We recently got the chance to have a pop at Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1 at the invite of Konami. We had around an hour or so to dig into Metal Gear Solid and its two sequels (as well as have a quick gander at all the bonus content on offer), which isn’t a huge amount of time for games of this scale, but we were able to get a broad idea of how the collection pans out. So, what’s the damage?
We started off with the OG, Metal Gear Solid. We were initially struck with the reality that this really is a warts-and-all kind of port, sticking to the original PS1 version’s low resolution and frame rate. We had a bit of a giddy retro thrill seeing it run as originally intended, but it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity to not take things even further and provide a way to play these games that’s more in line with modern sensibilities.
Speaking of missed opportunities, we were also surprised to discover that Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater are based on the HD Collection editions that were released for PS3 and Xbox 360 back in 2012. We say ‘based on’, but in truth Konami has made no effort to hide this fact (and to be fair it did announce them as such with an admittedly slim banner on the collection’s promotional material). The menus for both games just flat out have ‘HD Edition’ plastered on them, with ‘© 2012 Konami’ still there as well.
These versions run at 720p, and the Switch version is also seemingly capped at 30fps, despite the original HD releases running at 60fps. Considering the Switch is more powerful than the two consoles that previously held this pair of games, it’s disappointing to say the least that the frames have been halved.
We asked about performance on PS5, Xbox Series X, plus the newly announced PS4 release; Konami clarified that the games will be targeting the same resolution (720p) and frame rate of the initial HD releases. Given that Switch isn’t running them at 60fps, we suppose we’ll have to wait and see how things fare on the other platforms. [Update: Having checked the above information with Konami prior to publication, the company has since been in touch again to clarify that, in fact, these games will be targeting 1080p on all platforms, with the exception of Switch's handheld mode. Other platforms will target 60fps.]
What did put a big, childlike grin on our collective face was the bonus content. This collection is jam-packed full of great little extras, such as the original MSX versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2, as well as the NES version of the first game and Snake’s Revenge.
There’s also a special booklet detailing the history and insider information for each of the games included, and the big three also come with a screenplay each, meaning you can finally recreate the iconic ‘Les Infants Terrible’ scene with even greater confidence.
Beyond that, well, there's really not much else to be said! We’re pleased to see all three of these games on Switch, 100%. However, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t a little bit disappointed with the core games' presentation. Considering how much love has been poured into the bonus content, the lack of such care being present in the main games feels very out of place.
Three games as excellent as these may be enough to sway our favour regardless, and you’ll have to wait for our review to know that for certain. First impressions, though? There was an opportunity here for Konami to push the boat out and honour these classics with a truly special package. Bonus features aside, this ain't that.
Comments 140
I really begin to hate the bias.
Check the title of this absurd barebones collection by Nintendo and compare: https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/nintendo-switch/super_mario_3d_all-stars
Both titles are megacheap but one company always gets away with it. Both should be burned.
Yeah, don't see how 30fps wasn't at least possible on Switch. Come on Konami my dudes.
@koekiemonster these are two different reviewers tbh. I don't think people look to reviewers for an objective mathematical ranking of games that oversgadows each reviewer's original impressions.
I don't get this whole new wave of Not understanding what these companies are doing... they're putting the games on modern consoles... That's it, just like Red Dead. If they wanted to actually do full on remakes they would pour in the money and I'm sure they ve done the math by now and realize they don't have to.
I’m just happy I can play these games on modern hardware, seriously that’s all I want, and I really hope Nintendo does it for all the paper Mario’s one day.
It's really weird how MGS2 and MGS3 can't reach 60fps when the HD versions can hit 60fps on 360 and PS3... The Switch is more than capable to reach 60fps like those 2 consoles. Come on Konami
Never played them, always wanted to play them on Switch. But what a technical disappointment…
The original was superb for the time on ps1 but I feel as the series went on they just got so cut scene heavy and not much of a game hard pass for me
30fps is concerning, but I'll likely get it regardless; it's Metal Gear.
720p on PS5 and Xbox Series X is unbelievable! Come on, Konami! You can do better than this.
