Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, Nathan goes mapping the pixels...
What is your greatest video game pet peeve? That one thing that, when present, ruins your experience, no matter how good the game is otherwise? For me, it’s a bad in-game map.

Take the original Metroid, for example. I do not like that game. Never have. And that’s not a product of my playing it for the first time decades after its first release. No, I was there in 1986 and still have my original copy. I was blown away by its gameplay (four-direction scrolling!?) and theme, but I could not deal with its labyrinthine design for one simple reason: it had no map.
I’ve always had a thing for maps. And not just in the virtual world. In college I studied Geography. It was my goal to become a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) specialist - a map maker.
Even now, maps — real and video game — play a prominent role in my day-to-day life. Map posters are plastered on my home office and game room walls and the background on my work computer cycles through images from VGMaps. It’s fun to see a coworker's face light up when they recognize a map while I share my screen in a Teams meeting. Such is the power of a recognizable, useful map. It transports you to a place you’ve once visited.
What is a Map? A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets?
At the risk of being pedantic, what is a map, exactly?
It’s a representation of a world. A rendering. It might be pure text (as from a dungeon master), a 2D visual (a view from above), or a 3D model (like that globe at grandma’s house). Regardless of its format, a map is only useful if it provides value to its readers. It has to convey information, and above all, it must be accurate. As they say, a map should match the terrain.
Yoshi’s Horror Story
I learned this lesson while working on the Nintendo Power magazine staff in the late '90s. One of my primary tasks was to make sure that the printed maps were accurate, with particular emphasis on the placement of callouts for power-ups and items.

The most challenging assignment I had was the Yoshi’s Story player's guide. For those who haven’t played it, Yoshi’s Story is a 2.5D platformer where the objective in each stage isn’t to find the exit, but rather to find and eat 30 fruits. The game has 24 stages and within each stage are 60 fruits, for a grand total of 1,440 fruits. Keep that number in mind.
During the guide’s production, Nintendo's Japanese HQ would often send a new build of the still-under-development game. There was the occasional build with a drastic change, but more often than not, the only changes were a handful of fruits that had been moved within a stage. Naturally, I was never told what to look for. Instead, I had to play the entire game, and confirm or correct the location of every single one of those one-thousand four-hundred and forty melons, watermelons, apples, bananas, and grapes.
Two solid months of fruit-finding cured me of wanting a career in map-making. However, Yoshi’s fruits taught me a deep appreciation for the value of a well-made map.
Metroid: A Quick Case Study
Going back to Metroid, navigating planet Zebes absolutely, positively requires a map.
In fact, the entire Metroid series is a case study in the utility of in-game maps. The first Metroid (and to a lesser degree, its sequel) are lauded as pioneers in their genre, but the absence of a map is perhaps their most common criticism. The third entry in the franchise, Super Metroid, is quite the opposite. Its in-game map undoubtedly set the standard for the genre and perhaps the entire medium.

Beyond simply existing (which is great), Super Metroid’s pause screen map provides layers of value:
- It communicates progression by filling in as you explore
- It encourages exploration by filling in only those grid squares that you have actually touched, rather than full rooms that you’ve visited (looking at you Hollow Knight)
- It rewards exploration and discovery by omitting hidden areas, even if you choose to visit the optional Map Rooms, and
- It aids you, the player, in identifying areas for further exploration
With only a grid, two colours, and a handful of symbols, Super Metroid’s map provides one of the seminal game’s most important features.
A Few More Examples
If we can venture outside of Samus’ orbit, here are a few other game maps that I find interesting.
The Hub World Map

The first game I recall featuring an interactive overworld was Bionic Commando for the NES. The overworld in Super Mario Bros. 3 is perhaps more well-known, but Super Joe’s game arrived in the West a full two years earlier.
Bionic Commando’s hub world allowed players to see and explore (by flying a friggin’ helicopter!) the branching paths between stages and optional areas. The map displayed the game world’s interconnectedness, while also providing interactivity that was previously unseen in game maps.
The In-Game, In-Game Map
Is there anything more definitively 'video game' than a pause button? They say that “Time stops for no one,” so you know you’re in a virtual world when you can literally stop time with the press of a button.
