Well, it's been quite a day for Nintendo fans, with an information drop for Pokémon Sun and Moon being accompanied by confirmation of expanded plans for E3. The Legend of Zelda on Wii U is still the only confirmed game that'll be playable, but more importantly for those watching at home there'll be events covering all three days of the expo that can be viewed online.
So, what's coming? Below is the breakdown from our E3 Guide.

Nintendo Treehouse and Developer Broadcast - 14th June at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CET
The main show from our perspective, which promises "the world's first in-depth look at the game [Legend of Zelda on Wii U], which will also include commentaries by Nintendo developers... game coverage, behind-the-scenes info and plenty of fun." Expected to run all day, this will be a substantial look at the hyped title, and considering how little has been seen so far it promises to be a blowout day for fans. We can anticipate a good look at the world, along with a sense of the innovations and new direction that have been promised by Eiji Aonuma. With this being the franchises' 30th Anniversary year and with the expo floor demos (there are two) adding up to between 60-90 minutes of gaming, it'll be an intriguing watch.
In addition, Pokémon Sun and Moon has been confirmed for an appearance at the start of this broadcast, in which new details will be shared.
Nintendo Treehouse and Pokémon Go Q & A - 15th June at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm CET
Starting with the Pokémon Go Q & A, we're then going to see the Treehouse team play more upcoming titles. Those confirmed by Nintendo are Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
E3 2016 Pokémon Special - 16th June at 7am Pacific / 10am Eastern / 3pm UK / 4pm CET
An exciting development this will be focused entirely on Pokémon, though beyond that details are slim.
It's unclear whether Nintendo always had these expanded plans in the locker or whether some elements have been brought forward and created as a response to a negative reaction to its initial announcements. We may never know, but in any case we'll have live streams on all three E3 days; it's still not quite as much as we're accustomed to, but it's certainly an improvement on what was previously expected.
Back when the original E3 announcement was made we asked you what you thought, and many were unhappy at the prospect of one day of streaming focused on a single game. When we asked whether Nintendo should show more games 64% of you said "definitely, it absolutely MUST do this". On that score it should be exciting to see more of Pokémon Sun & Moon along with others, so surely the vibes around Nintendo's E3 are now far happier.
Well, let's find out. Let us know what you think of Nintendo's newly extended E3 plans in the polls and comments below - has the hype increased?
Further Reading:
Comments 186
No I'm not happy. Barring major surprises, this has the potential to be Nintendo's worst ever E3. And that's really saying something.
Zelda U/NX is the only shining ray of light for me.
Very much a case of
"too little, too late."
I really wouldn't consider this to be expanded plans. At best it's what's to be expected for the tree house parts at least.
This year may end up being worse than 2015. At least back then we had a "meh" presentation. Turning on the broadcast to watch people playing A SINGLE GAME instead showing lots of upcoming material for both consoles? Definitely NOT what I expect from E3.
Well it's certainly better than not having the games shown at all but nothing to write home about.
I'm pleased with E3; the Pokemon and Zelda U livestream may not be top E3 material, but I'm still pretty excited about it, and I can't wait to see what that Pokemon Special event is about...
I'm most excited for the 2nd day. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE!
It's still a live Twitch stream for 3 days, not much more. And what, now 5 games instead of 1? It went from "Horrific you aren't even trying," to "Well this is bad but at least its watchable."
Completely off topic: E3 2017 is gonna be amazing because in my theory Mario Kart 9 will be revealed! Mario Kart DS (2005), Wii (2008), 3DS (2011), Wii U (2014). Because of all the DLC that came out, I don't think the game will be ready in 2017. 2018 it is!!! Ok i'm done, goodbye.
I don't think they've expanded it either. They said Zelda would be all that is playable, not all that they would show.
For me, E3 has always been about the announcements. I don't care about seeing yet more footage of a game that I've already seen. Right now, Nintendo don't really seem to have any platform for new reveals at E3, so I'm not expecting any, and not really excited for them at all this year. It's a bit disappointing as a month or so ago, seeing the new NX games was by far what I was looking forward to the most.
I'll watch the bits with Pokemon S&M (that'll never get old!) and Zelda U.
Probably won't bother with the second day.
Animal Crossing Wii U can save this thing.
Hopefully we'll get a DLC announcement for Pokken.
The way I see it, we only had two possible outcomes here:
1. Being negatively surprised by games such as Federation Force, Amiibo Festival, Ultra Smash and, to a lesser extent, Triforce Heroes yet again.
2. Not getting any new announcements whatsoever.
With the NX out of the picture, I'll gladly take the second option if it means they are not wasting time and money developing cashgrab games such as those. Let them focus entirely on the NX.
Other than that, I don't see how this E3 can be any worse than last year's, honestly. I'm aware that half of my post has a lot to do with expectation management, but leaving that aside, let's not forget that Nintendo can't make games out of thin air.
A few great games > a bunch of forgettable titles.
Well, I'm hyped for everything at E3 but Nintendo. I mean, Zelda and Pokemon is all well and good but they're not the surprises we're used to from E3. I'm hoping for a Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Release Date, Final Fantasy 15 and 7, The Last Guardian, Rare's Pirates game and, maybe just maybe, a Crash Bandicoot sequel.
I'd say they can manage through. Even if it doesn't exactly sound earth shattering.
I feel that this is already the worst E3 in a long time for Nintendo. I can't know for sure, but it seems like they've announced everything in advance - effectively, all this has done is move the disappointment from what would have been a lacklustre E3 forward a few weeks.
Whatever they have planned for the NX, I sure hope they have some big event planned for it. Knowing Nintendo though, it'll probably be a 20/25 minute Nintendo direct a month or so before it launches - something that most of the gaming community ignores. That, to me, is not going to build hype.
