Nintendo has launched a dedicated mobile app called 'Nintendo Music' for Switch Online members, allowing users to stream and download a variety of music tracks from the firm's wide range of franchises.
Available now on iOS and Android, the app contains music from new releases along with retro classics from Nintendo's library, and also includes the ability to hide certain tracks that may contain game spoilers, as well as extend or loop tracks so you can keep listening for longer.
You'll also be able to create playlists, search existing playlists based on specific characters, and select featured playlists to fit your current mood.
More music will of course be added in the future, but franchises highlighted in the debut trailer include the likes of Splatoon, Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Pokémon, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, and more.
Essentially, then, it sounds like Nintendo's take on Spotify, which is pretty awesome for Switch Online members! At the moment, we've been able to verify its availability in North America, the UK, Europe, and Japan. It's available to download via the Google Play Store and the Apple iOS App Store.
So, what are your thoughts on this? Will you be checking out Nintendo Music? Let us know with a comment down below.
Comments 206
Imagine adding this to Switch 2, and it can play in the background over ANY game you play! Play A Link To the Past tunes while playing BOTW, SMB tunes while playing Odyssey, GBA Fire Emblem while playing Three Houses, or a chill mix while playing Animal Crossing. The possibilities are endless!
But even just on the phone, I've wanted this for so long!! I'm dying, I've been begging on the socials to add a dedicated music app for years, and it finally happened 😭😭
If you thought NSO wasn't worth it before, now what do you think?
Omg this is amazing! Hope this comes to Switch as well.
This is great! Now I can jam my Nintendo songs without YouTube adverts killing my buzz.
One of Nintendo’s best moves in some time!
SPLATOON MUSIC!! And sorted by the in-game artists too!! We won so hard
Is Nintendo listening to us? I'm scared
Oh my this might be announcement of the year ngl.
About damn time! I think everyone had this exact idea (having it as part of NSO) years ago, think the long wait made everyone forget it was a possible thing that could happen. Just glad to FINALLY have an NSO benefit actually be beneficial personally; everything else is just a neat bonus I have never used.
Just wonder if Smash and Xenoblade soundtracks will be on there, there might be rights issues in those cases. Hopefully they turn up down the line.
It's nice that Nintendo are finally providing access to music from their video games, but I worry that by doing so through a controlled app and not allowing music tracks or albums to be purchased, that this really doesn't do much for anyone that already just enjoys listening to their usual music files.
I also worry that this'll give Nintendo impetus to start tracking down and striking YouTube uploads of music from their games, including things like covers, remixes and "high quality rips".
This is such a Nintendo thing to do. I would have preferred to have this on Spotify (or Apple Music), not in a separate app.
Whoaaaaa new work music just dropped
Finally more Pokemon and Splatoon music!
i think we can just cancel the switch 2 now this plus alarmo im set for life
Game of the Year Winner.
Aw man, I thought this was Wii Music for Switch. (/jk)
In all seriousness, why didn’t they do this sooner? Nintendo’s been hunting video game music channels on YT and never release their stuff on Spotify or on CD’s, so I’m surprised it took them this long to do something like this. The spoiler prevention feature is also a really nice touch.
Also, I like how Nintendo’s doing EVERYTHING but mention their next console. I just find it funny,
Only 22 game soundtracks at launch (+ Wii channels) is disappointing but extremely Nintendo
If it doesn't have Phantom of the Moon's Spirit from Kirby Star Allies, I ain't using it.
Wait, what? Excuse me? You cant just drop this out of nowhere Nintendo! This is what I've always hoped for
The app doesn’t let me log in yet… it keeps failing. I can’t wait it’s so cool
@NielsNL why would nintendo give streaming rights to one brand? I don't have Apple Music and I ain't paying to use it. I don't have spotify and since they hate artist I don't want them getting anymore money.
I can use my phone to listen any music I want from YouTube or internal storage while playing my Switch games.
Easier and no money cost.
The Wind Waker tease is cruel when the game isn't playable on Switch but apart from that it's a cool announcement. Hopefully regarding Splatoon 3, they include the Grand Fest versions of songs.