I have very very fond memories of the first game. I’d love to experience it again, however I think playing it in its original state this day and age may prove too jarring - I’ll probably be best served by just remembering the good times I had with the game until maybe one day they do a remaster.
I never had the chance to play twin snakes, and I really regret that
Metal Gear solid 3
PS2- 30fps - Cutscene with Letter box
3DS- 24fps
PS3- 60fps
PSV- 30fps
NS - 30fps
I have all of them on my PS Vita, so I'm out. If they would include Twin Snakes, then I would take it 100%.
No 60FPS on Switch = No buy from me. We deserve better.
Plus i haven't heard any peep about a physical release anyway so no buy indeed.
Can’t wait to have this collection! Very much looking forward to it. Never played them in their original format (i played twin snakes) and i don’t mind them being a bit lazy ports.
@koekiemonster from the review you posted ‘what you get is pretty bare-boned’.
Also, one is a preview, one a review. Maybe wait for the review if you’d like to compare.
And no, collections like these shouldn’t be burned, they should be cherished. And from now on I expect backwards compatibility to make sure these stay available on all platforms from now on.
It seems to be that this is another Mario 3D All Stars case. A wasted opportunity to bring back real classics in the best possible way, and I bet the price won't do it justice here neither.
If we can buy them separately, I might just get the third one on a sale.
Yeah I'm just going to be like the guards in this game and pretend I didn't see it.
@Rika_Yoshitake it also bears mentioning that the previous portable incarnation of MGS1 (before its delisting along other retro MGS titles) reportedly couldn't even be legally portable unless you had a whole darned PS3 to download it to and THEN transfer it from. Couldn't make it up if I tried. Here we have a much easier bundle to access, with a bit of HD facelift and some extras thrown in on top... and people are lamenting this generation's proverbial framerate placebo instead.
First and foremost, it's the first time most of these games are on Nintendo consoles so for many they are completely new despite their age just like Red Dead Redemption, but in this case it isn't a single game so even better, not to mention all those who have already played them and now can replay all of them in handheld with the only bummer being 30fps (so the same as every version except for the PS3 one for Metal Gear Solid 3 according to @SearchingS).
Second, the extras in this collection which we've seen during the Direct put most collections to shame so while it could be even more it already is much, much more than most collections, including Nintendo ones and that's coming from someone who personally doesn't mind barebones ports, remasters and collections!
@NiallMitch14 Why are you just repeating what the author said?
Hey! What's about the possibility of playing the games with original Japanese voice-overs, but with English subtitles, huh? Also, 30FPS is disappointing. Already sounds like a lazy port. Even worse than Red Dead Redemption port...
“We asked about performance on PS5, Xbox Series X, plus the newly announced PS4 release; Konami clarified that the games will be targeting the same resolution (720p) and frame rate of the initial HD releases”
What in the world? There has to something screwy going on here like this just being a emulation of the Vita versions.
Since it’s almost the same as the vita one I guess I’ll just sell my vita one and put the money towards the switch one. Lol.
Man, wish it was 60 FPS at least. Is that gonna stay or could a patch fix it?
@nhSnork isn’t mgs1 on the vita?
@JohnnyMind «...with the only bummer being 30fps...»
We don't know if these ports supports dual audio option. Original games didn't, and that sucks! Snake with Akio Ôtsuka's voice sounds awesome! No dual audio option support = No buy.
@RudyC3 there is a physical but I do t think most of the games are on cartridge, will require download
@LordPieFace I go to a website for a consistent view by the website (Nintendolife). I personally don't even look who writes it. It's Nintendolife for me.
@Friendly direct ports should be priced accordingly, not fullpriced. I do get it we would like to have all the games on one device. I would love that too.
@Friendly it is, as is part 2 and 3 in an HD collection.
@koekiemonster you get a collection for ‘full price’, not just one game. Although I do not know what full price means.
But who am I, I went to the cinema last month to see Lord of the Rings again. I paid full price for it but really enjoyed it again.
@Friendly «Although I do not know what full price means.»
Usually, it means 60$/70$.
