@dudujencarelli the worst offender of all actually is gathering 900 KOROK seeds ... in TWO games! ... And worst reward ever... TWICE.
That is the worst sidequest I've ever seen in ANY videogame, let alone "Zelda" games.
At least the gacha mechanics in Minish gave you interesting figurines or in the DS games they gave you interesting boat parts... even the 64 rings gave you different abilities... Koroks are useless just.... F Koroks.... there's a special place in hell for Fujibayashi and Aonuma.
@sanderev why only 5 when you can start giving them to your neighbors! To the pool boy. To the mailman. To the creepy guy that watches you from the vents in your house!
@Olliemar28 Im just genuinely curious, is it the animation? Or the character art? Because the background sprite artwork always looked really good for a 16-bit SNES era game aiming to emulate ‘realistic’ (like classic RE). I never played this one fully or don’t know if something changes in the latter parts of the game so it’s a legit question, not trying to continue the discussion
@Fake-news sigh … I already posted I don’t know… three times that it’s not about the score but the logic of how retro gaming is reviewed that started as an answer to LadyCharlie?
And yes, sure, I must have financial involvement in the game… lol
@LadyCharlie again, my point exactly, why complain about the visuals AT ALL? That’s why I said “yes and no”. I agreed and disagreed with you. Gameplay I can understand… but since the review includes gameplay AND visuals, then it’s not a fair assessment of the game in 2024 reviews, don’t you think?
@cedarhyped again, no one is complaining about the score, I’m arguing on how retro games should be reviewed and scored. And that has always been a common discussion
@cedarhyped imagine saying that retro gaming is for you and then complaining that a retro game looks… well…. Retro.
This game looked good at the time and it still looks good now for retro standards. There’s a reason it’s considered a classic and it still gathers attention 30 years later.
Want to play something that looked hideous back then and right now? Play something like Atari’s ET.
@cedarhyped exactly my point. Why would you add visuals to cons?
I mean, I know that I’m paying for a retro game, what am I expecting? Suddenly a 16 bit game to become a full fledged HD game?
And I’m not arguing about the score.
I argue that suddenly, new gamers want to review old games with the same lens they review 2024 games.
If people can’t understand that these are ports for gaming preservation purposes then it’s on them for expecting 2024 experiences on 35 year old games.
If you want 2024 experiences for old games then ask for REMAKES… not ports.
@LadyCharlie yes and no. I can understand that logic for gameplay … but what do you expect for “visuals” when reviewing a retro port?
It’s not a remake … it’s a port.
If you buy a 90s game you go in expecting the unadulterated graphics of the time. That’s the main purpose of buying old games.
Would you buy a NES Zelda port expecting BotW visuals for today’s standards?
If we apply that logic then all NES games would suddenly be a 1?
These kind of reviews are kind of a balance with what the game meant, how fun it is today and back then, and the quality of the port and the package vs price. That’s what retro enthusiasts and the potential buyers want to know before buying.
And it’s well deserved. The WiiU trailers were pretty good back in the day. XCX is on the top of the franchise (debatable as I love 1&3) Hell this IP is one of the most consistent regarding quality.
Just to help people remember that NoAs policies are mostly absurd and they can affect on the gaming environment:
Disaster: Day of Crisis (an awesome Wii game) didn’t release on NA because of NoAs censorship.
Interestingly enough this was also a Monolith Soft game.
In each console generation there is always A special game that makes you feel like you haven’t played anything like it before.
THIS is one of those games.
It will always hold a special place in my gaming heart, it was THAT good. It really took me in into its world and their need to survive in a strange planet.
I will double dip. Hopefully this time there’s closure.
And hopefully they fix the mission where you need to find 100 mini lobsters in the city (that was such a drag and those things were ridiculous to find), but the mission/boss after the lobster thingies was unbeatable.
After spending hundreds of hours in the game it was a letdown that I couldn’t finish that mission at all and the game just stuck at 99% completion for me.
I really wish they nerf it this time.
Ohh and I remember that you actually had to fight it on foot…. Skells were not permitted for that fight.
The soundtrack was amazing too. Hiroyuki Sawano (of Attack on Titan fame) did nail an OST that you enjoy listening for hundreds of hours in an open world game.
@AdolBannings-Laylee lol... that's not how reviews work.
You can't compare games with 20 years apart and deducting points to the older one for not being up to today's standards.
