Nintendo cleverly lowered our expectations so that their pitiful lack of effort would look more impressive. But every other company, even EA, had a better showing than Nintendo did. I am very disappointed in how little Nintendo cares.
Nintendo also liked highlighting crappy games, as Paper Mario Color Splash was confirmed to be even more worthless than we all thought, and Mario Party Star Rush looks all set to be the worst Mario Party game ever.
That said, not everything Nintendo showed was terrible. While not my cup of tea, I think that people will enjoy Ever Oasis. At least for North Americans, the surprise release of Rhythm Heaven Megamix was welcome, though I'd prefer Europe's physical version instead of digital only in NA.
Also, that tweet from Nintendo UK hinting at MK8 DLC was just plain mean. I was really looking forward to that too.
For me, the 3DS eShop is decent. Nintendo certainly missed some opportunities (DS / GBA VC on 3DS), but SNES VC on New 3DS pleasantly surprised me, and the 3DS eShop's Game Boy / GBC collection is actually pretty impressive.
The real turd is the Wii U eShop. Talk about a disappointment. I could write an essay on all the ways that the Wii U eShop is a failure, but I think we all know that. We all have our own laundry list of complaints, so I won't waste your time with my list.
Nintendo has their priorities so screwed up that it's almost laughable, but it's mostly sad.
I was SO excited to see the NX. You know, the console that comes out in less than a year and has the potential to save Nintendo and win back lost fans. But no, let's not build hype for the product that will carry us for the next 4-5 years: let's instead focus on a game that was announced in 2013, games that have received tons of Nintendo Direct coverage already, and a few niche JRPGs.
And for those of you who said "I'm hyped beyond words, it'll be amazing" in the poll, I'm jealous. No joke. I wish that I too could be satisfied with next to nothing. Oh well, sucks for me.
@Mr_Zurkon I personally have no idea how well Skylanders is selling. This is just my conjecture, but I think that Skylanders will be gone before the next generation of consoles comes out. All I see anymore are shelves of used Skylanders figures < $5 at Gamestop. And I also agree that Gamestop's used toys to life is interesting. They have decent used sales sometimes (B2G3 figures free for instance)
I honestly want the Toys to Life market to fall off the face of the earth and never return. Especially amiibo. Nintendo somehow has no shame in selling us $13 pieces of plastic that unlock something meaningless in a game that should be free in an update. Or even better, when Nintendo goes all Splatoon on us and locks a ton of content behind a $13 piece of plastic that for a long time was impossible to find. Despicable.
It's going to be hard for me to support Nintendo if they try BS like this in the future.
@Peace-Boy Look at the missions. For every purchase $5-10, that's 10 gold coins. $10-20 is 20 gold coins. You don't have to spend exactly $200 to get DKCR Wii, but it's pretty freakin' close. Do the math. It isn't hard.
I am actually optimistic about My Nintendo. I look forward to what's in store. That said, I do have 2 major problems:
1. Europe's stuff is way cheaper than America's stuff. What gives? 2. In both NA and Europe, products bought with gold coins are way too expensive. In NA, I have to spend $200 on digital only games to get 200 gold coins to get Donkey Kong Country Returns, a game that, if put on the eShop, would be $20. Holy crap, that's a lot of money.
What's funny is that some of these whiny man-babies crying for Bayonetta to be banned are likely the same people who actually think custom moves have a place in the competitive scene. These complainers don't think in terms of how their actions improve the competitive Smash community. They just want the game to be played their way.
I do believe that Bayonetta is slightly over-powered when compared to the rest of the cast. But I think the negative consequences of Bayonetta are mostly felt in the casual side of Smash. People who play For Glory will likely lose to 50 Bayonettas in 2 hours and get annoyed. I know I'm that way. For the record, I'm about as casual as Smash players get.