@Vyacheslav333 so yeah, it’s a staple with a range attached to it. Balan Wonderworld was full price. Now it’s 7 euro over here.
The market will do it’s work. To me, this collection is probably worth 60 euro. The lazy part for me is that they didn’t include everything on the cartridge. But that’s a different discussion.
I already have the older HD collection which covers 2 ,3 and I have peace walker which doesn't appear to be in volume 1 on the xbox through 360 backwards compatibility and I've mgs 1 on playstation vita and ps mini.
Not sure I've any reason to buy this at full price.
The pre Solid games are just curiosities to me so I'll be waiting for a big sale
@Friendly yeah, I do love Super Mariobros 1 NES, but it's kinda absurd to pay 59.99 dollar for this game. Old games/classics already made money and direct ports don't ask much for development compared to new games like uh... Zelda Totk.
So, it's kinda weird to ask fullprice for a few ports. Seeing that most of them can be played with an emulator on modern devices. I don;t prefer that way, but it shows it's relatively easy to make older games available for new hardware (without incurring too much expense as a company).
So asking 59.99 for direct ports is asking a lot.
I'm just glad the games are on a Nintendo home format. Some folk want the moon on a stick. Never played 3.
@koekiemonster Mario for the NES for 60 bucks is a hard sell indeed.
@Rika_Yoshitake Sure, you're right. But why would they half the framerate?
30fps? in the bin.
What I expected it to be. Collection with direct ports, wich is fine by me. Just wish they would have added twin snakes, they seem to be really avoiding that title at all costs.
Probably emulations of the Xbox 360 (or Vita) HD versions hence the 30 fps and same presentation. It does take some "juice" out to emulate instead of directly porting.
lol, and here I thought Rockstar were lazy with RDR. 720p on PS5, they gotta be joking, right? xD
@Martijn87 Probably caught up in Nintendo red tape. Even Miyamoto was involved with that game.
30fps would be forgivable if they included TS on the Switch release but I guess Konami either don’t care to port that game (especially to one system) or just want content parity across all versions. Shame either way
What else were you expecting, really?
I'm probably the only one who doesn't care about FPS, since I really enjoyed the heck out of Snake Eater 3D,very stable frame rate on that one, but, the Switch could do so much more, and, they could have included motion aiming for MGS2 and 3, but it seems those games are just straight ports of the Vita collection. I'll wait to get the collection for Switch until Christmas.
720p/30 is fine for me undocked, which is all I care about. There's gonna be a lot of screaming about the PS5 version, though, haha.
@koekiemonster In fairness, the version of Mario Galaxy in that collection at least saw reworked gyro/touch controls and goes higher than 720p when docked.
Having worse performance than the initial HD releases is laughable. These are PS2 games FFS.
Honestly none of the stuff mentioned in the article bothers me - I'm a nintendo only person who has never played these games so direct ports is fine. What does bother me is that almost all of it will have to be downloaded even if you have a cart. For whatever reason that is the type of laziness that grinds my gears
@Edu23XWiiU i have trouble on original 3DS when battle with THE BOSS the Resolution and Framerate especialy on Very hard Mode is very annoying for me not enough time beat her. i rmb the last part is very low framerate drop to 15-20
Hearing MGS2/3 run worse than the HD versions, and that MGS1 hasn’t been given even a basic remaster is kinda dampening my hype for this collection. I’ll probably still get it, but I’m no longer sure it’ll be on day 1.
I'll be giving these a wide berth if they don't make it 60fps. MGS1 I can understand as I'd expect that's emulation rather than a port, but they're re-using the PS3/360 ports which were updated to use modern rendering APIs. There's absolutely no way this should be 720p30 on the Switch or even more ridiculously only 720p on the PS5 and Series X!
Eh, I'm fine with this. Just happy to finally have all of these games on the Switch.
@Martijn87 Think Twin Snakes is caught up in a pretty tangled legal web since it was co-developed with Silicon Knights; which hoo boy, that's a story and a half of how that developer was burned and then crashed and burned...
While I did enjoy Twin Snakes on the first play, it has not aged well like the original has. To those who haven't played it, it has some widely odd choices in regards to music and cutscene direction that deter widley from the OG.
