Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin : This weird hybrid of side scrolling action RPG and farming simulator has really hooked me lately, even though I find the dungeon controls are not really up to today's standards with weird input lags and a generally wonky responsiveness. Also, man, is growing rice hard!
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth: Just the usual weekend ritual of playing an ace attorney game. Probably gonna last us a few good years with the pace we are going at it.
As for Nontendo games, finally got to Code Veronica X in our RE campaign. Definitely ups the ante from the other classic entries in every way possible and I personally find that a good if sometimes frustrating thing.
I know a lot of people wanted something unique and quirky again since this is Nintendo, but I for one am super happy. The Switch is the best console ever made and it is not even close. But its age has definitely started showing with the power of its hardware. Solution? Just make a more powerful one! And that's it. Really no reason to fix what's not broken in the first place. This is exactly what I have hoped would happen.
I'd also like to point out that this is what the other console companies have been doing for decades now. When was the last time Sony or MS really innovated on their home consoles? They just put stronger hardware in, pack it in some different plastic houses and in MS's case come up with some funky new name. If they can get away with it, why not Nintendo?
Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin: Had the craving for a nice farming game and actually found the recommendation here on NL. Was not disappointed! A great, chill game to play before bed.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: I have reached the 130 hours mark and the game is finally starting to get good... kinda? Still way too much unnecessary grind for my tastes though.
Sonic Generations: Completed the game in like 6 hours, trying to squeeze out some more content by going for all red stars and chaos before moving on to the main attraction, that is, Shadow Generations.
I already have some games from this list and not really going to bother with the others. Did buy Another Code: Recollection though, as it is discounted for the first time ever this sale.
Still trudging through Xenoblade Chronicles 2. After 60 hours invested, unfortunately I do have to say it is a huge downgrade from XC:DE. The lack of any and all possible QoL can be somewhat understood as it actually predates the DE of the first title, but I also dislike many of the overall design decisions that happened. Like all the mistakes of XC1 have been magnified while little to nothing has been improved. Also not a gacha fan, so they didn't really win me over with that either. As for the story and characters, I'll have to judge after I have finished the game.
Another game I'm playing about 15 minutes every weekend is Ace Attorney Investigations, which is another letdown after previous awesome entries in the same series. This is especially true to the character models in the dialogues. Whatever happened to the artists who worked on the previous remakes?!
Overall however, I am having fun with both titles and will definitely beat them both, even if they will take a lot of time.
This might be The Movie that I will actually go in the cinema for in 2024 instead of waiting for a streaming release. I just hope they will keep at least a fraction of the darkness that SA2 had in the story instead of going full on american humour like the first two movies.
I really want them to remake '06 and Shadow the Hedgehog. Both games had incredible potential, but lacked any and all polish. Also with the furry population at an all time high, Sonic X Elise is going to get the exact opposite reception it did originally I'm sure.
I really appreciate that the JP cover tributes its SA2 roots, so I am going with that one. Also makes the game look more like a sequel rather than a remaster with a dlc tacked on, which, while misleading, is just a better overall design decision imho.
Probably eventually since it seems to be hyped to heaven and back, but for now I don't really feel the need to.
While Xenogears and XC1: DE are among two of my favourite games ever, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is already shaping to be a major letdown for me (playing through that entry rn), so my expectations of the Xenoblade series have diminished a lot.
The reason I think the boobslider removal is stupid because it just reinforces this whole unnecessary fetishization head space around certain body parts that should just be perfectly normal and accepted by now imho.
I say that as having no chips in the game, I hate all self insert games equally. One of the main reasons I play JRPGs instead of western ones is actually because I get fleshed out characters instead of having to make one that will act dumb and out of place all the time.
The fact that I have to make a custom character is a way bigger turnoff for me than any customization option removal could be.
I'm very on the fence about this. The Shadow episode looks really good but the original was pretty disappointing to me in terms of difficulty, making epic boss fights trivial, thus actually taking away from the nostalgia factor instead of letting me relive the memories. I'll really have to wait for a review, especially if there are difficulty levels or if the Shadow episode is actually any challenge.