Recore, Sea of Thieves, Zelda, Pokémon, Deus Ex, Last Guardian and...ugh dare I even say it...Cyberpunk 2077. Hopefully there is enough footage of these games to make me drool and 'last gen' Zelda can hold its head up high enough and show these new games a thing or two. There may be a couple of tech reveals PSVR and Xbox and we STILL have NX to look forward to after E3.
I was disappointed in Nintendo E3 2015, this year is worse. I've given up on caring, they can do whatever, it won't matter to me.
The only thing i care about is zelda wii u
Are all of these going to be on here
I'm actually excited for all three days. I'm really excited to see what the Pokemon special will be. I will be watching Sony's presentation too since I plan on buying a PS4. I'm not surprised that Nintendo is backing away from E3. Last year was a disaster for them. I'd prefer them to do things on their own terms anyways.
Ready for the snooze fest.
I'll watch Xbox and playstation presentations for sure, 'New hardware' for them. No interest in Ninty this year at all (sadly). I'll read up on zelda over the coming months I guess.
They kinda balls'd it up this year. No matter what people say about e3 now, it is STILL the biggest place for gaming every year on the planet, every media outlet has some sort of rep there.
Still really disappointed. The extra games announced for E3 do nothing for me.
As excited as I am to see game play of Pokemon and Zelda, I have to say I am disappointed with Nintendo's approach this year. I'm still hoping for a few new reveals, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
It's still a bland twitch livestream regardless, with obnoxious personalities badly demoing the games. I would rather have pre-recorded footage of Zelda U, Pokemon, Tokyo Mirage Sessions etc take its place. That way I get to enjoy the gameplay without the unnecessary fluff.
Expected this all along - and some Nindies as well - but am glad they got this out there so we can stop reading all the "Nitnod said only Zelda U at E3" posts and discussing whether or not they'll show more, and Zelda U is the only playable game.
Basically, this is what they should have announced from the beginning, but better late than never. And you can't really fault them for emphasizing Zelda U so much up until now, a now "last gen" game on a now obsolete system.
It's a win. And they did say "playable", so really nothing has changed, just more clearing the air, less of the usual Ntinedo silence. Sometimes I think this guy is the Ntinedo spokesperson.
We need to know if games like me andromeda and deus ex md will be coming to nx at launch! All these games are going to be there and I hope we get nx confirmation of at least some big 3rd party games!
Maybe if they at least show SOMETHING that hasn't been previously shown or announced I'd be a little excited. At this rate I'm more likely to be more watchful of Oculus's E3. and I'm not even getting an Oculus.
Nintendo has their priorities so screwed up that it's almost laughable, but it's mostly sad.
I was SO excited to see the NX. You know, the console that comes out in less than a year and has the potential to save Nintendo and win back lost fans. But no, let's not build hype for the product that will carry us for the next 4-5 years: let's instead focus on a game that was announced in 2013, games that have received tons of Nintendo Direct coverage already, and a few niche JRPGs.
And for those of you who said "I'm hyped beyond words, it'll be amazing" in the poll, I'm jealous. No joke. I wish that I too could be satisfied with next to nothing. Oh well, sucks for me.
I'm not really sure how to feel about Nintendos E3 this year. Obviously Pokemon Sun & Moon news will be more than enough for me but if they're looking for something explosive I'm not sure if it'll be enough.
More to show is always a good thing, but considering that Generations is already out, anyone who actually wanted to know info should already be able to see it elsewhere. At least Pokemon will be all new info.
Well seeing as Nintendo are clearly focussing all their efforts on NX as well as clearly backing away from E3 traditions, I don't see how people can be disappointed with their plans this year.
To echo a user above, games take a fair while to create, so I'd rather they just be transparent with their upcoming releases, focus on NX and not make more half-arsed rubbish to plug the gaps... such as Ultra Smash, Amiibo Festival and personally, Star Fox Zero.
Best thing for them to do is focus on the good of what they've got coming, and deliver with NX later down the line. If they mess up that though, they're certainly going to be in some trouble...
We're not gonna hear the new Zelda's full title until E3, are we.
WHO is that guy?
Don't care to be honest. First time ever I won't be bothering to follow Nintendos E3 presentation. I'll probably catch up with the details later but that's it.
My optimistic side is still holding out that still have more planned since they are so good at keeping secrets (as we should all know by now).
Overall I'm not as hype up for E3 as I was years ago. It have nothing to do with Nintendo or the other companies directly, it's just the web (mainly leaks) steals the wonder of surprise and shock factors.
Also my older age could also be a factor in interest and excitement.
Somewhat interested in what they have for Pokemon Sun and Moon, but that's it. I've had my share of MHX footage, and the most this will do is reveal more localized terms for people to bellyache about.
@rjejr that's a really creepy picture. Haha
Like I said yesterday, I was pretty sure they said Zelda was the only playable game, not the only game.
Anyhoot, I'm not really that bummed about Nintendo's E3. I mean it was no surprise that they wouldn't have much to show, especially if they started to shift all their development focus to NX. As long as we get news on the NX by years end I'll be content (heck they may have even wanted to wait until Sony and MS got their hardware announcements out of way) I have plenty enough on other systems to keep me entertained until Zelda and their new system.
Zelda is the only title I need to be satisfied with my Wii U purchase. Everything else was just a bonus so for me this is going to be one of the greatest E3s ever.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE nothing can really beat the Wii music E3 demonstration.
