@Princess_Lilly I also loved it, but then I realized it was a waste of time of a game... addictive to the extreme, empty to the extreme. Not surprised that the programmer comes from the gaming industry, many similar psycological dynamics you have in gambling.
@Teksetter that’s the problem. There is no value for money. Most of the times they sell the unpatched version, in some cases even games burnt on cdr discs… selling for 5/10 times the price faking the limited nature of the edition. We all know they have plenty of stock but they need to milk physical collectors. Not a scam company but close to.
@GrailUK well no. Not correct. Very often they still put inside the first version unpatched. They wait because of poor logistic and because they do not start production till the time they collect all the money. Zero risk. And if money is not enough they reserve the right to lower quality at their discretion. A disgrace
@Sejman22 absolutely. And I much respect that among the mediocrity we had gems like EVeRy yakuza title (I love them all). I hope they do not compromise Atlus and leave them alone. It has been ages since last major Atlus title, and I loved SMT5. Very high expectations on Fantasia…
@Sejman22 you said it all. Until some time ago I used to buy most of the those games… I still remember how bad it was nights on Wii or the in general Samba de Amigo games. Now Inkeep buying any RGG title because they are fire, but that’s it. Dead company, if we look at quality. But hey, kids love modern Sonic games for some reasons. Sonic now is a safe kid friendly series, low quality but well connected to toys and cartoons. Not that different from SpongeBob games (where some were actually good). I don’t blame sega, they need to make money and profit. If they are not capable to make good games, at least they maximise profitability with low investments. Makes sense.
Something to praise is the mini consoles. Probably the best around since they started making in house. Just toys for grown up people, but not different from what other companies like Taito did.
@Sejman22 I love your comment. Factual and sadly true. I found it funny to hear that I was wrong because sega makes or publish awesome games like house of the dead remake (wtf) or monkeyball (??). Monkeyball had two incredible games on GameCube, and mostly low budget craps thereafter. Today sega is all about Atlus games and RGG productions. And RGG was also smart… yearly titles which are a more of the same recycling while building on something that works. Atlus has been milking on P5 and similar for ages… at least SMT5 was superbe.
I love Sega, but I try to be objective, and avoid most Sonic games not to be disappointed by the poor quality.
@Sejman22 well, you listed porting of ps2 atlus games, mediocre remakes like house of the dead and barely acceptable monkeyball games… that’s a depressing list, most games are either porting/remake or games which did not go beyond a 6/10…
@Fromnearandfar replied to the other person. Sega as a company is in bad shape, usually bad games from them. But some studios are on fire and produce top quality games. They need to refocus and raise the bar.
@Pillowpants i just praised yakuza and atlus games, which I love. Sega as a company is in bad shape, bad games, no ideas… but here and there some studios are on fire. I hope that atlus stays independent within sega. Saying dead was an exaggeration, but how many good games did they make recently? Apart from atlus and rgg
@Qwertyninty well… yakuza games are excellent. And now atlus has done some of the best rpg’s in the last decade. Sega is dead, but there is some good in there
@RudyC3 in Uk it is horrific. 20% import duties regardless the value, and shipping cost (which can be waved I think if amount is high). In general… play Asia is never the best place to buy.
@OwenOtter thank you ☺️ I was a retro gamer until some time ago when I literally lost interest in all the “old” stuff, and to an extent physical stuff. Today I put on the Megadrive… same, 30 minutes and turned off.
@OwenOtter so… are these games mostly for speed runners? Just trying to understand who is the target for the so many nes ports. Everybody is different. I just can’t stand on them anymore. Just plugged my nes mini yesterday and unplugged 30 minutes later
Not going to play again games from nes era. Did not age well at all, just collection of frustrating moments… happy to leave them to nostalgic people who will enjoy much more than me. Always curious to know who is the actual target customer. Hard to believe that a young kid will spend more than 5 minutes on this… are there so many people in their 40/50’s who still want to play nes games?
@roboshort only few games supported the motion plus. Came out too late. Yes it was crap, not accurate at all… to the point that many games were barely playable. Awesome for shooters (which suffered the poor Wii performance though) and not much else
I loved it. Crap console, crap controller, a lot to dislike. Most games have badly aged and are barely playable today... but still, 15 years ago I used to love it for the simple fun it gave
This list confirms how depressing n64 library was. Still, i desperatly want conker. Xbox version please, which is much more playable with normal controls and better graphics.
I really don’t like in general 8bit covers. They feel too old in an unpleasant way. Probably mario3 is the only modern vintage cover. Master system covers were especially ugly even then
Comments 139
Re: PSA: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Has Reportedly Leaked Online
Story leakes for ff7. Becaureful, somebody can die 😜
Re: Vampire Survivors Teases New Free Update, "Probably" The Biggest One Ever
@Princess_Lilly I also loved it, but then I realized it was a waste of time of a game... addictive to the extreme, empty to the extreme. Not surprised that the programmer comes from the gaming industry, many similar psycological dynamics you have in gambling.
