@Bobb @NintendoByNature No, you can see the woods east of the volcano, above the castle in the image. The woods are still there, the map has been expanded to include a volcano to the west of the woods.
@Qwertyninty I don't think it does either. It just like another Metroid Prime. Which is fine, but I was hoping for a little more.
As far as the looks go. Meh, I'd say Uncharted 4 looks better than this easily, and that's an 8 year old game. The Switch just doesn't handle these types of visuals very well. So when people say it looks ''stunning'', yeah no, it looks like a Metroid Prime for Switch.
@GalaxicGlobe There have been rumours of upcoming Mario sets, and it's just more of the same, but with updated figures. The 3D World train will be in there though.
@JaxonH Splatoon 3 single player was basically already Octo Expansion 2 in terms how it worked. So it's good to see them trying something new, and it works surprisingly well with the Splatoon gameplay. I bet we'll see elements carry over to the Splatoon 4 single player game if they continue like this.
@Lofoten I think another boss or two would've been perfect to change things up every run, but I feel like that the choice of weapons and upgrades you get with each run can really change the way how you play. Yes, levels repeat, but it's also never the same, and they're quick. And at the same time I still find levels I haven't seen before, which is good.
@the_beaver I understand. I just find it weird that the 2D platformer genre is the only one where people feel the need to differentiate the pixel/flat sprites from the 3D models. Especially because it doesn't even affect the gameplay at all.
Like, even within RPGs you could specify top-down or 3D, and that would change how the game feels and plays, but it's not even in the name. People don't say 3D-RPGs and 2D-RPGs.
@the_beaver Honestly the distinction is really stupid. Even Dread is 2D. You move in a 2D plane that's what matters, I don't understand why it's so important to differentiate between 3D models and 2D art that it needs to be in the name. And it's not like a "2.5D" game plays different from a game with 2D art. On top of that, half a dimension doesn't make any sense.
@epicgamner These leaks are always pretty accurate. Sometimes stuff gets delayed by a month or two for whatever reason, but fat chance it's coming in September.
The game crashed multiple times when I played it. Looking back I wonder how many of those moments were glitches like this. I always I assumed it was just the game randomly failing.
@EaglyPurahfan Nah, it's 3>4>1>2 for me as well. 3 is still the best in terms of machnics, also I liked the boss fights more than the reused stuff that was in 4. A lot of 4 was recycled from older games. The game does a lot of cool things, but some of the mechanics like auto focus, and automated stop when throwing Pikmin make it a little frustrating at times. I also don't need so many side quests and RPG light elements in a Pikmin game.
Pikmin 3 also has the best multiplayer/co-op. It's a little disappointing they couldn't continue that in 4.
@Kidfried Yeah, the fact that it's not a simple dairy ad, but an attack on dairy alternatives is just sad. I don't see the fun in belittling people who try to change their behaviour for the collective interest. Selflessness isn't valued anymore, but maybe it never was.
@blockfight You can do whatever you want, but promoting the dairy industry, which is a huge contributor to greenhouse gases, is very questionable if you ask me. Especially when we should be doing way more to reduce the consumption of dairy and promote environmentally friendly alternatives. Not to mention that the mass production of milk often comes with a lot of animal abuse. And it's the large-scale industry that is paying for ads like these.
Also, this isn't about do's and don'ts. I enjoy some cheese from time to time, but I think it's very good for people to realise where it comes from, the industry behind it, and what it does to the environment. I've personally subbed all my milk/yoghurt products for plant-based alternatives, and reduced by cheese consumption. There are great alternatives available these days. Vegan cheese doesn't do it for me, but I can live with a little bit less.
FYI, Monolith has two studios, one located in Nintendo's HQ in Kyoto, this is the one that works on Nintendo's games. And the other one is located in Tokyo, the studio that works on Xenoblade. Not that it really matters, both are studios owned by Nintendo, but the former will be more in direct communication with Nintendo than their other branch no doubt.
But it's weird saying ''they'' also worked on Xenoblade, when it was the Tokyo studio that handled those games. They are really just two separate studios, but they share the same name which makes it confusing. No doubt some people worked on both games, but the Kyoto studio is just a support studio that works on all kinds of Nintendo IP.