I'm happy that E3 wasn't fully unceremoniously done away with, however this will surely sting to fanboys who hate Nintendo
This won't be the worst E3 Nintendo has had trust me. The inclusion of Zelda here makes that so. Last years E3 was worse than this one. Nintendo over the past few years has started announcing games regularly, which means E3 has no surprises at all. People just talk for hours about a game that everyone already has seen before. Zelda is the first game in a long time that they haven't said anything about before the presentation. We knew about all the games last year and there were no surprises at all. Here's to hoping that this Zelda is truly amazing.
I say that this is just a game announcement for Nintendo (Zelda) and the REAL TRUE E3 for Nintendo will be when they show off the NX later this year. E3 will just come a little bit later this year for NIntendo fans.
Look at all the 12 year olds that have to eat crow today! Anybody that has a brain could of told you that Nintendo said Zelda was the only PLAYABLE game and that didn't mean that was the only game that was going to be there. But no, you little dorks took the chance to push your "Nintendo is doomed" theory and now you just look stupid. Zelda, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest are already confirmed now and I would wager there's even more than that including Paper Mario, some surprises, and a lot of indie games. I'm sorry after the news today I can honestly say as a Nintendo fan I'm pumped about E3 again!
Well I am interested and I will be watching. I wonder if they may show a new 3ds game or WiiU game behind closed doors.
@ultraraichu remember the good ol days when we had to wait for EGM and GamePro the following month to find out news about E3? The kids these days have it too easy! Haha
@AlexSora89 Hard to tell w/ the winky face, but that's "Silence", a Doctor Who villain species.
And you just reminded me, if Zelda U actually gets a real title, after it was supposed to release in 2015, and release in 2016, well that may break the space time continuum and destroy us all. A title for Zelda U, the mind boggles.
I wonder if they will show off some new amiibo.
Still disappointing. So disappointing that it makes last year's E3 look amazing.
At least this means I can hope for some possible new Wii u games announced.
Let's be honest: Zelda U is to Ninty's E3 what 'The One and Only' is to a Chesney Hawkes concert.
But if you were a Chesney fan, you'd expect a bit more than one song played 15 times. Same goes for Ninty.
@Zeldafanforlife You know, I honestly was tempted to put that infamous Wii Music gif in my post but I used it recently enough. That is the current record holder. I'm not saying it's the worst, just that it has that potential. Let's hope it's not.
@MrGawain Very good analogy.
As I think about, this is somewhat a good sign. Nintendo seems to have put all internal studios to the NX, which I would hope mean we will get some awesome games near or at launch.
@capitalism Generalizations and assumptions of fan demographics aside, I wish I had your enthusiasm for an awkward livestream. While I want to see Zelda, Pokemon, and TMS, they are showcasing gameplay by using what I consider the worst format possible. I would rather have the E3 2015 presentation, and that's saying something.
@MrGawain good comparison.
It will be The Legend Of Zelda: Electric Booga-U.
By the way, the WHO was intentional.
Not getting my hopes up because last year's E3 was awful.
I still expect more then what we know. At the very least we are probably getting Mother 3 VC and some sort of 25-45 monute direct to tie into E3. I would bet on another Mario Sports title for November 2016 as well.
wait, wait, wait! where is Federation Force?
I don't own 3DS so for me it's still going to be all about Zelda. Which is fine since I also have a PS4.
Don't so me a game I'd love to play but can't because I have to wait for you to release your next console which your not even talking about yet.
I'm not excited about any of it really, but I'm still going to watch it.
I'm looking forward to what Microsoft and Sony got going on at E3, but I'm still gonna see what Nintendo has. Never know, could be a surprise.
As disappointing as their plans are, I find it hard not to be excited about Zelda. Honestly, even just Zelda already makes it better than last year's E3 for me, where I got excited about... nothing? I can't even remember.
In this enclosed, small cave of ours where the walls have an old Nintendo logo scratched on it, there is one tiny crack. We can't escape through it, only wait for something to survive on to accidentally fall down for us.
The tiny ray of light shining through it has been called Zelda u by some, nx by others. Though we cannot escape, we agree on one thing only - that the source of that light is far, far away.
Some of us wish it to be further out still, if only to make sure that when it does, finally, break the walls of that cave open, it proves itself to be great, big, and plentiful.
Once we break out, we'll find out that us, cave people, will be confronted by civilization, full of human beings wearing glasses that are labeled "ps4" and carrying devices called "mobile devices" few of us seem to be able to comprehend.
@AlexSora89 Yeah, I know, I was just in the shower and the all capital WHO popped into my head for some reason. The lightbulb over my head almost electrocuted me. I'm an idiot.
@erv that was beautiful
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I don't think they can beat Wii Music one and last year as "worst e3" but this one is gonna be a sad year for Nintendo. Fortunately I have a PS4 so Sony might entertain me.
@rjejr Nah, just grumpy and old...
But if you ask me, Nintendo's announcements are more like these guys nowadays:

Well, I like Zelda and Pokemon, but I'm not a huge fan of either. So, I'm not hyped really at all... at least I have the Sonic news to look forward to!
Very poor effort overall. Retailers are not going to be sold on their business if they have very few products to present at E3. Also, Nintendo should of kept quiet on Zelda NX until they are ready to unveil the NX. Now retailers will not stock up on Zelda for Wii U. They are just going to wait until the NX version.
If having another bad E3 means they're ready to kill it next year, so be it.