Re: Vampire Survivors Teases New Free Update, "Probably" The Biggest One Ever
Fun for a while. This game is an utter waste of time after that while.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Star Fox 64
Both are bad. Japanese at least does not have the rumble pack advertisement on the cover
Re: Where To Buy Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom And Hyrule Edition Switch Lite
Lost interest. It is nice but I pass.
Best of luck to the collectors, it is nice indeed.
It came too late to be enjoyed
Re: Nintendo To End Repairs For Famicom & Super Famicom Classic, New 2DS XL In Japan
Is it possible to break the nes mini?
Re: Yakuza Kiwami Might Only Be A "Download Distribution" On Switch
@Teksetter that’s the problem. There is no value for money. Most of the times they sell the unpatched version, in some cases even games burnt on cdr discs… selling for 5/10 times the price faking the limited nature of the edition. We all know they have plenty of stock but they need to milk physical collectors. Not a scam company but close to.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Super R-Type
They are all bad… us slightly better
Re: Yakuza Kiwami Might Only Be A "Download Distribution" On Switch
@GrailUK well no. Not correct. Very often they still put inside the first version unpatched.
They wait because of poor logistic and because they do not start production till the time they collect all the money. Zero risk. And if money is not enough they reserve the right to lower quality at their discretion. A disgrace
Re: Yakuza Kiwami Might Only Be A "Download Distribution" On Switch
@GrailUK will never again give a penny to limited run. Over priced junk delivered one year later. They can go bankrup
Re: Talking Point: Would $499 Be Too Much For 'Switch 2'?
Not spending more than 300
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Sejman22 absolutely. And I much respect that among the mediocrity we had gems like EVeRy yakuza title (I love them all).
I hope they do not compromise Atlus and leave them alone. It has been ages since last major Atlus title, and I loved SMT5. Very high expectations on Fantasia…
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Sejman22 you said it all.
Until some time ago I used to buy most of the those games… I still remember how bad it was nights on Wii or the in general Samba de Amigo games. Now Inkeep buying any RGG title because they are fire, but that’s it.
Dead company, if we look at quality. But hey, kids love modern Sonic games for some reasons. Sonic now is a safe kid friendly series, low quality but well connected to toys and cartoons. Not that different from SpongeBob games (where some were actually good).
I don’t blame sega, they need to make money and profit. If they are not capable to make good games, at least they maximise profitability with low investments. Makes sense.
Something to praise is the mini consoles. Probably the best around since they started making in house. Just toys for grown up people, but not different from what other companies like Taito did.
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Sejman22 I love your comment. Factual and sadly true.
I found it funny to hear that I was wrong because sega makes or publish awesome games like house of the dead remake (wtf) or monkeyball (??).
Monkeyball had two incredible games on GameCube, and mostly low budget craps thereafter.
Today sega is all about Atlus games and RGG productions. And RGG was also smart… yearly titles which are a more of the same recycling while building on something that works.
Atlus has been milking on P5 and similar for ages… at least SMT5 was superbe.
I love Sega, but I try to be objective, and avoid most Sonic games not to be disappointed by the poor quality.
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Sejman22 well, you listed porting of ps2 atlus games, mediocre remakes like house of the dead and barely acceptable monkeyball games… that’s a depressing list, most games are either porting/remake or games which did not go beyond a 6/10…
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Fromnearandfar replied to the other person. Sega as a company is in bad shape, usually bad games from them. But some studios are on fire and produce top quality games. They need to refocus and raise the bar.
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Pillowpants i just praised yakuza and atlus games, which I love. Sega as a company is in bad shape, bad games, no ideas… but here and there some studios are on fire. I hope that atlus stays independent within sega. Saying dead was an exaggeration, but how many good games did they make recently? Apart from atlus and rgg
Re: Sega's Gamescom 2024 Line Up Includes 'Global Premier' Of Unannounced Project
@Qwertyninty well… yakuza games are excellent. And now atlus has done some of the best rpg’s in the last decade.
Sega is dead, but there is some good in there
Re: Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Cheerleader Physical Edition Pre-Orders Now Live
@pneumaticgnosis I am with you. Last game I bought (monkey island limited) felt like a joke. Poor quality, one year after
Re: Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Cheerleader Physical Edition Pre-Orders Now Live
@RudyC3 in Uk it is horrific. 20% import duties regardless the value, and shipping cost (which can be waved I think if amount is high).
In general… play Asia is never the best place to buy.
