Comments 1,176

Re: Nintendo Direct Showcase Confirmed For Tomorrow


I hope to see a bunch of stuff I never knew I wanted before, but also, I'm hoping for SNES/N64/Gameboy Remix, Kid Icarus, a new Digi Drive, Light Trax, Sound Voyager, Gameboy emulator, Mario Maker 3, a 3d Mario Maker, ARMS 2, Mario & Luigi ports or a sequel, Super Mario Bros. 5, they could even start selling Brain Age in the US. And I miss Miiverse, so I hope they bring that back somehow.

Re: Random: Wii U Emulation On Valve's Steam Deck Supports Gyro Controls


@Rykdrew But why stop there? If you're willing to pirate Switch games, might as well pirate Elden Ring, God of War, etc. People act like Nintendo is so special because they have roms, but, pirating Elden Ring isn't more difficult or morally questionable. Just seems like a weird way to do things, like either pirate or don't, which platform it's on shouldn't make any difference.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Metal Gear: Ghost Babel


had to go with Japan on this, Ghost Babel makes so much sense. People who have played Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation (and who hasn't?) wouldn't want to play a downgraded port and reading the US and EU boxart as just "Metal Gear Solid" "only for Gameboy Color" it sounds like that's all it is. Putting Ghost Babel on the cover, that indicates that it's a sequel, which it is.

Re: Nintendo Is Apparently Not Involved In The New Switch DRM Initiative


I don't understand all the deflection and acting like it's just fine, saying that it's not stealing even if it's a newly released game. I've played emulators and roms, pirated all sorts of stuff, piracy is great. I stole that software because I wanted to get it for free and I hate spending money. You shouldn't need to justify every action as being some holier than thou crusade against the big corporate bad guys robbing everyone blind like bandits. People just get curious and download things because there's very little retribution from such crimes. No reason to make excuses.

Game exists, you want game, you download game. That's it. It's not that complicated.

Re: Nintendo Treehouse: Live Presentation Set For This Thursday


@Rykdrew $60 includes the price of the single player + online battles. The multiplayer is the draw for a lot of people, but the single player in these games has always been quite a lot of fun also, with a lot of levels, collectibles, bosses, and lore. Any DLC would be in addition to what's already there.

Re: Digimon Survive Is Getting Review Bombed On Metacritic


@RubyCarbuncle No definitely not. I sit there with a controller in my hand looking to twiddle my thumbs, some timing games, action, puzzle, rpgs with very little dialogue, even strategy is okay once in a while but I draw the line when it comes to games with mountains of text they expect me to read. I don't really care how good the writting is, that's a boring game in my opinion. I get that there's people who like this genre, but, people who don't shouldn't be silenced and labelled as "review bombing" for expressing our opinion. If a game gets such mixed reviews, it deserves it for making such polarizing content.

Re: Random: People Are Getting Pretty Worried About Splatoon 3


@Kazman2007 There is always "a new story based single player campaign", they're great a lot of fun; 2 even had it's own DLC campaign in addition to the story based single player campaign already part of the game. You just need to find the old man near the sewer drain on the main overworld map. There's actually loads of lore you can discover and the platforming and gunplay is fun, the enemies are fun to kill, worlds are super imaginative, and it's just good fast paced action arcade gameplay you'd expect from Nintendo.

But people talk about the online multiplayer because it's great fun playing with other people in 4v4s, and there's no such thing as unlocking everything and beating all the levels. With good human competition, the game never needs to end. And by the time you finish the single player content, you'll be a pro at the guns and controls and such and have a leg up on your competition. Not that it's even necessary, because the single player content is actually quite good and worth it on it's own. This game's first trailer mentioned the return of the mammalians so that should be quite an interesting story.

