Latest Polls - Page 3
Soapbox 20 Years After His Last Mainline Appearance, Tingle Deserves A Comeback
Yes, TWENTY years
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Jim is manifesting a comeback for Zelda's most iconic NPC... If you have made it past the headline, chances are you fall into one of the following camps. One: You believe that...
Poll Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?
Fight fire with fire
Believe it or not, today marks five years since Fire Emblem: Three Houses launched on Switch. We'd imagine that most of you SRPG fans out there have polished it off by this point — we'd go even further to wager that you have likely done the same for its successor, Fire Emblem Engage, which is now a little over a year old...
Poll Are You Ready To Move On From The Switch?
It's not you, it's me
Earlier this year, Nintendo finally caved under the overwhelming weight of customer and shareholder expectations and announced that the successor to the Switch would be revealed "within this fiscal year", aka before the end of March 2025. For many, it marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter in gaming. Although fans...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition?
Championship score?
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition has been out on Switch for a few days now, bringing with it plenty of fast-paced retro delights and highlights. Inspired by the Nintendo World Championships and acting as a sort of spiritual follow-up to the NES Remix games, it was a bit of a surprise announcement back in May. Yep,...
Poll Box Art Brawl: Duel - Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
Hello folks, and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Last time, we looked at Kirby's Pinball Land for the Game Boy (jeez, how many Kirby games are there..? Don't answer that), pitting Europe and North America against Japan in a good ol' fashioned duel. It was closer than we were anticipating, though as expected, Japan won the...
Random "Let Them Play, First Thing!" - Sakurai Is Tired Of Slow Game Openings
Up and at 'em!
Forget your lore-establishing backstories. Forget your character introductions. Forget your long cutscenes. A game's opening needs to be fast, it needs to be exciting, and it needs to throw us into the action as quickly as possible. At least, that's according to Masahiro Sakurai's latest YouTube video. The legendary game designer is...
Reminder Zelda Switch Lite 'Hyrule Edition' Pre-Orders Are Now Live, Will You Be Getting It?
Update: Now available at GameStop
Update [Wed 17th Jul, 2024 00:30 BST]: Pre-orders for the Hyrule Edition Switch Lite console have now gone live at GameStop in the US, joining those at Best Buy as we had previously reported below. Once again, it will set you back $209.99. Check out our Switch Lite: Hyrule Edition pre-order guide for more details
Poll So, Will You Be Getting Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition?
Go on, tell us
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition still feels like a relatively new announcement and now here we are at the week of its official release! Yes, after a reveal in May, we've we're at the launch week of this retro collection featuring over 150 challenges across 13 different NES titles. Ahead of the launch, tt's now time to tell...
Poll Box Art Brawl: Duel - Kirby's Pinball Land
Welcome, one and all, to this week's edition of Box Art Brawl! Wait, are we... poets?? Last time, we pitted two covers for the NES' Urban Champion against each other and after a weekend of voting, it was North America that came up with the win. The classic pixel art cover took 59% of the vote, while Europe and Japan's colourful alternative...
Soapbox Metroid’s Mother Brain And The Rewind Dilemma
Mother pain
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Nile deliberates whether or not the time has come to push the (rewind) button... Last month, Nintendo announced it was adding Metroid: Zero Mission to the Nintendo Switch Online...
Talking Point The Switch eShop Could Be Great With These Few Tweaks
Get with the times
If you head onto the Switch eShop now, chances are you probably won’t have a good time. Unless you go into it knowing what you want to buy ahead of time, the significant slowdown and copious shovelware making up the majority of the ‘Recent Releases’ section will likely be enough to scare you off long before you discover...
Soapbox Has Nintendo Set A Precedent That 'Switch 2' Can't Hope To Match?
The highest of bars
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Gavin ponders what 'success' looks like for systems with impossibly popular predecessors... Looking back at Nintendo's home console hardware sales over the past four decades,...
Poll Box Art Brawl: Duel - Urban Champion
Urban brawl..?
Hello there! Welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we dive into this week's content, let's see how things panned out last time. We looked at DK: King of Swing for the Game Boy Advance in what turned out to be a pretty solid contest. In the end, Europe took home the trophy with 50% of the vote. North America settled...
