Comments 1,184

Re: Review: Axiom Verge 2 - A Fantastic Follow-Up To A Classic Metroidvania


So i'm about 8 hours in, currently stuck trying to figure out where to go. I'm enjoying the game for the most part, but feel the first game was definitely better overall. There are not nearly as many bosses in the game as before, and it is odd to skip them though i've killed them all still at this point. It's very easy to get lost, but generally up until this point i've finally figured out where to go. There are points on the map it points you towards, but getting there is up for you to figure out. I still think it's worth a play if you enjoyed the first one, but I don't think many people will enjoy it quite as much as the first one. There are interesting things here though including the story, and the music is a bit more hit and miss compared to the first games soundtrack that I probably liked slightly better. I'd say a 7/10 is probably fairer at this point in time, but I reserve judgement until i finish the game i'm at 78% map at 8 hours in.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl #40 - Mega Man


From NA here, and had never actually seen the European one. I kind of like it better than the Japanese one so I voted for it. Though the original one was quite hilarious (I had the game back then, though we threw away the boxes after getting the games).

Re: Poll: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Is Out Today On Switch, Are You Getting It?


Part of me hopes this doesn't sell well so they realize they overpriced the game, but I also understand that this probably needs to sell well for them to consider a new Pokemon Mystery dungeon. While it's not my cup of tea I know it does have it's fans. Admittedly i've never gave it a fair shake yet, but I sure wouldn't for 60 bucks. This should have been a 40 dollar game probably.

Re: PlatinumGames Admits Wonderful 101 Kickstarter Had Nothing To Do With Raising Funds


Kickstarter was an interesting idea, but then people take advantage of it to not do what it was used for. I'm feeling pretty burnt on a couple things I've kickstarted that are either straight up dropped without product coming out (Riven) or stuck in development hell it feels like(Camelot unchained). I have seen some success (Timespinners was great, and Bloodstained is a pretty decent game with a shoddy starting port to switch). Overall it's bloated and abused now so I probably won't be using it unless something really catches my eye. Things like this especially though I don't want to support when they straight up lie.

Re: Feature: Best Metroid Games Of All Time


There's only one game on this list that I've played though completely more than 10 times and that's Super Metroid. Especially now with the Rnadomizer's has brought even more life into the old game. While I like prime, I just don't think know if any Metroid game will ever displace my love for Super Metroid. However with Breath of the Wild I can be shocked by something coming out of nowhere and really loving it to (though LttP is still my favorite zelda as well).

Re: Feature: Super Rare Games On 2 Years Of Switch Releases And The Future Of Physical Media


@steveputer One thing you can get from physical media especially is if a game comes back out, and they they remake it there are definitely games out there that are not as good of quality or worse versions of the game (like when they put out Secret of Mana on PS4 that was an inferior version for most people). Sometimes it has to do with the emulation, sometimes it has to do with it just not fitting on the device it's being put on like trying to play an old school game on your mobile with touch controls.

Re: It's Been 162 Days Since The Last Full Nintendo Direct, The Longest Wait Since 2016


Even though my backlog is super nasty I still want a direct to get an idea when I need to start pushing my backlog more lol.
Stuff in backlog:
Disgaea 5
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Tales of Vesperia (This is one i'm currently working on)
Luigi's Mansion 3
Dragon ball Fighter z
Need to finish Link's awakening

That's just my switch stuff I can think of, I have a few PS4 things as well. At least when I picked up Darksiders 1 I fully finished it, and would like to grab Darksiders 2 at some point.

Re: Switch Starts 2020 With A Bang By Being North America's Best-Selling Console


@Agramonte I picked it up to support the series and i'm interested in checking it out (though I still don't like the idea of censorship in general with the game), but it's on the backlog. It's too bad Kakarot didn't release on switch as well or else it probably would have sold really well on the switch, I think there's a chance that will come over later. Only bad thing is they'll probably port it and release at 60 like always.

Re: Random: Dog Feeding Is The Latest Speedrun Craze In The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild


@Belatarr Speed running is enjoyable for some, and also there has been great stuff to come out of speed running such as charity work that people are doing through things like games done quick. While you might not like it I'm sure there are plenty of people that get enjoyment and don't consider it a waste of time. Many people replay games just purely because they enjoy that game or the mechanics of the game that make it interesting.