@Manguy888A Not even laziness, it’s just cheap. I’d honestly rather just pay an extra couple of quid for the bigger cartridge and have it all on there. If games like the Witcher 3 can release with even all DLC on the cartridge there really is no excuse
The most disappointing is the lack of any content on physical cartridge- at the very least - they Should put MGS3 the origin story on the cartridge!!!!!! I don’t want to buy piece of plastic with Zero Content!!!!! Give us at least 1 game on the cartridge Konami!!!!
@koekiemonster you sure? I have MGS collection on the Vita and it contains only the second and third game (while on PS3 it also came with Peace Walker being redone, but on Vita you had to buy the PSP version separately)
@nhSnork in EU we luckily could download it directly from the store on the Vita.
However the US PSN had a much bigger PS1 game selection for the Vita than what we did have.
I feel like you've let yourselves down a bit by talking about your surprise that these are just re-releases. Konami have always been pretty clear about that.
Think Nintendo Life could do with some refresher courses on the differences between re-releases, roms, ports, remasters and remakes.
I said this from the start, they could have included the twin snakes mgs1 but they were too lazy to do that, and the rest of the PS2 games have superior versions also like mgs 3 and they all were omitted also, i feel that anyone who is thinking of purchasing this quick cash grab and that is what this is should think twice in doing so
@JalapenoSpiceLife I thought Twin snakes was a no brainer for this one! But maybe it's a FF8 thing where they lost the file and just took the one that was still in the archive!
Aside from Switch apparently running at 30fps, I'm not understanding the issue here. People were asking for modern ports of the HD Collection for ages, and that's what's being given here (with some bonuses like MGS1, the NES games, digital screenplays with artwork and soundtracks). Not understanding the negativity in the YT comments particularly, calling it Konami "bare minimum laziness". I would say that bonus content disproves that, and if rumours of MGS4 being brought over in a future collection is true, that especially proves this isn't lazy - putting Guns of the Patriots on new platforms is a huge effort.
If you want to play MGS with a more modern coat of paint, that's what MGS Delta appears to be for, I have no doubt they won't remake the others once they've released Snake Eater.
@SnackBox Glad to hear this take SnackBox, It's one of the biggest sticking points for me. I'm 100% going to get this btw. Because it's literally the first time since missing the GC one that I can play 1. And I think it's the first time we Ninty lovers get to experience 2!
I'm a bit confused by this, from a quick Google it would seem the PS2 version of MGS2 ran at 60fps in gameplay (MGS3 30fps), so if this is the case, it's completely baffling that they can't get 60fps on Switch. I appreciate it's higher resolution but the Switch is also significantly more powerful than a PS2.
@koekiemonster I hate 3D All Stars but at least they output at 1080p and none of the games run worse than on their original releases
@ozwally Yeah I boycott such releases. If it means I won't be able to keep them ALL in physical format in the long run, I might as well get them all on PC then, where they will run and look better (plus the option for mods) and Steam ain't going anywhere any time soon at least.
@SearchingS I honestly didn't found any issues on that part either. Playing it on full 3D is awesome, and I did it on the original 3DS, ha!
@Orpheus79V yeah, you're right, at the end of the day, it's the MGS games on modern consoles, it will still be pretty good😉 to play them on the Switch. I'm getting this in advance of support for Vol2, which will most likely include MGS4.
30 FPS for MGS 2 & 3? That seems pretty inexcusable since I'm sure these can run at full 60 fps on Switch if they can on the Xbox 360 and PS3
30fps on the switch seems just about right..
i played these games back in the day ..and enjoyed them.. but this is 2023 the way the games looks not buying these versions..
@ozwally i have not played these game since they first came out i did not realize how rough looking they are.. especially for 2023 standards..
there is no excuse why these games could not have been remastered for the 60 price..
So wait... you're telling me that Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater don't even reach 60 fps on Switch, despite the fact that they both achieved it relatively easily on PS3 and Xbox 360, hardware that's nearly two decades old, with the Switch being more powerful than both?
