Updated with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed.
Remember, this is a reader-ranked list based on each game's User Rating in our database, which means it's subject to real-time change, even now. if you've played Wrath of the Mutants, or any other Turtles game below, you can rate it from 1-10 and influence the order. This recently released Switch game doesn't have many ratings at the time of writing, so it's all to play for. Enjoy!
Back in 2022, Dotemu and Tribute Games' excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge fired up our passion for the heroes in a half-shell in a way we haven't felt for a long time, and the release of Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection brought another wave of excitement and nostalgia. Add in Wrath of the Mutants and the upcoming roguelike Mutants Unleashed, and Turtles fans haven't had it so good since the '80s.
With so many TMNT games having come to Nintendo consoles over the years, it's tough to know exactly where to begin, let alone which Ninja Turtle (or Hero Turtle in the UK) to choose once you do settle on a game. So, to help sort through them all, we asked you lovely Nintendo Life readers to rate the Turtles games you have played and help us rank every TMNT game on Nintendo systems — and the result is below.
Remember: the order below is updated in real time according to each game's corresponding User Rating in the Nintendo Life game database. Even as you read this, it's entirely possible to influence the ranking below. If you haven't rated your favourites yet, simply click the 'star' of the game you wish to rate below and assign a score right now.
We've included Konami's aforementioned Cowabunga Collection, which gathers many of the best games in the list below. If you believe compilations shouldn't be included, imagine it's not there and the order for everything else still holds true. We're hoping this list will help you decide which one to play first.
So, ready to eat some delicious pizza in the sewer? Grab your coloured eye mask of choice and let's give the Foot Clan a sound kickin'...
30. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack (DS)
Ubisoft took another swing at the Turtles in this 3D beat 'em up from 2009. Taking inspiration from the 2003 animated series and the OG comics, with monochrome cutscenes that animate the comic art in janky Flash style — which you may even find charming, mileage depending — between freeze frames with dialogue bubbles.
Critics certainly weren't charmed by TMNT: Arcade Attack and it was the last Turtles game Ubisoft put out.
29. TMNT (DS)
This Ubisoft-made game based on the 2007 movie took its cues from Prince of Persia with its acrobatic rooftop platforming, plus the usual "play as any of the Turtles" choice. Released on almost all platforms at the time, the PSP and the DS version were, obviously, significantly downgraded to meet the requirements of the handheld consoles.
This goes for more than just the visuals — the combat is overly simplistic, even for the console, and there are a lot fewer encounters to boot. It's a noticeable step down even for a game that's considered "just okay".
28. Ninja Turtles (3DS)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (also known as just "Ninja Turtles", to avoid confusion with the 2013 3DS game) is an isometric action game based on the Michael Bay-produced 2014 film of the same name. You can play as any one of the four turts, with each one having his own special ability — tank, healer, mage, rogue.
Fun fact: Danny Woodburn, who voiced Splinter in the 2014 reboot, reprised his role in this game.
27. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (3DS)
True to classic TMNT-style gameplay and atmosphere, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an energetic beat 'em up with character upgrades, secondary items and multiple gameplay modes. It tells a Turt-tastic story through cut scenes in the style of the animated TV reboot, and handles the source material with care.
However, with gameplay is often shallow and quickly repetitive, it's another entry that failed to meet the heights of the retro TMNT games.
26. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (DS)
This 2005 Konami take on the TMNT series is based on the 2003 TMNT TV show, which was a little edgier and adult-oriented than the original TV series from the '80s. The "Mutant Nightmare" of the title refers to the last of the game's four chapters, which has the Turtles fighting bosses in their dreams, after defeating all their usual enemies like Shredder and the Foot Clan.
Even if the game isn't perfect, you can at least unlock an altered version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. So that's something!
25. TMNT: Mutant Melee (GCN)
One of many TMNT games inspired by the 2003 TV reboot, Mutant Melee is a Turtley take on the Smash Bros. formula, with 22 playable characters to unlock and pit against each other in "Last Man Standing". There are other modes available to mix it up a little, like "Knock Out", a timed challenge; "King of the Hill", where players can earn points for staying in certain zones for the longest time; and "Keep Away", which works like an Overwatch-style escort mission for an important chest.
It looks fantastic for the time, and it can be fun with friends, but there are better fighting games out there.
24. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze (3DS)
Developed by Shantae studio WayForward, with a soundtrack composed by Jake Kaufman (who would later be the composer for Shovel Knight), this game was designed to cover the gap between seasons two and three of the 2012 TV show, with story elements from both, as well as references to the NES game. It was also one of three 2014 TMNT games!
23. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Wii)
A companion game to the Nintendo 3DS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, this was the second TMNT game to be published by Activision, and the first game to be based on the 2012 Nickelodeon show. As Turtles games go, this is very much lower-tier fare.
22. TMNT (Wii)
This single-player action-adventure game was based on the 2007 CGI movie, and developed by Ubisoft after they gained the rights from Konami. Like the DS and GameCube releases, this game focuses on a darker edgier tone for the Turtle bros, a little more in keeping with the original comics.
21. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus (GBA)
Battle Nexus is a stealth-focused action-platformer which features storylines from season two of the 2003 animated TV series, and includes both solo and four-player local co-op. On Game Boy Advance, it's a very different game to its console equivalents, and features the voice talents of Sam Riegel (Phoenix Wright in the Ace Attorney games, and Donatello in many TMNT incarnations) and Michael Sinterniklaas (Leonardo, and Taki Tachibana in Your Name).
Comments 67
I might personally swap the order of Turtles in Time and Shredder's Revenge, but those were my top 2 also. Great games.
Edit: I just noticed Turtles in Time was rated by far more people than the other games so there may be a bit of an 'I actually played this game' nostalgia bias.
I "shouldn't" be surprised, but I see Turtles in Time came out on top, beating out Shredder's Revenge. That's a shelluva feat!
I've only played the first (non-Arcade) Turtles on NES and Shredder's Revenge, but I'm looking forward to Cowabunga Collection.
So a combination of the Cowabunga Collection and Shredders Revenge means you can play the 9 best rated TMNT on the Switch!
Shredders Revenge should be ahead of Turtles in Time really but it’s not been out as long so there’s a nostalgic factor
I loved playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (NES) with my friend or brother in coop when I was a kid. Beautiful times!
I'm confused, because I have a TMNT GBA game but it's from Konami, not Ubisoft. O_o
I had the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game on my NES back when it was first released. I remember Christian Slater and his “dad” (Beau Bridges) playing the game in the movie “The Wizard” as well, with Beau being excited because he found “the scroll weapon”. 😃
I think it is the only Ninja Turtles game that I have ever played to this day.
@RootsGenoa There were three Turtles games on GBA. Konami made two Turtles games for GBA. Ubisoft got the license later on and made "TMNT".
@FishyS They’re also separated by exactly 0.01…
I’m surprised the GB games are higher up than Smash-Up, Danger of the Ooze, or some the GCN titles. NES and Sega Tournament Fighters are quite unenjoyable for me. The SNES one is perfection though, especially if you have a move list or manual on hand. I’d rate the debut NES game much higher. Thats just me though.
@sdelfin I get it but mine didn't make the list apparently.
The game I'm talking about was released alongside #12 on the NGC I think.
i dont see how the nes tmnt is that low on the list yeah it was quite challenging and brutal at times but over all a good game.
@Big_Fudge theres plenty of garbage games out there but this one is not one of them and you do realize those guys made of flames might be mutants.
@RootsGenoa There's a "popularity contest" element to these lists. Right around the time Shredder's Revenge came out, I played all three of the Turtles games for GBA. I think both of the Konami games are better than Ubisoft's TMNT, and I'd probably pick the first one of my favorite of those. I bet not as many people played it. The Ubisoft one gets a bit of a boost because it was a return to the traditional beat-em-up format, even though I didn't love the execution of it.
The description for TMNT: SMASH-UP should be corrected. The character designs and stages are based off the 2007 TMNT CGI film.
You guys forgot one! There's ANOTHER GBA TMNT game just called TMNT, based on the 2003 show, and it's pretty good!
After playing Shredders Revenge, Turtles in Time still is the Number 1.
Music is much better and beating up Enemies has more oumph to it.
I only wish for an similiar special Attack Meter.
Do not forget, Turtles in Time does count as (one of) the best Beat em ups ever made, thats not made up from Nostalgia only.
‘Shedder’s Revenge is the best Turtles beat ‘em up ever made!’
Comes in second place behind Turtles in Time 🤣
Hey…..wasn’t there another “Best of…” TMNT game list on this website?