But I believe that if someone wants to really, seriously join the competitive scene, they need to learn how to beat an average-skilled Bayonetta. People have to put in the work to get results. ZeRo certainly puts in the work, and even though based on his Twitter in the past few weeks I think he's an arrogant jerk, he is demonstrating how serious Smash players should tackle these issues.
I've been satisfied with the North American Nintendo Store. I got Super Mario All-Stars Limited Edition for $30 there (before the $20 Selects version came out). They have pretty good prices, especially on refurbished games. Not even Amazon will beat some of this site's prices. I'm not kidding. The only issue is shipping, but even then I think the prices are really good.
They also have a surprising amount of accessories, like Hori Battle Pads, cables, and the like. For any North American, I recommend going to the NA Nintendo Store.
I would say that I feel sorry for Europe's lackluster online stores, but I'm really not sorry at all. The EU eShop is 50 times better than the NA eShop. So this evens things out.
As much as I do not like a lot of Nintendo's eShop practices this generation, one thing that I have to hand to them is that they did a wonderful job with making digital titles available on the eShop. One especially noteworthy triumph is when they slashed the prices of the 4 Wii U Nintendo Selects games to $20. I am personally open to increasing my downloadable collection of retail games if Nintendo keeps this up.
Virtual Console on the other hand... no, I'm keeping my comment positive. Nintendo has done very well with retail game availability and digital sales and promotions. This makes me happy.
All right, NoA. You have one job. Make your rewards actually line up with Europe's rewards this time. It was infuriating to see how many things Europe got with Club Nintendo that I didn't.
I know that I'm in the minority here, but I still think, after reading many articles like this one, that VR is going to be a worthless gimmick, and nothing more, for at least a year after the first VR headset is launched.
I am very sure that Sony's VR will be super gimmicky, because of the way that Sony is releasing it: as an accessory to the PS4. It even uses the Playstation Move controllers, which I personally view as Sony's biggest commercial flop ever.
For Nintendo's sake, I pray they stay away from VR until VR gains a decent following and proves itself to have a significant impact on gaming, which I don't think will be for a while.
This is kind of off-topic, but wouldn't it be awesome if Wii games released as Nintendo Selects were put on the Wii U eShop? It would work wonderfully too, because they would all be $20, just like the physical copies.
BTW, I am incredibly glad for the price drops of the 4 Wii U Nintendo Selects. I might get Tropical Freeze digitally
@Xenocity Thank you for providing this perspective. This isn't sarcasm, by the way. I was a bit snippy before, but you are right. People only complain when Nintendo messes up.
I am so tired of the dumb mouth breathers who shell out hundreds of dollars on FIFA, or AAA companies who thrive on season passes that so rarely deliver on their promises. I would encourage everyone, including and especially myself, to remember that Nintendo is still a great company, even with the VC's undeniable missteps.
I think the reason we're all mad at Nintendo is that they're one of the few companies left that we can completely trust to treat us fairly, and we don't want to lose that.
It was such a shame when Sony fell from glory. On PS3, the PS2 lineup and ESPECIALLY the PS1 lineup was nothing short of incredible. When the Vita came along, it got PS1 and PSP games. Amazing. But the PS4 got greedy, and charged again and then some for PS2 games. PS1 games are still nowhere to be seen. Shameful.
I would encourage everyone to be more positive, and I know that I am no exception.
Let's face facts: Nintendo could turn a profit if the games were $4 or $10. And somehow I don't think that Game Freak, as friendly with Nintendo as they are, would charge the maximum price on that price range you provided (the accuracy of which I seriously question, by the way. Sources would be lovely).
The harsh truth is that the Virtual Console service has fallen drastically in quality ever since the 3DS and the Wii U. Here are the gripes I have:
1. The exploitative pricing of games with tons of demand (Mother 2 at $10, Mother 1 at $7, and Pokemon RBY at $10 each for example)
2. The lack of many VC titles in NA that have been in Europe for quite a while. Speaking of which, NA doesn't have as many sales as EU. Take right now, for example.