Shocking. Absolutely shocking. I know I probably shouldn't be so suprised at this (this is Konami, after all), but these are games from the PS2 era, for crying out loud! Combining this with the fact that not all of the content will be on the cartridge, I'm so saddened that this is the how one of my favourite franchises makes its return, not with a bang, but a whimper. If I do decide to pick this collection up, it certainly won't be on Switch, that much is for sure.
Ah well, at least there's the upcoming remake of Snake Eater to look forward to, I suppose. Knowing Konami though, I'm sure they'll find some way to mess that up too.
Fun fact: the 'e' in Konami stands for effort.
At this rate MGS4 on Switch will run at 720p 15FPS.
Oh look, it's my daily reminder that emulation is legal and morally correct
@BTB20 Like others have said it must be a PS3 conversion issue. If it runs at 30fps on PS4/5 Then we'll know for sure.
@johnedwin yeah that’s what I think about mgs1, I completed 2 on vita and started 3 on 3ds.
I might play and complete mgs 3 on switch but that would be it for me so doubt I’d get the collection
Epic Games tore them a new butthole back in the late 2000s.
"I go to a website for a consistent view by the website (Nintendolife). I personally don't even look who writes it. It's Nintendolife for me."
unfortunately for you, thats not how it works.
think about it for a minute. the logistics of keeping everything "consistent," between many editors over time. you would almost immediately run into problems ("a is better than b is better than c is better than a" kind of stuff) and have to start making compromises.
furthermore, you are looking for objectivity where it CAN NOT exist. you would do well to learn about the different editors, because there is no "website" per se, only editors doing their work.
the "website" has no opinions, doesnt play games, and doesnt write reviews 👍
you can keep wishing it were another way but it cant and wont happen. even if you think its happening on another site, its a compromise and an illusion. remember, there is only subjectivity with game reviews and opinions! ✌️
If these originally ran at 60fps then it looks like Konami simply wanted to play it safe and capped it at 30fps for now. They may restore it to 60fps via a patch later down the road. It shouldn't be an issue too since those extra frames does exist. My guess is they simply wanted to focus on getting all the contents working first before dealing with performance later. Either way these are old games, the PS Vita versions were also 30fps as well so I'm guessing they simply pull some from there.
I really wish they would have included Twin Snakes, but at least I still have my GameCube for that. Still really looking forward to being able to play these games on Switch. I've been waiting for nearly seven years now.
This is the first time that MGS2 won’t run at 60fps. Ps2 version even managed it. That’s gonna feel weird to replay
So the games don't suck on Switch is what you're saying?
I was hoping for more info on the size discrepancies. From what I've read previously, there is some absurd 30g additional content for soundtrack, art and commentary. If you look on the Switch Shop you can buy the games individually. Even so far that there is a separate bundle to buy MGS1 and the two pixel games from NES for the same price. Then buy MGS2 and 3 all for the same price. The way they have bundled the games is strange for certain.
If you're like me and Switch storage is becoming tight, this is pretty important.
@Edu23XWiiU Turning on 3D making even laggy , i only use it for cutscene , seems u pretty good on it . btw i always only use sleeping pistol againts them.
I thought the Vita collection was great and was impressed by how they compressed it all down into about 3GB. If that's what we are getting here then OK. I might wait a bit to puck it up given that I have bought all the main games at least twice already at this point!
So, what for Volume 2?? Twin Snakes.and MGS 4 perhaps? I remember back in the day that 4 was a huge game (GB wise) for the time.
@EaglyPurahfan it just being lazy and being cheap i mean konami is remastering and remaking suikoden 1&2 they could have done the same..here...
@koekiemonster Cookie I think you need a cookie
@koekiemonster at least with Mario 3D All Stars they made some enhancements to Mario Sunshine, where as this Metal Gear Collection seems to be worse than its own previous release.
At 30fps this is a joke of a collection, why on earth would I consider spending money on a collection that has worse performance than the original game on the Playstation 2?
So the physical is not all on cart (in fact none of them are in the cart), we are getting the barebones original of mgs2 and 3 so no extra content from substance or subsistence. Sounds bad all around. Pass.
