

Just a Nintendo nerd dad of 3

Comments 180

Re: Feature: These Past 8 Years Have Been A Privilege


The switch has been an amazing time for me. I came in late (bought a switch lite and Skyrim in early 2020). But I had missed a whole decade of gaming up until that point. So the switch was perfect. Incredible new games and tons of ports plus indie titles made it the perfect console for me. I’m honestly not ready to move on, but with backwards compatibility I’m excited for the switch 2.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time For Another Side-Scrolling Zelda Game?


@benmalsky198 I can’t tell if you are joking or not. Almost every Zelda game has had horror elements to it. ALTTP Agahnim killing the king, kidnapping and sacrificing maidens. The dark world. LA literally being a twin peaks inspired nightmare. OOT bottom of the well. Shadow temple. Castle town destroyed and filled with re-deads. TP horror cutscenes. The twilight realm. TOTK gloom hands. Ever mean trees. Shadow Ganon. Horror is a major part of the series.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time For Another Side-Scrolling Zelda Game?


To me EOW is itself a one off. Fun game for a single playthrough but I’ll probably never play it again. Overworld challenges were basically dead once you get a certain few echoes. Dungeons were the very definition of linear. Some of the most brain dead puzzles in the series. And you can just literally echo spam the final boss to death. But most obnoxious to me was the game was so sickeningly sweet. We need some more horror in Zelda games. When the re-deads are “cute” something is wrong with your game. 😅

Re: Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Demo Out Now On eShop


Sound was all over the place. Had to crank it to max to hear. Seems like some sound effects were missing. A few frame rate stutters here and there. I never played the original. It feels and plays like a cozy action platformer. Hope it runs better at launch although a month away I wonder…