Comments 398

Re: Summer Game Fest Conference Schedule 2024: Dates, How To Watch, Everything You Need To Know


I’m basically looking at the schedules of Gamefest, Xbox showcase and Ubisoft only to deduce when the Nintendo Direct might be 😂

Nintendo always goes last with a punch, so we know it’s at least after the 10th. And they probably want to be within the basic range of everyone else, soooo sometime between 11-13th? (Or the 18-20th frame if they’re really building up the hype.)

Re: Take-Two Reportedly Shutting Down OlliOlli And Kerbal Space Program 2 Devs


@themightyant What’s interesting is your comment lead me to Wikipedia to read the CEO’s background, and before video games the guy lead a Private Equity Firm, pulled an investor takeover, bought a majority share of Take Two and became CEO in 2007. This type of guy is absolutely about the bottom line and maximizing profit.

If an indie company is doing “just well enough” that’s not nearly enough.

Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Endless Ocean: Luminous


Being an animal and nature enthusiast I want to support this type of game but to get me excited it really needs to nail the visual component, and based off what I’ve seen… it doesn’t. The animals move robotically, the lighting’s drab, the environments seem randomly thrown together….This could’ve been a great launch title for the Switch 2 and flaunt some beautiful imagery if they worked on it for a while longer and had some real horse power to back it up.