I'm more annoyed by the fact that they didn't stick to the books for the visual design. It's clear they went and copied the films, which is fine, but at least get the rights to make it look like the films and not some amateur rip-off because they didn't want to put up with the licensing issues. Then just stick to the books.
@NorwegianMate Judging games on a price per hour isn't a good measure IMO. A game like Tetris can provide countless hours of play, but I don't think anyone agrees it should be $70, or even $60. Meanwhile, a short linear action-heavy story driven game will be a lot more expensive to produce, but it may only last a few hours, should that game be cheaper than a game like Tetris? BOTW, like other open world games, has a ton of fluff and repetition to fill out the world. There's a lot of copy-paste content regardless of how you look at it. A great amount of time will be spent just mindlessly walking from A to B.
This is so pointless. It's maddening people get excited over this.
If I'm paying for something, I want actual substance. But the way this is folded into Nintendo's little pyramid DLC scheme means you cannot avoid it if you only want the second wave. Yuck.
@tonygruff I mean they are. Why not give people the option of buying them separately, like any other company would do? Because then nobody would buy this one, as it's simply not worth it. It's just pointless padding and fluff to attempt to justify a higher price for the DLC. I don't need this, so I see the second wave as $25, as that's the only one I'm interested in.
Even the DLC looked kinda bland. The new Paradox Pokemon are just handed out like raid battles. That's just as boring as the mystery gift stuff from a few generations ago. Why can't there be a unique quest? Integrate them into the DLC at least. This feels so lame for what should be a cool announcement.
I guess they're bringing back the battle tower with the second DLC, but of course, you have to get both DLC packs, and it's more than half the price of the base game. A game that still plays like a hot mess. I'm not going to buy this DLC.
@blindsquarel These ''ideas'' get heavily adjusted by official LEGO designers anyway, so it's more a proof of concept than anything else. Sometimes the final product looks quite a lot like the original concept, if it was good, other times the only resemblance is the concept.
Either way, these licensed ideas have a incredibly low chance of succeeding anyway, especially Nintendo stuff.
@Joeynator3000 It was never going to be as big as Pokémon GO, because it isn't Pokémon. It also doesn't need to be Pokémon GO. This game doesn't require much involvement, and that's great. You maybe put it on when you're going on a walk, or you don't open the app all day, and you're still making some kind of progress. The best thing is that you don't need to be glued to your screen all day, unlike GO.
@daveMcFlave Not really. That's also saying that if a developer releases enough broken games with poor performance, it is what you should expect, and therefore you shouldn't judge their games based on the poor performance.
If a game is too easy, that's perfectly fair criticism, just as when a game is too hard, or when it doesn't offer any difficulty options. Even though it may be the thing it is well known for.
@Axecon Eh, it's fair criticism. HLTB has the game pegged at 6.5 hours, which is rather short for a full-priced game. People complain all the time about play length when a $20 indie game is only 2 hours. DK Tropical Freeze is about twice as long, so 2D platformer isn't the excuse.
The game also doesn't offer much of a challenge, which is fair, but then I'd rather see other things to keep me engaged. Games like Epic Yarn and Rainbow Curse had interesting visuals (that didn't really affect gameplay unfortunately), but this one is visually also pretty standard.
It's a short and easy platformer, that doesn't do anything special. I think some criticism is perfectly fair. If it's worth $60 to you, more power to you! I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone though.
@Coalescence I'd argue it's more recognisable than sets like Hyrule Castle or Kakariko village, which drastically change in appearance from game to game anyway. The Deku Tree is at least consistently recognisable as it's a giant tree with a face. It also makes for a better showpiece than just another building IMO. If they're only doing one set, like Horizon, it better stand well on its own.
@Joeynator3000 As long as they keep the time limit in the caves as well. That ruined 2 for me. It just felt like a completely different game when playing through the caves, and it felt like your were in the caves 80% of the game; boring floating platforms in an endless void. No thanks.
@Henmii Physical yes, they are often around €10 cheaper (at least in EU). But the digital price for BOTW was €70 on Switch. Maybe it was 60 on Wii U, I don't remember.
@datamonkey @Ade117 No, BOTW was €70 in Europe, and so is this game. Their other games are €60. The price hike for Zelda isn't new in Europe, they already did it with BOTW.
@Browny I doubt it. 8+ is just too many. Pikmin 3 did the right thing by focusing on 5. So I would like to see the same. Keep the others for side content.
