Comments 42

Re: Nintendo Switch Online Announces Removal Of Super Famicom Title


Hate this not owning anything lark.

All these companies just want their iOS App Store-style walled gardens where nothing is truly owned and can be taken away. When licensing or maintenance cost is slightly above an acceptable level defined in a spreadsheet then pop goes the weasel.

Has permeated from movies to music to e-books to games and is now scarily enough trickling into car ownership. All for the sake of “convenience “.

Abandoning custom for any companies who don’t believe in ownership is really all one can do.

Re: Game Boy Emulator Developer Permanently Removes App From Google Play Store


Nintendo are slowly boiling the emulation scene but they might not like what springs out of the pot in the future.

Counter culture is inevitable and they are only radicalising, for lack of a better word, the community even further. We’ve seen this story play out time after time when it comes to digital products.

The only people Nintendo will notably discourage are those who wish to document or monetise the emulation work on mainstream social media.

There’s nothing stopping anyone from operating their emulation infrastructure within a country using hosts that are far from the lawyer squad and spreading the word on defederated platforms.

Re: AI Generator Scraped YouTube Videos Without Permission, Including Nintendo's


People can’t be trusted with new disruptive tech as we have found out over the last 15-20 years.

All of these “It’s the future brah” ML applications are all cut from the same cloth.

Name a commercial one that responsibly & fully cites and shows the sources of its inspiration or credits the original creator be it a programmer on GitHub/stack-overflow or a traditional artist/painter/music creator after generating output. In its current form, the sourcing and re-use of trained data is selfish and irresponsible.

Can’t support that and those that do are letting unethical commercial companies grow unfairly (cough cough OpenAI) before proper moderation can catch up.

I write a code library for something and it’s ok for a someone to write a script to consume it for model training purposes and then not credit it when spitting it out in a commercial application without it my permission? See the problem here.

Re: New 3DS And Wii U Users Can No Longer Go Online In Games


Still playing Mario Kart Wii on Wiimmfii. The servers are actually better quality compared to the now abandoned official servers and even have a way to ban cheaters. This Pretendo initiative sounds realty impressive too.

Nintendo really do ***** the bed with online infrastructure which is news to nobody, but it should always be repeated.

Re: PC Port Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Offers HD Visuals And 120fps Scrolling


Love it. They even supply the source code so anyone can do their own changes, eg set the scale to the original size. It’s a very easy to build Visual Studio project. Gonna love pouring over the engine code for this. It’s great nostalgia.

Love the little visual flourishes and animations. Some nice subtle drop shadowing and lighting effects too. The dungeons even have a faux 3d effect similar to A Link Between Worlds.

I would say the default scale is too high up. You should not be able to see adjacent areas. I suppose the dev wanted that incredible widescreen reveal after you leave Marins house for the first time.

There are some bugs but since the source code is bundled with it so there’s no stopping the signal on this one Nintendo.

Re: Video: 30 Subtle Differences Between Zelda: Breath Of The Wild And Tears Of The Kingdom



Suppose that's kinda true on the Ganon bit. Links awakening original DMG version is still my favourite Zelda

I keep trying to get into Majora's Mask but something just won't click for me. Sometimes, with certain games, someone shares view about it that makes it click for me. What am I missing? I might wait for either the PC decomp version or the upcoming MisterFPGA N64 core and try again.

Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are great IMO, but strangely maligned. Suppose I had fond memories playing them on long distance flights*.

*Well bar the microphone bits with the pan pipes since the ambient noise on the plane made those bits a genuine pain in the arse.

Re: Soapbox: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom's Busier Hyrule Is Making Me Miss BOTW


BOTW felt like an actual world where a significant historical event recently happened. The remnants of the upheaval didn't feel as significant even though there are floating islands in the sky!

BOTW tugged better at the explorer instincts. TOTK feels like a video game toybox with an un-natural "game-ified" world topography & constant distractions to chase after. I prefer the former like yourself.

The building is also too invasive. I've seen that Ultrahand red screen filter & heard its' rune activation noise so often that I avoid building if I can. It kind of feels like the game is almost punishing you by doing so however.

Anyway, to each their own.

Re: Nintendo Wants Discord To Reveal Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Art Book Leaker


Hopefully said user was not naive enough to give Discord any identifying information. Stay anonymous folks. IP laws are not stacked fairly. Should probably not publish copyrighted data without understanding the consequences first too.

There should be punishment for the leaked material but unfortunately it will probably be heavy handed as usual. Never seems to deter the next person does it?

Re: While Old Games Are Easily Delivered, Nintendo Is Focused On New Experiences, Says Miyamoto


Drip feeding 'old' experiences & ignoring demands equals:

  • Emulators
  • FPGA hardware emulators
  • Clean-room reverse-engineering projects (See Zelda64 dev & Metaforce)
  • Whack-a-mole piracy sites
  • A portable rival in Steam Deck with a convenience emulator that plays Nintendo's games better than NSO

Keep burying your heads in the sand there Nintendo. Or solve the distribution problem & make some $$

Also these 'new' experiences sure are similar to the old Miyamoto