That's like reviewing, hell, I don't know, NES Super Mario Bros and giving it a 2 saying "graphics suck"
I want to support Playtonic so they can keep bringing us games like these and perfecting the formula so we can get the Bear and the Bird at least in spirit.
@chefgon nah… that’s not an F-Zero game… it’s a fun curiosity and nothing more. That would be like considering Mario 35 a mainline Mario entry. Or the Nintendoland FZero mini game or MK 8 tracks a revival, they are just fun curiosities, not full blown F-Zero games.
Whenever there’s a sequel to GX we’ll say FZero is back.
@Toastmaster long development times? They were releasing hit after hit YEARLY. That’s something Rare and only a few have achieved in all the history of gaming.
@axelhander yeah, I remember Konami doing that to Kojima and other employees. But… can’t you just sleep or take a nap while you’re secluded? I mean, if I get paid to sleep then we’ll see who gives up first
@RubyCarbuncle it’s weird as in any other mythological adult lore/tale weird.
It is awful if interpreted narratively, but interesting if interpreted mythopoeically.
It’s just that we kind of forget that Pokémon often has this hidden adult layers beneath, really really hidden from the kiddie imagery. (Cubone’s mom comes to mind as one of the first)
But to be honest, like I said, nothing different from what you’ve read in literature classes when you were a kid.
They also feel like AI made. It’s just a bunch of random bullsht
I think the Typhlosion one was just overblown by the internet. Sure it’s weird but nothing out of the ordinary from any Greek mythological tale you haven’t read in high school before.
It’s mostly for the lols, likes and shock.
Haven’t read the other ones though.
@russell-marlow I wouldn't call it shallow, not even close.... GRIS has a lot of themes that are barely touched in other games coupled with great animation, storytelling, artstyle & music.
Not everything has to be a complex open world MMORPG.
Would you call Shadow of the Colossus shallow just because it has 16 enemies in a huge overworld? Even its gameplay was surpassed by the other departments in SotC as it was one of the first games that sparked the discussion in the mid 2000s.... “should videogames be considered art?”
@SwitchVogel wrote the perfect words in his review: It'll give you something to savour rather than just consume.
@Ok_Impala thanks! I’ll certainly look into those. Did you also get the Link’s Adventure HD mod? (Im not sure if it’s the Redux one you shared though.) (As well as the Links Awakening HD mod btw)
Amida’s curse looks interesting. Will be adding that one to my Zelda rom hacks collection, which I would really recommend Parallel Worlds (Alttp hack) and The Sealed Palace (OoT hack)
Those are the best ones I can definitely recommend.
Waaaait…. *sees the username and the credits in the trailer * You’re the one who designed Amida’s Curse? Niiice
Zelda 2 was a good game. It was just different. It was special when it released. I would love a remake but with a more pixel art approach. Also it’s really the only “git gud” Zelda.
@Borderlineland come on ... no one spies on your kids while they sleep.
If this helps anyone have a better, healthy sleep cycle... I'm all up for it.
They know this area of a healthy lifestyle is ignored .... and its a pretty important part of every single person routine on the planet .... so, as ridiculous as it sounds... its something I can get behind them if they release something to help sleeping habits.
Its not about complaining just for the sake of complaining.
If it helps YOUR children improve their sleeping habits.......... then why so bitter about it?
@Borderlineland lol… someone tell him that Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Minish Cap were not made by Nintendo….and those are even truer Zeldas than Nintendo’s most recent efforts.
@Indielink you’re right… then a drop-down menu in every “leveled” echo would be ideal… so it wouldn’t bloat the menu and you can still select it if you want to
Comments 557
Re: Opinion: No, Zelda: The Minish Cap's Worst Sidequest Isn't The Kinstones
@dudujencarelli the worst offender of all actually is gathering 900 KOROK seeds ... in TWO games! ... And worst reward ever... TWICE.
That is the worst sidequest I've ever seen in ANY videogame, let alone "Zelda" games.
At least the gacha mechanics in Minish gave you interesting figurines or in the DS games they gave you interesting boat parts... even the 64 rings gave you different abilities... Koroks are useless just.... F Koroks.... there's a special place in hell for Fujibayashi and Aonuma.