@nessisonett I guess you can play it like I usually play Resident Evil games, playing both the originals and the remakes in release order, but I'm sure 90% of the players wouldn't bother with that. (Even though Mark Hamill is awesome as Majima in the original)
So yeah, the devs certainly put new players in an awkward situation where they will either miss all the awesome references in 0 or will miss all the Nishiki backstory in Kiwami and all the Majima backstory in Kiwami 2.
The only time in my life I have bought the first edition of a console was the PS3 fat and boy was that a bad decision. Never again. Waiting for a Switch 2 OLED/PRO/SP/New Switch 2 or whatever they are going to come up with.
@steruphan Which is weird since some of their old games, like GrimGrimoire actually ended on a cliffhanger and even one of the galery entries pointed to a sequel. I guess that game didn't do well enough.
Anyways, I will preorder whatever Vanillaware puts out next in a heartbeat, it doesn't even need to be a UO sequel. (I still think Aegis Rim was their best game, to be honest.)
You guys missed my favourite, the 'Switch U' announcement. 'Because the Wii U didn't fail because of bad design decisions, it failed because it didn't have enough screens!'
@KateGray I guess I can consider myself lucky, I have already replayed the whole AA series twice as I completely forgot them for the first time, and now thinking about it, I could probably go for a 3rd, completely blind playthrough as I forgot them again.
My choice would definitely be 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Its story compares to nothing I have ever played before and the plot twists are on a whole other level.
I have mostly been playing either Rogue Trader or Heroes of Might and Magic III on PC lately, but for coffee breaks I still take my Switch out and play Disco Elysium. All three are fantastic games I cannot recommend enough!
I love this game but I was hoping for more skins and music. The current selection is abysmal, instructors have 1 base skin, then 1 alternate skin and the others are just different coloured versions of the alternate skin.
I got Disco Elysium since everyone seems to praise it to high heavens. Otherwise there are just too many of these super short indie games. I don't doubt they are good but it is just too hard to choose one so I often don't buy any.
I will definitely check it out to see what the hype is all about, but so far Mario games have been pretty disappointing for me so definitely not right away and definitely not at full price.
I'm gonna buy it, just because I live in a one room flat and i have no space to take out my super bulky PS3 just to replay these games. I really hope someone is gonna do a Drakengard collection next, after that I might as well sell that system.
My Switch 1 is already a practically digital only system so yes, without a second thought. I have very limited space and digital is just zounds more comfortable than physical.
Switch: Finishing up Bioshock II Remastered (already in Minerva's Den), then hopefully starting up Bayonetta. I have already beaten it on PS3, but I want to show it to my fiancée and also refresh my memory before starting up the sequels.
PC: Some semihistorical strategy games, Europa Universalis I and Civilization VI. I will probably keep playing these two for a very long time.
Android: Dungeons of Dreadrock. It's a cute and funny little puzzle game, but the swipe controls are not at all it unfortunately.
Still playing BotW and MMBN (I am NOT a fast player). Although I think I'm roughly at the end of the story of MMBN and I am pretty sure I could go and beat Ganon right now if I wanted to. But I still have most of the side content in both games.
So glad it is doing well - here's hoping for StarForce Legacy Collection and maybe even some brand new games with this style of gameplay! I'll be honest, I loved these spinoffs much more than the original platformer MegaMan.
@DemonKow Ahh, I am never rushing to finish games, quite the opposite actually - it is not rare for me to play for double the average game time because I stop to smell the roses so much. Not planning on getting all the Koroks though, that really seems like more pain than worth. Another side mission I will skip is the super long gauntlet for the upgraded Master Sword for much the same reason as the Korok collecting.
Comments 82
Re: Nintendo's Lawsuit Win Against Major French Sharehoster Is Now Final
@dew12333 For me if you cannot buy it online anymore, or in retail for the actual MSRP, then it is old enough to be called abandonware.
Re: Nintendo's Lawsuit Win Against Major French Sharehoster Is Now Final
A triumph of greed.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (1st March)
As for Nontendo games, finally got to Code Veronica X in our RE campaign. Definitely ups the ante from the other classic entries in every way possible and I personally find that a good if sometimes frustrating thing.
