Publisher Team17 has announced that it's bringing Thymesia, OverBorder Studio's new action-RPG, to Switch in Cloud Version form alongside the other PC and console versions on 18th August.
The game features Corvus, a masked and mysterious protagonist (who, incidentally, can turn into a raven) battling the forces of evil spilling onto the streets of Hermes, a kingdom on the brink of total ruin by the looks of it.
To help combat these plague-ridden foes, Corvus has "an intricate plague weapon system" which will let you customise your build to match your playstyle, chain combos together, and generally dodge and stab your way to victory in your creepy plague doctor get-up. They don't mention Dark Souls in the official blurb, but those 'unforgiving enemies' and the game's focus on combat and unrelenting bleakness certainly have a Soulsian feel to them.

Check out the launch trailer above to get a better idea of Thymesia's flavour — here's some more details from the official blurb and some press shots:
Weaponising diseases: Seize diseases from enemies and wield them as deadly weapons
Fight Your Way: Upgrade and modify Corvus’ basic movements and plague weapons to devastating effect
A dark and deadly world: With a sinister and gloomy backdrop, Thymesia oozes character through its environments and setting
Unforgiving enemies: Corrupted by the plague, and mutated into monsters, enemies are twisted and incredibly hostile, challenging players at every turn
Of course, the fact that Switch is getting a Cloud Version will be disappointing to some, although given that the game is only coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S — not their last-gen predecessors — it's perhaps unsurprising that this isn't a native Switch port, especially when it's coming day and date with the other versions.
It launches next week on Thursday 18th August for £24.99. We've had both good and bad experiences with cloud versions on Switch, so it'll be interesting to see where Thymesia falls on that spectrum.
Like the look of this? Pleased to see it coming to Switch in any form? Let us know your thoughts below.
Comments 32
Death to cloud versions!
Cloud Version? No Thanks, massive waste of money
@larryisaman Totally agree, I would never buy a cloud version of any game, no matter how good it was.
Having a cloud version of a game on Switch is like having a pizza with no cheese.
Why yes I would love to stream an input heavy game on a system with notoriously poor online. Who keeps buying these…?
I'm just curious, since it's a cloud version, can it potentially look as good as a PS5 game?
@NinjaNicky It's definitely my primary console. There's very few games that appeal to my playstyle on PS5/Xbox, so I do well with a Switch + PC combo
In my opinion if they release a switch game as a cloud version then they don't care about it, so neither do I.
@TommyTendo If your internet is really good.
@BTB20 I think I have 500/500, but the Switch is wireless so it'll probably only get around 50/50
The publisher certainly has their head in the clouds.
@NinjaNicky It's my primary console. I've sold my PS4 and don't have any intention on getting a PS5. I don't have any intention on getting cloud versions either. I'll just skip these games and play Switch exclusives instead. There's plenty not to get bored. I don't have that fear of missing out anymore, like when I was younger
@NinjaNicky Switch is my primary. I skip cloud games or play them on my Series X when they’re dirt cheap.
I have both a Switch and a PS5 but I would say that the Switch is my primary console. I spend much more time playing it than the PS5 and buy more games for it.
If I could truly rent, and not buy, a cloud game for a reasonable price, I'd be a little more on the uptake. It's just not a model that's feasible for me. I know cloud will take over more in the future... I just hope the business practices and expectations will improve by then.
Looks worst than Ultra Age but couldn't even run natively on Switch. Can't believe these dev and publisher would want to tarnished their good name and brand by going the lazy route.
@Daz1380 The only way I’d consider playing a cloud version of a game is if it were priced accordingly. You’re pretty much paying to rent the game, if I could pay say £10 and play for a month I actually wouldn’t mind cloud versions for games that have no chance of running on Switch. I tried Guardians of the Galaxy and it worked really well but there’s no way I’d pay full price for it
@Royalblues "Cloud is coming" the same way "smartphones will soon replace consoles" for twenty years now, "offices will soon be entirely paperless" since the early 1980s and "3D is the future" since the 1960s. It's a technological advance that has many benefits and is gaining a lot of support but also does not suit every situation and never will, at least not until the entire planet is blanketed in fast, 100% reliable Internet access.
That isn't anywhere near the case yet, and it's farther off than many people think. And every single big tech manufacturer knows this, which is why even though they support the idea of the cloud and make things like netbooks and tablets they all also continue to make increasingly powerful PCs and consoles that don't rely on the cloud.
