Comments 1,403

Re: Switch 2 Filings Show Support For Wi-Fi 6


I mostly play in docked mode and use a wired connection. Wifi is not my priority. I just wonder which Bluetooth version the Switch 2 is going to get, because connecting my wireless headphones to the OG Switch is a nightmare! I have three different brands of headphones and earbuds. Every time I try to connect one of them, it's hit or miss.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (8th March)


Working this weekend. But a few minutes of Majong and Stitch is helping me to relax.

Am I the only one who gets slightly annoyed by people listing half a dozen (and more) games that they say they are playing each and every weekend? Are there really so many people that aren't working, have no other responsibilities or other hobbies? Are they really playing that many games at any given moment? Or maybe it's just me being a bit annoyed by the fact that I don't have more free time than I'd like...

Re: Talking Point: Why An LCD Screen Isn't The End Of The World For Switch 2


I mostly play my OG Switch in docked mode, on an OLED TV. For the rare moments that I play in handheld mode, the LCD display quality is not much of an issue.

Buuuut. Considering the larger display of the S2, I might be tempted to play it in handheld mode a bit more. For that reason I am a bit disappointed about the S2's LCD display. Still, current gen LCD display quality is a lot better than 8 years ago. I won't be bothered that much I think.

Re: Ubisoft Reportedly Discussing Buyout Options As Talks Of Going Private Continue


If the Guillemot family is seemingly willing, to sell their company, then why would it matter to them who buys Ubisoft and what will happen to it? Let them take the money and just shove off. Feels weird to say it but I'd actually prefer Tencent to outright buy Ubisoft. I don't think that a Chinese company will succumb to the woke idiocy that is gripping the games industry at the moment.

Re: Talking Point: Where The Heck Are Those Metroid Prime 2 And 3 Remasters?


Before the release of Prime Remastered, the rumor was that the whole trilogy would be re-released, but that only the first game would be remastered, not the second and third. A while back I read that Prime remastered didn't sell gangbusters, but still reasonably well. Maybe enough for Nintendo to consider holding of on the regular Prime 2 and 3 re-releases, in order to remaster them anyway? If they did, it would give them a little bit more time to perfect Prime 4. Just some spitballing here.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (12th October)


Playing nothing. In the middle of packing my suitcase to leave town for a couple of weeks. And I can't take my Switch with me due to a battery/power delivery malfunction I'll have it fixed, but not now. I'll take my 3DS with me but I now regret not having bought more games before the closure of the 3DS eShop.

Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Soundtrack Now Available, But Only In Japan


I've lived through the 90's and early 2000's and know how to rip cd's. It's just that I don't want to anymore. Why would I go through the hassle of buying a cd/dvd drive (for single use only) and this overly expensive collector edition OST in order to rip the music and never to use cd's again? Yeah, sure, resell value, but again a hassle. I just want to buy the music, not the hassle.

Re: Hideki Kamiya Still Wants To Make Okami 2 And Viewtiful Joe 3


The exact same for me! About three quarters of the way through the game, but it's been about 4 years or so... To be honest, the story isn't that amazing, except for the folklore and cultural details. There is just way to much useless dialog! But I do want to finish it too. I'll probably start a new game, just to get the full experience. Because, let's be honest, this game is beautiful, is a joy to play and is an absolute trip. I'd love a sequel or even a remake of Okamiden in the style of Okami.

Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Costs $60 On Switch


By far most gamers think that Nintendo's pricing for remasters isn't "fair". But Nintendo knows that we are willing to fork out the cash anyway... As for me, I'll wait for DKC Returns and Luigi's Mansion 2 to go on offer in one of those very occasional Nintendo "ever green IP" 30% off sales. So in at least a year from now.