Yoshi’s fruits taught me a deep appreciation for the value of a well-made map.
Most in-game maps are accessible only from a Pause screen, which means that you can either look at the map or explore the world. You can’t do both. Final Fantasy VI (aka Final Fantasy 3 in the West) broke that paradigm by allowing you to display the world map as an overlay. This blew my mind at the time. I could explore both the world and the map - at the same time! In fact, I could navigate the world by looking exclusively at that little map. Please don’t do that while driving your car, but I highly recommend it when flying an airship to Narshe.

And yes, Far Cry 2 and Minecraft took this concept further by showing your in-game avatar holding up the map. That’s full-on map immersion for you.
The Perfect Use of a Dual Screen
Chrono Trigger first appeared in 1995 on the SNES, but the DS port is, for me, the definitive version. And not just because of the added content and FMV scenes. No, it’s because your map is ever-present on the second screen. It’s the in-game map, taken to its logical conclusion on the map lover's perfect console. Axiom Verge on the Wii U is another example of a game whose best version is trapped on an ageing, dual-screen platform.

Waypoints and Symbols
Let’s take a look at one more. Like Super Metroid, the map in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is arguably the game’s greatest feature.
Not only does it incorporate every element mentioned thus far (tracking progression, encouraging exploration, communicating the rules of the game world, and constant availability) but it also ups the ante with incredible interactivity. You can mark the map with waypoints, using symbols or colours to infuse personalized meaning. Furthermore, the line between map and game world is blurred by allowing Link to simply look at a spot on the ground and drop a pin. Hyrule isn’t simply represented by the map; it is the map.
From Metroid to Breath of the Wild and beyond, I continue to be fascinated by video game maps. They shape our exploration and communicate a thousand words in a single picture, especially when we’re allowed to draw on the canvas ourselves.

Lucy Fellowes, a Smithsonian curator, once said, “Every map is someone’s way of getting you to look at the world his or her way.” I’m no map maker — Yoshi’s Story saw to that — but I hope I’ve painted a picture of how I see the world - as a pixelated little pile of secrets.
What do you look for in an in-game map? Do you have a favourite? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 51
Nintendo dropping the map from the Gamepad in the Wii U version of BotW, after showing it off in the live game play, to make sure it wasn’t factually better than the Switch version, is something I’ll never forget. I suppose the writer of this article is too young to remember that b/c they didn’t even mention it.😝
Twilight Princess HD on Wii U had the map,it was a selling point, but then all of a sudden they’re like “oh a map on a 2nd screen is too distracting, people will crash their cars while they drive”. 🙄
I hope we get a Switch DS someday so they can port XCX and Kid Icarus Uprising. And give BotW it’s map back.
Nathan, that was quite an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing, and getting me to reflect back on making homemade maps playing Metroid NES as a kid.
Map appreciation article! I love maps. I have some old tattered game maps up on my walls from way back.. You can get old ones reprinted too. Physical maps really help you immerse into the game. Even platformers could use maps. I never played Yoshi's Story but I would have loved that fruit map.
In-game ones are cool. I loved the TOTK map and how it tracked your movement. But games need to come with printed maps again. That will never happen, but a man can dream
As an adult, I did map out the fortress levels of Kid Icarus. 😊
Hint: The first three levels are the hardest, because Pit is at his weakest. Once you reach the first fortress, you can backtrack and grind as much as you need to buy upgrades in the shop.
@rjejr This is an often-forgotten fact. Breath Of The Wild is an incredible game, but it would have been even better if the Wii U had sold better and thus the game had released exclusively on the Wii U with all of the gamepad functionality that was originally intended for it.
I do love a good map, both for the usefulness and the way the can draw you into the world. It's not particularly useful but the Final Fantasy X map is a great example of the latter: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/a/a7/FFXMAPs.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131227201920
It's a great feeling starting a new JRPG and seeing the map for the first time and knowing you'll get to explore all of that. On the other hand also love slowly filling the blank map in a metroidvania and the like.