Re: Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Cheerleader Physical Edition Pre-Orders Now Live
@tapdancingtommy from play.asia after taxes, posting and everything cost basically doubles
I saw limited run. Red flag.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Duel - Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness
Both horrible
Re: Review: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Switch) - Speed-Focused And Slight, But Addictive
@OwenOtter thank you ☺️
I was a retro gamer until some time ago when I literally lost interest in all the “old” stuff, and to an extent physical stuff. Today I put on the Megadrive… same, 30 minutes and turned off.
Re: Review: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Switch) - Speed-Focused And Slight, But Addictive
@OwenOtter so… are these games mostly for speed runners? Just trying to understand who is the target for the so many nes ports.
Everybody is different. I just can’t stand on them anymore. Just plugged my nes mini yesterday and unplugged 30 minutes later
Re: Review: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Switch) - Speed-Focused And Slight, But Addictive
@OctolingKing13 no doubt it will sell like hot cakes! ☺️
Re: Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA
I loved it. But never finished. I play at night
Re: Review: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition (Switch) - Speed-Focused And Slight, But Addictive
Not going to play again games from nes era. Did not age well at all, just collection of frustrating moments… happy to leave them to nostalgic people who will enjoy much more than me.
Always curious to know who is the actual target customer. Hard to believe that a young kid will spend more than 5 minutes on this… are there so many people in their 40/50’s who still want to play nes games?
Genuine curiosity
Re: Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 8 Remake Brings Historical Strategy To Switch This October
Tried multiple times. Never understood what to do. Hermetic game… and there are one million entries in the series, hugely popular in Asia
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Duel - Urban Champion
All horrific. No vote
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's NES Library With Seven More Games
Good to see. But again, games nobody cares about. Can they put games people actually want to play?
Re: Random: Golden Wii Intended For Queen Elizabeth II Will Be Shown At Gamescom
@roboshort only few games supported the motion plus. Came out too late.
Yes it was crap, not accurate at all… to the point that many games were barely playable. Awesome for shooters (which suffered the poor Wii performance though) and not much else
Re: Random: Golden Wii Intended For Queen Elizabeth II Will Be Shown At Gamescom
I loved it. Crap console, crap controller, a lot to dislike. Most games have badly aged and are barely playable today... but still, 15 years ago I used to love it for the simple fun it gave
Re: Feature: 9 'Mature' Games We'd Love To See On Nintendo Switch Online's New N64 App
This list confirms how depressing n64 library was. Still, i desperatly want conker.
Xbox version please, which is much more playable with normal controls and better graphics.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Turok 2: Seeds Of Evil
I was not aware in Japan it had such a horrific name
Re: Final Fantasy XIV Online Director Would Love To See Square Enix's MMO On A "Nintendo Platform"
I want ff13 first
Re: Review: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (Switch) - Even Better Than The Stellar Original
My preferred game of the last ten years, got better. I am happy, simple
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door?
Easy 9. Would have been 10 at 60frame
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Bad game. Nice cover
Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Soundtrack Is Real And Contains 344 Tracks
Hard pass. Botw literally had just ambient sounds, dull. Totk is a bit better but music is hardly memorable in this game.
Re: Poll: Are You Bothered By The Frame Rate For Paper Mario: TTYD On Switch?
I am annoyed but I can survived.
I was more annoyed with tales of Symphonia downgrade
Re: Hands On: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Is More Of The Glorious, Unhinged Same
@BodkinDQ exactly. Atlus being atlus. This is why I am holding on persona 3 on ps5
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's SNES Library With Three More Titles
Rtype is actually excellent. Finally some good additions!!! Wrecking 98 surprised me, I am liking it and I did not even know it existed
Re: Poll: So, Will You Be Getting Mario vs. Donkey Kong For Switch?
@NintendoByNature its nintendo. You know it will not happen
Re: Talking Point: Do You Want To See Colourful Cartridges Return For 'Switch 2'?
Will they taste pippa or ***** again 💀😂
Re: Talking Point: Do You Want To See Colourful Cartridges Return For 'Switch 2'?
They are so small to be irrelevant but I would like it.
Re: Reminder: The New Xenoblade Chronicles 3 amiibo Are Out This Week
Super hard to find this time. They look lovely
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Metroid
I really don’t like in general 8bit covers. They feel too old in an unpleasant way. Probably mario3 is the only modern vintage cover.
Master system covers were especially ugly even then
Re: Feature: 13 Best-Looking Switch Games Of 2023
Never likes 2d3d graphics… star oceans included.
Metroid is incredible. I hope the remake prime 2.
Re: Exclusive: 'Inkulinati' Finally Inks In A 2024 Release Window On Switch
@NintendoWife compralo!!
Re: Exclusive: 'Inkulinati' Finally Inks In A 2024 Release Window On Switch
Best name ever. Period.
I will buy just for this reason, I am a simple Italian.