3. The obvious issue of cross-buy that many have discussed here.
I could go on forever, but I've said enough. I do not think that this generation's VC will surpass the Wii VC, and that makes me sad.
@rjejr It seems that I have been caught red-handed. Let me try to explain my reasoning. It's a combination of a few things.
1. The only way to get HW Legends characters on HW for Wii U is to buy HW Legends. My question is: Why can't they just release the characters as DLC for HW for Wii U? Because they want people to double dip, that's why.
2. My issue with the season pass is that when all is said and done, the portable version of a game will have more content available than the home console version. I can't stand that. Again, why not make all the 2nd season pass content available on Wii U as DLC? The same reason as above.
In these two ways, I feel cheated. And I know this is a stretch, but I don't think that SNES VC being only on the New 3DS should make anyone feel cheated. We have the New 3DS, a system starved for reasons for people to buy it, and finally we have another reason to upgrade.
I guess to sum it all up I would say that I think that Nintendo is leaving HW for Wii U behind, but I don't believe that Nintendo is leaving the original 3DS behind.
Good: Kirby Planet Robobot, the European 3rd party sizzle reel,
Bad: The subtle middle finger to owners of Hyrule Warriors on Wii U. I mean, come on, new characters are fine, but another season pass? Seriously?
Very Bad: Color Splash. What a shame.
Also, I'm seeing comments about people wishing the direct was funnier, and I can completely understand. Personally, I like this style, where instead of throwing in jokes they bombard us with information. For me, this is by far the Direct with the most substance. I would even say it has much more information than the video at E3 2015.
@Tempestryke Way to completely miss the point of what I'm saying. I'm not talking about the value of MM: Legacy Collection compared to other games. I'm talking about the value of the exact same game but in different regions.
Let's throw out the $50 NA collector's edition for the sake of ease. The European download is $15. The NA physical copy is $30. What are the benefits of getting the NA physical copy? 2 themes and stickers (so basically nothing). What are the benefits of getting the European download? 15 dollars in your wallet.
Why Capcom didn't make the $15 download, the $30 physical copy, and the $50 collector's edition available everywhere is beyond me.
@OneBagTravel For sure. For every VC game NA gets, Europe gets 2 better ones. Especially with Wii games on Wii U. Infuriating.
@Dankykong I can see where you're coming from, but think of it this way: Most people aren't mad that they aren't getting their precious Mother 3. They're mad that a once-great service has been reduced to ash, with NOTHING coming out besides Mega man battle network 17 part 2 every week. It isn't that one game that we need: We need actual effort put into a service that Nintendo provides
@mjc0961 The GBA ambassador games on 3DS didn't suck. They were still perfectly playable. It isn't like the ability to save in-game was removed. People are spoiled these days with controller remapping and save states.
And I still believe the 3DS could emulate DS games, but giving you the benefit of the doubt, let's say that even the New 3DS XL couldn't handle DS games whatsoever. It would still be a slap in the face to have the games on Wii U, because very few people actually wanted it on Wii U. The demand for DS games on the Wii U was practically nonexistent; whereas the demand for those games on 3DS was huge. So if it isn't possible to emulate DS games on 3DS, then Nintendo shouldn't have put it on any eShop. Simple as that. It's an issue of Nintendo letting our dreams die slowly instead of crushing them.
I am embittered at Nintendo's eShop for some of its crucial mistakes:
1. Releasing GBA and DS games on Wii U instead of the 3DS. 2. Releasing NES games on 3DS. I think it would have drawn more focus to the Wii U if NES games were exclusively on Wii U. 3. An overall lack of focus. Nintendo just keeps jumping from system to system. For instance, why on earth has North America not received a Wii game on the eShop for over 3 months? And yet Europe gets constant releases of great Wii games, all of which I would easily throw down $20 for. But no, WarioWare: Touched is more important somehow. 4. The obvious slow release schedule and lack of sales. I personally don't mind the official pricing for each system, but more sales would be nice.