I actually loved the Persona Q series and Etrian Odyssey on 3DS because you got to create the map yourself on the touchscreen as you played. It was pretty rewarding to fill it out and mark all of the important treasure spots/doors/etc. An excellent use of the dual screens.
Great article, while personally the lack of an in-game map wouldn't deter me from straight up playing a game if I wanted to (I'd either do without it or use an external one and the latter is most certainly what I'd do if I fully play the first Metroid although I'd rather replay and this time finish/complete Zero Mission instead) I can definitely appreciate a good map in-game and also in guides - speaking of, thank you (and everyone else who has ever worked on such guides in general) for your hard work on the Nintendo Power Yoshi's Story one!
Metroid 1 still felt fine to me because it’s small . The most glaring archaic thing seemed to be having to refill your health. That was a big difference than simply refilling in one go like in prime, super, and returns.
This was a great read! I love game maps too and it’s one of the reasons I collect strategy guides (including the yoshi one you worked on!).
I respect your complaint about Metroid, but I kind of love when a game forces you to draw your own map on paper - these are some of my best gaming memories from childhood.
Another thing worth exploring is when a game shows you the next story point on an overlay map - a lot of RPGs now do this but I remember first seeing it in a grand theft auto game. In these cases I end up looking at the overlay map and not the actual game and I think it really diminishes the experience
This reminded me, last year I did a talk at a big mapping conference. About in-game maps. Using Nintendo Switch instead of slide deck. Went well
There's a recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgsQbdg96LI
Great read @niner !
That name though 😂
@Zverik "on a real world map, we don't have a symbol for jump" 😂
I love good in-game maps. The next game that took them to the next level was the latest Price of Persia with the ability to save screenshots to the map. Brilliant!
Lack of a coherent map is what kept me from enjoying Animal Well. Kinda good game, but the map looks like it was drawn on an Atari 2600 or an etch-a-sketch.
One thing I need every map to have is clearly defined areas/regions with some kind of completion marker. I love building up my own mental map of a game's world, and making sure I've seen everything worth seeing in it, but I can't do both of those at the same time. With Breath of the Wild, there were always so many more things to find, and so few worth returning to, that by the time I'd finished the shrines and given up chasing koroks, I still barely knew where anything was. I did a bit better with Tears of the Kingdom by trying to meticulously map everything out with stamps...until I ran out of them halfway through the game. I don't want a million icons cluttering the map or an arrow leading me directly to each point of interest, but if a game has things that are easy to miss, it should have some way of telling you whether or not you've found all of them within a given area. Otherwise, I'll always have my eyes peeled for some sparkly thing off in the distance, and won't actually be able to take in the world around me.
Well written and good points but the Metroid examples really don't fit and I still don't understand how people struggle with those games. They're linear games, with simple layouts requiring only the most basic memorization.
Metroid is well-gated to put you on a particular path with very few dead ends. Metroid 2 is literally one long unidirectional tunnel with dead end side tunnels, conveniently letting you know when you've cleared the side tunnel, only allowing you to be in one side tunnel at a time, and using a theme to let you know when you're in a side tunnel or the main tunnel. Metroid 2 is no more labyrinthine or nonlinear than the world map in Mario 3.
Zero Mission outlines why having a map is superfluous, you just run from point a to point b in a handholding exercise. Older Final Fantasy games and Phantasy Stars are the games that are agony if you can't map worth a damn or be bothered to. Modern maps are awesome though. Tears of The Kingdom wouldn't be half as fun if it didn't have the tracker available from the start. I just wish the Etrian Odyssey style of mapping in game while playing wasn't forever locked away with the DS/WiiU family.
I miss second screen portables like nintendo ds/3ds, it's really great playing metroidvania on it since I can see the map with just a glance on the second screen.
@rjejr The author worked for Nintendo Power in the late 1990s and mentions in the second paragraph that they played the original Metroid when it came out in 1986. I do agree that removing the minimap from BOTW was extremely disappointing.
I enjoyed this article. Reading Nintendo Power is what got me started with my love of playing and making games and the maps that accompanied so many reviews was probably the number one reason. Inspired me to doodle up my own game designs when I was a kid. VGMaps is one of my favorite sites too.