@RareFan I don't like time limits in games either, but in Pikmin it makes sense. And it adds to the experience. I wouldn't want it without it. They are quite lenient though, but they all have a time limit for every day, and 1 and 3 also had a day limit, but I never lost because of that. You get plenty of time, way more than you need to.
@sForzan Nostalgia bait, people will buy it anyway.
I doubt the single player is included, because it's quite outdated compared to 3's. Maps can't be exclusive anyway, because they're not going to split the player base. Same with gear. I don't really see the point TBH.
@Ralizah BOTW was also €70 over here, even though their other games were/are €60. So in a way it has been a thing in Europe since 2017. I was expecting the same thing anyway.
@GogGogGogGog I think the base storage is still 300 (though I believe they upgraded that to 350 maybe). However, you can "buy" upgrades with coins you earn from planting flowers. Early game you don't need more than 300 Pikmin, there were only like 100 types of decor anyway. At the moment it's a little under 300 I think. But I have upgraded storage to 600 something. It's just another way to motivate you to keep walking (and planting flowers).
@Perryg92 Not all people working at LEGO are aware of every set in development.
But it's good to keep in mind that it's just a WIP, not something they can confirm is coming out, so it may never see the light of day. But it's very plausible, and cool if it will become an actual product.
Comments 2,899
Re: Review: Frogun Encore (Switch) - A Sure-Footed 3D Platforming Throwback
The first one had horrendous controls. If this is similar it's a hard pass for me.
Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Overworld Sure Looks Familiar, But Is It?
@Bobb @NintendoByNature No, you can see the woods east of the volcano, above the castle in the image. The woods are still there, the map has been expanded to include a volcano to the west of the woods.
Re: Gallery: Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Is Looking Absolutely Stunning On Switch
@Qwertyninty I don't think it does either. It just like another Metroid Prime. Which is fine, but I was hoping for a little more.
As far as the looks go. Meh, I'd say Uncharted 4 looks better than this easily, and that's an 8 year old game. The Switch just doesn't handle these types of visuals very well. So when people say it looks ''stunning'', yeah no, it looks like a Metroid Prime for Switch.
Re: Super Mario LEGO Announcement Teased Ahead Of Mario Day 2024
@GalaxicGlobe There have been rumours of upcoming Mario sets, and it's just more of the same, but with updated figures. The 3D World train will be in there though.
Re: Pokémon Presents February 2024: Every Announcement, Full Livestream
@Hoshiko Let's be honest, it will be early 2025, just before the fiscal year ends.
Re: Review: Splatoon 3: Side Order - An Addictive Roguelite Just Shy Of Excellence
@JaxonH Splatoon 3 single player was basically already Octo Expansion 2 in terms how it worked. So it's good to see them trying something new, and it works surprisingly well with the Splatoon gameplay. I bet we'll see elements carry over to the Splatoon 4 single player game if they continue like this.
Re: Review: Splatoon 3: Side Order - An Addictive Roguelite Just Shy Of Excellence
@Lofoten I think another boss or two would've been perfect to change things up every run, but I feel like that the choice of weapons and upgrades you get with each run can really change the way how you play. Yes, levels repeat, but it's also never the same, and they're quick. And at the same time I still find levels I haven't seen before, which is good.
Re: Hand-Drawn Adventure 'Bo: Path Of The Teal Lotus' Launches On Switch This July
@the_beaver I understand. I just find it weird that the 2D platformer genre is the only one where people feel the need to differentiate the pixel/flat sprites from the 3D models. Especially because it doesn't even affect the gameplay at all.
Like, even within RPGs you could specify top-down or 3D, and that would change how the game feels and plays, but it's not even in the name. People don't say 3D-RPGs and 2D-RPGs.
Re: 2.5D Metroidvania 'Bo: Path Of The Teal Lotus' Launches On Switch This July
@the_beaver Honestly the distinction is really stupid. Even Dread is 2D. You move in a 2D plane that's what matters, I don't understand why it's so important to differentiate between 3D models and 2D art that it needs to be in the name. And it's not like a "2.5D" game plays different from a game with 2D art. On top of that, half a dimension doesn't make any sense.
But yeah, this is definitely 2D.
Re: Random: Super Mario Sunshine's Mysterious Language Has Been Translated
It's not a language. Call it text, or a cipher, but it's nothing more than that.