Clearly not enough people have played Shredders Revenge. I love Turtles in Time but it’s not even a contest between the two. Shredders Revenge is far superior in every aspect. It may have the best mechanics of any side scrolling beat em up I’ve ever played and for goodness sake it has the original voice cast of the turtles reprise their roles. No matter what way you look at it this is the best turtles game.
Turtles in time wins just with its creativity alone. It was more fun to play in different eras than the generic levels of Shredders Revenge. I mean, where’s the fun in playing in a zoo? 😑
The art style for Shredder’s Revenge is too doughy and rounded; Turtles in Time got it just right. Music for the latter is also better by a mile.
Ah, good to see all of these memories and... ahem... NintendoLife... I might not be remembering the Wii Virtual Console review days clearly, but did you /really/ give the NES TMNT /three/ stars? >.>
@tdub154420 I wholehearted agree. I played Turtles in Time in the arcades back in the day, as well as recently. It was novel for it's time but is relatively shallow as far as beat em ups go. Shredders revenge is a phenomenal upgrade in every aspect. Although I'm not sure SR has the best mechanics of any beat em up ever made, but it is really sweet.
"It'd be a treat to see it running on a Nintendo console again. Until then, we've got our well-loved cart."
Turtles in Time is about to run again on a Nintendo console in less than 5 days, so this description must have come from a previous list lol
@nintendolife Danny Woodburn didn’t voice Splinter in the reboot, he only provided motion capture. Tony Shaloub provided voice work.
The only Nintendo TMNT game I couldn't find on the list is the first GBA game by Konami
Turtles in time is by far the best. I must have played through it at least 50 times and it’s still a blast.
I'd push 3 through 6 back and move Tournament Fighters up to the third spot. There's no way a poorly ported Arcade is better than Tournament Fighters was.

Besides Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) for the GBA (there was even a double pack with its sequel TMNT 2: Battle Nexus), you've forgotten to add Ubisoft 's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Arcade Attack (2009) for the NDS to the list as well.
Fun fact: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II-The Arcade Game” was the first 4-Meg cartridge on the NES 😎.
Am I the only one who thinks the first GameCube TMNT game has much better gameplay than either of its sequels?
The first one is actually pretty good, but man the other two are just a slog to play through, while the unlockable arcade games are the only reason to own either one. I sold both of those games once I acquired the actual NES and SNES ports of the arcade games, but I still kept the first GameCube game.
@Jmjfrank Ah, thanks — I tweaked the line. 👍
@MasterGraveheart Ha, yep. Different reviewers will obviously have different tastes, but every so often I’ll come across a vintage review score that makes me double-take! 😄
@Fiyaball Oof, thanks. I’ll look into this in the morning.
@MasterGraveheart I just went back to read the review you referenced and was shocked to find that the NES game was on the Wii VC. I had wanted to replay this for decades, after it utterly destroyed me as a kid, and for many of those years it was readily available without my knowledge lol. Well at least it's coming back now
So much Turtle love ❤️. Not too bad a track record for licensed games, there’s some real bangers in this list.
@Jmjfrank If I recall, it wasn't on the Wii VC for that long. It was removed from the Virtual Console when certain licensing rights changed hands and also prevented any of the sequels from joining the service.
I enjoyed it in the late 80's, and I am enjoying it today. It certainly has its flaws, but I think its positive attributes outweigh the negatives, especially once one gets the controls and quirks down. A lot of licensed games back then were inaccurate to the source material, but in no way does that make it a bad game.
Now, the game being so challenging might be a reason why some people give it a hard time....
I played it all the time back in the 90's, and I came back with my "nostalgia goggles" off the best I could....and it still holds up. The gameplay it just so remarkably tight, and still razor-sharp even by today's standards. The move set, the pacing, the stage design, the boss patterns. It's still a blast to play. The perfect half-hour video game.
Regardless of the users scores, Mutant Melee is a fun game. (And funny thing is, if I give it a 10/10 rating on this site, it moves it to the 20th place automatically. But I removed the 10/10 since I would actually give it an 8/10 most likely.)
Fans of the classic turtles game should check out rescue palooza on openbor 👍
I've been playing Dimension Shellshock since it became available on the eShop this afternoon. I'm not usually a fan of survival modes but this one is a lot of fun. The feeling of progression with the carried over leveling up is very addictive. The two new characters are great too.
Hoping for a definitive physical version now (unless there's more DLC in the pipeline first).
