Comments 511

Re: Toby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4


Dude has been milking this thing for years! It's almost become a parody of itself. It's gone full Metallica.

(Update: The next day after spending all night moving into a new place and not looking at my phone)

Whoa, buddy.. looks like I failed to read the room on that one, hahaha!

Homeboy must have done something right if legions of random internet users are willing to defend his honor by dogpiling on a person for making a dumb joke, as tactless, ill-informed and badly timed as it may have been. I guess I forgot that words cause physical harm these days.

I sincerely apologize for poking fun at The Greatest And Best Video Game Developer In The World. I hope we can still be friends, and that your day and future days are filled with abundance and joy.

Okay, time for me to get back to work!

Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?


Three Houses all the way! I liked it so much that I went from the highest high to the lowest low when the continuation of the 3H story turned out to be a Warriors game instead of an actual sequel.

I eventually picked up Engage for cheap and bounced off of it around Chapter 20.

I'm hoping for an eventual Genealogy/Thracia remake to get me back into the franchise like Shadows of Valentia did.