@ozwally i still all 3 original games i was hoping this collection would have been remastered..
@JalapenoSpiceLife TS was made by a studio who were contracted to make games exclusively for Nintendo at the time, alongside Miyamoto being involved with development etc…it’s probably Nintendo’s call what happens with that game. So either they told Konami a Twin Snakes port would have to be exclusive to them and Konami decided it wasn’t worth doing just for one console or Konami didn’t bother to look into bringing that game back in the first place. I imagine if that game ever does get re-released it’ll be on its own since they know they’ll be able to sell it individually
I'm good, thanks.
MGS2 on PS2 runs @ 60fps. What happened with this port to actually decrease the fps??
30fps?? Are you f'kn kidding me? I refuse to buy this lazy cash grab out of principal.
Really? Just 720p and 30 fps. Bit of let down to say the least.
@RudyC3 Don't forget this collection is a port of the HD collection. I'm assuming they never kept the original source code for the games, so that's probably why the framerate is limited to 30, specifically for Switch now as we know. I don't necessarily see a problem with this unless it hinders gameplay. But I'm more curious about the other versions, specifically the console and PC versions.
Disappointed the Red Dead Redemption port was actually good?
Not to worry, we've got another developer in our sights.
The "Lazy Ports" brigade lives on!
@carlos82 Nintendo always keep the source code for their games, which is why they can enhance the games if they want to. Meanwhile, Konami isn't exactly the type to keep code for their older games, which is why we ended up getting the Silent Hill HD collection that many people dislike because it was cobbled together with any type of code they could find and stitch it all together to release a product. That's probably not the same situation for the MGS collection since the ports are still good, but that's still wait for what reviewers have to say before passing judgement.
@Astral-Grain Honestly, before saying anything, could it at least be brought up about the possibility that some devs have the full source code and can make great ports of games if they have the resources to do so?
I wouldn't exactly call it lazy if they lack said code to make the game look and run the best. Not entirely defending Konami, but I feel like it's worth clarifying before passing judgement.
A physical release that isn’t a physical release with a MASSIVE download size and no 60fps is crappy.
These games ran really well on PS3 so not having 60fps on switch is a let down.
@russell-marlow there's no reason for this collection to be 30fps on Switch though, its literally a port of a collection that was already 60fps on older hardware and by all accounts its still just 720p on the PS5. Sure wait for reviews but I'd be stunned if the final product was vastly different.
As for the SH HD Collection, sure not having the source code isn't ideal but that's not an excuse for using comic sans for in game textures. These things can be fixed or improved with enough care and attention
@russell-marlow Interestingly enough, there was a long time rumor that Red Dead Redemption's source code was either missing or it was just incomprehensible to be worked with.
Some speculate the source code issue is why they still haven't released the game on PC and likely never will.
I can't claim to know enough about it to speculate further, but source code is a very interesting aspect regarding game preservation and the ability to port/remaster in the future.
Hopefully devs have become better at preserving these files in recent years.
@shgamer the 360 version is 60 fps
I will say that this collecti9n would have been a great opportunity to re-release Metal Gear Solid GBC. Maybe in vol 2...
@carlos82 @Astral-Grain I don't man, Japanese game companies tend to do things differently compared to Western game developers I guess when it comes to porting games or enhancing them.
Nintendo with their code intact would give us serviceable ports and enhancements of the Mario 3D All-stars games, while American-based developers, such as Nightdive, will go above and beyond, sometimes reverse engineering older games, to have them running really well on console and PC with a bunch of options and enhancements.
But that doesn't mean we should judge all ports of games with those same types of expectations since Nightdive is a studio that does this all out of passion and they have a top-notch team doing this in their free time. Compare this to a Japanese developer that has to have another team deal with what they can to port these games over without messing around with too much as to preserve the game as it originally was with some bonus content thrown in to make worthwhile to the consumer.