Feature Where Does 'Echoes Of Wisdom' Fit In The Zelda Timeline? Here Are 3 Theories
Let's do the timeline again
Much to our shame, it took approximately 30 seconds of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom reveal trailer for us to start thinking about the dreaded timeline. In the weeks since, we'd wager that a similar thought has appeared in the minds of most Zelda fans out there. Whether that was a happy thought or an "Oh god,...
Talking Point What Games Are You Nervous To Replay In Case They Don't Hold Up?
Past masters
We often use the word 'evergreen' to describe a game which never gets old. Despite the passage of time, there's a stratum of untouchables that still feel as vital in the hands as the day they were released. Personal preferences and nostalgia will always, always come into play, but games like Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World?...
Feature What Review Score Would You Give Luigi's Mansion 2 HD?
Cleanin' up?
Luigi's Mansion 2 HD is out now, offering fans of the original a new way to experience the game with cleaner visuals, better controls, and strong use of the Switch's motion controls and HD rumble. The wonderful PJ O'Reilly took the game for a spin for our official review and came away feeling pretty impressed, awarding it a score of...
Poll What's Your Switch Game Of The Year Of 2024 So Far?
We've hit the halfway point
We're halfway through 2024 already, and you know what that means? It's time to look back at 2024 so far and talk about our favourite games of the year. In 2024, we're entering the twilight years of the Switch, so first-party offerings have been a little more muted for the first six months. But there's still been plenty...
Poll Box Art Brawl - DK: King Of Swing
We are back, back, back with another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we swing into this week's match-up, let's take a look at what went down last time when we looked at two regional covers for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Despite a duo of swanky designs being on display, it was Europe and North America's dark, moodier cover that...
Talking Point Is Shovel Knight Now A Retro Gaming Icon?
Let's dig in
Shovel Knight is the very definition of an indie darling. Bursting onto the scene in 2014, Yacht Club Games’ slick, throwback platformer caught the imagination of gamers both old and new. Its stunning aesthetic, tight controls, and humorous writing made it a must-play, while its ample secrets, tough but never punishing difficulty, and...
Poll Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Is Out This Week, Will You Be Getting It?
Go on, tell us
Luigi makes a very spooky return this week in Luigi's Mansion 2 HD for the Nintendo Switch. Of course, as you likely already know, this new release is a high-definition port of the original 2013 3DS release. The reviews for the title are already rolling in and so far they've been quite positive. In our review here on Nintendo Life,...
Talking Point Could Another Nintendo Series Take Over The 'Traditional' Zelda Template?
The next Link in the chain
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Nathan considers the two-forks Zelda conundrum and wonders if another Nintendo series might take on the old-school Zelda mantle... Perhaps the most surprising...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Primed for battle
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we get cracking with this week's battle, let's see how things panned out last time. We looked at Turok 2: Seeds of Evil for the N64 and golly gosh, was it a close one. It seemed many of you weren't too keen on either design, but ultimately, it was the...
Soapbox Marvel Vs. Capcom Was The Unsung Hero Of The June Nintendo Direct
To me, my X-Men
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Jim shines a light on an already dazzling Direct drop... It took me a few hours to come down after the June Nintendo Direct. The showcase was stacked. In the moment, it felt like...
Feature 9 'Mature' Games We'd Love To See On Nintendo Switch Online's New N64 App
Rated M for 'MOAAAAAR'
The arrival of Rareware's classic Perfect Dark and Acclaim's Turok: Dinosaur Hunter via the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack was a very welcome announcement in the June 2024 Nintendo Direct. Both titles are the first entries in Nintendo's new, separate N64 app with a 'MATURE 17+' label. Following on from the Japanese...
Reaction A Direct That Delivered, And Shows That Switch Still Has Plenty Of Pep
How would you rate it?
Well, well, that was a packed one, wasn't it? We've gotta be honest, expectations were sensibly low around these parts. For every wild card dream we had of a new Mario & Luigi or that 2D Zelda we've been hoping Grezzo would make as a follow-up to Link's Awakening, there was a wise voice in our ear warning us to be...
Guide Nintendo Direct June 2024: Every Announcement, Game Reveal, Trailer
Round Up: Everything announced in the June '24 Direct
Well, the June 2024 Nintendo Direct has been broadcast. Nintendo warned us that there was definitely a Summer Direct coming (as is typical), and the 40-minute presentation was packed with Switch announcements for games coming in the second half of 2024, plus a select few for 2025. Metroid Prime 4...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance?
