Comments 557

Re: Poll: What's The Best Xenoblade Game? Rate Your Favourite For Our Upcoming Ranking


All of them are solid 9-10s .... one of the few franchises in which every single game is a gem.

X is really special and there's nothing like it.
1 great story, voice acting, characters, world... everything is top notch (cant believe this game was Japan only for a time and the IP wouldn't have flourished without that fan movement to bring it to the West all those years ago)
Future Connected ... it was fun to revisit 1 and see all your favorite characters again.
2 great game, world and characters, but the story isn't the best one
Torna ... same as 2
3 amazing game, everything like 1 is top notch.
Future Redeemed .... such a great ending.

Re: Poll: Is It Finally Time For Castlevania To Rise Again?


I never understood why Lords of Shadow was controversial. Having played all the games in the series they were absolutely the next step for the games and their lore, mechanics, design, story, gameplay, enemy design, Metroidvania progression and everything were top notch. It’s not a popular opinion but the first one was in the top 3 (aside from SotN and IV)

And I hope they continue down that 3D design road.

But first they should make another compilation with the 3D missing games (64, Legacy of Darkness, Lament of Innocence, Curse of Darkness … and as a bonus Adventure Rebirth)
Then just give us the LoS Trilogy. 🥺

Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's GBA Library Next Week With Wario Land 4


@N00BiSH I played the Virtual Boy one just recently (hacked my 3DS to install the emulator in all its 3D glory) … it was quite good actually… not the best (maybe because I didn’t play it in its era) and the third one was a bit too much but such a great game. I think 2 stroke the balance with its simplicity. But let’s add another one to the conversation…. Shake Dimension could be the best one.

Re: Random: Local Supermarket Wins Trademark Battle Against Nintendo


@Not_Soos yeah that’s what I guessed that people didn’t get this context, and when I saw it was in a Spanish talking country I knew the reasoning behind the name. (The owner’s name is Mario and it’s his “super”… Super Mario=Mario’s Market/grocery store)
Also, to be fair, it’s not even the same font. It looks a bit like it, but has enough differences, and it’s not even using the same colors or identity to confuse anyone. I know that it is an unwinnable case.

Re: Random: Local Supermarket Wins Trademark Battle Against Nintendo


@FullMetalWesker what you don’t get is that here in Spanish/latin talking countries we call supermarkets “SUPERS” … so “Super Mario” is the same as saying “Market Mario” or “Mario’s Grocery store”

If I know this I’m PRETTY SURE a lawyer that earns twice or triple what I do should know this.

Also, IP and copyright protection apply to the “category” you’re infringing … a market doesn’t sell or develops videogames, nor is it using any font, color, mascot or ANYTHING resembling the videogame character.

No wonder Nintendo lost, because even a mule could see they were doomed to lose, and if they even had a bit of hope of winning this case then they were looking into bullying them because they felt comfortable with their power.

The smart lawyer who came up with this idea should be fired…. expecting to win a no-case is either from an unethical lawyer, or an unprofessional one.

Re: Poll: So, How Would You Feel About 24 Racers In Mario Kart 9?


@tobsesta99 nahh F-Zero 99 is just a fun battle Royale curiosity… just like Mario 35 isn’t a real Mario game.

Also, F-Zero GX/X is where the IP shines most … not the outdated SNES F-Zero

Until they make a sequel to F-Zero GX … Captain Falcon will remain upside down floating down the Nintendo river

Re: 'Nintendo Music' Adds Another Legendary Zelda Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included


@sanderev ok, then here goes my example. Xenoblade Chronicles (choose whichever entry you want), it’s just as big, it’s just as long, and its music never grows old… and has way more variety, it’s more interesting than ambient music. For me there’s no real excuse tbh. Just because BOTW has 200 tracks of chirping birds and crickets doesn’t mean that it has a more varied soundtrack. 190 of those tracks are mostly the same piano and wind chime samples. And the biomes, beasts and town songs are quite weak, not one of those is iconic but that’s my opinion.

Re: 'Nintendo Music' Adds Another Legendary Zelda Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included


@sanderev but as I said, the solution should have been have more variety, and instead of expanding the same “song” over a huge area, there could have been different songs over smaller areas. Hell, I’m listening to the Mario Odissey OST right now and there’s like 20 different songs in EACH world. All with different genres, instruments etc. We just needed more variety. As you said, in WW each island had some kind of different music. If you felt the ocean theme tiresome towards the end, imagine hearing dull ambient sounds for 200 hours. The OST was lazy and uninspired IMO. It will never become a classic in the grand scheme of Zelda OSTs

Re: 'Nintendo Music' Adds Another Legendary Zelda Soundtrack, Here's Every Song Included


@sanderev @yosher and yet, somehow, Wind Waker, being the closest thing to an open world Zelda at the time, pulled it off by still having memorable music and a great soundtrack overall. For me there’s no excuse for not having decent tunes while exploring BOTW, but I get the decision behind it. If WW did it, so could BOTW and TOTK. The solution should have been to just have more music variety between areas, different genres and instruments. Most of them all sound quite the same because it’s just boring ambient music.

Re: Nintendo and Lego Are Collaborating On A New Game Boy Set


@jon128 the NES set is exactly like that. It has a all the machinery and movable pieces that are such a delight to build just to see how creative the Lego engineers got to make it all work. Now imagine then putting the Mario figurine on top of the TV, which has a scannable sticker and it will play the Mario Bros music while scanning each coin, enemy and block on the scrollable brick screen to play the sound effects every time Mario passes through them. The first level scrolling through the TV is a delight.
Then add the console that also has a mechanism in which you insert the cartridge and it “sticks” to the bottom just like the real thing. Aside from a 1-2 level in miniature hidden on a secret compartment on the side.

Here’s how it looks:

I don’t know where did @ninchocolate got his idea from that it’s just a couple of soulless squares.

I expect the same level of creative engineering behind the Gameboy set.
The Mario Question Block, Mario & Yoshi, Pac-Man Arcade and NES set are some of the best Lego adult sets out there by their mechanics, design, engineering and interactivity alone.