And for not jumping down my throat for disturbing the consensus echo chamber with a cautiously skeptic dissenting opinion, even if it was slightly misinformed. It's a learning experience for everybody, yay!
Dude has been milking this thing for years! It's almost become a parody of itself. It's gone full Metallica.
(Update: The next day after spending all night moving into a new place and not looking at my phone)
Whoa, buddy.. looks like I failed to read the room on that one, hahaha!
Homeboy must have done something right if legions of random internet users are willing to defend his honor by dogpiling on a person for making a dumb joke, as tactless, ill-informed and badly timed as it may have been. I guess I forgot that words cause physical harm these days.
I sincerely apologize for poking fun at The Greatest And Best Video Game Developer In The World. I hope we can still be friends, and that your day and future days are filled with abundance and joy.
I have a soft spot for the Game Boy, but the clear case for Famicom Salamander is extremely rad.
Also, bonus points for the Famicom carts for being the size of an audio cassette case, so most storage for cassettes can be used for FC as well. Thank you Sakurai for that gem of wisdom!
Three Houses all the way! I liked it so much that I went from the highest high to the lowest low when the continuation of the 3H story turned out to be a Warriors game instead of an actual sequel.
I eventually picked up Engage for cheap and bounced off of it around Chapter 20.
I'm hoping for an eventual Genealogy/Thracia remake to get me back into the franchise like Shadows of Valentia did.
I am the same!!! That makes two of us on the entire planet.
I've been frequenting this site for over a decade and this is a first. What a relief!
To answer your question: The only thing you're missing out on is the ability to fully relate to any other person that's into video games. But that's ok, individuality is important!
I ordered Triggerheart Exelica from them I'm pretty sure, but I'm about to move to a different address. Go ahead and take my no-longer-accurate personal information.
A few decent looking ones, though they seem like they could benefit from a giant adrenaline syringe of badassery plunged directly into their hearts, resembling the album cover for Judas Priest Ram It Down meets that part from Pulp Fiction.
🎵 He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken, To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin! 🎵
Thank you for the reminder to get the physical version of Crimzon Clover ordered! Never played it before, but I've only ever heard good things about it.
That is wild.. sorry you have to have to deal with that over there! Hopefully someday the Sharp Stick and Side-Eyed Glance Ban will be lifted and society can return to normalcy.
In Iowa, you can carry a samurai sword around as long as you're not trying to conceal it.
Last Halloween I played a show and no one at the venue batted an eye at my machete-sized, actually-sharp-as-hell Rambo 3 replica knife strapped to my leg.
A Fire Emblem announcement would be very welcome, to get the bad taste of Engage cleansed from my palate. That title has shaken my faith in the franchise. Just please Jeebus, don't be an Engage Warriors game.
I'm at chapter 4 and 5 with everyone and I've hit a wall where every boss just destroys me, even though I'm leveled higher than the "recommended level". No idea what I'm doing wrong, I must suck at it. I probably just need to cheese them with some specific item or ability, I just haven't looked it up yet.
Shovel Knight II: Link to the Past meets Actraiser. SNES style with Mode 7, transparencies, and a dash of Super FX chip. Mostly top-down with occasional side-on platforming sections.
Shovel Spirits: Saturn / PS1 era Cave-style shooter. Horizontal, so you can dig to find alternate routes, with gratuitous amounts of "fan service" and a Cyber Shadow cameo.
Comments 511
Re: Toby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4
Thank you for the information!
And for not jumping down my throat for disturbing the consensus echo chamber with a cautiously skeptic dissenting opinion, even if it was slightly misinformed. It's a learning experience for everybody, yay!
The part about optics still applies, I believe.
Re: Toby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4
I guess I'm getting my titles mixed up. Like I said, complete outsiders perspective, don't taze me, bro!
Re: Toby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Artist Celebrates Second Anniversary With New Illustration
Re: Toby Fox Shares Another Development Update On Deltarune Chapter 4
Dude has been milking this thing for years! It's almost become a parody of itself. It's gone full Metallica.
(Update: The next day after spending all night moving into a new place and not looking at my phone)
Whoa, buddy.. looks like I failed to read the room on that one, hahaha!
Homeboy must have done something right if legions of random internet users are willing to defend his honor by dogpiling on a person for making a dumb joke, as tactless, ill-informed and badly timed as it may have been. I guess I forgot that words cause physical harm these days.
I sincerely apologize for poking fun at The Greatest And Best Video Game Developer In The World. I hope we can still be friends, and that your day and future days are filled with abundance and joy.
Okay, time for me to get back to work!
Re: Poll: Which Is Your Favourite Nintendo Game Cartridge Design?
