Comments 856

Re: The Hardest Games On Nintendo Switch


Because 3D World is on this list, I’m going to ask a question: how do people find Odyssey’s Darker Side so easy? In every list/ranking I’ve seen, people always say Champion’s Road is harder than Darker Side, but Champion’s Road took me only 8 hours (then only 2 on Switch), whereas I’ve played Darker Side for at least 10 hours, and haven’t even reached the halfway point. Am I just really bad at Odyssey, or really good at 3D World?

I do think I’ve mastered the controls of 3D World more than Odyssey though, I’ve beaten the main game multiple times.

Re: Team Rock Wins The Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere


@Not_Soos See, and I my opinion, the Squid Sisters were the worst, because they were boring (and looked the exact same). I personally have liked the idols more in each title. So it’s just a matter of opinion.
Also, why do people pick a team based solely on the idol leading it? I understand why they would in this one, because nobody has an opinion on rock paper or scissors, but if it’s a topic you actually have an opinion on, why would you not choose the one you like more, just because you don’t like Frye?

Re: Nintendo Has Already Started Banning Splatoon 3 Cheaters


@iLikeUrAttitude They aren’t “finding an exploit”, they’re using modified versions of the game, so of course the cheat detectors would think that’s unusual. Pretty sure it’s illegal as well? I don’t know much about law, but it’s definitely against Nintendo’s/Splatoon’s rules.

Re: Hands On: Splatoon 3 Brings New Ideas, But Nothing Revolutionary


@MichaelP It doesn’t have to be “revolutionary”, but it should at least add more features. Splatoon 2 just came out a few years ago and still has a pretty massive player base. This game doesn’t really add that much, it’s just a pay-to-keep-playing Splatoon 2.

@BenAV I don’t disagree with you, but my problem with this game is I’m a decent fan of Splatoon. I only bought 2 (never played 1) in 2021 during the chicken vs. Egg splatfest, but I became a big fan of it after and played it a lot. But now I need to pay $80 to keep playing? As a casual fan who tries not to spend too much money on video games, that sort of sucks. I’m happy for the people who are big fans and will enjoy this game, but from the perspective of a person who likes Splatoon but not enough to buy an update on the same console, all this means to me is I can’t play Splatoon 2 anymore.

Re: Hands On: Splatoon 3 Brings New Ideas, But Nothing Revolutionary


@Rika_Yoshitake Many people, including myself, assumed the reason they released Splatoon 2 so early was just so there was Splatoon on Switch, not so it’s a new game, so yeah, that has to do with Switch. Also if Splatoon 2 was Splatoon 1.5, what is this one? 1.75 or 2? Because if it’s the latter it should add more to the game than 1.5 did, but this game doesn’t appear as though it does.

Re: Feature: Every Pokémon Game Narrative, Ranked From Best To Worst


That article was savagely written…
I don’t necessarily disagree with the order (Sun + Moon should have been higher up but whatever), but Sword + Shield isn’t that bad… Although I forgot the thing about it being a thousand years in the future, that’s a bit strange. Team Yell is also laughably bad, but they were designed to be that way, so it shouldn’t count as a negative. I’ve never forgotten them. Then calling Hop annoying is mean, I didn’t find him annoying at all. So yeah, SW/SH is the worse, but it’s not “lower than F” in my opinion.
Also I just realized XY is second-last but in my opinion it had a decent story. Although, I’m judging that one based on the anime, I never played the game.

Re: Review: Thymesia - Cloud Version - A Soulslike That Shows Some Promise, Just Not On Switch


@larryisaman My reply wasn’t aimed at you specifically (I’m about to go on a rant, and again, this is not aimed at you), I’m just saying I’ve seen a few people on this site (even just in this comment section) complain specifically about how someone could purchase it without realizing it’s a Cloud edition, which isn’t true. People who are saying it’s going to take over the gaming industry (Ratchet916) and there won’t be any more native games (Serpenterror), are also wrong, because so far we’ve only seen games that wouldn’t run on Switch at all natively (once again, KH is an exception). Most people who think Cloud editions are inherently bad seem to me like they have Switch and XBox and/or PS, they have at least two consoles. They assume everyone does even though that’s not true*, and Cloud Editions are a good thing for people who only have Switch and really want to play these games. Even if most games become Cloud editions:
1. It won’t be for another many years, even decades.
2. They will have to increase how long the game will be available for, I’d bet the life span of the console, because they’ll want to be selling the games for many years. My guess would be (if these were all Cloud versions) Splatoon 2 would end around now, BotW would end when BotW2 comes out, 1-2-Switch would end when Nintendo’s next console comes out, games like Kirby and the Forgotten Land would maybe last for a bit longer since they came out later. Still not great, but better than it could be.

Plus, Nintendo said Switch was halfway through its life cycle in Feb2021, which was about 4 years after it came out. So the Switch will probably exist until about Jan2025. The Assassin’s Creed cloud game I mentioned in my last post came out in 2018 and is (I believe) still running, which means most of these cloud games will probably be running until when Nintendo’s next console comes out (coming from a hardcore non-Switch Pro believer). So really the worst part about cloud gaming for casual players is technical problems.

In conclusion, I’m not saying cloud gaming is flawless (mainly the full price at this point), but it’s probably not as bad as people think it is. There hasn’t been any cloud games that have stopped running yet, so no one can truthfully say they’re going to end soon. The technical problems are unfortunate, but not really helpable. Some people would risk it if they wanted to play GotG.

*EDIT: Also, I just checked, and there’s no cloud games on XBox or PS, so calm down, this is literally only so these games can run on Switch. It’s not taking over gaming anytime soon.

Re: Review: Thymesia - Cloud Version - A Soulslike That Shows Some Promise, Just Not On Switch


@larryisaman Something I think a lot of people don’t realize because they don’t go anywhere near cloud versions is the eShop gives you very big warnings before buying a Cloud game. I think if you press buy, before you pay, it tells you exactly how Cloud gaming works, so nobody should buy a Cloud version without knowing how it works. However I agree that them being the same prices is a bit stupid.

@Serpenterror No they don’t? There’s only 8 Cloud games on the eShop by my counting, so they shouldn’t hog your attention too much.

Also, fun fact: did you know Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey was released as a Cloud edition in 2018, but only in Japan? I find that very interesting, because it just became a mainstream thing last year.

Re: Review: Thymesia - Cloud Version - A Soulslike That Shows Some Promise, Just Not On Switch


Am I the only one who doesn’t hate Cloud versions? If they didn’t exist, this game, GotG, Hitman 3, and other games wouldn’t even be on Switch, and the games warn you before buying how Cloud versions work, so you don’t need to buy the game if you don’t want to. But if you only have a Switch, you can at least play these games if you really want to. In some cases (like Hitman 3), it’s actually good. Everyone says they hate Cloud versions because they’re going to be “the end of gaming” and soon all games will be cloud games, but there’s no sign that that’s actually going to happen.

Obviously, Kingdom Hearts is the one exception to all of this.