Comments 126

Re: Review: The Plucky Squire (Switch) - Enormously Charming, But Not So Plucky On Switch


@-wc- Right? Games used to be tweaked until they ran right on whatever hardware they were for. How many games had arcade, NES, and Gameboy versions, all different? Even SNES vs Genesis, tweaked for the hardware. What happened? Looking at comments (and reviews) I'd say lowered expectations are letting developers get away with it. Hey maybe it'll get a patch, maybe not.

I do hope this gets improved with a patch, my kids would love it. But paying for an incomplete product is bad for all of us.

Re: Review: Valfaris: Mecha Therion (Switch) - Steel Mantis Switches To Shmup For A Tight, Taut Sequel


Critics call arcade games too short, dock them review points. Developers of arcade style game have to respond by making their games too long. That's how we get the last few stages of Shredder's Revenge.
These games are meant to be replayed over and over for mastery, the mindset of oh I got through it all once I'm done with it forever does not apply here.
Anyway. Looks interesting.

Re: Review: Volgarr The Viking II (Switch) - One Of The Switch's Best 2D Action Platformers


@Lightsiyd agreed about grinding. But I do think there is marathon difficulty and burst difficulty. Most game these days are difficult in short bursts, like your Dread example. And that can be very fun and rewarding.

Less common now is old school marathon difficulty, maintaining high quality play over long periods. Different skills exercised, different approach, both can be great if done well. Admittedly, marathon difficulty leads more often to rage quitting haha but the next time you play you might change your strat. I don't think it's necessarily the game not respecting your time, just that the game has to be higher quality for that type of difficulty to work well.

Re: Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate (Switch) - Hades In A Half-Shell


Agreed Armageddon Game was super underwhelming. But as far as I know Sophie Campbell was solely responsible for a lot of the mutant town crap like battle of the bands, Mikey's podcast, weird Jennika stories etc.
Waltz came back for Armageddon Game. He and Eastman have "creative consultant" credits for Sophie's run but reading his comments on it seems like it was all her.
Anyway I'm interested in the upcoming reboot. Not so much this game. Last Ronin game, yes please.

Re: Nintendo Will Continue To Support Physical Media And "Maximise" All Software Sales


With the disappearance of instruction booklets, I really don't care any more. Games are inherently digital. The current presentation of switch physical games is so lackluster, may as well just sell me a plain usb stick with the game name on in marker.

What I do not want at all is the way things are going- subscription based, non-ownership. This is one area we may feel grateful that Nintendo is often stubbornly behind the times, but NSO doesn't bode well.

Re: Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games, Ranked - Every TMNT Game On Switch And Nintendo Systems


Weird to give the boring late stages of Shredder's Revenge a pass by claiming this happens in all beat-em-ups.They tried to stretch the playtime to combat the whining of modern critics and fans ignorant of arcade design- "Why would I pay for a 45 minute game!!/?" and that's on them, not the genre.
(same with SOR4, way too long, but better than late Shredder's Revenge.)

Re: Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade: Wrath Of The Mutants (Switch) - Coin-Op Co-Op Cowabummer


I love the 2012 series so the voice cast returning is a big plus.
The input lag must be really bad though, the Cowabunga Collection has atrocious lag and it wasn't even mentioned in the review.
Here's hoping the Last Ronin game comes to the next nintendo console.
(also the assertion that Shredder's Revenge is anywhere near as good as snes Turtles in Time really baffles me)