Re: LEGO Zelda 'Deku Tree' Set Rumours Resurface Online
@Waluigi451 $300. If this was a non-licensed set it would've been $200-250.
Re: LEGO Zelda 'Deku Tree' Set Rumours Resurface Online
@epicgamner These leaks are always pretty accurate. Sometimes stuff gets delayed by a month or two for whatever reason, but fat chance it's coming in September.
Re: Nintendo Dev On Using Anatomy Studies To Create Metroid Dread's Amiibo
@-wc- LMAO exactly.
Re: Pokémon Scarlet And Violet Trainers Reportedly Encounter New Game Crash In Version 2.0.1 Update
The game crashed multiple times when I played it. Looking back I wonder how many of those moments were glitches like this. I always I assumed it was just the game randomly failing.
Re: Where To Pre-Order Mario vs. Donkey Kong On Switch
@EaglyBird They would have had to put more effort in the box art than the game itself if you want it to look any better.
Re: Best Pikmin Games
@EaglyPurahfan Nah, it's 3>4>1>2 for me as well. 3 is still the best in terms of machnics, also I liked the boss fights more than the reused stuff that was in 4. A lot of 4 was recycled from older games. The game does a lot of cool things, but some of the mechanics like auto focus, and automated stop when throwing Pikmin make it a little frustrating at times. I also don't need so many side quests and RPG light elements in a Pikmin game.
Pikmin 3 also has the best multiplayer/co-op. It's a little disappointing they couldn't continue that in 4.
Re: Rumour: Aubrey Plaza Is Supposedly "Top Choice" For Sonic The Hedgehog 3's Villain
@Kidfried Yeah, the fact that it's not a simple dairy ad, but an attack on dairy alternatives is just sad. I don't see the fun in belittling people who try to change their behaviour for the collective interest. Selflessness isn't valued anymore, but maybe it never was.
Re: Rumour: Aubrey Plaza Is Supposedly "Top Choice" For Sonic The Hedgehog 3's Villain
@blockfight You can do whatever you want, but promoting the dairy industry, which is a huge contributor to greenhouse gases, is very questionable if you ask me. Especially when we should be doing way more to reduce the consumption of dairy and promote environmentally friendly alternatives. Not to mention that the mass production of milk often comes with a lot of animal abuse. And it's the large-scale industry that is paying for ads like these.
Also, this isn't about do's and don'ts. I enjoy some cheese from time to time, but I think it's very good for people to realise where it comes from, the industry behind it, and what it does to the environment. I've personally subbed all my milk/yoghurt products for plant-based alternatives, and reduced by cheese consumption. There are great alternatives available these days. Vegan cheese doesn't do it for me, but I can live with a little bit less.
Re: Rumour: Aubrey Plaza Is Supposedly "Top Choice" For Sonic The Hedgehog 3's Villain
The same person that sold out to the agro-industry and is promoting the consumption of dairy products over plant-based alternatives? Screw her.
Re: Yes, Monolith Soft Really Did Help Out With Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
FYI, Monolith has two studios, one located in Nintendo's HQ in Kyoto, this is the one that works on Nintendo's games. And the other one is located in Tokyo, the studio that works on Xenoblade. Not that it really matters, both are studios owned by Nintendo, but the former will be more in direct communication with Nintendo than their other branch no doubt.
But it's weird saying ''they'' also worked on Xenoblade, when it was the Tokyo studio that handled those games. They are really just two separate studios, but they share the same name which makes it confusing. No doubt some people worked on both games, but the Kyoto studio is just a support studio that works on all kinds of Nintendo IP.
Re: Hands On: The Lord Of The Rings: Gollum Plays Like Small Taters
It looks hideous.
I'm more annoyed by the fact that they didn't stick to the books for the visual design. It's clear they went and copied the films, which is fine, but at least get the rights to make it look like the films and not some amateur rip-off because they didn't want to put up with the licensing issues. Then just stick to the books.
Re: Frogun Encore Leaps Onto Switch This Summer With More N64-Inspired Platforming
Controls were awful in the first game. Big skip.