Nintendo needs to get a grip and realize what their consumers want.
Comments 30
Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Nintendo's E3 2016?
Nintendo cleverly lowered our expectations so that their pitiful lack of effort would look more impressive. But every other company, even EA, had a better showing than Nintendo did. I am very disappointed in how little Nintendo cares.
Nintendo also liked highlighting crappy games, as Paper Mario Color Splash was confirmed to be even more worthless than we all thought, and Mario Party Star Rush looks all set to be the worst Mario Party game ever.
That said, not everything Nintendo showed was terrible. While not my cup of tea, I think that people will enjoy Ever Oasis. At least for North Americans, the surprise release of Rhythm Heaven Megamix was welcome, though I'd prefer Europe's physical version instead of digital only in NA.
Also, that tweet from Nintendo UK hinting at MK8 DLC was just plain mean. I was really looking forward to that too.
Re: Talking Point: In Praise of the 3DS eShop, Which is Now Five Years Old
For me, the 3DS eShop is decent. Nintendo certainly missed some opportunities (DS / GBA VC on 3DS), but SNES VC on New 3DS pleasantly surprised me, and the 3DS eShop's Game Boy / GBC collection is actually pretty impressive.
The real turd is the Wii U eShop. Talk about a disappointment. I could write an essay on all the ways that the Wii U eShop is a failure, but I think we all know that. We all have our own laundry list of complaints, so I won't waste your time with my list.
Re: Poll: Are You Excited About Nintendo's Expanded E3 Plans?
Nintendo has their priorities so screwed up that it's almost laughable, but it's mostly sad.
I was SO excited to see the NX. You know, the console that comes out in less than a year and has the potential to save Nintendo and win back lost fans. But no, let's not build hype for the product that will carry us for the next 4-5 years: let's instead focus on a game that was announced in 2013, games that have received tons of Nintendo Direct coverage already, and a few niche JRPGs.
And for those of you who said "I'm hyped beyond words, it'll be amazing" in the poll, I'm jealous. No joke. I wish that I too could be satisfied with next to nothing. Oh well, sucks for me.
Re: Talking Point: The Crowded Toys To Life Market Cut Its Weakest Link in Disney Infinity, Yet amiibo Should Be Safe
@Mr_Zurkon I personally have no idea how well Skylanders is selling. This is just my conjecture, but I think that Skylanders will be gone before the next generation of consoles comes out. All I see anymore are shelves of used Skylanders figures < $5 at Gamestop. And I also agree that Gamestop's used toys to life is interesting. They have decent used sales sometimes (B2G3 figures free for instance)
Re: Talking Point: The Crowded Toys To Life Market Cut Its Weakest Link in Disney Infinity, Yet amiibo Should Be Safe
I honestly want the Toys to Life market to fall off the face of the earth and never return. Especially amiibo. Nintendo somehow has no shame in selling us $13 pieces of plastic that unlock something meaningless in a game that should be free in an update. Or even better, when Nintendo goes all Splatoon on us and locks a ton of content behind a $13 piece of plastic that for a long time was impossible to find. Despicable.
It's going to be hard for me to support Nintendo if they try BS like this in the future.
Re: Reminder: This is the Final Day for a Number of My Nintendo Rewards
@Peace-Boy Look at the missions. For every purchase $5-10, that's 10 gold coins. $10-20 is 20 gold coins. You don't have to spend exactly $200 to get DKCR Wii, but it's pretty freakin' close. Do the math. It isn't hard.
Re: Reminder: This is the Final Day for a Number of My Nintendo Rewards
I am actually optimistic about My Nintendo. I look forward to what's in store. That said, I do have 2 major problems:
1. Europe's stuff is way cheaper than America's stuff. What gives?
2. In both NA and Europe, products bought with gold coins are way too expensive. In NA, I have to spend $200 on digital only games to get 200 gold coins to get Donkey Kong Country Returns, a game that, if put on the eShop, would be $20. Holy crap, that's a lot of money.
