At this year's Anime Expo, Spike Chunsoft announced Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid for the Nintendo Switch will be coming to North America and Europe next month on 6th August 2024. It is developed by TOYBOX Inc. and Millennium Kitchen Co.,Ltd.
This follows the game's Japanese release on the Switch in July last year. The local release will be released "exclusively" as a digital download for the Switch eShop, with a demo also set to be made available on 30th July 2024.
Satoru, the son of a circus ringmaster, just arrived in a seaside town surrounded by nature. Enjoy a special summer in rural Japan, where you'll meet many people and have amazing experiences. In the game's open world environment go to various locations without loading times or screen changes. Swim in the sea, climb up the mountain, take a train to the neighboring town... Immerse yourself in this seamless world as you go on your adventure. Have fun interacting with both the people who live in the town and your fellow circus troupe members. As you spend your summer days in town, you will even be asked to direct the circus. A heartwarming summer vacation adventure awaits you.

As part of this local announcement, Spike Chunsoft showed off a trailer (above) and also shared some messages from the creators:
Here are some screenshots, courtesy of the PR:
Excited about this one? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 34
I absolutely adored the last Shin-Chan game, it was magical. I am not sure if this will be quite as absurd, but if it has the same warmth and charm, I will be all over this.
Didn't expect this game to come outside of Japan and even less so this relatively soon, love to see it for those who would've missed it otherwise and even myself as it will be much easier for me to eventually get it this way!
I absolutely love the artstyle. I’ll definitely try the demo, and if the gameplay clicks with me, I may well pick this up.
This game somehow reminds me of Attack of the Friday Monsters. I know it’s different, but I just get a simple playful vibe. I look forward to playing the demo.
@dugan same author
No physical release = No buy.
The Japanese version have physical release, why don't for USA / PAL version?
No more excuse genre like Boku no Natsu Yasumi cannot be appeal for Western audiences.
I'm sure some of Western audiences have interest with genre like Boku no Natsu Yasumi.
@Anti-Matter physical releases don't make sense for a lot of games because they're not gonna make the cost of printing. downloadable games make sense in the current environment
I enjoyed the atmosphere of Attack of the Friday Monsters, wish more games captured that warm, nostalgic feeling.
Hopefully Millennium Kitchen have only improved their craft since. I look forward to the demo
Physical release games and movies are more make sense for me than digital only stuffs.
@Anti-Matter I pretty much only buy physical carts for my Switch. I pretty much only buy digital titles if they are on sale at Steam. I see this is available on Steam right now, the sale price is only USD$36 ($44 with DLC) so I'm gonna just wait until it is under USD$10.
@tanaka2687 They already released this on PC, and the English translation is already coming to PC. This is a case of the publisher "double-dipping" and looking for max profits. Surely they could take a hit of 5 bucks or so to make a certain amount of physical games, or is that going to hurt their profits too much? And if gamers buy only digital, then this turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e., physical releases are going to go extinct.
I remember when this one was on a JP version of a Direct and my family thought this looked great. Looking forward to trying the demo.
I don't play Steam games.
I don't care the cheaper price from digital games on Steam.
Console games in physical release are matter for me than cheap digital games.
Super excited. I loved the shin-chan summer vacation one. But isn’t the follow up shin-chan in coal town vacation game coming out about the same time as Natsu-mon in the west? Two games from the same basic series competing…
@Ooyah the follow-up shin-chan is supposed to be getting western release soon, too! I thought this summer!
My kinda game! Loved Attack of the Friday Monsters and the Shin Chan one was great too.
I'll be getting this one. I really like the countryside in Japan; it's very comfortable with gorgeous scenery and interesting places to visit. I always pick up games that use this setting because they really do a great job at capturing this feeling.
Anything by Millennium Kitchen is always welcome! Defintiely gonna get this!
Loving what I'm seeing. Great setting. Wish it looked more like an anime but the art style is good too.
I feel like the title should be: Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Boy.
@dugan Oh man, Attack of the Friday Monsters looks great. I wish they would port it to Switch now so I could try it.
@SilverM Thank you for that information! I’d forgotten that, but now I know!
@jorel262 yes, I loved it on 3ds. First because it was a good game with good story, second because it was like no other game I played on 3ds. Sad that eshop closed, but I hope for you it gets ported.
It's like that Shin-chan game without Shin-chan, I love it!
I'm so glad it's getting an English release.
I tried the Shin-Chan game and, eh...I think these types of games aren't for me...kinda like with Animal Crossing, it just gets boring after a while.
I think I'm also used to the Funimation localization of the anime and the name changes/differences and stuff was putting me off as well. Shin himself shouldn't be THIS tame. xp
I was really surprised to hear a song in the second end of the trailer that I KNEW was definitely from FLCL. Seeing “The Pillows” in the notes at the end of the trailer solidified it. That was a nice blast from the past. I’ll have to give the demo of this a shot.
Attack of the Friday Monsters was my first thought as well!
Are we getting a physical release for this?
Looks great. And the open world no loading times is the future. I’m getting the demo for sure and I bet I get the game.
This looks like fun, I'll definitely try the demo to see if this is my kind of game.
This looks very wholesome. I will consider picking this up.
Wait 40 bucks ouch. Maybe not right away. I was thinking more like $20
At this point, this man has created a niche genre of its own: the JCS (Japanese Childhood Simulator).
This looks like a really relaxing game. But unlike the usual "cozy" monikered games. Also glad that there will be a demo. Nice!!
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