Re: Reaction: Nintendo Pins Hopes On Familiar Fun With Switch 2
I know a lot of people wanted something unique and quirky again since this is Nintendo, but I for one am super happy.
The Switch is the best console ever made and it is not even close.
But its age has definitely started showing with the power of its hardware.
Solution? Just make a more powerful one!
And that's it. Really no reason to fix what's not broken in the first place.
This is exactly what I have hoped would happen.
I'd also like to point out that this is what the other console companies have been doing for decades now. When was the last time Sony or MS really innovated on their home consoles? They just put stronger hardware in, pack it in some different plastic houses and in MS's case come up with some funky new name.
If they can get away with it, why not Nintendo?
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (11th January)
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (Christmas 2024 Edition)
After watching Sonic the Hedgehog 3, I just HAD TO buy and play Sonic X Shadow Generations! Nice break from the eternal xeno grind, too.
Re: Aspyr's Next Star Wars Remaster Is Now Available To Pre-Order On The eShop
@LikelySatan Yeah I am like 99% sure she was just mashing buttons randomly but hey, if it's stupid and it works then it's not stupid.
Re: Aspyr's Next Star Wars Remaster Is Now Available To Pre-Order On The eShop
I used to play this to death with my grandma, so I'll definitely pick it up!
And we beat it multiple times so uh... skill issue? (she was above 80 and half blind)
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (7th December)
Still slogging through the smartphone entry to the Xeno series (Xenoblade 2). Also planning to play some Ace Attorney Investigations with my fiancée.
On the nontendo front I got sucked into WH40K: Darktide and it's been eating up most of my gaming time lately.
Re: Nintendo Switch Online Services Will End In China In 2026
Every Chinese company has direct links to the government, that's how communism works.
Re: Talking Point: Where The Heck Are Those Metroid Prime 2 And 3 Remasters?
I'm calling it guys:
Prime 2 remastered coming for the Switch 2,
Prime 3 remastered coming for the Switch 3.
Re: As Switch Closes The Gap, Sony Officially Confirms PS2 Has Sold "Over" 160 Million Units
No way the Switch is making it to number 1 now, with the Switch 2 coming in hot.
Re: 62 Switch Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo's Black Friday Sale (Europe)
I already have some games from this list and not really going to bother with the others.
Did buy Another Code: Recollection though, as it is discounted for the first time ever this sale.
Re: Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic Is Making Its Way To Switch Next Month
The Classic collection is the smartphone adaptation of the first two titles using touchscreen controls.
Yeah, the dev was a genius and coded the whole game in assembly so that it could run perfectly even on a toaster.
Re: Here's A Look At Sonic The Hedgehog 3's New Movie Poster
@obijuankanoobie That sounds like an awesome time! Congratulations!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (16th November)
Still trudging through Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
After 60 hours invested, unfortunately I do have to say it is a huge downgrade from XC:DE.
The lack of any and all possible QoL can be somewhat understood as it actually predates the DE of the first title, but I also dislike many of the overall design decisions that happened. Like all the mistakes of XC1 have been magnified while little to nothing has been improved. Also not a gacha fan, so they didn't really win me over with that either.
As for the story and characters, I'll have to judge after I have finished the game.
Another game I'm playing about 15 minutes every weekend is Ace Attorney Investigations, which is another letdown after previous awesome entries in the same series. This is especially true to the character models in the dialogues. Whatever happened to the artists who worked on the previous remakes?!
Overall however, I am having fun with both titles and will definitely beat them both, even if they will take a lot of time.
Re: The Runtime Of Sonic's Third Movie Outing Has Seemingly Been Revealed
This might be The Movie that I will actually go in the cinema for in 2024 instead of waiting for a streaming release.
I just hope they will keep at least a fraction of the darkness that SA2 had in the story instead of going full on american humour like the first two movies.
Re: Sonic Team Producer Says Revivals Of Older Entries Remain Appealing
I really want them to remake '06 and Shadow the Hedgehog.
Both games had incredible potential, but lacked any and all polish.
Also with the furry population at an all time high, Sonic X Elise is going to get the exact opposite reception it did originally I'm sure.