@RupeeClock might I ask who is buying ALBUMS? Games I understand, but the only game soundtrack CD I own is the one that came with Kirby's Dream Collection.
This sounds so amazing. I’m sitting and waiting to download right now
This is awesome, I love it.
It's about time! I usually have to turn to YouTube or Spotify covers for this sort of thing.
I can confirm it's available for Android devices in the US.
Oh nice one! This is ace. Better be no ads though!
Kind of suck the ios app isn't available in my country, maybe because nintendo isn't available officially in my country yet 😔
My main account is in usa though, and I got nintendo subs expansion, nintendo should make this app available on more country imo 😓
I would pay the entire NSO cost just to get this, even without any games!
It's a shame most, if not all these songs already exist on Spotify
This is so awesome, Ian’s even color it’s for nso! I hope they incorporate it into the switch like PlayStation has Spotify and Apple Music. Would love to listen to some of my favorite xenoblade tracks while playing games like splatoon. I can’t wait to download this!
This is the coolest thing Nintendo has done since Tears of the kingdom.
This seems like a pretty comprehensive little app too: soundtracks from all over Nintendo history and not just current games, the ability to extend the music for longer and even a spoiler tag are shockingly great options.
That being said ain't perfect. Adding soundtracks over time is a fine enough idea....for new releases. But when goddamn Super Mario 64 isn't there at launch? Yeah that definitely strikes me as bizarre. I also fear for my precious Nintendo music compilations on Youtube now that Ninty's actually gone and put their music out officially XD
Overall though, this is something I've been praying they'd do for pretty much my whole life and I'm so happy to finally see it come to fruition. Now get the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games on here asap XD
@batmanbud2 I don't know how you're this lucky, but that song is indeed in the app at launch!
Would much rather have the music for keeps and not lurking behind a paywall, thanks.
I'm not going to lie, I play video game music more often than I like to admit. If I get burned out my favorite bands, I go for the NES/SNES/Genesis/N64 soundtracks. I have a nice library on my computer. I'm not the biggest fan of streaming but I WILL be partaking in this.
Might as well ask this actually while I'm here: I had the regular Switch Online app on an old tablet of mine before eventually getting a phone and completely forgetting about it. Would I be alright to redownload that alongside this new music app onto my phone now? Would it remember my info from beforehand? 🤔
@VHSGREMLIN i mean you can still do it that way you just have a funny option now
So I am very excited. I listen to tons of Nintendo music on YouTube RV when I'm out and about and this seems like a great way to curate and compile it all to one dedicated app and experience. Seems like it'll be easier to find that one track or soundtrack, too. I just hope it has background play because that's kind of the whole point.
They saw what Square Enix did with their YouTube channel, and thought "Hey, people liked that. We should do that but slightly more convoluted!" And just quickly developed an app.
Legitimately though, this is very exciting.
It's just gone live for folks in the UK - article updated to reflect
@batmanbud2 This guy right here!
I buy tons of game OSTs, many of them imported (by necessity, unfortunately). My most recent acquisition is the Granblue Fantasy Relink OST, which comes in a beautiful sky box (heh). I'll be grabbing Metaphor's as soon as there's a complete one, too. I've got a couple dozen Nintendo OSTs, like Mario Odyssey, too.
It... Finally... Happened! I am so excited that we now have a legal way to listen to Nintendo music that's convenient!
'bout damn time. Gonna download the app and see how it matches up. Hopefully they don't dripfeed new music tracks like they're doing with the Virtual Consoles.
@TheRazzBerry 😱😱😱😱
Probably just stick to using Youtube for this kind of thing, but still neat to have. Wind Waker sticks out like a sore thumb here, hope that means something.
Hopefully it's as exciting in practice as it is in potential! As in, give me FULL OSTs, not those 9-song samples that often come with preorders. And add every game as it comes out. And fill in the back catalogue at a decent rate.
I have been WAITING for an official way to listen to DKCTF's OST since college, and while I still want that physical, I'll settle for this!