Re: Bowser Defends $70 Zelda Pricing, Nintendo Still "Very Bullish" About Switch
@NorwegianMate Judging games on a price per hour isn't a good measure IMO. A game like Tetris can provide countless hours of play, but I don't think anyone agrees it should be $70, or even $60. Meanwhile, a short linear action-heavy story driven game will be a lot more expensive to produce, but it may only last a few hours, should that game be cheaper than a game like Tetris? BOTW, like other open world games, has a ton of fluff and repetition to fill out the world. There's a lot of copy-paste content regardless of how you look at it. A great amount of time will be spent just mindlessly walking from A to B.
Re: Bowser Defends $70 Zelda Pricing, Nintendo Still "Very Bullish" About Switch
@Matl LMAO you're assuming the DLC will be only $20. It will be $30 minimum.
Re: Donkey Kong And Bowser Castle Will Join The LEGO Mario Universe This Summer
@TheBigBlue I wasn't really a leak. It was part of an official survey by LEGO to gauge interest in certain themes.
Re: Random: Brand New Cockroach Species Has Been Named After A Pokémon
@Munchlax Just for the sake of accuracy, that's not really true. SHH mutations cause holoprosencephaly, not ''Sonic Hedgehog disease''.
Re: Video: Splatoon 3's Inkopolis Side-By-Side Graphics Comparison (Switch & Wii U)
This is so pointless. It's maddening people get excited over this.
If I'm paying for something, I want actual substance. But the way this is folded into Nintendo's little pyramid DLC scheme means you cannot avoid it if you only want the second wave. Yuck.
Re: Video: Splatoon 3 DLC Wave 1 Is All Style And No Substance
@tonygruff I mean they are. Why not give people the option of buying them separately, like any other company would do? Because then nobody would buy this one, as it's simply not worth it. It's just pointless padding and fluff to attempt to justify a higher price for the DLC. I don't need this, so I see the second wave as $25, as that's the only one I'm interested in.
Re: Poll: What Did You Think Of The February 2023 Pokémon Presents, Then?
Even the DLC looked kinda bland. The new Paradox Pokemon are just handed out like raid battles. That's just as boring as the mystery gift stuff from a few generations ago. Why can't there be a unique quest? Integrate them into the DLC at least. This feels so lame for what should be a cool announcement.
I guess they're bringing back the battle tower with the second DLC, but of course, you have to get both DLC packs, and it's more than half the price of the base game. A game that still plays like a hot mess. I'm not going to buy this DLC.
Re: This Donkey Kong 'LEGO Ideas' Project Is Halfway To An Expert Review
@blindsquarel That's not the point.
Re: This Donkey Kong 'LEGO Ideas' Project Is Halfway To An Expert Review
@blindsquarel These ''ideas'' get heavily adjusted by official LEGO designers anyway, so it's more a proof of concept than anything else. Sometimes the final product looks quite a lot like the original concept, if it was good, other times the only resemblance is the concept.
Either way, these licensed ideas have a incredibly low chance of succeeding anyway, especially Nintendo stuff.
Re: Pikmin Bloom Sprouts Clover Decor In Upcoming St. Patrick's Day Event
@Joeynator3000 It was never going to be as big as Pokémon GO, because it isn't Pokémon. It also doesn't need to be Pokémon GO. This game doesn't require much involvement, and that's great. You maybe put it on when you're going on a walk, or you don't open the app all day, and you're still making some kind of progress. The best thing is that you don't need to be glued to your screen all day, unlike GO.
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe
@daveMcFlave Not really. That's also saying that if a developer releases enough broken games with poor performance, it is what you should expect, and therefore you shouldn't judge their games based on the poor performance.
If a game is too easy, that's perfectly fair criticism, just as when a game is too hard, or when it doesn't offer any difficulty options. Even though it may be the thing it is well known for.
Re: Brand New Pokémon Animated Short 'Journey Of Dreams' Comes To China Next Week
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe
@Axecon Eh, it's fair criticism. HLTB has the game pegged at 6.5 hours, which is rather short for a full-priced game. People complain all the time about play length when a $20 indie game is only 2 hours. DK Tropical Freeze is about twice as long, so 2D platformer isn't the excuse.
The game also doesn't offer much of a challenge, which is fair, but then I'd rather see other things to keep me engaged. Games like Epic Yarn and Rainbow Curse had interesting visuals (that didn't really affect gameplay unfortunately), but this one is visually also pretty standard.
It's a short and easy platformer, that doesn't do anything special. I think some criticism is perfectly fair. If it's worth $60 to you, more power to you! I definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone though.