I have a soft spot for the Game Boy, but the clear case for Famicom Salamander is extremely rad.
Also, bonus points for the Famicom carts for being the size of an audio cassette case, so most storage for cassettes can be used for FC as well. Thank you Sakurai for that gem of wisdom!
Re: Stunning Genesis Shmup 'ZPF' Secures Switch Port On Kickstarter
Siiiiick stuff. The NES/Famicom shooter made by former Compile people and now this?? Exciting times for fans of retro shooters!
Edit: almost forgot about Earthion. Stoked on that one too!!
Re: Random: OG Rebecca Chambers Actress Returns In Another Resident Evil Reunion
If Jill joins the crew in the future, hopefully she's in the middle of the group photo. If you know, you know, hehe.
Re: Poll: Do You Prefer Fire Emblem: Three Houses Or Engage?
Three Houses all the way! I liked it so much that I went from the highest high to the lowest low when the continuation of the 3H story turned out to be a Warriors game instead of an actual sequel.
I eventually picked up Engage for cheap and bounced off of it around Chapter 20.
I'm hoping for an eventual Genealogy/Thracia remake to get me back into the franchise like Shadows of Valentia did.
Re: The Pokémon Company Banked $10.8 Billion In Retail Sales Last Year
I am the same!!! That makes two of us on the entire planet.
I've been frequenting this site for over a decade and this is a first. What a relief!
To answer your question: The only thing you're missing out on is the ability to fully relate to any other person that's into video games. But that's ok, individuality is important!
Re: AI Generator Scraped YouTube Videos Without Permission, Including Nintendo's
I watched one of the best films ever, Terminator 2, last night. Kill it with fire before it does the same to us!!
Re: Random: Nintendo's New 'Button Collection' Toys Can Be Used For Real Controller Repairs
How much loose change do you have to pump into the gacha machine to get one?
Coming soon: "Small business owner" spending 100 yen and flipping it on ebay for $25.
Re: Random: We'd Kill A Bokoblin To Get This Zelda: BOTW Switch Cartridge Case
Rolled into paper tubes for, uhh... convenience. Yeah, convenience!
Re: Warner Bros. Games Acquires 'MultiVersus' Developer
Just looked at the roster. No Animaniacs representation?? Slappy the Squirrel would be awesome. "Now dat's cah-medy!"
And I'll just leave this here as well:
Private Snafu!
Re: Red Art Games Has Fallen Victim To A Significant Cyberattack
I ordered Triggerheart Exelica from them I'm pretty sure, but I'm about to move to a different address. Go ahead and take my no-longer-accurate personal information.
Also, sick avatar, @miwa!
Re: Feature: 10 Switch Games We've Played At BitSummit 2024 - Here's What We Thought
A few decent looking ones, though they seem like they could benefit from a giant adrenaline syringe of badassery plunged directly into their hearts, resembling the album cover for Judas Priest Ram It Down meets that part from Pulp Fiction.
Re: Review: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition (Switch) - Returns For Another Pass With A Top-Flight Port
Hot dang, I guess I was unaware of that fact. Thanks for the info!
Re: Gravity Circuit Celebrates 1st Anniversary With Discounted Deluxe Edition
Still waiting for the physical version to go on sale. $40 is a little too rich for my blood.
Re: 'Emio - The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club' Launches On Switch Next Month
Now the question becomes: Did the killer give the victim the Brown Bag Special before or after they were murdered??
(Horatio from CSI: Miami puts shades on)
Re: Review: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition (Switch) - Returns For Another Pass With A Top-Flight Port
A flight stick would be badass!
I'm holding off for the Switch Online Sega Saturn Virtual-On stick, coming in 2032.
Re: Review: Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition (Switch) - Returns For Another Pass With A Top-Flight Port
It's strange that the physical version is Europe only. Coming soon to LRG, I suppose.
Re: Nintendo's Official Magazine For Summer 2024 Gets English Digital Release
🎵 Every time an adult says their first console was a 360,
I die a little,
Every time they say PS3 is retro,
I wonder why a little 🎵
Re: 'Emio' Includes A Lot Of Horrific Mature Themes, According To Its Rating
🎵 He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp,
Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken,
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Robin! 🎵
Re: NBA 2K25 Scores September Release Date And A Trio Of Cover Athletes
I speak for my fellow Iowa natives when I say, "something something Caitlin Clark something something".
Re: Bullet-Hell Shmup 'Mushihimesama' To Be Delisted From The Switch eShop
That is rad, I am in the same boat with the bullet hell genre. I want to be good at them, but I'm just not, haha.