Re: Nintendo Lowers Its Hardware Forecast As Switch Sales Slow To A Crawl
@nhSnork don’t forget Hello Neighbor for the neighbors… that should send them a message
Re: Nintendo Lowers Its Hardware Forecast As Switch Sales Slow To A Crawl
@sanderev why only 5 when you can start giving them to your neighbors! To the pool boy. To the mailman. To the creepy guy that watches you from the vents in your house!
Re: Nintendo Lowers Its Hardware Forecast As Switch Sales Slow To A Crawl
@FaroreAbhorsen hit the BUY button faster!!
Re: Nintendo Lowers Its Hardware Forecast As Switch Sales Slow To A Crawl
Come on, we all just want the Switch to surpass the PS2.
Buy more Switches people! Nothing wrong about having 3 or 4
Re: Anniversary: The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap Turns 20 Today
Capcom should do another Zelda game. Would love to the see the results in this era.
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@Olliemar28 Im just genuinely curious, is it the animation? Or the character art? Because the background sprite artwork always looked really good for a 16-bit SNES era game aiming to emulate ‘realistic’ (like classic RE). I never played this one fully or don’t know if something changes in the latter parts of the game so it’s a legit question, not trying to continue the discussion
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@Fake-news sigh … I already posted I don’t know… three times that it’s not about the score but the logic of how retro gaming is reviewed that started as an answer to LadyCharlie?
And yes, sure, I must have financial involvement in the game… lol
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@LadyCharlie again, my point exactly, why complain about the visuals AT ALL? That’s why I said “yes and no”. I agreed and disagreed with you. Gameplay I can understand… but since the review includes gameplay AND visuals, then it’s not a fair assessment of the game in 2024 reviews, don’t you think?
@cedarhyped again, no one is complaining about the score, I’m arguing on how retro games should be reviewed and scored. And that has always been a common discussion
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@cedarhyped imagine saying that retro gaming is for you and then complaining that a retro game looks… well…. Retro.
This game looked good at the time and it still looks good now for retro standards. There’s a reason it’s considered a classic and it still gathers attention 30 years later.
Want to play something that looked hideous back then and right now? Play something like Atari’s ET.
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@cedarhyped then retro gaming is not for you. Stick to the contemporary games.
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@cedarhyped exactly my point. Why would you add visuals to cons?
I mean, I know that I’m paying for a retro game, what am I expecting? Suddenly a 16 bit game to become a full fledged HD game?
And I’m not arguing about the score.
I argue that suddenly, new gamers want to review old games with the same lens they review 2024 games.
If people can’t understand that these are ports for gaming preservation purposes then it’s on them for expecting 2024 experiences on 35 year old games.
If you want 2024 experiences for old games then ask for REMAKES… not ports.
Re: Review: Clock Tower: Rewind (Switch) - Pre-RE Survival Horror That's Elevated By Extras
@LadyCharlie yes and no. I can understand that logic for gameplay … but what do you expect for “visuals” when reviewing a retro port?
It’s not a remake … it’s a port.
If you buy a 90s game you go in expecting the unadulterated graphics of the time. That’s the main purpose of buying old games.
Would you buy a NES Zelda port expecting BotW visuals for today’s standards?
If we apply that logic then all NES games would suddenly be a 1?
These kind of reviews are kind of a balance with what the game meant, how fun it is today and back then, and the quality of the port and the package vs price. That’s what retro enthusiasts and the potential buyers want to know before buying.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Is Eating Up Views On YouTube
And it’s well deserved. The WiiU trailers were pretty good back in the day. XCX is on the top of the franchise (debatable as I love 1&3)
Hell this IP is one of the most consistent regarding quality.
Re: Random: Some Pokémon TCG Pocket Players Are Convinced Boosters With "Bent Corners" Contain Better Pulls
@Joeynator3000 umm they do have CPU battles
Re: Random: Some Pokémon TCG Pocket Players Are Convinced Boosters With "Bent Corners" Contain Better Pulls
First bent corner and I got a Marowak Ex ….. which I already had … YEY …. Just my luck …
Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl - Duel: Sonic X Shadow Generations
This is a no-brainer. How are they so close? Japan should be the only option.
Re: 'Nintendo Music' Update Adds Super Mario Bros. Wonder Songs
Nice… now Im wondering if we’re gonna be getting weekly updates then
Re: So, Will You Be Listening To The New Mobile App Nintendo Music?
