Evil Pauline
Image: Nintendo Life

As we inch ever closer to Halloween, whispers grow of an emerging evil manifesting within the Nintendo Switch online servers. An evil so malicious, so malcontent, that its mere presence is causing the Mario Party subreddit to go wild with unsettling reports. An evil simply known as... 'Annalingus' (cue creepy organ music).

Yes, according to several accounts on Reddit, a player known as Annalingus is causing quite a ruckus on Super Mario Party Jamboree. Supposedly always choosing Pauline, they will commit deeds so gastly that it's sending shivers up our spines as we write this.

We'll let the reports themselves do the talking, but in a nutshell, Annalingus will steal coins from players while sending a taunting 'sorry' reaction, take forever to roll the dice on purpose, specifically target players in last place, and even go so far as to skip a star so they could use a Boo to steal one. Frankly, it's outrageous, egregious, preposterous.

Reddit - Annalingus
Image: brownryce - Reddit

Haunting stuff, indeed. We can only hope that Jamboree players will be able to band together and banish this evil from the world. Or at least steal a few stars for themselves, or something.

In all seriousness, though, it's all good fun at the end of the day. Sure, players can be absolute devils when it comes to Mario Party, but that kind of comes with the territory, doesn't it? Who here hasn't felt a flicker of darkness in their hearts at the satisfaction of stealing a star from a fellow Party player? Just us..? Okay.

Anyway, stay safe on those boards, folks.

What do you make of these unsettling reports emerging on Reddit? Have you encountered Annalingus online? Let us know with a comment.

[source reddit.com]