Re: Talking Point: My Nintendo's Pros, Cons and Areas for Improvement
@Rogue76 Miitomo platinum coins are the exact same thing as regular platinum coins.
Example: 300 Miitomo platinum coins + 700 regular platinum coins = 1000 platinum coins total
Re: Super Smash Bros. Community Yet to Ban Bayonetta in Spain as the Debate Shifts to Tournament Bullying
What's funny is that some of these whiny man-babies crying for Bayonetta to be banned are likely the same people who actually think custom moves have a place in the competitive scene. These complainers don't think in terms of how their actions improve the competitive Smash community. They just want the game to be played their way.
I do believe that Bayonetta is slightly over-powered when compared to the rest of the cast. But I think the negative consequences of Bayonetta are mostly felt in the casual side of Smash. People who play For Glory will likely lose to 50 Bayonettas in 2 hours and get annoyed. I know I'm that way. For the record, I'm about as casual as Smash players get.
But I believe that if someone wants to really, seriously join the competitive scene, they need to learn how to beat an average-skilled Bayonetta. People have to put in the work to get results. ZeRo certainly puts in the work, and even though based on his Twitter in the past few weeks I think he's an arrogant jerk, he is demonstrating how serious Smash players should tackle these issues.
Re: Nintendo Download: 7th April (North America)
What a crappy week. Can't say I'm surprised though. At least I'm looking forward to that sale
Re: Review: My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3DS eShop)
All this talk of getting 30 platinum points for logging on to makes me wonder what other kind of hidden missions there are...
Re: Nintendo of Europe Rolls Out Official Online Stores In More Countries
I've been satisfied with the North American Nintendo Store. I got Super Mario All-Stars Limited Edition for $30 there (before the $20 Selects version came out). They have pretty good prices, especially on refurbished games. Not even Amazon will beat some of this site's prices. I'm not kidding. The only issue is shipping, but even then I think the prices are really good.
They also have a surprising amount of accessories, like Hori Battle Pads, cables, and the like. For any North American, I recommend going to the NA Nintendo Store.
I would say that I feel sorry for Europe's lackluster online stores, but I'm really not sorry at all. The EU eShop is 50 times better than the NA eShop. So this evens things out.
Re: Review: Miitomo (Mobile)
I know that I will be playing this every day after it comes out.
Not because I give two craps about the game, but because I really want those Platinum Points
Re: Poll: Are You Ready to Download More of Your Retail Games From the eShop?
As much as I do not like a lot of Nintendo's eShop practices this generation, one thing that I have to hand to them is that they did a wonderful job with making digital titles available on the eShop. One especially noteworthy triumph is when they slashed the prices of the 4 Wii U Nintendo Selects games to $20. I am personally open to increasing my downloadable collection of retail games if Nintendo keeps this up.
Virtual Console on the other hand... no, I'm keeping my comment positive. Nintendo has done very well with retail game availability and digital sales and promotions. This makes me happy.
Re: My Nintendo Has Gone Live in Japan, Introduces Exclusive Content and a DS Download on 3DS
All right, NoA. You have one job. Make your rewards actually line up with Europe's rewards this time. It was infuriating to see how many things Europe got with Club Nintendo that I didn't.
Re: Talking Point: Sony's PlayStation VR Launch Adds Pressure to Nintendo's Holiday - and Perhaps NX - Plans
I know that I'm in the minority here, but I still think, after reading many articles like this one, that VR is going to be a worthless gimmick, and nothing more, for at least a year after the first VR headset is launched.
I am very sure that Sony's VR will be super gimmicky, because of the way that Sony is releasing it: as an accessory to the PS4. It even uses the Playstation Move controllers, which I personally view as Sony's biggest commercial flop ever.
For Nintendo's sake, I pray they stay away from VR until VR gains a decent following and proves itself to have a significant impact on gaming, which I don't think will be for a while.