Yes… and the filters are really great. It’s pretty convenient to listen to my VGM while I work.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X Fans Are Once Again Discussing The Game's 'Censorship'
Just to help people remember that NoAs policies are mostly absurd and they can affect on the gaming environment:
Disaster: Day of Crisis (an awesome Wii game) didn’t release on NA because of NoAs censorship.
Interestingly enough this was also a Monolith Soft game.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X Fans Are Once Again Discussing The Game's 'Censorship'
Shouldn’t we all be having a serious conversation of the great things about this great game? This is just NOISE
Re: Bayonetta Character Designer Celebrates Series' 15th Anniversary With New Art
There’s a mistake, Kamiya’s comments were in 2023
Re: Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket Launches Worldwide Today
I just have the need to collect those immersive cards... waiting for the app to download on my phone
Lol... it became available as I hit the "reply" button.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Confirmed For Switch
In each console generation there is always A special game that makes you feel like you haven’t played anything like it before.
THIS is one of those games.
It will always hold a special place in my gaming heart, it was THAT good. It really took me in into its world and their need to survive in a strange planet.
I will double dip. Hopefully this time there’s closure.
And hopefully they fix the mission where you need to find 100 mini lobsters in the city (that was such a drag and those things were ridiculous to find), but the mission/boss after the lobster thingies was unbeatable.
After spending hundreds of hours in the game it was a letdown that I couldn’t finish that mission at all and the game just stuck at 99% completion for me.
I really wish they nerf it this time.
Ohh and I remember that you actually had to fight it on foot…. Skells were not permitted for that fight.
The soundtrack was amazing too. Hiroyuki Sawano (of Attack on Titan fame) did nail an OST that you enjoy listening for hundreds of hours in an open world game.
Re: Review: Banjo-Tooie (Nintendo 64) - An Enormous Adventure With Charm Up The Kazoo
@AdolBannings-Laylee lol... that's not how reviews work.
You can't compare games with 20 years apart and deducting points to the older one for not being up to today's standards.
That's like reviewing, hell, I don't know, NES Super Mario Bros and giving it a 2 saying "graphics suck"
Re: Video: Yooka-Replaylee Side-By-Side Graphics Comparison (Original & Remaster)
I want to support Playtonic so they can keep bringing us games like these and perfecting the formula so we can get the Bear and the Bird at least in spirit.
Re: F-Zero Climax Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Free Course
@Bonggon5 yeah let’s see how all of you play this “real” F-Zero game when the servers are shut down like Mario 35 lol
Re: F-Zero Climax Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Free Course
@chefgon nah… that’s not an F-Zero game… it’s a fun curiosity and nothing more. That would be like considering Mario 35 a mainline Mario entry. Or the Nintendoland FZero mini game or MK 8 tracks a revival, they are just fun curiosities, not full blown F-Zero games.
Whenever there’s a sequel to GX we’ll say FZero is back.
Re: F-Zero Climax Celebrates 20th Anniversary With Free Course
The anniversary just marks that It’s been 20 years without a new F-Zero. Not even my ex neglected me that much.
Edit: Wow… that was the longest password I’ve input in my life! Did I just programmed the whole game or what!?
Re: Xbox Studio Rare Excited About The Return Of Banjo-Tooie Next Week
@Toastmaster long development times? They were releasing hit after hit YEARLY. That’s something Rare and only a few have achieved in all the history of gaming.
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's N64 Library Next Week
Yes!!!!!!!!!! Now please give us a third game please!!! Xbox should collaborate with Nintendo.
And bring Grunty’s Revenge to the GBA too please!
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Neva
Well deserved … GRIS was a 9.8/10 IMO.
Nómada Studio has another winner.
Re: Bandai Namco Reportedly Cancels Nintendo-Commissioned Project
@Gryffin none of those. Xenoblade is Monolith. Bayonetta is Platinum.
Re: Bandai Namco Reportedly Cancels Nintendo-Commissioned Project
@axelhander it’s the same here in Mexico btw. So I guess the only difference is that Japan has a name for it 😅
Re: Bandai Namco Reportedly Cancels Nintendo-Commissioned Project
@axelhander yeah, I remember Konami doing that to Kojima and other employees.
But… can’t you just sleep or take a nap while you’re secluded? I mean, if I get paid to sleep then we’ll see who gives up first
Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?
@RubyCarbuncle it’s weird as in any other mythological adult lore/tale weird.