I don't know if it matters if this was the plan all along or a response to negative reactions. Jesus could have come down and told everyone Nintendo would showcase other games and those who wanted to think the worst of them would have responded the same. I am excited to see Zelda and more Pokemon info. I'm hoping for some real surprises, including at least game footage from an NX game. Probably too much to ask, but it would be awesome
I knew there would be something other than Zelda news during E3 but I thought they'd just release a bunch of new trailers on their YouTube channel. An additional Treehouse stream is ok but I don't really like Nintendo Treehouse. I think I'll skip day two stream. I don't really mind that Nintendo has a bit less to offer at E3. We are getting NX news soon. It doesn't really matter to me when it happens. I have a bunch of great games from this and previous generations that I haven't finished yet. I can wait. Game's greatness doesn't depend much on the system it's played on and there are so many games in the world that I wouldn't stop gaming even if all the companies would stop producing new games. I can enjoy older games just as much.
@ThanosReXXX Thanks for the ringing endorsement.
And since you're here, helping me derail yet another thread, did that guy up there remind either of you of these guys down here? They were the first thing that popped into my head, the creepiest guys I've ever seen on TV @AlexSora89
If Zelda U gets a real name at E3 I'm going to make that my avatar. Hows that for bringing it back 'round on topic.
Well there's still no Digital Event with awesome surprises, so not really.
It's pretty much just Zelda and some Pokemon. Couple 3DS games. And Tokyo Mirage Sessions as the ONLY wii u game coming this year. Good luck with that, Nintendo!
Who care about Zelda Wii U when you will get Zelda NX ... Better graphic better console better everything !! ... Who's going to buy it for Wii U when it will available for NX As well ? ... Nintendo I'm sorry but you are too way late ... And no I'm not excited about E3 this year since last year was horrible
@rjejr I still cant figure out how they managed to pull off that episode, on TV of all places. The Gentlemen were TERRIFYING!!!
Not even going to bother, honestly. I don't know which system I'd want Zelda on thanks to knowing nothing about NX, and I care 0% about Pokemon.
@Sir_JBizzle lol so true.
Back when game footages were just pictures and words instead of live videos.
Guys, it's freaking Zelda! I'm so excited it's ridiculous. I can't wait to hear the new music and see the world. And hopefully we'll get an official name and get to see some of the dungeons. Oh my goodness, I can't wait.
A couple of live streams on a few, already-announced games from the people currently responsible for censoring the hell out of Nintendo games? Hold me back...
I only had so many choices, so I had to default to the Zelda presentation in the poll. The presentations I'm after are:
1) Zelda
2) Monster Hunter Generations
3) Pokemon GO!
4) TMS
5) Any other surprises not listed (Like Paper Mario Color Splash)
E3 doesn't make or break me for Nintendo. I'll find out more about NX when it's time.
@rjejr If The Silence reminds me of The Blue Men Group? Nah...
OK, I just had a thought.
Since they are still spending so much time on Zelda U, does that mean it's actually really going to get a date? And not simply "2017", that's hardly a date, especially coming from the company that already told us "2015" and "2016" was the date. At one point they said March, but then that went away.
Could they really spend so much time on a twice delayed game and not date it? That would ...
I'm strangely looking forward to NOT being disappointed (unless Zelda U is somehow a complete travesty). I've grown a bit sick of the hype train building up to full speed only to plummet off a cliff and explode violently.
Not that I wasn't disappointed, but I've got that all out of my system now.
Am I excited for E3? Probably not 'excited', but certainly looking forward to it. I'm quite fond of the ol' Treehouse.
Not in the slightest.
But, I do absolutely wanna see Zelda Wii U.
@rjejr "That would ..."
Take the cake?
REALLY p*** you off?
Take over the world?
Be the death of you?
Take precedence?
Make you want to burn all Nintendo-related paraphernalia?
Be even worse than Trump for president?
Well, if nothing else, I'm excited to finally see Dragon Quest VII 3DS in English and some real gameplay from Zelda U.
Still not a whole lot to look forward too. Can't wait to see Zelda, because it will be my first look at a NX game I will be getting, but other than that, Pokemon is basically always the same, same with monster hunter and that.
The games will be great, the real problem with this E3 is that there doesn't seem like much being shown, no surprise game reveal, and we finally get to see Zelda but have to wait till next year just to get the game
When the NX gets revealed later this year, they better show a lot of great stuff.
While it's good at isn't just Zelda, now it's pretty much just Zelda and Pokemon. Considering I'm not interested in Pokemon much anymore, the other games don't interest me either, and I don't want to spoil Zelda, I may not watch at all. There may be some surprise announcements though, which could be good.
I thought Nintendo said they wouldn't feature smartphone games at E3.
Is it bad that I'm more intrigued by the Pokemon Go Q&A than the Zelda U segments of the livestream?
Looking forward to the Sun/Moon news the most of course. I'm curious to see how much of the "new details" in the Treehouse Live segment are actually new and not just a rundown of the details in CoroCoro, which will hit like two days before.
@ThanosReXXX "all of the above"
Nintneod Life needs to do a poll for the title too.
TLoZ is probably a given, but what follows?
"When it's Done"
"A Broke Game is Bad forever, a Delayed Game May be Good Eventually" (Don't laugh, have you seen some of those Star Ocean and DQ titles?)
"No DLC, Until there IS"
"amiibo Kingdom"
[That's it, just TLoZ ]
"for Wii U"
aw gawd, it's going to be that last one isn't it? TLoZ for Wii U, TLoZ for - well whatever NX will be called, TLoZ for Home. @Captain_Gonru
Definitely planning on getting Sun/Moon, Zelda U, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, so I'll be happy to see them in action. It doesn't sound like there will be very many surprises, though. :/
These revised E3 plans are nice, but we want to see new games announced.
It's going to be amazing!! Zelda ffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be if they were actually showing the NX. Tired of rumours about it. I just want them to stop already.
I guess a little something is better than almost nothing, but only just.