Re: Talking Point: The Popularity of Nintendo Selects, Updates and DLC Expansions Can Change How We Buy Games
This is kind of off-topic, but wouldn't it be awesome if Wii games released as Nintendo Selects were put on the Wii U eShop? It would work wonderfully too, because they would all be $20, just like the physical copies.
BTW, I am incredibly glad for the price drops of the 4 Wii U Nintendo Selects. I might get Tropical Freeze digitally
Re: Mario Kart TV Website Confirmed for Closure on 5th April
That's a shame. Oh well, at least the overall Mario Kart TV service is unaffected.
Re: Editorial: Nintendo's Virtual Console Revolution Must Wait as We Pay Once More for SNES Games
@Xenocity Thank you for providing this perspective. This isn't sarcasm, by the way. I was a bit snippy before, but you are right. People only complain when Nintendo messes up.
I am so tired of the dumb mouth breathers who shell out hundreds of dollars on FIFA, or AAA companies who thrive on season passes that so rarely deliver on their promises. I would encourage everyone, including and especially myself, to remember that Nintendo is still a great company, even with the VC's undeniable missteps.
I think the reason we're all mad at Nintendo is that they're one of the few companies left that we can completely trust to treat us fairly, and we don't want to lose that.
It was such a shame when Sony fell from glory. On PS3, the PS2 lineup and ESPECIALLY the PS1 lineup was nothing short of incredible. When the Vita came along, it got PS1 and PSP games. Amazing. But the PS4 got greedy, and charged again and then some for PS2 games. PS1 games are still nowhere to be seen. Shameful.
I would encourage everyone to be more positive, and I know that I am no exception.
Re: Editorial: Nintendo's Virtual Console Revolution Must Wait as We Pay Once More for SNES Games
@Xenocity You must be really fun at parties.
Let's face facts: Nintendo could turn a profit if the games were $4 or $10. And somehow I don't think that Game Freak, as friendly with Nintendo as they are, would charge the maximum price on that price range you provided (the accuracy of which I seriously question, by the way. Sources would be lovely).
Re: Editorial: Nintendo's Virtual Console Revolution Must Wait as We Pay Once More for SNES Games
The harsh truth is that the Virtual Console service has fallen drastically in quality ever since the 3DS and the Wii U. Here are the gripes I have:
1. The exploitative pricing of games with tons of demand (Mother 2 at $10, Mother 1 at $7, and Pokemon RBY at $10 each for example)
2. The lack of many VC titles in NA that have been in Europe for quite a while. Speaking of which, NA doesn't have as many sales as EU. Take right now, for example.
3. The obvious issue of cross-buy that many have discussed here.
I could go on forever, but I've said enough. I do not think that this generation's VC will surpass the Wii VC, and that makes me sad.
Re: Poll: Did the Wii U and 3DS Nintendo Direct Kickstart 2016?
@rjejr It seems that I have been caught red-handed. Let me try to explain my reasoning. It's a combination of a few things.
1. The only way to get HW Legends characters on HW for Wii U is to buy HW Legends. My question is: Why can't they just release the characters as DLC for HW for Wii U? Because they want people to double dip, that's why.
2. My issue with the season pass is that when all is said and done, the portable version of a game will have more content available than the home console version. I can't stand that. Again, why not make all the 2nd season pass content available on Wii U as DLC? The same reason as above.
In these two ways, I feel cheated. And I know this is a stretch, but I don't think that SNES VC being only on the New 3DS should make anyone feel cheated. We have the New 3DS, a system starved for reasons for people to buy it, and finally we have another reason to upgrade.
I guess to sum it all up I would say that I think that Nintendo is leaving HW for Wii U behind, but I don't believe that Nintendo is leaving the original 3DS behind.
Re: Poll: Did the Wii U and 3DS Nintendo Direct Kickstart 2016?
@CatMarioTime Dude I'm getting DKC Tropical Freeze for $20 on March 11. March 11 will be legendary
Re: Poll: Did the Wii U and 3DS Nintendo Direct Kickstart 2016?