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Sonic X Shadow Generations
I really appreciate that the JP cover tributes its SA2 roots, so I am going with that one. Also makes the game look more like a sequel rather than a remaster with a dlc tacked on, which, while misleading, is just a better overall design decision imho.
Re: Poll: So, Will You Be Getting Xenoblade Chronicles X For Switch?
Probably eventually since it seems to be hyped to heaven and back, but for now I don't really feel the need to.
While Xenogears and XC1: DE are among two of my favourite games ever, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is already shaping to be a major letdown for me (playing through that entry rn), so my expectations of the Xenoblade series have diminished a lot.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X Fans Are Once Again Discussing The Game's 'Censorship'
The reason I think the boobslider removal is stupid because it just reinforces this whole unnecessary fetishization head space around certain body parts that should just be perfectly normal and accepted by now imho.
I say that as having no chips in the game, I hate all self insert games equally. One of the main reasons I play JRPGs instead of western ones is actually because I get fleshed out characters instead of having to make one that will act dumb and out of place all the time.
The fact that I have to make a custom character is a way bigger turnoff for me than any customization option removal could be.
Re: Random: Reddit Is Alight With Reports Of 'Pure Evil' Mario Party Jamboree Player
Waiting for the copycat linguses to pop up now that they have became a celebrity.
Re: Poll: Sonic X Shadow Generations Is Out This Week, Will You Be Getting It?
I'm very on the fence about this. The Shadow episode looks really good but the original was pretty disappointing to me in terms of difficulty, making epic boss fights trivial, thus actually taking away from the nostalgia factor instead of letting me relive the memories. I'll really have to wait for a review, especially if there are difficulty levels or if the Shadow episode is actually any challenge.
Re: Yakuza Kiwami Brings The Dragon Of Dojima To Switch For The First Time
@nessisonett I guess you can play it like I usually play Resident Evil games, playing both the originals and the remakes in release order, but I'm sure 90% of the players wouldn't bother with that. (Even though Mark Hamill is awesome as Majima in the original)
So yeah, the devs certainly put new players in an awkward situation where they will either miss all the awesome references in 0 or will miss all the Nishiki backstory in Kiwami and all the Majima backstory in Kiwami 2.
Re: Yakuza Kiwami Brings The Dragon Of Dojima To Switch For The First Time
@nessisonett Yeah, I never understood the call to start with 0. You are going to miss half the game unless you played the first 5 before that.
Re: Poll: Are You Ready To Move On From The Switch?
The only time in my life I have bought the first edition of a console was the PS3 fat and boy was that a bad decision. Never again. Waiting for a Switch 2 OLED/PRO/SP/New Switch 2 or whatever they are going to come up with.
Re: Review: Fading Afternoon (Switch) - An Ambitious, Absorbing 'Yakuza' In Kunio-kun's Clothing
Getting this for sure.
Re: New Unicorn Overlord Survey Gauges Interest In Sequel
Which is weird since some of their old games, like GrimGrimoire actually ended on a cliffhanger and even one of the galery entries pointed to a sequel. I guess that game didn't do well enough.
Anyways, I will preorder whatever Vanillaware puts out next in a heartbeat, it doesn't even need to be a UO sequel.
(I still think Aegis Rim was their best game, to be honest.)
Re: Round Up: It's April Fools' Day, Here Are The Best Gaming Gags We've Seen (2024)
You guys missed my favourite, the 'Switch U' announcement. 'Because the Wii U didn't fail because of bad design decisions, it failed because it didn't have enough screens!'
Re: Review: Terra Nil (Switch) - Satisfying Climate-Cleansing Strategy, With Some Switch Issues
This game is broken on all platforms I have tried it on, this is not a switch issue, this is a lazy devs issue.
Re: Talking Point: What Game Do You Wish You Could Forget?
I guess I can consider myself lucky, I have already replayed the whole AA series twice as I completely forgot them for the first time, and now thinking about it, I could probably go for a 3rd, completely blind playthrough as I forgot them again.
My choice would definitely be 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. Its story compares to nothing I have ever played before and the plot twists are on a whole other level.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (January 6th)
I have mostly been playing either Rogue Trader or Heroes of Might and Magic III on PC lately, but for coffee breaks I still take my Switch out and play Disco Elysium. All three are fantastic games I cannot recommend enough!