What if this whole time while we're complaining and whining about E3 Nintendo all of a sudden announces all these AMAZING games? Who knows? Maybe they're keeping things under wraps so nothing gets leaked or spoiled. Or you know, they do exactly what they announced and no new games are shown. REALLY hoping for the former.
@Inkling Nothing will be worse than E3 2008, that's a fact.
@rjejr Here's your title, well at least for the NX version: "The Legend of Zelda: Home and Away". The continuing story of a quack who's... oh, wait: mixing up comedy shows there...
How about for the 2nd poll: Not hyped but not mad. But I'm going to try to ignore the fans really hard this year, it's going to be a bunch of whining and crying. I'm interested in Zelda U still but it'll happen when it happens at this point. The only fandom that seems happy is Pokemon and it's the same crap as always, you can't upset that group unless you tell them you're not excited.
@Inkling You're def not hired.
It seems like this year's Nintendo events will be a Let's Play of Zelda and Pokemon starring a bunch of Treehouse employees. Fantastic.
@Rumorlife Of course there will be whining. Without the help of third party games, you depend mainly on Nintendo. And when they don't deliver, it sucks. Hard.
I'm just sick of Nintendo and (especially) Treehouse and their localisations. Zelda looks fantastic, and still holds a lot of interest for me, but I won't be watching the event. I'll probably just watch the "trailer"-type videos, buy it on Wii U, and after that might not bother with Nintendo any more.
Nintendo's E3: watching people play part of a game that's been delayed like three times already and then watching them play Pokémon.
This is why I don't like Ubisoft's E3s! All they do is play some sort of multiplayer thing while reciting scripted lines like "okay, go over there" and "boom, head shot!" It'll be no different for Nintendo's.
@medalofhonorfan My exact thoughts.
@Daemonite rip
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @rushiosan
Speak for yourselves.
I'd rather see an E3 with one single incredible Zelda game (but seeing more Monster Hunter is pretty dang exciting too) than to endure another 2015 with Mario Tennis and Amiibo Festival.
1000 times over
You know that the pokemon E3 presention is right before the e-shop update.Pokemon gold silver and Crystal maybe.
What I'm not getting is why they aren't showing more footage of announced games. That's fine if they want to just punt for this year and not reveal any new games, but why are games like Federation Force and Paper Mario not getting spotlighted, too?
I'm excited about Zelda and Pokemon!
Hold up, the Day 1 Treehouse Stream will start with Pokemon Sun/Moon, and not Zelda?
That's actually clever. Draw in a huge audience with Pokemon as they'll be wanting new details, then have them stick around for Zelda.
Wonder what the "Pokemon Special" broadcast will be about. Doesn't specify Sun/Moon or Go. I imagine it will be something 20th anniversary related.
You're no idiot, sweetie. In fact, I'M the only one allowed to pity himself around here!

But if Nintendo announcements are like that, how are Nintendo fans' responses?
Don't look at me like that, you asked for this punchline yourself.
@AlexSora89 I suppose my jab at Nintendo and their announcements can be interpreted in several ways, but the one I meant was that, like the Weeping Angels, you don't see them coming. When you keep looking at them, nothing seems to happen/there's no news to speak of, but look away for a second and they're in your face.
All of which has happened, is happening and will happen right after this coming E3 is finished. Well, at least within the space of 1-2 months tops. Mark my words...
Did they ever say that Zelda would be the only game at all? I only ever heard them say it would be the only playable game.
I know, but the opportunity to interpret the Weeping Angel joke in the opposite way was way too good to pass up.
@AlexSora89 Well, of late some of Nintendo's actions do make me weep a little on the inside, but I'm certainly no angel...
Man, this comment thread is turning into a British sci-fi geekfest. Thanks ever so f-ing much, @rjejr...
@Captain_Gonru taking into account all his typos, he probably meant 'wrinkly' face, which is obviously also an apt description of the picture...
And that second option you mentioned: shouldn't that read "I always assumed they'd show more, because I AM an idiot"?
It's all very......meh......

Also, I've been sent in the past by Weeping Nintendo Fans, and I can anticipate this from E3: playable Federation Force demos!
Of course, Treehouse employees hid in the TARDIS.
Also, reactions for good announcements:

Wow, the Doctor Who jokes just freaking write themselves, don't they?
@AlexSora89 The TARDIS sure would be a good location for a 'behind closed doors' session showing a select crowd what the NX really is. It is after all a whole different dimension, so technically speaking, they wouldn't be showing it at E3... Smart one, huh? HUH?
@AlexSora89 Right back at ya. (I'm catching on.)
@ThanosReXXX Why is everything always my fault? Oh wait...
And I think I thought of the Blue Man Group first time I saw them as well.
@Rumorlife D:
Welp, at least there's Runbow 3DS to look forward to... haha
I really wish they would make a shock/surprise announcement of something incredible the public doesn't know about.
That's what I miss from E3, the hype of waiting for the reveal of the next best thing.
I thought they set the bar low last year; low enough that I have subsequently lowered ALL expectations from Nintendo announcements in the time since and had that reinforced by the Final Smash announcement.... and yet, I'm still disappointed. I hope I don't bother getting optimistic heading into the NX launch event only to come crashing down again. It's been a rough year of Nintendo fandom and announcements, that's for sure. Don't see that letting up any time soon, either.
@Inkling #103. Would you feel the same way if there was a Direct next week (as in week before E3)?
It's nice to know that they'll have more stuff to show, but frankly, E3 for me is mostly about the brand new reveals. What we know so far points to Nintendo having none of those, which still leaves me pretty disappointed.
@Grumblevolcano I know this wasn't directed at me, but I'll answer anyway: I'd love a pre-E3 Direct, because, well, I love Directs. But at that point, why not just make a digital event?