Re: The First Review For Kirby's Return To Dream Land Deluxe Is Now In
Famitsu gave Nintendogs a 40/40. Fifa 12 got a 39/40. They also gave Skyward sword a 40/40. Pokemon SV got a 38/40.
Metroid Prime? 33/40
I'm not saying they're wrong. But they are wrong.
Re: Lego Issues Copyright Strikes On Legend Of Zelda Deku Tree Set Videos
@Coalescence I'd argue it's more recognisable than sets like Hyrule Castle or Kakariko village, which drastically change in appearance from game to game anyway. The Deku Tree is at least consistently recognisable as it's a giant tree with a face. It also makes for a better showpiece than just another building IMO. If they're only doing one set, like Horizon, it better stand well on its own.
Re: Gallery: Here's Another Look At Pikmin 4, Out On Nintendo Switch This July
@Joeynator3000 As long as they keep the time limit in the caves as well. That ruined 2 for me. It just felt like a completely different game when playing through the caves, and it felt like your were in the caves 80% of the game; boring floating platforms in an endless void. No thanks.
Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Apparently Has The Biggest File Size Of Any First-Party Switch Release
@Henmii Physical yes, they are often around €10 cheaper (at least in EU). But the digital price for BOTW was €70 on Switch. Maybe it was 60 on Wii U, I don't remember.
Re: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Apparently Has The Biggest File Size Of Any First-Party Switch Release
@datamonkey @Ade117 No, BOTW was €70 in Europe, and so is this game. Their other games are €60. The price hike for Zelda isn't new in Europe, they already did it with BOTW.
Re: Pikmin 4 Sprouts July Release Date In New Trailer
@Browny They are on the extended artwork. The picture is cropped for the box art.
Re: Pikmin 4 Sprouts July Release Date In New Trailer
@Browny I doubt it. 8+ is just too many. Pikmin 3 did the right thing by focusing on 5. So I would like to see the same. Keep the others for side content.
Re: Pikmin 4 Sprouts July Release Date In New Trailer
@RareFan I don't like time limits in games either, but in Pikmin it makes sense. And it adds to the experience. I wouldn't want it without it. They are quite lenient though, but they all have a time limit for every day, and 1 and 3 also had a day limit, but I never lost because of that. You get plenty of time, way more than you need to.
Re: Pikmin 4 Sprouts July Release Date In New Trailer
@neonpizza I think they said "from the Pikmin's perspective", i.e. close to the ground, not as in first person.
Re: Splatoon 3 Expansion Pass Inks Its Way Onto Switch From Spring 2023
@sForzan Nostalgia bait, people will buy it anyway.
I doubt the single player is included, because it's quite outdated compared to 3's. Maps can't be exclusive anyway, because they're not going to split the player base. Same with gear. I don't really see the point TBH.
Re: Nintendo: $70 USD Won't Be A Trend, Games Priced On "Case-By-Case Basis"
@Ralizah BOTW was also €70 over here, even though their other games were/are €60. So in a way it has been a thing in Europe since 2017. I was expecting the same thing anyway.
Re: Bayonetta 3 Has Sold Over 1 Million Units Since Launch
@uptownsoul No, it's pretty niche.
Re: Pikmin Bloom Celebrates Valentine's Day With 'Present Sticker' Gold Seedlings
@GogGogGogGog I think the base storage is still 300 (though I believe they upgraded that to 350 maybe). However, you can "buy" upgrades with coins you earn from planting flowers. Early game you don't need more than 300 Pikmin, there were only like 100 types of decor anyway. At the moment it's a little under 300 I think. But I have upgraded storage to 600 something. It's just another way to motivate you to keep walking (and planting flowers).
It's no different from Pokémon GO really.
Re: Pikmin Bloom Celebrates Valentine's Day With 'Present Sticker' Gold Seedlings
@GogGogGogGog 2000 Pikmin? Why do you want to keep so many around lol?
Re: Rumour: LEGO Zelda Set Supposedly In The Works After Deku Tree Spotted In Recent Survey
@Perryg92 Not all people working at LEGO are aware of every set in development.
But it's good to keep in mind that it's just a WIP, not something they can confirm is coming out, so it may never see the light of day. But it's very plausible, and cool if it will become an actual product.