Here are my thoughts:
Amazing: SNES on N3DS VC, Rhythm Heaven Megamix
Good: Kirby Planet Robobot, the European 3rd party sizzle reel,
Bad: The subtle middle finger to owners of Hyrule Warriors on Wii U. I mean, come on, new characters are fine, but another season pass? Seriously?
Very Bad: Color Splash. What a shame.
Also, I'm seeing comments about people wishing the direct was funnier, and I can completely understand. Personally, I like this style, where instead of throwing in jokes they bombard us with information. For me, this is by far the Direct with the most substance. I would even say it has much more information than the video at E3 2015.
Re: Talking Point: Pokémon and Mega Man Show Us Extremes of Nostalgia's Value
@Tempestryke Way to completely miss the point of what I'm saying. I'm not talking about the value of MM: Legacy Collection compared to other games. I'm talking about the value of the exact same game but in different regions.
Let's throw out the $50 NA collector's edition for the sake of ease.
The European download is $15. The NA physical copy is $30. What are the benefits of getting the NA physical copy? 2 themes and stickers (so basically nothing). What are the benefits of getting the European download? 15 dollars in your wallet.
Why Capcom didn't make the $15 download, the $30 physical copy, and the $50 collector's edition available everywhere is beyond me.
Re: Talking Point: Pokémon and Mega Man Show Us Extremes of Nostalgia's Value
So the European download version of Mega Man Legacy Collection is only 12 pounds?
Holy crap, that's a good deal.
Meanwhile, in North America, Capcom thinks that just a few stickers is enough to hike up the price to $30 and not $15.
Love you, Capcom
Re: Talking Point: The Allure of the Virtual Console and How Nintendo Can Harness It
For sure. For every VC game NA gets, Europe gets 2 better ones. Especially with Wii games on Wii U. Infuriating.
I can see where you're coming from, but think of it this way: Most people aren't mad that they aren't getting their precious Mother 3. They're mad that a once-great service has been reduced to ash, with NOTHING coming out besides Mega man battle network 17 part 2 every week. It isn't that one game that we need: We need actual effort put into a service that Nintendo provides
Re: Nintendo Download: 21st May (Europe)
Meanwhile... North America gets StyleSavvy
Re: Talking Point: Nintendo's Legacy Makes The Virtual Console Essential, But It Must Modernise
@mjc0961 The GBA ambassador games on 3DS didn't suck. They were still perfectly playable. It isn't like the ability to save in-game was removed. People are spoiled these days with controller remapping and save states.
And I still believe the 3DS could emulate DS games, but giving you the benefit of the doubt, let's say that even the New 3DS XL couldn't handle DS games whatsoever. It would still be a slap in the face to have the games on Wii U, because very few people actually wanted it on Wii U. The demand for DS games on the Wii U was practically nonexistent; whereas the demand for those games on 3DS was huge. So if it isn't possible to emulate DS games on 3DS, then Nintendo shouldn't have put it on any eShop. Simple as that. It's an issue of Nintendo letting our dreams die slowly instead of crushing them.
Re: Talking Point: Nintendo's Legacy Makes The Virtual Console Essential, But It Must Modernise
I am embittered at Nintendo's eShop for some of its crucial mistakes:
1. Releasing GBA and DS games on Wii U instead of the 3DS.
2. Releasing NES games on 3DS. I think it would have drawn more focus to the Wii U if NES games were exclusively on Wii U.
3. An overall lack of focus. Nintendo just keeps jumping from system to system. For instance, why on earth has North America not received a Wii game on the eShop for over 3 months? And yet Europe gets constant releases of great Wii games, all of which I would easily throw down $20 for. But no, WarioWare: Touched is more important somehow.
4. The obvious slow release schedule and lack of sales. I personally don't mind the official pricing for each system, but more sales would be nice.
Nintendo needs to get a grip and realize what their consumers want.