@rjejr I was thinking exactly this whilst reading. I still hold this against Nintendo, and maintain that the Switch was a step back after the DS/3DS and Wii U.
I absolutely love this article! Great reading! I also have multiple maps hung on walls. Every game I play I secretly evaluate the maps for how they communicate to the player. Thank you for your knowledge of the subject and writing it so well!
In game maps is actually quite helpful when you play Mario Kart NDS / 3DS and your vision get blocked by squid ink, you can use the in game map to see the road path until the ink effect gone.
Wow, This and the HAL article are likely the two best to show up on this website all year. And while I'm obviously not complaining about two insightful, entertaining, well written and informative pieces in the same weekend ... maybe pace yourself a bit?
I've had a big fascination with game maps for a long, long time. It started with classic RPG titles such as Might & Magic, where the map is formed as you explore each tile. I fondly remember drawing my own maps on paper with pencil/pen and making notes.
I agree that the first Metroid is a pain to play because of the lack of a map. I was surprised to find out that the map wasn't introduced until the third instalment in the series! My first ever Metroid was Fusion on the GBA, even though I was born in 1981, I never had a NES and didn't own Metroid II on the Game Boy either. They're games I wish I'd played when I was younger, so I'd appreciate them more now. It's probably why I prefer Metroid: Zero Mission.
Enjoyed reading this article a lot. I too love video game maps, even the basic old school ones. My first video game was Alex Kidd on the SMS and I loved tracing the journey on the world map or even sometimes drawing my own versions of game worlds!
@Pillowpants It seems many people only played NES Metroid and Zelda in emulators and virtual console or maybe even by just renting them.
I say that because those games made the instruction booklet required reading. Parts of the map were illustrated in them as waypoint tips.
The original Metroid gets a lot of criticism, but one of the things I enjoyed most was mapping it myself. Same for the original Zelda. I think that's what you would do it if you were actually in such a situation in real life. I realize modern games are more convenient and probably more fun with easily accessible maps, but I found the cartography of Metroid and Zelda a big part of the fun. As for Kraid, well, that's another story.
@jimmytodgers I do fondly remember all the Nintendo magazines from back in those days, with all the maps, tip & tricks! It was an amazing time, without the internet.
I owned a SEGA Master System back in the NES days and we had a PC at home, a 286 machine with 8/16 Mhz speed!
@Waluigi451 Agreed! Games that let you hand-make your maps are another fantastic use of the concept.
If a game doesn't have a tool or good map to help you navigate the world then it's likely I'm going to lose interest rather quickly. When I get lost in a game trying to find my way to an objective or something similar then my time is being wasted and as an adult I no longer have that sort of free time. When I was young sure but as a 46 year old now? no. I always appreciate a good map or tool to help you navigate the in game world.
@cvrator So no excuse then? 😉
@RainbowGazelle Did you think of me? I was at my peak insane rambling madman back in those days, now I'm just old and bored.😩
I really thought we might get a Switch DS after Lite, or a Switch 2DS (b/c I like the play on the name Switch 2 and 2DS) b/c clamshell is the perfect handheld format, but enough people have convinced me you can't dock it that way that I've given up hope. 😥 Maybe by Switch 4 or Switch 5 it will separate, base in the dock, screen in your hand, or you know, simply HDMI out for the top screen? 🤷♂️
@J-Fox " exclusively on the Wii U "
I'm ok w/ a dual port, I don't play favorites, but Wii U could have had it on the Gamepad and Switch on it's touchscreen for when you played handheld. Though now that I'm older and less energetically angry it may have just been that the Wii U was too underpowered, though it didn't stop XCX, LoZ: TP HD or LoZ: WW HD. So probably just Switch's fault. 😝
@PinderSchloss I'm glad you liked the article! Props to the editor Gavin Lane @dartmonkey for the cheeky headline 😇
@rjejr I think you would have probably seen me moaning in the comments section around the time the Switch came out too! 😆
They did OK with the Switch port for Etrian Odyssey. Better than I expected. But the definitive version will remain the DS for it's excellent use of the touch screen.
