Comments 2,826

Re: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Rumours Intensify


I'd believe it. Xenoblade may not be the best-selling franchise, but it definitely has a growing niche and I'm sure Nintendo didn't intend on XC:DE being the last project. I'd also guess that they'll bring X to Switch in the next year, considering that there's plenty of demand for it and they've basically exhausted all the Wii U games they can port to Switch.

Re: Pokémon GO Players Are Boycotting The Game After Niantic Removes COVID Changes


I admire the passion and agree with their stance, but I don't understand the belief that a boycott will effect any change in Niantic's thinking. Pokemon Go just passed $5 billion in gross revenue, how much of that do you think came directly from these influencers or the people who signed the petition? They of course contributed, but Niantic's primary focus has been and forever will be the most significant part of their audience, which is the millions of casual players who are completely oblivious to this 'issue'.

My point being, Niantic clearly wants this game to be one that requires you to go out to play, and their main audience probably wants that, too.

Re: Review: Ys IX: Monstrum Nox - A Fine Action-RPG With Performance Issues On Switch


@River3636 Of those three, I'd get MH Stories first, then this, then SSHD. Stories is a great follow up to the 3DS entry and builds on that foundation well. Likewise, I'd say this is a decent sequel to Ys VIII, although you could make a strong argument that VIII is the better game. SSHD I'd say is the most skippable, as it appears to be nothing more than a bare minimum remaster of an old Zelda game.

Re: Review: Ys IX: Monstrum Nox - A Fine Action-RPG With Performance Issues On Switch


@Ghost_of_Hasashi I don't know if I'd call it laziness, I'd say it's more an issue of inexperience and poor prioritization. The fact that a game like MH Rise can load quickly, barely drop any frames, and do it all while displaying in a decently high resolution shows me that the issue of poor performance on Switch is fundamentally a choice being made somewhere. Of course, not everyone has the development resources of Capcom, but there's really no good reason for a relatively simple game like Ys IX to be chugging as much as it does.