses and Engage was such an absurd, phoned-in waste of (hours of) time that I simply quit mid-game and will probably never bother to go back.
And all because Nintendo didn't feel they could trust an SRPG franchise to stand on its own without "mainstreaming" it and padding it with fluff. And FE is far from the only casualty in the genre over the years; there's the travesty of Sega turning the Shining Force series (and later an attempt with Valkyria Chronicles Azure) into a bland action RPG, Front Mission being turned into a third-person shooter by SquareEnix, and Nintendo trying (and failing) to appeal to "the mainstream" by changing Advance Wars into Battalion Wars, among others.
Stop bastardizing the SRPG genre, game publishers!!!
Anyone said Super Monkey Ball yet? No? Ok, then let's say it now.
Super Monkey Ball.
and Out Run.
and Virtua Fighter.
and Virtua On.
Oh and and...yeah, there's loads so I'll just take whatever they feel confortable doing as it comes. Seems they are off to a good start. It's SEGA. They haven't quite nailed their arcade adrenaline rush gameplay in decades, so I'm not super excited...but optimistic
Comix Zone, please
OutRun and Alex Kidd is all I care about. I wouldn't mind a new Crazy Taxi as well, but I'd much, much rather get a port of The Simpsons: Road Rage instead.
Ahhh jeez there are so many, and they're all so easy to screw up. More than anything else I would LOVE to see a new Shining Force that's actually a turn-based SRPG and not some dumb action RPG like all of those other Shining... games. And I'd destroy star systems for a legitimate RPG Phantasy Star if that's what it takes. Besides those, though... I'll take any or all of: ChuChu Rocket! / Columns / Eternal Champions / Kid Chameleon / Nights / Panzer Dragoon / Skies of Arcadia!
Phantasy Star, Shenmue and Panzer Dragoon Saga ! Not sure it will ever happen, but man, that would have been fantastic.
I voted Virtual Cop, Outrun, and Chu Chu Rocket.
I would love to see what they could do with a new Virtua Cop game, maybe even come up with something deep and original. For Outrun I simply love those games and would like to see a new one. Chu Chu Rocket is just an old favorite of mine and I always thought it was a real shame how it never got a sequel.
@AtlanteanMan I can't agree with you more. I purchased Engage in the first week and I was so excited to play it. I think I made it maybe a 1/4 of the game before stepping away. That has truly turned into a $60 regret for me.
OutRun doesn’t need Ferraris - OutRunners proved that.
NiGHTS needs an open-world entry, now we know Sega has a taste for it.
And the best follow-up Space Harrier’s had? Sad to say, EX Zodiac’s bonus levels - because the first-party exists just don’t cut it for me. Couldn’t get away with the Megadrive sequel, never seen Planet Harriers up close, and Air Twister just cringes me out; looks wrong, feels wrong, moves too slow.
Outside of the listed franchises - Power Drift. Great karting fun before Mario even thought about it.
Power Drift. Make it happen, Sega.
Oh, so little love for Space Channel 5? 😔
Where is Shining Force? That would be my number 1 pick. After that I think Fighting Vipers and Daytona USA.
I would love to see a new online phantasy star closer in line with the originals and with an option for offline/split screen like the gamecube one (or in switch's case letting you use multiple switches wirelessly)
While i definitely enjoyed my time with pso2 i did find it lacked the simplicity which helped make the dungeon crawling/loot-finding that the originals had so addictive and would definitely love to see a smaller scale game kind of like what Zero on ds was going for (though hopefully with a character creator as fun as pso2's was)
outside of that i would love to see skies of arcadia HD, while not a reboot i would just love to see the game be made available on modern systems.
A Crazy Taxi with a world the size of most open-world games today would be, well, crazy... in a good way.
Shining Force. We’ve been waiting for 25 years.
Nothing really. To not put a finer point on it, Sega sux! Part if is because I never owned a Genesis or anything Sega related, and any Sega games I've played often have a superficial and tacky nature about them. They almost wrecked F-Zero GX due to some really silly track design decisions, and let's not forget that tacky F-Zero TV nonsense. Things like Monkey Ball and Crazy Taxi are ok in small doses.
The three games to which I gave votes are Out Run, Daytona and Virtua Racing. Out Run, especially, could be really enhanced, notably intertwining branches and a split screen mode (imagine every player taking a different branch). The Virtua Racing version on the Switch was so awesome, while Daytona speaks for itself by adding more tracks and 4-player split-screen.
In trashing Sega, I remain open minded! Skys Of Arcadia leading the poll by, why not? I'm down!
Don’t know why we can only choose three but I would love:
Chu chu rocket remaster and a new game.
Ristar remaster a new one.
Dynamite Headdy remaster and a new one.
Altered beast new game.
Phantasy star remasters and a new one.
Shenmue remasters.
Skies of Arcadia remaster and probably sequel as it’s been confirmed Sega want to remaster the game as well as doing a sequel.
Beyond oasis remaster and a new one.
Alex Kidd a new game and a remaster of the enchanted castle.
Ecco the dolphin new game.
Sonic shuffle remaster and a new one.
Sonic spinball remaster and a new one.
Docor Robotnik’s mean bean machine remaster and a new one.
Billy Hatcher remaster and a new one.
Gunstar heroes remaster a new one.
House of the dead 2,3 and 4 remake, scarlet dawn console release a new one.
Outrun new game.
After burner new game
@mauhlin12 Yeah you got good taste man. for phantasy star did you ever play the sega ages versions of 1&2?
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