Comments 860

Re: This Powerful Portable Console Has Us Dreaming Of A Nintendo Switch Pro


A Switch Pro will be with us in March 2021 - announced January 2021 I think. Better screen with talk being of oled’s being used. Also 4K output from a new dock is likely. Price probably not much more that it is now - OLED’s are cheap but work well.
Nintendo doesn’t need to be as powerful as next gen adnd if it wants to go down that route it will need a new home console and it simply is not going to abandon the Switch model anytime soon - you have to be realistically be looking at ten years plus for Switch and propably more as the OG model isn’t even 4 years old yet.
A Pro will just allow ports to continue as they do now but the Switch will still do fine without all of the third parties porting games over. 3rd party games just do not sell that well on Nintendo consoles anymore. You can bury your heard in the sand on that but it has been the case for a long time. Indies, retro, 1st party IP and the occasional AAA 3rd party game will keep Switch selling for many years. But I do think the PRO will offer a decent upgrade on the current model although backward compatibility will be a must.

Re: Nintendo Switch Achieves Its Best October Sales To Date In The US


@Razer A Pro Switch is an inevitability. March 2021 with a January unveiling. The PRO might not even be a new console and might be an upgraded dock with 4K TV output. It will be interesting to see how this plays out but Nintendo Switch will be around for many years to come. We are only coming up to its fourth year and any revision will be backwards compatible so you are looking at another 8 years of Switch at least.

Re: Nintendo Of America President Doug Bowser Congratulates Xbox On The Series X|S Launch


I just cannot see ANY reason to buy an X Box Series X/S right now. Game Pass may be great but to shell out £450 to play games you can already play on your last gen console doesn’t make any sense at all. The cost of expanding storage for the s makes that become around the same price as the series X although S will sell to those that want a cheap way in. In time they will of course be great but right now I think it would make more sense to buy a top gaming PC rather than spending money on something that on launch day doesn’t offer that much new. After all, gaming is about the games and whilst a huge back catalogue is fine, new games and new experiences are what deliver and on day one, for me, X Box does neither.

Re: Poll: Which Will Be Your Second Console - PS5 Or Xbox Series X?


I am sticking with just owning a Nintendo Switch. Firstly from a financial perspective, lockdown has hit the pocket hard so buying a new piece of kit really isn’t a realistic option nor one that I can justify.
X box series X - Whilst the x box game pass does hold appeal, I am certainly not going to shell out money for a console that has zero launch day games! That is just sheer madness full stop.
X Box series S sounds a good entry into next gen at a great price BUT that price is a bit of a fib! You will be able to store 4 or 5 games at max on the on board memory. To make the most of the console you will need to expand and thats going to cost you at least another £220. You may as well buy the X. Also, digital only means if you ever sell, you will not be able to sell any games. Brand new products such as cars and consoles drop in price the moment they live the shop or forecourt. A series S retails at £250. Once you unbox it and use it once, no one in their ight mond will give you £200 for it. £150 if your lucky. Sell on value is important if you are going to upgrade down the road.
If I do decide to take the plunge eventually, it would be for a ps5 but again, there is little to make me want one now anyway. You can pick up a second hand PS4 Pro now for £150. I would be more tempted to buy that now and wait for the ps5 to come down in price in around 18 months time.

Ulitmately though I will be waiting for the Swithc Pro which will likely be announced in January 2021. Sure Nintendo are staying tight lipped but it is coming and it will here in March 2021. What will be interesting is whether we see an upgraded handheld unit and dock together with much more grunt, or whether we maybe see a Switch Home. An upgraded dock that outputs 4K and Switch itself continues as it is....or maybe a bit of both.
Either way, Switch Pro will be my next console. If I buy another console it will depend on price and whether the jump is really worth it. Right now neither XBSX/S or PS5 appeal enough or have shown enough to make me think they deserve to be a day one purchase.

Re: UK Charts: Animal Crossing Retakes Second, But Pikmin 3 Sees Disappointing Drop


There are a few factors at play here. Firstly the lack of marketing. Today is the first real piece of marketing I have seen with the game reviews included - great to see Switch Player Magazine in there!- and that looks like Nintendo are now trying to get it out there more.
Another issue, as many have already mentioned is the fact that £50 for a 7 year old game is never going to go down well with consumers unless the game is extra special. Personally, I love the game but £50 was steep. Nintendo though don’t do cheap or mass sales with big discounts because they always want to protect their IP’s. If you go into a GAME store or Gamestop etc depending on your geographical location and look at the PS or XB second hand games, you can pick up AAA games for £20-£25. Look at Zelda BOTW for example and even second hand it still sells for £45!
Timing also isn’t great. Nintendo fans will pick games like this up no matter what in the majority of situations but many gamers are currently saving cash for the next gen consoles. With the global pandemic making money tight for all, money on 7 year old remakes isnt high on priorty lists.
Yet still Nintendo rules the charts so they won’t be losing much if any sleep over this but it is disappointing nonetheless.