I'm Vengeance
Last week saw the release of the updated Vengeance form of Shin Megami Tensei V, one of the finest RPGs to appear on Switch or anywhere else over the last few years. In our original review we called it "the best entry yet in this dark, engrossing series," awarding it 9/10. This follow-up, however, takes things up a gear and...
Talking Point What We Expect From The Upcoming June Nintendo Direct
Update: It's coming tomorrow!
Update: Well, there it is! The June 2024 Nintendo Direct has finally been confirmed for Tuesday 18th June. Read on to find out what Team NL expects/hopes to see, now with Alana's thoughts added thanks to her return from Summer Game Fest... <related ids="160754"> In a rather unusual move for Nintendo, company...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil
Life, uh, finds a way
We are back for another edition of Box Art Brawl! Are you ready to rank some covers? Last time saw a mega match-up between three regional variants for Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge in celebration of five games in the series landing on NSO. Unsurprisingly, it was the colourful Japanese variant that walked away with the win,...
Round Up Yacht Club Games Presents - Every Shovel Knight Switch Announcement And Much More
Shovel of Hope DX, DLC, updates... the list goes on!
Alongside the new game announcement at the special Shovel Knight 10th anniversary broadcast, Yacht Club games also announced a whole bunch of other new content on the way. We're talking about a new enhanced version of the original game, Shovel Knight DLC, an update on Mina The Hollower, and much...
News A Brand New Mainline Shovel Knight Game Is Now In Development
It will launch Shovel Knight into an "entirely new dimension"
Yacht Club Games held its special 10th anniversary celebrations for Shovel Knight earlier on, and to go out with a bang it shared a big surprise - revealing a new game in this series is currently in development. It's not just another sequel or spin-off, either - it's a "new mainline" game...
Talking Point Is Summer Game Fest Really Missing Nintendo's Presence?
Let me get this out of the way – being at Summer Game Fest was amazing. The people were amazing. The variety of games, both big and small, were amazing. I was lucky enough to go to E3 twice back when I wrote for a different site, and I would take the laid-back vibes, the layout, and the ability to socialise at my own pace any day of the...
Poll So, Will You Be Getting Monster Hunter Stories For Switch?
Capcom's 3DS title returns this week
Capcom's 3DS title Monster Hunter Stories returns this week as a new remastered release for the Nintendo Switch. It's now fully voiced and comes with a Museum mode, allowing players to view over 200 pieces of concept art and listen to additional BGM. The game's existing updates are also included, making this a...
Talking Point amiibo Were First Revealed 10 Years Ago Today, And We Still Want More
Will they continue with 'Switch 2'?
10th June 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the reveal of Nintendo's toys-to-life line of figures at E3 2014. A stop-gap project for Nintendo to fill a void between the foundering Wii U and the company's next 'NX' hardware, it's hard to argue that the interactive potential of these little Near-Field...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (Game Boy)
Let's rock-man
It's that time again, folks - yes, Box Art Brawl is back! In last week's battle, we looked at Dragon Quest III for the NES, pitting North America against Japan. As we'd expected, the Japanese variant, featuring gorgeous artwork from the late Akira Toriyama, won hands down, pulling in 73% of the vote. Gosh, the North American design...
Talking Point HD-2D Or 3D - How Should Square Enix Remake Chrono Trigger?
2D or not 2D
Chrono Trigger is still missing in action on Nintendo Switch. Suspiciously so, really. But people said the same thing about Super Mario RPG, and then bam: Nintendo dropped a remake on us. Fans have been asking for a Chrono Trigger remake for decades at this point, so now more than ever, with so many other revivals from Square like...
Poll How Would You Rate The Summer Game Fest 2024 Opening Showcase?
Fest up
Summer Game Fest 2024 is finally up and running following yesterday's Opening Showcase. Geoff Keighley's two-hour show featured a good variety of games, big and small, starting off with a surprise for Switch owners in the form of a flagship Sony series making its debut on a Nintendo platform. Sure, LEGO Horizon Adventures is a fun,...
Talking Point Would You Want Quality And Performance Options For Nintendo's 'Switch 2' Games?