This is cool. I'm actually glad it's tied to NSO rather than another music app. Nice to see more perks added to NSO.
@Lizuka I'm going through the app right now and it doesn't even have Wind Waker. Only Gamecube game available is Metroid Prime.
See now we know why they were going after youtube OSTs. (I semi called this earlier)
Oh so THAT’s why they keep taking down the music channels on YouTube
Definitely feels like a Nintendo direct fell through
OMG the Wii system music with all of the music from each channel is incredible.
This >>>>>> Switch 2 announcement
oh cool, i should give this a try!
@N8tiveT3ch Why would Universal Music, Sony Music and Warner Music have their music on Spotify? Because everyone is streaming from there! Nintendo would even get paid per stream, now they get nothing.
Neat. Pretty slim stuff at launch though, like no 3DS representation and the sole Gamecube game being Metroid Prime (which if is goine to be one, this would be the correct choice).
Great to be able to stream Splatoon 3’s catalogue, but even then it doesn’t have the Final Fest or seasonal Splatfest music
Now, can you use them as alarm tunes?
Absolutely yes. Expanding their online ecosystem is the way to go, and this is an unexpected but welcome addition.
@NielsNL 1st off, this is a thing for NSO members, and they want it to feel integrated
2nd, Spotify is HORRENDOUS as an app nowadays
NSO, offering everything except better online multiplayer.
Oof, only 40 Mario Odyssey tracks. There's way more than that on the actual OST
This is a cool addition to NSO. Still not enough for me to subscribe, but glad it’s there for those who love to listen.
FINALLY!!! It feels like we have been waiting forever for this!
@NielsNL They do get paid when someone subscribes to the online service. That is 100% their profit and they don't have to give a cent to a 3rd party. Now is someone going to subscribe just for this reason alone? I wondering how many subs they get just to use the app? Also, this prevents me from going to a NOBODYS youtube channel to find a song I like and find that its been uploaded in crap quality from 2010.
Downloaded and listened to a few Splatoon songs, Jump up Superstar, and K.K lullaby. The last one was so good it almost put me to sleep.
On quality, it's great. The sound is really crisp.
@Zaruboggan Each soundtrack has a truncated Top Tracks playlist and I think you accidentally clicked on that. Right underneath that is a list of all 136 tracks.
@IronMan30 King Dede playlist is pretty good.
I didn't even know I wanted this. Time to queue up some Wooly World.
This is back to the Nintendo we are used too, releasing two products that no one ever expected. Looking forward to listening to the music though
@StarryCiel Thanks for the heads up!!
And appreciate the Touhou avatar lol
Woah this is epic! I hate the app icon though, funny enough it went right next to my now playing shortcut icon on my Pixel phone. I'm currently playing Hyrule castle field 👌
They presumably need a separate app to turn your phone into a live bomb should you try and access or tamper with the files in any unofficial way.
Nintendo made my day with this announcement. This had me laughing to myself and I had a big smile on my face. Nintendo always knows how to surprise us with random things I tell you.
@GrailUK There's no ads I'm listening to the music right now. It's great!
Better late than never! I can't believe it's taken this long for Nintendo to stand up from sitting on this particular gold mine. Of course we would love an official Nintendo music app! So long as the sound quality and the variety of games is good, this is huge. I listen to imported music CDs as well as files on my MP3 player at work. I'm all in!
Now I'm just afraid that this will give their ninjas the OK to shuriken any Nintendo music on YouTube. I guess I can keep going on there to listen to really obscure Nintendo games and non-Nintendo games at least.
@Grumblevolcano I mean Nintendogs is also on here and that's not on Switch. I think it's just a bunch of Nintendo's music from all eras.
This is pretty cool, I'd love to have KK tracks all in one place.
As a side note, it's kind of ironic how many off the wall things Nintendo has announced in the last few weeks. It's like they have to keep thinking of things besides Switch 2 to announce. lol
I have been trying it. It is actually pretty cool although it isn't anything you can't already do on your phone via YouTube Music. It is kind of cool to have an official way to listen to the music though.