It is awful if interpreted narratively, but interesting if interpreted mythopoeically.
It’s just that we kind of forget that Pokémon often has this hidden adult layers beneath, really really hidden from the kiddie imagery. (Cubone’s mom comes to mind as one of the first)
But to be honest, like I said, nothing different from what you’ve read in literature classes when you were a kid.
They also feel like AI made. It’s just a bunch of random bullsht
Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?
I think the Typhlosion one was just overblown by the internet. Sure it’s weird but nothing out of the ordinary from any Greek mythological tale you haven’t read in high school before.
It’s mostly for the lols, likes and shock.
Haven’t read the other ones though.
Re: The Wand Company's Die-Cast Poké Ball Range Catches A Beast Ball Addition
I’ll play Pokémon make believe with my tennis balls 🎾… thank you very much
Re: Review: Neva (Switch) - A Raw, Engrossing Platformer That Looks Incredible
@russell-marlow I wouldn't call it shallow, not even close.... GRIS has a lot of themes that are barely touched in other games coupled with great animation, storytelling, artstyle & music.
Not everything has to be a complex open world MMORPG.
Would you call Shadow of the Colossus shallow just because it has 16 enemies in a huge overworld? Even its gameplay was surpassed by the other departments in SotC as it was one of the first games that sparked the discussion in the mid 2000s.... “should videogames be considered art?”
@SwitchVogel wrote the perfect words in his review: It'll give you something to savour rather than just consume.
Re: Talking Point: Is It Time For Another Side-Scrolling Zelda Game?
@Ok_Impala thanks! I’ll certainly look into those. Did you also get the Link’s Adventure HD mod? (Im not sure if it’s the Redux one you shared though.) (As well as the Links Awakening HD mod btw)
Amida’s curse looks interesting. Will be adding that one to my Zelda rom hacks collection, which I would really recommend Parallel Worlds (Alttp hack) and The Sealed Palace (OoT hack)
Those are the best ones I can definitely recommend.
Waaaait…. *sees the username and the credits in the trailer * You’re the one who designed Amida’s Curse? Niiice
Re: Talking Point: Is It Time For Another Side-Scrolling Zelda Game?
Zelda 2 was a good game. It was just different. It was special when it released. I would love a remake but with a more pixel art approach.
Also it’s really the only “git gud” Zelda.
Re: Rumour: Switch 2's Codename Believed To Be In Latest Pokémon Data Leak
@Anti-Matter wouldn’t it be an awesome coincidence if you actually get it right and it either is released or announced that day? Save your comment
Re: Reaction: A Little Device That Makes Sounds In Sync To Movements On The Bed?... Oh, Nintendo
@Borderlineland come on ... no one spies on your kids while they sleep.
If this helps anyone have a better, healthy sleep cycle... I'm all up for it.
They know this area of a healthy lifestyle is ignored .... and its a pretty important part of every single person routine on the planet .... so, as ridiculous as it sounds... its something I can get behind them if they release something to help sleeping habits.
Its not about complaining just for the sake of complaining.
If it helps YOUR children improve their sleeping habits.......... then why so bitter about it?
Re: Monolith Soft Is Expanding Its In-House Xenoblade Game Engine For Future Titles
Please remaster Disaster: Day of Crisis!!
Re: An Alien: Isolation Sequel Is Officially In Development
No thanks to IGN and Gamespot … they only delayed this joy for about 7 years.
Re: Opinion: Hyrule Really Needs To Take A Look At Its Prison System
@Borderlineland lol… someone tell him that Oracle of Ages/Seasons and Minish Cap were not made by Nintendo….and those are even truer Zeldas than Nintendo’s most recent efforts.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (5th October)
I’ll be 100%ing Echoes of Wisdom this weekend. This game gave me sparks of hope that Zelda games can return to form again.
Re: Talking Point: How Would You Fix Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Most Frustrating Feature?
@Ultimapunch gotta agree… and not even Ocarina of Time… this was implemented in ALttP
Re: Talking Point: How Would You Fix Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Most Frustrating Feature?
@datamonkey ummm you can do that already …
Re: Talking Point: How Would You Fix Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom's Most Frustrating Feature?
@Indielink you’re right… then a drop-down menu in every “leveled” echo would be ideal… so it wouldn’t bloat the menu and you can still select it if you want to