If you look at some of the older MGS games and MGS1 specifically, then that game's original framerate was locked at 30fps because the framerate is tied to the performance of the cutscenes. There's a video I just saw that shows what happens when the framerate is unlocked to 60fps and it speeds up the cutscenes in the process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qQBQKmP_HQ&ab_channel=Ocelot
Yeah, I don't want to hear, "B-but, but... Y no 60fps??"
There's why. I don't want to hear no ignorant comments.
As for MGS2 and 3, MGS2 was sometimes inconsistent and ran at 60fps in certain areas, in others it was at 30fps like in the outside area of the tanker where it was raining. The PS Vita version was also locked at 30fps for both games. So I'm not sure if the framerate could be better or if it's just because of the Switch version. But from what I can see, it seems the Switch version is being treated like the Vita version and I don't know if they could make it better or if it makes much of a difference.
Either way, "Muh, 60fps." doesn't really mean anything when 2/3's of the games where originally made with the locked 30fps in mind.
And you could argue the PS3/Xbox 360 versions of the HD collection had it at 60fps, well we'll have to see the other ports on console and PC of the Master Collection to see if they have a better framerate or visuals then Switch. Because as of now, Switch version is being treated like the PS Vita version.
Edit: Also, if they don't have the source code fully intact then they can't make further enhancements like going from 720p to 1080p or more.
@Astral-Grain Oh my god, can there be some transparency when addressing ports of certain games because whenever Nightdive releases a remaster of old games everyone starts going, "Why is every port of game not like this? wE DeSeRve bETteR."
And they literally don't consider other factors like who's making it in their spare time or if they have the full source code, which is the only way possible to make a game run at higher framerates and possibly 4K resolution.
Not sure what the complaint about MGS being the original is based on. Surely no one was expecting a full remake i. This package.
@Gs69 That's actually only true for MGS4. MGS2, and especially MGS3, and espeeeeeeecially MGS5, have much larger gameplay-to-cutscene ratios.
I’m still curious why Konami doesn’t release the Gamecube version of Metal Gear Solid 1. The same for Portable Ops. A Metal Gear Acid collection would be nice as well. Maybe a 2d remake of the of the first two metal gear games along with Ghost Babel.
@Dr_Corndog I was really into the series but I think it was MGS4 that put me off I have the hd collection on ps vita so I have no real need for this great to have them on switch for those who have never played these I just find it a waste of money for me
@russell-marlow I see our mutual respect has gone out the window so I'll be opting out of this conversation.
Good luck with whatever it is you're trying to argue.
This is why emulation exists. Konami wants to do a piss job porting their games, I'll just emulate their games at 1080p or even 4K with highest framerate possible. The Switch should be more than capable to run these games at 1080p while docked and at 60 fps. Absolute nonsense.
@Astral-Grain What?
I'm just expressing my annoyance at some of the comments here. It wasn't directly aimed at you specifically. Don't tell me throwing a minor slur is going to get you all riled up all of a sudden?
So I guess them adding gyro is out of the question eh?
Strange, you weren't sad nor mad like this with that lazy Super Mario 3D All-Stars and the bizarre decision around it's release.
Mm, I was gonna get this for the convenience, but if it runs worse than the PS3 collection...
I don't mind the old graphics on MGS, though. That's a game that utilized the limitations of the time to brilliant aesthetic effect. You lose a lot of the grit and vibe if you "update" it too much.
@HammerKirby Yeah I know.. But I'm pretty sure they can frame cap it to 30 fps, if they're running it through an emulator and can't hit 60 fps. It could happen, as the emulator "translates" the code to the Switch's architecture and that itself "eats" processor power.
@shgamer that would explain MGS2 running at 30 fps which has literally never gone that low? But it would be interesting if its 360 emulation since I would think porting the games would be easier than writing a 360 emulator from scratch for ps4/5, Xbox Series x/s and Switch.
@HammerKirby Sometimes there already exists emulators as freeware/shareware and the developers/publishers just slighty modify it your their needs. Video games business is often a bit shady, we all should know that by now.
Hell MGS2 was a locked 60fps on PS2.
@shgamer 360 emulation is very much not that well developed tho. The only well developed 360 emulators out there are Xenia (which is not optimized well enough to work on Switch) and Microsoft's own internal 360 emulator for the Xbox One and Series Consoles.