Re: Nintendo Switch Sports Version 1.2.0 Is Now Live, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


I'm so angry, I can't believe they updated the game. I've only been having fun playing it since I got it, but now realize that I actually wasn't. I want to remove all of the fun I had and be forced to wait until they finish work on Badminton, a game I'll never play, because apparently the game isn't enjoyable until then. Like I really want to just sit here bored for months rather than play what's in my opinion one of the best games on the system as-is.

Re: Bayonetta 3 Trailer Confirms Launch For This October


@RushDawg No, I don't think the game of the year should go to Elden Ring, I played it for a few hours and got bored. It's okay, maybe really great if you can stick with it but not really anything all that special as far as I'm concerned. Switch Sports however, I play that game every day since it came out, gotta unlock all the new costumes, emojis, titles, clothes, etc. every week. Still way too fun in online multiplayer, it never gets old. If that was it, and this was December 31st I'd have to give it to Switch Sports.

However, I was in a couple betas and an alpha for MultiVersus, which is set to come out soon, and that's what should be a lock for GOTY. Plus it's free to play, available on all systems but Nintendo, cross-play, and with a ton of characters along with proper voice actors that fans can't get anywhere else. Made by the Mortal Kombat team, the fighting is fantastic, and it's main focus being 2v2 so it's even better than Smash Bros. And with the promise of regularly adding new characters and WBs enormous catalog of franchises, it's sure to be a big hit.

Re: Ubisoft Closing Online Services For Three Wii U Titles This September


@Travisemo007 Yes you were mistaken. Miiverse is gone, online is still there. I just played Splatoon last week and got into a few ranked matches, and it only took maybe a minute to get 8 players; I played a little Mario Maker as well and played a few Expert 100 Mario Challenges. They got rid of uploading for that game, but, you can still play the millions of levels people have made prior to that.

Re: Reggie: Nintendo's Transition From Switch Will Be A "Significant Challenge"


I don't care what they call it as long as it's something original. I mean I'll pick it up no matter what, but I think naming it Switch 2 or Switch U or 3Switch is a terrible idea. I already have a Switch, why do I need another one? It makes it sound old, like a system that already came out and rather than make a new system, it's just an upgrade.

Like the NES 2, that's just a remodel of the NES. A Wii 2 sounds like the name of the Wii Mini, an N64 2 just sounds very dated. Nintendo doesn't just make one system after another with minimal upgrades like Sony or Microsoft, so for Nintendo to just name it a Switch 2 it sounds like they just ran out of ideas and this is literally practically the same thing as what we all already own. And if you're a Nintendo produced or indie game fan, more power isn't an attractive offer, since games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros or Splatoon, they all run great on the Switch, same with most indies, and it has a very fast OS as it is.

That's why I think they'll include a robot or do something weird that sets it apart. I've been hoping that with that 3D technology they invested in, maybe they could make a good VR display out of that. Then they could sell us all the old games again, with working in VR as the new gimmick to sell it again. ARMS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe +, Splatoon, Switch Sports, Fitness Boxing, Ring Fit Adventure, those games would all be worth buying again to play in VR.

Re: Best Nintendo Switch Football Games


Switch Sports Soccer is the best Soccer game there is, on Switch or not. Online 4 v 4 is fantastic, the rollback netcode makes the game never laggy. The controls are great, and only going to get better when they add the leg strap update, and unlike some sports, games are quick, never boring and with only 4 players per team and a stamina bar, it's easy to find a position your team needs. I never really cared for team based games because I thought it was weird to be controlling a whole team at once, changing players constantly, but controlling 1 player with a team of 3 against 4 other players is the kind of game I always wanted to play. I mean Rocket League has that, and it's fun for a while, but 8 way movement beats forward and back any day.

Re: Best Nintendo Switch Sports Games


That's just how bowling is, in real life or not. Some people know how to get strikes. You can't make a bowling game where it's not possible to get strikes, it's not like golf where there's varying wind or player interactivity like soccer or tennis, a game of bowling should be the same on the first frame as it is on the last. There's no element of chance involved in bowling, it's all skill, so if you've got the skills and know how it's done, you should be able to do it 100% of the time.