And even if they do give us a Direct, what's it gonna show? Not any new reveals, that's for sure, as those are probably all going to be NX-based from now on.
@erv applause You remind me of the story I told of everyone going insane over the Smash 3DS special demo codes back in September 2014. It was a wonderful metaphor too. Encore!
(PS: Feel free to look for it in my profile if you like.)
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I am so hiped
E3 2015 was the best tho, sorry if you disagree
dem muppets
@ricklongo There's a big difference between a Direct and a Digital Event which is to do with the presentation of content. The digital events had some kind of underlying theme (Robot Chicken in 2014, Muppets in 2015) and there was a larger focus on stuff like developer interviews rather than just trailers so you could see more into how these games were made. Meanwhile Directs tend to avoid those 2 things.

So potentially, this E3 will - and at the same time won't - feature all Nintendo consoles from all of eternity at once, thanks to the TARDIS. Well, that was unexpected. I got nothing. Then again, Weeping Nintendo Fans will have another reason to shake the TARDIS itself. Although rumor has it that the final Nintendo console will be the Nintendo X-Station Thirty-Six One Mark II with Brain Control (R) included, year 2146. Then the universe will implode. But at least we know Nintendo will triumph over its rivals by 2100, which is no small feat by the slightest.
And this, my friends, is how time itself ends. Hopefully you enjo--
What is that from? I might have missed that reference. Then again, I blame it on the Italian timezone (01:37): I'm signing off for today, as I'm really really tired right now. Good rest of the day to the yankees and good night to everyone else!
Man, that demo. I still have it, that's how bad I wanted a portable Smash game. Good times, good times.
This will be probably the lamest E3 so far. I never liked MS's or Sony's bloated and annoying conferences and now this? Bah.
@Barbiegurl777 😂 😂 😂
Just show off the english version of YKW2, please.
@Captain_Gonru They might end the E3 with a 30 second NX teaser, and then let us all simmer on a low fire for a week or three before coming out with the big guns and the official reveal...
A man can hope and dream, even when it's totally against the odds and against better judgment...
@Captain_Gonru "an informative teaser regarding NX."
Did you see my comment on the floor space article?
Just for you -
"I think the entire middle spot will just be a giant countdown clock to the NX reveal, whenever that will be. August? September? "
@AlexSora89 From the beginning of the 2nd to last episode of season 5. It's how Riversong tells him to meet her at the Roman encampment.
If Nintendo teases about the NX they could win E3, if they don't and only talk about Zelda then there presentation will definitely be a failure.
Jesus, I need to get off this site (and maybe Nintendo focused Internet sites period until post E3), but here are my two cents.
For one I am not defending Nintendo, but I'm going to say that the "argument" that, "Nintendo is doomed for one poor showing," is a very lame excuse to get angry. Guys, WE ARE AT THE TRANSITION POINT meaning we are moving onto the next generation. Yeah, it sucks, the Wii U failed (although it is still a great console with many future classic Nintendo games) and the 3DS is 5 1/2 years old, and has been carrying Nintendo for at least four of those years! That means there are going to be less games, as Nintendo moves onto the NX. I don't know why Nintendo thought not showing the NX at E3 was a good idea, no one does, nor ever will, but they are doing it and there is no changing that. So, it isn't just Zelda, now people complain more, really??? Nintendo is putting their best foot forward. The cupboard is pretty empty, but they are still determined to show something, it isn't much, but is something. Will there be more games? Maybe. New major Wii U games, no, it is dead, finished, over. Sure there will be indie games, but no more Nintendo or major 3rd party titles. 3DS...maybe...some more localizations on the 1st party front (there isn't much left they can localize), but two examples would be Culdcept Revolt or Puzzles and Dragons X. There are a few new 3rd party titles, like Natsume's new Harvest Moon and DJMax Encore (http://nintendoeverything.com/djmax-encore-heading-to-3ds/) have been recently announced. So yeah, it'll be a quiet year-nothing exciting or revolutionary, but unlike so many on here I will watch and see what comes of E3, like I always do.
I am shocked that people think this E3 for Nintendo will be more disappointing that last year's. I would take world premiere Zelda gameplay and Pokémon Sun/Moon footage over Amiibo Festival, TriForce Heroes, and Ultra Smash any day of the week. New gameplay of games such as Monster Hunter Generations, Dragon Quest VII 3DS, TMS#FE (even though I could care less about that game) and more is also welcome.
Not that I am not disappointed that there won't be a Digital Event (that we know of), because I am, but this E3 should be way better than last year's.
nice!! maybe we'll get a surprise announcement for a new game. Even if it's a remaster or something, it would still be something cool to look forward to until Zelda.
@Grumblevolcano Makes sense. Those Digital Event shenanigans are fun, but frankly, as long as there are cool new game reveals, I'd be more than happy.
@HollowGrapeJ YEET.
@Inkling Oh boy a game most people have played and are playing again on WiiU thanks to humble bundle, and will probably cost double or more for the 3DS than what people put into the bundle or buying the download by itself, too excited for this.
It's more of a personal thing for me. I don't actually like Zelda that much, and while I do like Pokemon, I'm not a die-hard fan of it.
So, for me at least, it looks like it's going to be a bad e3.
I'm not sure I'd call it "great", but it's definitely better than we all thought it would be.
I have no expectations, though I always hope to be pleasantly surprised.
@Grumblevolcano Shut up everyone wants Wii Music U. Use the gamepad as a mic
This E3 looks to be very boring to me. Hopefully Nintendo will manage to surprise me though. We'll find out soon enough.