Smooth operator
Since the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launched in 2013, gamers have increasingly been given the option to tweak their experiences based on whether they prefer higher image quality or smoother performance. Not all developers offer this, but now that we're more than three-and-a-half years into the lifespan of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Dragon Quest III (NES)
Before the remake(s)
We are back, back, back for another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we dive into this week's topical match-up, let's recap what went down last time. Two 3DS covers for Bravely Default went head-to-head in our last duel and great Scott, was it a close one! The European 'For the Sequel' version put up a good fight but was...
Talking Point How Do You Define 'Retro'?
10 years? 20? Anything older than two console generations?
If you're reading this, you're getting older. Right now, at this moment, you're older than you were when you started reading this sentence. And this one. No, you can't go back and read it again to get younger. Time marches on, so thank you for spending your precious seconds on this silly...
Poll Is $60 Too Much For Nintendo's Switch Re-Releases?
Remaking money
As Nintendo's internal software focus has switched to games for its as-yet-unannounced hardware, we've been enjoying a wave of lower-key ports, remakes, and remasters over the last year or so, in addition to the tentpole TOTKs and Mario Wonders of the world. The sun may be slowly setting on Switch, but quality revisits such as Metroid...
Talking Point What Other LEGO Zelda Sets Would You Like To See After The Deku Tree?
The seal is broken
The long-rumoured LEGO Zelda set has finally, officially been unveiled and, despite the cost of the adult-focused set causing many a Zelda fan to spit-take their Lon Lon Milk across the room, the 2-in-1 Great Deku Tree looks like a beauty. Of course, it absolutely should do for 300 bucks, but looking at the myriad details crammed...
Poll So, What Are Your First Impressions Of LEGO's Zelda 'Great Deku Tree' Set?
Will you be getting this $299.99 build?
After some rumours, LEGO has finally lifted the lid on The Legend of Zelda 'Great Deku Tree 2-In-1' set. In case you missed the initial announcement, this new set will contain 2,500 pieces, comes with four brand-new Minifigures, can be displayed in two different ways, and is priced at $299.99 / £259.99 (or...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door?
The door's open
Last week saw the return of the king of Paper Marios as The Thousand-Year Door launched on Switch in remake form. Following last year's excellent Super Mario RPG remake, our deputy editor Alana Hagues once again tackled a turn-based Mario and found this latest Switch remake from Intelligent Systems to be "a fantastic RPG adventure,...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Bravely Default
Fly high, fairy
Hello folks, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl. Before we get cracking, let's see how things panned out last week, hm? We looked at Super Monkey Ball Adventure, one of several entries for the GameCube. As we'd expected, the busier, more vibrant box art from North America sealed the deal, winning a healthy 79% of...
Talking Point 'Remake' Vs. 'Remaster' - What's Your Definition?
Super 'master 'maker
With official word that a Nintendo Switch "successor" will be announced before April 2025, there's really no debating that Switch is in the twilight of its years. We're well into Year 8 now, and we're being served up a series of remakes and remasters of old favourites while Nintendo's premier teams focus on brand-new games for...
Poll A New Donkey Kong Game Must Be Coming, But What Should It Be?
The wait is driving us bananas
It feels like Donkey Kong is everywhere at the moment. With the lovable ape’s significant appearance in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, the upcoming DK-themed expansion at Japan’s
Poll So, Will You Be Getting Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door For Switch?
The GameCube classic returns
The GameCube classic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door finally returns this week and we're pleased to say it remains the king of Mario's RPG outings. In case you missed it, this remake of the game for Switch comes with "revamped" visuals, an updated soundtrack, and gameplay additions like "updated quick-travel pipes...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Let's get the ball rolling on another edition of Box Art Brawl, shall we? Last week, we matched up two covers for Capcom's Demon's Crest on the SNES. The regional designs shared few similarities and the same can be said for the spread of votes, with 84% of picks falling in Japan's favour. Talk about a washout! This time, we are throwing...
Poll Will You Be Getting The Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition - Deluxe Set?
Go on, tell us
The Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition was recently announced for the Switch and as part of this there will be a special 'Deluxe Set' released, containing a physical game card, a set of five pins, 13 art cards, and a gold coloured replica NES cartridge. Nintendo has now released a new trailer showing off this 'Deluxe Set' and...