Even Microsoft, a company that is one of the biggest supporters of the cloud concept, is still investing heavily in more powerful XBoxen and devices that put processing power on the users' end. This is not a market that's going to disappear anytime soon.
@NinjaNicky That’s presumptuous… lots of people can only afford one console, and Nintendo’s is probably the one with the most FOMO, so lots of people use Switch as their main console, me included.
@NinjaNicky Switch will be my main console as long as it has the hybrid advantage over the home consoles.
Of course, if you're docked only, I totally understand that mentality.
@TommyTendo honestly if a game is intriguing enough I would but so far none have appealed enough for me. Was thinking of getting Hitman but since I have such a huge backlog anyways I opted out. I def would bought a Physical version regardless tho lol
Looks like a cool game. I'm not going to buy it for obvious reasons, but I hope people with platforms that can play it properly enjoy it.
@Royalblues It's not really about open-mindedness. A cloud game is inherently a rental rather than a purchase, and depends on both your internet connection and their servers to function. If it's the same price as buying it elsewhere, then the cloud version is obviously a worse deal. Any success a cloud game has is further encouragement to make more, so at best you're prolonging an annoying fad and at worst you're hastening a permanent change that's detrimental to the gaming community as a whole.
I'll take "Things I won't be wasting money on" for $500 Alex!
Yeah its that inherent flaw with streaming which is why im not keen on the idea even if it became 1:1, its something that is nice to have as an option but i wouldn't want to see it become the only way to play something.
While digital is far from perfect it does seem like for the most part (outside of things like the ps3 Cbomb thing) that once you buy a game and its on your system then you wont lose access to it, you can often redownload it even when the service is closed (plus going by what happened with P.T, that game was outright scrubbed from the servers yet people could still play it if they had it on their system) again not perfect by any means but theres at least some "safety net"s with digital.
Its the same reason why the NSO games not being able to buy bothers me, i don't really want being able to access an offline/single player game to be something that is dependant on servers or whether or not a game is delisted.
Cloud version, eh? Bet it runs wonderfully just like Kingdom Hearts did...
@TommyTendo Don't count on it. Doesn't matter how good it looks anyway if the framerate tanks and the game becomes unplayable. Kingdom Hearts was an absolute mess on Switch, this will be the same. If you like a game, please do not "buy" a cloud version of it. You'll always end up being disappointed by its performance.
This game seems really cool, and right up my alley, but I will never buy a cloud version of a game if I have the choice. I'm lucky enough to have access to other media, like a Ps5, so on Playstation it would be for me.
Cloud version is an automatic pass.
@Anachronism So is Digital Games but look: The Wii U was the last console with a Real Physical Format, and it died with it. Now everything is digital reliant including Videogames in general. No one really cares that we're renting games now and they never will
Let's put it this way Digital isn't the same as Cloud let's not give misleading statements. Also Cloud requires constant internet or free WiFi that you can access to use otherwise forget Cloud. Also to have Cloud you are sold bill of goods - first off reqire a ISP subscription before you can even connect to the cloud. And in NA ISP aren't cheap nor fast and not everyone has access to Broadband. NA is internet un-equal and cost more then you think to just have internet.
1. ISP required
2. Cloud Account required
3. You Rent you own nothing.
1. ISP required to download game
2. Nintendo account required to own Switch
3. Nintendo account to download DLC or updates or access Nintendo feature and Premiums options
4. If they remove Digital game online once downloaded you still have access to download them unless totally removed.
5. Your not Renting but buying the game - you still don't own but saved to your Console not the Cloud.
So the Cloud has some VERY big disadvantages they won't tell you - why because if they do they would die a thousands code deaths.
1. Still need ISP to get updates.
2. Still need to create a Nintendo account to access features and downloads
3. You Own the physical game and DLC and update are stored to the MicroSd card
4. You can resell/giveaway or donate used games-to get some monetary returns.
5. End of the day Physical is yours and no one else can take that away.
@Arkantos2990 I disagree completely. The difference between a product and a service is that you're not required to have any interaction with the other party as soon as you hand them your money. I could never connect my Switch to the internet again, and I'd still have full access to the vast majority of my library. I could even buy a few backup Switches and microSDs and keep my library alive as long as I am if I wanted to. Whatever server bank this game is on will likely be shut down in less than a decade. I went back a few years ago and spent at least an hour with every GameCube game in my collection, and being able to relive such a significant portion of my childhood was an extremely gratifying experience. It would be a shame if kids today aren't able to do the same.
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