Re: 67 Switch Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo's 2024 New Year Sale (Europe)
Is Skyward Sword worth it even without the amiibo? How frustrating does the lack of fast travel get?
Re: Talking Point: Would You Like To See A Professor Layton Collection On Switch?
I would preorder it no questions asked!
Re: 129 Switch Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo's Cyber Deals Sale (North America)
13 Sentinels absolutely blew me away. I cannot recommend it enough!! Truly one of a kind game, definitely pick it up if you are craving something new.
Re: Fitness Boxing Fist Of The North Star Expansion Pack DLC Announced
I love this game but I was hoping for more skins and music. The current selection is abysmal, instructors have 1 base skin, then 1 alternate skin and the others are just different coloured versions of the alternate skin.
Re: 56 Switch Games You Should Pick Up In Nintendo's Black Friday Sale (Europe)
I got Disco Elysium since everyone seems to praise it to high heavens. Otherwise there are just too many of these super short indie games. I don't doubt they are good but it is just too hard to choose one so I often don't buy any.
Re: Poll: So, Will You Be Getting Super Mario RPG On Switch?
I will definitely check it out to see what the hype is all about, but so far Mario games have been pretty disappointing for me so definitely not right away and definitely not at full price.
Re: Random: This Drink Driving Game Is A Nasty Blemish On The Switch eShop
I mean, it does get the point across that drinking makes driving a lot more difficult and dangerous. Just call it edutainment.
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1
I'm gonna buy it, just because I live in a one room flat and i have no space to take out my super bulky PS3 just to replay these games. I really hope someone is gonna do a Drakengard collection next, after that I might as well sell that system.
Re: Random: Nintendo Gives Princess Peach Some Facial Tweaks In 'Showtime!' Key Art
Even though the new design arguably looks better, I kinda got used to the weird lipstick Peach so now to me it loses something of her character.
Re: Talking Point: Would You Buy A Digital-Only 'Switch 2'?
My Switch 1 is already a practically digital only system so yes, without a second thought. I have very limited space and digital is just zounds more comfortable than physical.
Re: Soapbox: 'Switch 2' Doesn't Really Need Backwards Compatibility
I simply can not find the words to properly and politely describe how much I disagree with this article.
If this is ragebaiting then well done! Otherwise please sit in a corner and think about what you have just unleashed upon this god forsaken world.
Re: Talking Point: What Is Your Video Game Palate Cleanser?
I only have one rule:
After a big game with double digit hours playtime, I always play something light and short to rest myself.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (September 16th)
Switch: Finishing up Bioshock II Remastered (already in Minerva's Den), then hopefully starting up Bayonetta. I have already beaten it on PS3, but I want to show it to my fiancée and also refresh my memory before starting up the sequels.
PC: Some semihistorical strategy games, Europa Universalis I and Civilization VI. I will probably keep playing these two for a very long time.
Android: Dungeons of Dreadrock. It's a cute and funny little puzzle game, but the swipe controls are not at all it unfortunately.
Re: Unity To Charge Developers A Fee Each Time A Game Is Installed Next Year
So I can just bankrupt studios by uninstalling and reinstalling their games over and over again? Don't mind if I do!!
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 6th)
Still playing BotW and MMBN (I am NOT a fast player).
Although I think I'm roughly at the end of the story of MMBN and I am pretty sure I could go and beat Ganon right now if I wanted to. But I still have most of the side content in both games.
Re: Poll: Who's Your Favourite Champion In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild?
Daruk was the only one who touched my heart and genuinely made me shed a tear, but that's probably because I am old.
Re: Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection Surpasses One Million Sales Worldwide
So glad it is doing well - here's hoping for StarForce Legacy Collection and maybe even some brand new games with this style of gameplay! I'll be honest, I loved these spinoffs much more than the original platformer MegaMan.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 22nd)
Ahh, I am never rushing to finish games, quite the opposite actually - it is not rare for me to play for double the average game time because I stop to smell the roses so much. Not planning on getting all the Koroks though, that really seems like more pain than worth. Another side mission I will skip is the super long gauntlet for the upgraded Master Sword for much the same reason as the Korok collecting.