Can I have a Super Mario Dodgeball game please. And make it have some RPG elements please
Zelda U is all I need from anyone, anywhere, anytime (gaming related, of course). E3 doesn't have any more relevance now anyway, it's just another stall at the (huge) market.
Nothing's jumping out at me here. Pokémon's not really my thing, got kinda burned out on it. Yeah, Zelda Wii U is exciting, but it's a Zelda game, so we already know it's going to be good, and it's something we have seen gameplay of before, I don't feel like seeing more is going to impact my choice to buy it. I'm holding out for some surprise reveals of new games come E3. The most I want out of any E3 is something unexpected.
I totally agree! Why do we need 20 games, when the focus will be on the one game to rule them all?
I've got a theory (call it a Game Theory, if you will) that Nintendo is trying to reduce the importance of e3. Last year was totally disappointing. They announced a bunch of games, most of which turned out to be bad. Now this year, they're just showing more of the games that have already been announced. Kind of like what they might do at a smaller gaming convention like PAX or Comic-Con. Nintendo, unlike Sony or Microsoft, has had the directs as mini e3 presentations all year long. If they just get back into the groove with the directs, they no longer have to rely on e3 to stir up hype. If Nintendo doesn't show anything big at PAX or Comic-Con, not really anyone cares. If they reduce e3 to the same standard, it directs (pun intended) the focus of fans to the monthy broadcasts. Nintendo is trying to shift the entire game announcement culture in their favor, and the size and scope of this year's e3 should prove or disprove this idea. But hey, that's just a theory, an e3eory!
I'll see myself out now...
The only games I'm somewhat excited for is DQVII, MHX, TMS, and Sun & Moon. The sad thing is though is that 3 of those games are already out in Japan and one is already on the PSX (although to be fair the 3DS port is really great from what I heard).
Assuming that they'll be showing off new games in the Day 2 stream, this is great news. They pretty much made it sound like a Nintendo Direct, which usually contain a fair amount of new stuff.
That's what E3 is all about really, the new game reveals?
I love Zelda and will play that game to death with love in my heart, but not even that game has me that excited anymore due to the huge delays, it certainly isnt enough to make this interesting.
I love Nintendo but they continually tip water on the fire and it gets boring.....fast.
It would be nice if they surprised us with a teaser for a new Mario game, set for NX. They don't even have to show the game, just a brief Mario head on screen telling us that he will see us soon on a new home or whatnot.
Another hope is that a few 3rd party devs drop the NX logo in their game trailers, giving us something NX related to look forward to. Could happen lol
Doesn't change much for me: A awful E3 showing!
As I said before, I'll just watch the Zelda-stuff in the evening. Hopefully Miyamoto didn't uppend any tables, that would be AWFUL!!
@Grumblevolcano If there was a Direct, sure, a Digital Event wouldn't make much sense.
Nintendo is not crazy! I'm sure that they know what they're doing. Nobody would make this kind of E3 show without a reason! The new Zelda game wouldn't have all these delays if it was going to be a bad game. Sonic '06 was rushed, and you know what happened to that game...
Nintendo just announced Zelda U/NX too early. If they had announced it later, people wouldn't get so angry.
Definitely interested in finally seeing Zelda (also a bit worried though, because it's either going to be Overwatch-level-awesomness, or .... Nintendo is in real trouble as far as their perpection goes).
I have less than zero interest in Pokemon, maybe, that is a big maybe, too, if they were to do a major console-based RPG spun-out of the Pokemon franchise, with a completely reworked structure and combat system, then maybe, I would be at least curious, but as it stands, it's less interesting to me than say ... BF1, which at least has a cool setting, if nothing else.
extended? they never said they were only showing Zelda, just that Zelda is the only game on the show floor
I guess I'll have to wait and see what's on offer but if it's two bad years in a row for Nintendo then in my books that's bad news.
@MrGawain That is one of the best analogies in the history of humanity.
@rjejr Woah, where'd you get that awesome gif of those Wall Street stock market bell clappers?
@Captain_Gonru Well those idjits better have an established time in place. As I said about a month ago a Spaceworld type event requires renting an auditorium, which they should have already done.
And one of the worst things about not having NX at E3 isn't the lack of news, it's really that everything they do show will be overshadowed by NX anyway. Everybody working everywhere at E3 will have to keep answering questions about NX. It will be a non-stop bombardment of NX questions. Reggie was already answering them non-stop last year as it was. Nobody is going to care about Zelda U on Wii U except for how the NX version will be the same or different. It's just so asinine to announce NX for March 2017 - they couldnt' just say "2017", for once in Ntneod's stupid existence they added a month - and then skip E3 and expect that to be it. Madness. Hence my avatar.
@Rumorlife "Use the gamepad as a mic"
Forget the mic, Gamepad has a built in camera, karaoke on the big screen TV.
I dunno, I think the hilariously bad Wii Music showing in 2008 and the actively self-destructive effect of Federation Force in 2015 would take genuine effort to beat. Taking no effort at all, doing nothing at all, is still better than intentionally showering in the stream of feces evoked by those two past actions.
Not that doing nothing is okay, it's a depressingly poor showing compared to Nintendo's glory days in the past. But it could be worse.
@whodatninja That episode was terrifying for tv, but I thought the stuff w/ her mom was even crazier to have on tv.
@PlywoodStick Here ya go
@rjejr Oh wow... If only it were that easy to make everyone who claps like that have their heads explode into green slime...