Talking Point One Year On, Has Everyone Beaten Ganondorf In Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom?
Dawn of The Second Year
Back in August last year, when Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom had been in the wild for just three months, we asked how your completion percentage was coming along. Given the size of the game, it was understandable that 37% of respondees still hadn't beaten the final boss and therefore still didn't know their completion...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Demon's Crest (SNES)
It's Blaz-on
Hi folks, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we get cracking with this week's battle, let's see what happened last time. We looked at Mario Paint for the SNES, with North America and Europe taking on Japan. Rather predictably, the Western design won the vote comfortably at 89%, proving that colour and whimsy...
Talking Point Will Nintendo Wring One More Holiday From Switch Before Revealing New Hardware?
The clock is ticking
Today, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa started a stopwatch that puts an official deadline on the reveal of the Switch successor — he says it's coming "this fiscal year," which means FY2025, which means between now and April 2025. It's important to remember that this specifically refers to the reveal of the upcoming...
Poll What's The Best Super Monkey Ball Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking
Winning roll
Ah, Super Monkey Ball... Since its debut back in 2001, Sega's platforming, puzzle-solving, party extravaganza has had its ups and downs over the years, but has nevertheless remained a firm favourite with gamers - particularly those with a certain proclivity for Nintendo consoles. In fact, Super Monkey Ball has shown up on pretty much...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Mario Paint (SNES)
Vincent van Goomba
Hey folks, and welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl! We had a veritable doozy last week when we checked out Pokémon Yellow Version for the humble Game Boy; truly one of the standout titles in the gargantuan franchise. It was a good ol' duel in which North America and Europe teamed up against Japan, and we must admit...
Talking Point Would You Want To Reuse Your Joy-Con On 'Switch 2'?
Pros and 'Cons
Last week the Switch 2 beacons were lit once again as Spanish outlet Vandal reported to have more information regarding Nintendo's next hardware, specifically to do with a new, magnetic Joy-Con model. Another report just d
Poll Are You Bothered By The Frame Rate For Paper Mario: TTYD On Switch?
The ol' 30 vs. 60
One of the most talked-about points raised during the recent round of previews for Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door on Switch was the game's frame rate. In case you missed it, the remake will run at 30fps in both docked and handheld mode. Now, you might wonder why this is supposedly such a big deal, but those who played the 2004...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Pokémon Yellow Version
And it was all yellow
Pika, Pika, Pi! Sorry, we've been on Doduolingo for too long. Roughly translated, we said 'Welcome back to another edition of Box Art Brawl!' Last week, we creased up the competition as we put two covers for Paper Mario: Sticker Star head to head. It was a relatively close one, but Europe and Japan's colourful box art walked...
Community 28 Switch Games We Missed, As Recommended By You Lovely People
Part 8 - Missed hits
Welcome back to Part VIII of our 'Games We Missed' series. With so many Switch games large and small releasing every week, we're eager to highlight great ones which slipped through our net — and thanks to you lovely people, this bi-annual feature can do just that. As always, we asked you to send us nominations for Switch...
Poll So, Will You Be Getting Endless Ocean: Luminous?
Dive in next week
Endless Ocean next week returns with a third entry for the Nintendo Switch. This new game officially titled Endless Ocean: Luminous will include online multiplayer - supporting up to 30 players and will also include "limited-time" event times, where you can spot unusual sights and creatures. In the leadup to its release on 2nd May...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Paper Mario: Sticker Star (3DS)
When stars align
Hello one and all, and welcome to this week's edition of Box Art Brawl! It feels like only yesterday that we checked out Kirby Super Star's box art variants, yet here we are! In last week's battle, we had a classic three-way brawl to determine whether North America, Europe, or Japan would come out on top. Well, after counting and...
Soapbox Where The Heck Is Fallout 3 On Switch?
Searching the Capital Wasteland
Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, while flicking through Amazon Prime TV, a question popped into Ollie's head... "War. War never changes." If this quote sounds familiar to you, then chances are you...
Guide Nintendo Indie World Showcase April 2024 - Every Announcement, Game Reveal & Trailer
All games and trailers from the April 17th presentation
Nintendo's April 2024 Indie World Showcase was a 20-minute presentation of games from independent developers coming to Switch sometime in 2024, with several previously announced games getting release dates. It was a fairly low-key showcase overall, although there were definitely some choice...