Re: Bullet-Hell Shmup 'Mushihimesama' To Be Delisted From The Switch eShop
Thank you for the reminder to get the physical version of Crimzon Clover ordered! Never played it before, but I've only ever heard good things about it.
Re: Random: After 100% Completing Zelda: TOTK, Streamer Sets Out To Collect Every Rock
Re: Random: Zelda Fan Jailed For Carrying Small Master Sword Replica
That is wild.. sorry you have to have to deal with that over there! Hopefully someday the Sharp Stick and Side-Eyed Glance Ban will be lifted and society can return to normalcy.
Re: Random: Zelda Fan Jailed For Carrying Small Master Sword Replica
In Iowa, you can carry a samurai sword around as long as you're not trying to conceal it.
Last Halloween I played a show and no one at the venue batted an eye at my machete-sized, actually-sharp-as-hell Rambo 3 replica knife strapped to my leg.
Re: Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition Finally Lands On Switch Next Week
I've only ever seen the box art to this title. This was my reaction to the trailer:
Re: Reaction: A Direct That Delivered, And Shows That Switch Still Has Plenty Of Pep
Re: Zelda-Themed 'Hyrule Edition' Nintendo Switch Lite Launches This September
Re: Nintendo Direct June 2024: Time, Where To Watch, What To Expect
A Fire Emblem announcement would be very welcome, to get the bad taste of Engage cleansed from my palate. That title has shaken my faith in the franchise. Just please Jeebus, don't be an Engage Warriors game.
Re: Feature: 16 Great Late-Gen Nintendo Games - Maybe There's Life In The Ol' Switch Yet
Crisis Force and Yume Penguin Monogatari! Both 1991 if I recall correctly.
Re: Round Up: Yacht Club Games Presents - Every Shovel Knight Switch Announcement And Much More
Aww, I was hoping for a physical release of Cyber Shadow, or some extra content, or something.. that game rules!!
Re: Developer M2 Wants To Bring More Games To The Switch
DO IT NOW, there are still some PS4 ShotTriggers titles that haven't made the jump!
Re: Ubisoft Is Releasing A New Monopoly Game On Switch This September
Re: Random: Here's How Much It Costs To Showcase A Trailer At Summer Game Fest
Being a musician is pretty similar, finding out how low the actual music is on the priority list.
Re: Octopath Traveler II Receives A Surprise Update On Switch Today
I'm at chapter 4 and 5 with everyone and I've hit a wall where every boss just destroys me, even though I'm leveled higher than the "recommended level". No idea what I'm doing wrong, I must suck at it. I probably just need to cheese them with some specific item or ability, I just haven't looked it up yet.
Re: Yacht Club Broadcasting Shovel Knight 10th Anniversary Presentation Next Week
Shovel Knight II: Link to the Past meets Actraiser. SNES style with Mode 7, transparencies, and a dash of Super FX chip. Mostly top-down with occasional side-on platforming sections.
Shovel Spirits: Saturn / PS1 era Cave-style shooter. Horizontal, so you can dig to find alternate routes, with gratuitous amounts of "fan service" and a Cyber Shadow cameo.
Re: Talking Point: How Do You Define 'Retro'?
Pre-Year 2000, so I guess the Saturn, PS1, N64 era.
Re: Monster-Collecting RPG Cassette Beasts Scores Stunning Physical Deluxe Edition Next Month
Ha, my thoughts exactly!!
Re: Talking Point: What Other LEGO Zelda Sets Would You Like To See After The Deku Tree?
The end of Wind Waker, with a slot in Ganon's forehead that the Master Sword can fit into.
Re: Random: Shin Megami Tensei V Continues Heavy Metal Collabs With Slipknot
Awesome mask maker
Not-so-awesome band
Heavy Metal fan from Iowa
Re: TMNT: Mutants Unleashed Physical Collector's Edition Looks Totally Tubular
And not one thing shaped like a tube. 2 out of 10, not tubular enough!
Re: Review: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch) - Still The King Of Mario RPGs
Re: Team Bucket List Triumphs In Splatoon 3's Apocalypse-Themed Splatfest
Team Service To Others getting absolutely obliterated by both Service To Self teams. Lack of faith in humanity restored!!
Re: Random: Sakurai Cut Dolby Surround From Kirby Game To Trim Player Wait Time
Re: Rumour: Pokémon Leaker Suggests Gen 10 Games Are Coming In 2026
I missed the "Gen" part and was like, yep, ten games in a year sounds about right.
Re: EA Apparently Exploring The Idea Of In-Game Ads In Traditional AAA Titles
It's fun when they do it for fictional products, like the play-by-play commentators doing ads for Chork in Triple Play '99.