@RainbowGazelle Can't remember you moaning, just dancing. 😂 That is seriously 1 of if not the best avatars ever on here. 👍
@rjejr Thanks! It was briefly Professor Layton when the future Switch one was announced, but I think I'll stick with Dancing Shibata! 😆
‘So the counselors would use this map IN SECRET. Hiding copies in the backs of their binders and pulling it out when nobody was looking!’
Sounds like something that would happen at Blizzard.
@RainbowGazelle " Dancing Shibata "
Honestly thought it was Shigeru but it works either way, you're the rainbow gazelle and your cheerful dancing is needed. 👍
@niner Yoshi's Story was the first game I ever beat and it was because of that player's guide.
One annoying thing about the map in Super Metroid is that the symbol for items doesn’t change when you obtain them, so when you’re reviewing the map later in the game you have no idea which items you’ve already got and which you still need to get.
The over-world map in Super Mario World is the best map in any game, ever. It’s pretty, mysterious, provides sneak peaks to later areas of the game, it’s not a boring grid layout, it tells you which levels have secret exits and best of all, it evolves and changes as you uncover the secret exits and discover hidden paths and levels that you could pass by without ever knowing they’re there in the first place.
It saddens me that no Mario game since has bettered the map from a game made in 1990.
@rjejr I see the irony haha, I just love the idea of someone who worked in 1997 Nintendo Power Bejamin Button-style de-aging.
Super Nintendo Magazine System used to have great maps in their walkthroughs,
and sumptuous presentation in them generally.
You don't get that with the online stuff these days.
the writer here has been unable to get into Metroid since launch in 1986 because there's no map ... yet the article illustrates that maps weren't yet really a thing in games until years after its release.
I'm not buying it. I got along fine as a small child and never had a second thought about a map until I saw Super Metroid later.
i agree, and i will add that the SMW overworld map set a bar so high, so early, that no overworld map has ever matched it, and none likely will.
praise SMW! king of games. 🖐️
@niner The thing that stopped me from finishing NES Metroid was the health system. Only getting 30 HP after respawning is ridiculous. Especially when combined with that enemy generators will give Samus unavoidable hits when she walks through doors.
The original Zelda didn't have those issues and was even six months older.
Anyone else tempted to say something about mapping your mom's melons for nintendopower? Is it just me or does the title of this article invite it so?
I love maps! I collect all the maps included in my NatGeo subscription, and I love intricate maps designed in games.
However I prefer beautifully illustrated 2D maps, rather than digital 3D maps.
@Gord_Poops I think that's just you, buddy....
A bad map can be very annoying, I know it is a Playstation game but God of War 2018 has a terrible map. I also think it is much easier to do a 2d map, Dread has a very accesible map. As long as I can read it and it isn't a hindrance I'm ok.
I love subway maps, so a special mention to Mario kart 8's Metro bell track. And GTA..
Wierd article. Gave away the conclusion in the first part of the article, then wombled about other maps before kind of just flaccidly concluding
Sorry about Yoshis Story tho
Good read, though to me Shovel Knight, Steam World Collection (all 3 great on Wii U), Axoim Verge (own on PS4) are fine games on Wii U but hardly worth the 'better on'.
Even Terraria or Minecraft are fine but New 3DS got the better Minecraft version for dual screen features. Wii U version was like getting the Vita version level of eh touchscreen support.
Terraria had stylus support and a few menu/gameplay stuff but nah wasn't that great.
The full on Gamepad and not in many games was nice but still.
Even multiplayer options was nice in some games.
Or games like Affordable Space Adventures and 3Souls or Captain U were great on Wii U. But it's not the same as Zelda DS games lid closing, or 2 different videos for Mario vs Donkey Kong or Mario Bros DS screen swapping.
Heck if we got manuals/dual apps and different per screen I'd say that's it but that's what no one on Xbox One cared for so Windows 8 then whatever Virtual Desktop can offer of Windows 10 and Quick Resume just reserves on Xbox Series these days while dual screen smartphones are 'there but barely supported beyond 2 apps per screen, sure'.
Wii U had more to utilise but didn't just being 2 screens and weakly used of that is just sad.
But I blame audiences and devs for TV use, the Gamepad loads faster and can do a lot but oh we have to have the TV, regardless of their first HD console.
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