It should be no surprise why Konami won't take the time to get this to run properly. A preview makes it clear that they've been completely careless, and most of the commenters are in agreement that "It's a chance to own this on a Nintendo system, I'm buying it no matter what."
It's the same thing we've seen with the Pokemon series. These companies have realized they can dump on us with impunity, and we're such avid consumers, we'll hand over our money no matter what. But hey, let's get optimistic. Maybe on the Switch 2, they'll rerelease this as the "Ultimate Master Collection," and it will occasionally reach the 60 FPS target that was already achieved a decade ago on PS3.
@larryisaman then there really is no reason to get this tbh, I still have my copy of twin snakes and all the better versions for PS2 so this collection really isn't worth it, Maybe newcomers will like it and seek out the better versions themselves if they like the series
MGS 2 HD and 3 HD both run at 60 fps on nVidia Shield since 2017. And they cannot bring this code and performance over to Switch?
Some gameplay: https://youtu.be/iTbBRZX6yWU
no true physical version = no true purchase.
reap what you sow, Konami!
What a shame. 30 fps is fine, but if I can get better, then I will, so I'll be playing this on Steam Deck instead.
Without reading any of the comments, I think the games speak for themselves and I don’t care if they run as they always have without any extra flair. The games are so important and you’d have fans complaining that too much has changed or that nothing has changed at all. I’ll take the originals as I remember them, shut my smiling mouth, and enjoy the fact I get to finally play them again on my favorite console.
Business is business. Big Corp isn't going to fanboy itself when it can do this stuff on the cheap make a sizeable profit.
Damn Konami, all your collections have been fire up to this point, then you pull a Red Dead Redemption. C'mon now. Anyway I look forward to the review.
“We had a bit of a giddy retro thrill seeing it run as originally intended”.
Umm what? Playing the original game - warts and all - on a 50inch HD TV is not how is was originally intended. Stick it on a 20inch 4:3 CRT and it looks so so much better.
While better ports would be nice but just having them on switch makes me happy, mgs should never leave the conversation for long and it has been like a decade since they have been relevant. Playing those as a kid helped me understand crap i could not fathom but have seen played out in the real world as I grew up, atleast we have the mgs3 remake to look forward to as well .. with the arkham games coming and the surprise drop of read dead pretty happy with the ports this year and my switch will finally be complete of what I've wanted to come to have in portable format...like persona 5 royal and assassin's creed black flag .now we just need paper mario 1000 year door and Wind Waker
Sorry, but taking a beautiful 60fps ps2 game and trying to sell it 2 decades later at 30fps...sucks
@AG_Awesome I hope so, I think they answered saying it will be 60fps on release but not sure everyone got that
@SearchingS Against the bosses? I used to beat up The End hahaha, damn old man.
@Astral-Grain Well, okay then. I have reason to not like you either because you're being dismissive and prudish.
I'm perfectly fine with ports being "barebones", just being able to play older games on newer hardware is important for preservation. As long as it at least includes all content/dlc.
However, not even trying to target 1080p 60fps for a game from an older console is pretty bad...
I wish they'd add Twin Snakes to this collection or even Vol 2 - I know Kojima doesn't like that game very much but it should still be preserved.
Just canceled my preorder for this game. If you have never experienced the games and you want to play them then by all means go for it. Having said that, what Konami is doing here is completely wrong. Not accepting that at a $60 price point.
Something I am really curious about is with metal gear solid. There is a boss battle that requires you to use the player 2 port. How is that going to work on modern consoles especially switch that don't have the capability of doing this without having more than 1 controller?
When they announced the games weren’t on the cart I knew my wallet would remain closed. It’s fine. I have a huge backlog anyway.
getting pretty sick of these lazy remasters
@ChromaticDracula that’s the thing; they aren’t running better or the same, they are running worse than they did before! MGS1 is fine, but MGS2 & 3 are the HD collection versions that ran at 60fps on PS360. MGS2 ran at 60fps on the PS2 for Pete’s sake!
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