My main take away is wow there are more ninja turtle games than I was aware of
The list is too nostalgic in a bad way for me. Some classic TMNT games haven't aged that well and shouldn't be on top places. As for Turtles in Time, I love the game but it's second place after Shredder's Revenge. It was superior before the DLC and now the difference is even bigger. Oh well, it's the community's list so there's not much to do about it.
Shredder’s revenge just showed how badly that style of game has aged. The first NES game and game boy games should be higher
@YoshiFR2 an early episode of the 1987 cartoon had the Turtles fighting bebop and rocksteady in a zoo
Forgot to update the copy on Turtles IV! The Cowabunga Collection came out some time ago now.
If "Hyperstone Heist" gets included due to being in the Cowabunga Collection, shouldn't the Genesis version of "Tournament Fighters" also be included?
@roy130390 You're probably right about "Shredder's Revenge" deserving the top spot, but the classic beat 'em ups haven't aged that badly. It's only the Game Boy games and the first NES game that are a few spots higher than they should be due to nostalgia.
Weird to give the boring late stages of Shredder's Revenge a pass by claiming this happens in all beat-em-ups.They tried to stretch the playtime to combat the whining of modern critics and fans ignorant of arcade design- "Why would I pay for a 45 minute game!!/?" and that's on them, not the genre.
(same with SOR4, way too long, but better than late Shredder's Revenge.)
A bit of a butt-pull to have the Cowabunga Collection in the list.
The Cowabunga Collection probably shouldn't be in the list... but it is and it includes Turtles in Time, so how is it not #1?
I am still so happy that Shredder's Revenge exists and hope we get more of it...
NO WAYY that ***** Tmnt Wrath of the mutants is better than the Tmnt 2003 gamecube games.. or even the Gameboy versions
Why is Cowabunga Collection ranked lower than Turtles in Time?!?
It has Turtles in Time on it!
I've played all of these and out of them to me personally Mutant Nightmare and Battle Nexus which i still have for the first Xbox were the worst Turtles games I have ever played.
I’m sorry editors but arguably better than SOR4? What?!
Look, I love me some turtles since I was a young lad but Shredders Revenge while a great game doesn’t hold a candle to the art style, variety, gameplay, level designs and music of Streets of Rage 4.
Shredders revenge was also released with a story mode and not much else, slightly better now but SOR4 has more in that regard to. SOR4 has a vivid comic book hand drawn design, the visuals pop and the music is amazing and the game overall is a clear cut above Shredders Revenge.
Wow there are a lot of TMNT games.
TMNT 2 is surprisingly underrated. I’d honestly say it’s my favorite one, even if I can definitely see the argument for TMNT 3, 4, or Shredder’s Revenge being better. Objectively, Shredder’s Revenge is probably the best of the bunch, even if I think I prefer the older games.
TMNT1 deserves some love too. It’s absolutely brutal, but most games of the early NES were masochistic. At the very least, it’s an entirely memorable experience.
Hades snobbery. Turtles is damn close to that game and the Turtles ip closes the gap completely. Best tmnt game so far. #1
Seems like a solid list, and happy to see Turtles in Time on top. It really is both a great Turtles game and beat 'em up.
Although--and I haven't played it so I'm just speculating here--that Shredder's Revenge really does look really good, and I'm curious what stopped it from taking the top spot.
Also, like some others said, it seems a bit strange to have the Cowabunga Collection in there, and then that it's not top if it also includes Turtles in Time anyway--unless the version in the collection is somehow inferior to the original on SNES.
Overlooking this List again, the DS Games do look interesting.
But i better don't look up the Prices
You know when the turtle franchise is hot trash when the original NES game is number 15 on the list haha
@FishyS i agree. Id also swap 1 and 2 around. I loved both SR and TiT but SR just takes the top spot for me.
Doesn't make much sense to include collections.
Also seems like anytime these lists come out, if the newest game isn't in the top, everybody claims it's because of the "nostalgia factor." Sometimes guys, older games are just better, lol
That's a pretty good list, I think I'd put Fall of the Foot Clan and TMNT II on the NES higher, but other than that it's about right.
Seeing the Collection on position 2 (at the time of writing this comment) seems really odd, seeing as it contains all of the other entries.
Overall it seems that the older games score higher than the newer ones, but I'm glad Shredder's Revenge is up there in the top, where it belongs. It manages to capture the essence of the old beat 'em ups in a modernized jacket.
If the collection is on the list it should be no 1 as it has Turtles in time on it and you know other games too!.
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