Not pleased. Only thing I've seen mentioned that interests me at all is Zelda, and I don't need to see more of that. I know it's coming, thats enough. Just give it to me when it's ready. I want to see new things at E3. Show me new games. It boggles my mind that they want to release a new console / handheld / hybrid/ whatever it is, less than a year from now, and have nothing to show. At least tell us what it is. I'm a diehard and Nintendo fan, and a consumer whore to boot, so i'll be buying whatever it is Day 1, but i can't say they're giving me a warm fuzzy feeling this time around. Have any of the major consoles or handhelds ever been released without an E3 showing?
@PlywoodStick You mean like this.
Absolutely agree. There had better be at least 1, if not 2, big surprises.
2016 has been near useless for the Wii U. The holiday season is shaping up to be worse than 2015, which IMHO, was maybe the worse Nintendo holiday I can recall.
NX is overdue, but in the mean time, it's hard being a Nintendo fan (and I'm only a console Nintendo fan, my household doesn't do handhelds, which is half of what comes out of Nintendo these days).
I'm looking forward to hopefully some nice gameplay footage of Zelda U and some more news on Pokemon Sun and Moon.
I hope that they have something up their sleeves to surprise us with as they have a lot of space on the E3 floor! I know that Zelda U will be playable at E3 so this might be the extra space.
The only excitement I have for anything at this years e3 is Zelda and Red Dead Redemption 2. Everything else I am interested in has had lots of info available for a while.
Plus add in Neo and Microsoft unveiling a new one it's probably going to be a pretty crap e3.
@Squalllionhart So basically you care about everything Nintendo is going to show at E3. Gotta put a positive spin on it dude!
Hmmm, I'm staking my hopes on whenever the NX is going to be formally announced, and that it will make up for Nintendo's presence, or lack thereof, at E3.
I would be excited about Zelda, but I'm worried that too much will be spoiled. My only hope is that we get a more condensed trailer, a date, and a title.
I don't hold any interest in Pokemon, as I've never really found Pokemon to be great. I know lots of people who enjoy it, but it's never really appealed to me.
Not too fussed about gameplay being shown off for MH Generations, TMS #FE, and DQ. I'm more interested in release dates for some upcoming games, such as Rhythm Heaven, and Paper Mario Colour Splash.
This E3 looks disappointing to me, but I can only hope that this means they're busy on NX projects (F-Zero for the love of humanity), whatever the NX turns out to be (provided it is not a glorified smart phone).
On that final note, Nintendo, if nothing else, give us a date for when you plan to show off the NX, and any games for it.
@capitalism I really hope your right. And that there will be more than FIVE nintendo wii u and 3ds games shown at e3. Just let that sink in a moment. Five games, over two consoles. At a five day event where nearly every other console will have 30-40 games shown for each system. And thats probably just the new AAA announcements. With indy games you are probably looking at 80-100 games.
...So yeah, I really hope you are right and the rest of us are hopelessly wrong. Because after a pedestal moment like you just had you would have serious egg on your face if it turns out there really IS just five games spread thin over the whole of e3 for nintendo.
Oh and this is coming from a massively enthusiatic, and massively disappointed, nintendo fan.
Well, let see if there are some OMG titles that we never knew before. Please Nintendo, don't give up with the rivals Sony and Microsoft.
Not really hyped this year, but there will be plenty to be hyped about this year besides E3. Obviously any info on NX will be hype-worthy, and I'm actually excited for Fire Emblem on mobile. And, of course, even though it's not exciting in the context of E3 since it's old news, I'm really pumped for a Monster Hunter release this summer. Honestly, I could play nothing but that until NX releases and be okay.
@AlexSora89 Everyone did. It was a madhouse.
Behold, the first comment that started it all!
"Day 1: The comment tsunami is going way too high, send help."
For the record though, I really hated that timeframe of Late 2014, I have my reasons.
Here's a funny one. "Snarg 6000: I would like to get a poofcheck, I am getting daisy...ooooohhh......big blackness comes fourth. Here I go!"
Good times. ...XD
I have no interest in watching Nintendo's E3 coverage this year (or any future year for that matter).
I am done with financially supporting Nintendo. I have not bought any Nintendo games for the past year and counting, and with titles like Color Splash and Federation Force coming, I honestly do not think that I will regret what I am doing.
If Nintendo does release any good games (or consoles for that matter) in the future, I will buy them used so that Nintendo will not profit from my purchases. The only way I will buy a console new is if Nintendo is selling it for a loss.
I have gone from being a huge Nintendo fan, to being a self-proclaimed enemy of Nintendo.
I encourage everyone else to follow my lead, and to spread the word so that more people will take part in my movement against this soulless, lying, hypocritical, multi-billion dollar corporation that strives to get money from devoted followers who believe their lies.
Personally, I find Nintendo's E3 this year to be lacklustre. Sure, as someone in the comments already mentioned, you could take their unusual approach this year as quality over quantity but to me and many others E3 is all about megaton announcements and getting excited over what each platform/company has to offer.
It may sound weird, but I want to play Zelda U and Pokémon Sun almost completely blind. After watching the latest trailer for Sun and Moon out of curiosity and internet hype, I already think GameFreak have given away too much about the game for my liking (like that "mysterious" character and the new pokédex) so I'm going to give the entire Pokémon portion of E3 a miss which means I'll be watching about 45 minutes of Nintendo's E3. I'm a bit disappointed to say the least.
Also keep in mind that Nintendo fans who aren't interested in Zelda, Pokémon or RPG's in general have been left in the dust by Nintendo this E3. I bet they feel alienated right now.
Hmm… This isn't good. More and more people are dropping support for Nintendo. …I hope they know what they're doing...
I for one, am not sure how to feel about this E3, I feel as if it's going to be better than some of the previous years, but with only Zelda Wii U & Pokemon Sun & Moon being the first games to be talked about, I'm a little excited!
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