Mailbox A More Powerful, Digital-Only 'Switch 2' And "Obscurer" Treasures - Nintendo Life Letters
Issue #11 - April 2024
Welcome back to the Nintendo Life Mailbox, our monthly feature where we read and respond to a collection of correspondences from your lovely selves. Before we dive in, a quick request. 17th April is International Haiku Day and we'd like to run a Back Page article highlighting the best Nintendo-related haiku's from the NL...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Kirby Super Star
Deep breath
Welcome back to this week's edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we check out the latest clash of the covers, let's remind ourselves what happened last time when three Super Bomberman box art variants went up against each other. It was Europe's bright design that walked away with a commanding lead in this one, taking 58% of the vote. Japan...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Super Bomberman (SNES)
Da bomb
Hi folks, and welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! Before we get cracking, let's see how things panned out last time. We checked out Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on the SNES, pitting North America and Europe against Japan in a dual for the ages. It's funny, there are definitely certain instances where we can...
Poll So, Will You Be Getting Xbox's Grounded For Switch?
The garden awaits
Xbox's backyard multiplayer survival and crafting game Grounded arrives on the Switch later this month and it's got us wondering how many users within the community here on Nintendo Life will be picking it up. This Obsidian-developed title is already available on Xbox Game Pass, and when it launches for Switch on 16th April it...
Community What's The Best Switch eShop Game We Missed? (March 2024)
Your favourite game for March's eShop Selects
Once more unto the breach. It's time for you to voice your thoughts and tell us about the best eShop games released in March 2024 — the ones we missed, at least. March may have marked the Switch's 7th birthday, but it's otherwise been a bit of a calmer affair on the hybrid console. Popular indie...
Poll Box Art Brawl - Duel: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (SNES)
Nothing to Raph about
We are back, back, back for another edition Box Art Brawl! Last time we matched up three regional covers for the DS' Super Scribblenauts and it was North America's character-focused design that walked away with the win, receiving 55% of the vote. Europe followed in second with 33% while the Japanese variant brought up the rear...
Poll So, Do You Prefer Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Or Tears Of The Kingdom?
A clash of kings
Now that we're swiftly approaching the one-year anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, we suspect that many of you have likely completed the game at this stage. Even if you haven't yet and are still mopping up those remaining Korok Seeds, it's probably reasonable to assume that you've experienced enough of the...
Poll What Review Score Would You Give 'Princess Peach: Showtime!'?
Did it give you the ol' razzle dazzle?
Last week, the Mushroom Kingdom's beloved ruler made her solo Switch debut with Princess Peach: Showtime!, an impressive performance in an approachable production that gracefully leaps between genres and finally delivers a star vehicle for a woman that has spent too long out of the spotlight. Our royal...
Poll What's The Best Final Fantasy Game? Rate Your Favourite Mainline & Spin-Offs
It's all up to you
Final Fantasy. Probably the most well-known RPG franchise in the world (besides Pokémon), Square Enix (formerly Square) has been churning out Final Fantasy titles for over 35 years. Beloved by millions, the franchise is still proving popular today on multiple different consoles. With its humble beginnings on the NES, to us, it's...
Poll Box Art Brawl: Super Scribblenauts
Think it. Vote it.
Welcome to another edition of Box Art Brawl! In last week's brawl, we checked out Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color, pitting the Western Design against the rather quirky effort from Japan. In the end, Japan won the vote at 72% - well done! This week, we're moving onto the Nintendo DS with Super Scribblenauts from WB Games and...
Talking Point What's Your Perfect Sunday Morning Game?
Sunday brunch
The sun's streaming in through the crack in the curtains. Perhaps last night was a large one and you're a little fuzzy, maybe the kids are awake, jumping on you or haring around the house, or maybe your partner is already up and the smell of a fresh brew is drifting from room to room. Lovely. There's not much better than a Sunday...
Feature 33 Games We're Surprised Still Aren't On Switch
In the last seven years, the bounty of software that has come to Switch is really remarkable. You might argue that, in fact, there's too much great stuff being released — too much to be able to play everything you'd like, at least. Let's get things straight — we ain't complaining! But given the games that have come to Switch, you look at...