Comments 860

Re: Talking Point: Should Nintendo Create An Apple Arcade-Style Service For Smartphones?


I think the odd game or 2 each year on mobile is not an issue. I don’t and have never seen mobile games as proper gaming but every now and again a dip into a Nintendo game is fine for those want to.
I think my personal concern would be that it may take away from Nintendo’s core support and if it makes them mega money then they potentially might lose focus if the Switch.
For me the Switch is a console that should now run for many years as PlayStation and Xbox series X has. It’s the console that just suites everything Nintendo and I would never want them to lose sight of what a gem they have on their hands for decades to come.
An Apple style arcade sub though? I’d rather the sorted the switch online sub first before flogging us another under par service,

Re: Random: Switch Fans React To EA's Partnership With Google Stadia


Let’s face it - Stadia having these games wont make a bit of difference to how it sells. Switch will keep selling without some of these titles. Stadia is a lame duck and they are struggling to shift it even for free!! EA will be getting a mega payment for this so that’s why they are doing it but who is going to go out and buy a Stadia just to play these games? Donald Trump might be the only one as he is a bit thick.

Re: Review: Totally Reliable Delivery Service - Return To Sender


If you want crazy taxi get snakeybus - snake and crazy taxi together! Am loving that game!
I also tried the demo of this game and it was awful. Literally one of the worst games I have ever played. I’m not sure why they push games like this out. Maybe just hoping idiots will buy it regardless.
Ah.... people still buy there we have it.

Re: Nintendo Switch 10.0.0 Firmware Update Supposedly "Adds Preliminary Support For A New Hardware Model"


@yuwarite If it were to be no more powerful what would be the point? Surely the reason to introduce a more powerful model is to help porters to make the ports easier. Nobody is expecting it to be as powerful as next gen or anything like but just that ports can continue as they are now. We fully expect and accept a loss in some performance and graphical areas but a pro needs to be an upgrade not just a re hash. Of course this is only a rumour but of it true it would be a very naive and potentially fatal mistake from Nintendo. It wouldn’t be the first time that the made such a mistake - great success with the Wii, could have built on it but went and committed and epic fail. If they manage to cock up the Switch’s future it will be madness. Commercial suicide.

Re: Port Specialist Virtuos Ready To Help Bring Next-Gen PlayStation And Xbox Titles To Nintendo Switch


I think that it’s good and positive to hear a developer talking in this way. To port next gen to switch would be near impossible though - I totally expect a drop in certain areas of quality but from next gen to switch would perhaps be a little too much.
Whilst ever XBSX and PS5 games still come to the current gen, there will be plenty of games of a high quality coming to Nintendo Switch for at least 12 months, maybe even 18 months.
Both Microsoft and Sony have pretty much said they love having a strong Nintendo around at the top of their game. Having all parties performing well drives quality and competition is good.
Because Nintendo aren’t really taking on the other 2 they can sit in their own niche and Switch has given them the perfect way to do that successfully.
A new switch will need to come - it will need to be more powerful without being too expensive and must have backward compatibility with the current Switch.
I expect they will release this around holiday 2021 or maybe even 2022. Nintendo shouldn’t worry too much about the next gen but jut also guard against complacency.

Re: UK Charts: Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sales Fall By 81% In Disappointing Week For Nintendo


The title of the article is a bit apocalyptic isn’t it? A disappointing week for Nintendo? It dropped 2 places in the middle of the worst health crisis in a generation! Hardly a disappointment! An overachievement considering the Switch is all but sold out across the world. The majority of Switch owners have probably got the game already so if you can’t buy a new switch you can’t buy the game!!
Disappointing week my ar3e

Re: Talking Point: Jargon-Heavy Xbox Series X And PS5 Reveals Vindicate Nintendo's Approach


@johnvboy Nintendo don’t need to compete directly. Both MS and Sony have both said they love Nintendo’s machine - they know it will be second console for many and the fact you can play titles on the go will sell. It still is selling.
All Nintendo need to do is keep things going, upgrade in the next year or so and still have the capability to run quality games. Nintendo will then keep winning their own race and be fine alongside the other two.
Switch was a turning point for Nintendo. They have found the market they needed after the U failure and now just need to keep it going and embrace it.

Re: Talking Point: Jargon-Heavy Xbox Series X And PS5 Reveals Vindicate Nintendo's Approach


@TheNewButler People May change but the same games will be on both machines mostly except for the exclusives. Price will both be the same I suspect and with backward compatibility - X box’s looks to make sense whilst Sony’s sounds a bit of a mess and uncertain - being a big thing many will stick with the machine where they can keep their old games. As I said earlier, Financial Times are hard right now and people, unless they are well off just don’t have the type of disposable income they had before.

Re: Talking Point: Jargon-Heavy Xbox Series X And PS5 Reveals Vindicate Nintendo's Approach


Price will heavily influence the next generation. £500 is not going to be in many people’s budgets. Look at the current global situation. The economy is in trouble so this will be a slow burner. Also what is the main reason to upgrade this year? New games? That mainly will still release for a year on the current generation of consoles?
Just raw power isn’t justification to spend over £500.
As for the so called ‘reveals’ boy did they kill the hype train.

Re: Talking Point: Has Coronavirus Finally Put E3 Out Of Its Misery?


Honestly the reaction to Corona Virus is so over the top and the media are just not helping.
What are we going to do in the UK when winter comes and the flu starts that is much more dangerous than covid-19???
Shutting down countries is ridiculously over the top.
As for E3 it’s time was up anyway. Outdated and best left to history.

Re: Super Mario And Levi's Join Forces For A Mushroom Kingdom Clothing Collaboration


It will be interesting to see how these new partnerships with Levi’s and Lego increase revenue for the big N. It could turn out, along with Nintendo World etc to be a very shrew way of getting extra income to put into its video gaming arm.
I think people often forget that Nintendo, compared to Sony and Microsoft have nothing to really fall back on. Sony and MS can have a bad console cycle and it not impact them massively - Sony has music, tv’s etc. MS it’s other computer stuff - multi billion pound businesses that absorb any losses.
Nintendo needed to get savvy and maybe now they have found a unique way to keep up.