Seems like a problem that's plagued bowling games since the invention of the genre. I guess you could bowl outside with a wind meter or force you to use random weighted balls to add a little bit of RNG but it's not very realistic.

Re: Best Nintendo Switch Sports Games


@Rykdrew Why don't you just play offline then? The lag-fest on Sports Club online wasn't any better (if you could find an opponent), and the Wii games didn't even have online. It would have been better if they had more options than just the 1 vs 30, but it's still far as I can tell the best Bowling game on the console.

Re: Best Nintendo Switch Sports Games


Switch Sports is the only sports game I need, and if you're looking for a game that plays Tennis like Wii Sports, there is no alternative. Mario Tennis is just disappointing if that's what you're looking for. And the Bowling is better and faster than Clubhouse Games 2, and these have rollback netcode, so it's a million times better than Sports Club's laggy experience, or the offline games. As good as the CPU is, it's never going to be comparable to playing real opponents, and the weekly costumes, titles, emojis, etc. make it hard to stop playing. I'm kind of surprised it's not listed here.

Re: Reminder: Mario Strikers: Battle League 'First Kick' Demo Event Starts This Weekend


I wish I could get excited for this, but I'm more than satisfied with the Soccer in Switch Sports. I just hit A rank, and it's still just as fun as the first time I played it. This might be a fine game, but if I'm in the mood for soccer, I'm not going to want to play anything but Switch Sports. It kind of reminds me of Mario Tennis on Switch, I picked it up on launch day, looked forward to it for awhile and played it for a while, but all these special moves and gimmicky weirdness just made me want to give up playing it. And then Switch Sports came out and I finally got a great tennis game, and because it's so good, I have no desire to play anything else.

Maybe if they waited a couple years to release Mario Strikers I could have possibly gotten the chance to get tired of Switch Sports by then, but the game just came out, they haven't even put out the leg-strap Soccer patch or Golf in yet. This seems like bad timing.

Re: The Aya Neo Air Is An OLED-Packing Handheld That Can Run Cyberpunk 2077 And GTA V


I'm sure there's patents preventing it but, if a company really wants to put up a good fight against Nintendo, they'd release a system that comes with a dock, 2 detachable controllers, and a kickstand. As cool as one of these looks, I just know my hands would get tired after a while and I'd want to take the controllers off and set the screen on a table or a desk or something. And I can't help but worry about what happens if there's drift or like my PS4 controller the L trigger makes it think the left analog stick is pointing up. On the PS4 or Switch I can just toss the bad controller out and use another one, it's a bit more complicated when the controllers are attached to the system itself.

Re: Video: Just What Is The Best Super Mario Game Of All Time?


Mario Maker 2 and behind that Mario Maker 1. Those games are way better than the other Mario games. I mean the other games are great, but once they're done they're done, you can keep playing them over again but you're really not seeing much of anything new. I can play Mario Maker 2 or 1 every day for years since launch and still constantly be surprised and amazed by never before seen levels by the greatest creators in the world, those other games just can't really compete with that.

Re: Antonblast Looks Like The Wario Land Successor We've Been Begging For


@Paraka Whether Nintendo puts out an old Wario Ware game that a lot of people have already played or they put out something new, it really makes no difference. They won't be the same game as this. Shake it is old, I want to play something I haven't played before, and I'd pick up any new Wario Land games but they won't play like this, and they'll likely cost 3 times as much. And those are finite games, you get to the end and that's it, there's nothing wrong with having more games like that to play because you won't be playing Wario Land forever.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 14th)


The same thing I play every day, Switch Sports Soccer and Volleyball. I just unlocked the squirrel costume and just learned that you can move around in Volleyball so that's been a ton of fun. I ran into Matt playing 1v1 Soccer the other day, but he beat me, so I'm going to have to try that again if I want to record the win.