What’s this? Nintendo permitting access to its intellectual property while simultaneously boosting the value of NSO? Surely not.
HECK YEAH, BOY!!!! Immediately downloaded the app before I even finished the article!
But since I can't have my phone on me while working, what would be nice if they could integrate this with other music streaming platforms like Spotify, Pandora, and Apple Music, which I can use via a computer, or have a web browser version of the app. I would love to listen to these soundtracks while on the clock!
I am going to be completely transparent with you. As soon as I saw this news, I got up and ran around my room screaming. I have ripped over 200 songs from Nintendo games just to listen to them on Spotify. Nintendo, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think I can wait another year for the switch 2.
This is awesome! This is just so cool. And it plays in the background 😍
Just ... Hello .. Bayonetta music on the 15th anniversary ... ?! (needed to find a con, right😅)
Think the audio quality is also better than Youtube or Spotify ... will continue listening tomorrow ... what a great way to end the day.
I’m ok with this creative little perk for NSO subscribers! At least they’re doing something with their back catalog of excellent game BGM and songs. I’d prefer they just put everything on Spotify or the other streaming services, but hey this is better than nothing!
Downloaded logged in and listening to Mario Galaxy! ❤️ It’s what I’ve wanted for years, why have you taken so long Nintendo? It’s VERY Nintendo to have their own app, but quite generous to include it with NSO. I have no issue with their music not being on other streaming services personally now that there’s an official way to listen, but each to their own.
Hopeful that they add new music regularly, saves me from having to listen to gamerips, cd rips and old youtube uploads that the ninjas haven’t struck down.
Neat idea, so why is the app only on phone and not on the Switch? Even the DSi and 3DS with their outdated support you could still upload and listen to music straight from the system app instead of from the phone.
I got the app and let me tell you, it is so great to listen to "View Wii Message Board Photos" without ads or anything. It's just a few taps away
Oh my god, finally! Legally available Nintendo music. I've been wanting this for years, possibly decades. The brief time I had an MP3 player (terrifies me to think how many of you probably don't know what that is) I used primarily for video game soundtracks, some of which were partially ripped with awkward sound effects because it was the mid-2000s and resources were limited to rip music from games, but it was worth it to hear the entirety of TTYD's music, no matter how awkwardly the sound of running water was ruining Petal Meadows.
Anyway, Pokemon had a site for like 5 minutes for D/P music and it was awesome and I was so mad they took it down. Glad they finally did something smart with their decades of wildly beloved bgm instead of...nothing.
About time.
Wish it was on an already existing app like Apple Music though. But I’ll use it a lot.
As a huge VGM geek I am HYPED for this! As I get older and spend more time with my kids I am finding myself with less and less solo gaming time. Discovering a new OST while working has given me a way to connect with games on another level. Super excited for this!
yeah i ended up importing a few game OSTs though some companies like square enix and falcom have started making them available to buy in the west.
That way i just end up converting the music into a form i can play on my mp3 player.
Removed - inappropriate links
Long overdue, but I will take it. Besides downloading to phones, I wonder if there's going to be an app to download in the switch itself? Most might find that pointless, but I actually wouldn't mind having the option. Time to fire up everyone's favorite song from Super Mario Galaxy as well, as the water theme from Donkey Kong Country.
If I listen to anything from games it’s typically Sega stuff so not a draw for me.
if donkey kong tropical freeze ost is here I'm in
I think my biggest disappointment with the app so far is the complete lack of recognition for the actual composers. None of them are mentioned by name and that doesn't sit right with me. If Smash Bros. can do it then they have no excuse.
Nintendo will do anything to delay switch 2.
@NFrealinkling AMEN BROTHER
@NielsNL It’s same logic why Nintendo didn’t put all their games on Steam. So they can retain value on their products and profit the most from said products. Same reason why barely any Nintendo music was in apple/spotify. As with many things already, Nintendo took a different route from Sony.
Nintendo doesn’t have to give the middle man a cut and they already have a sizable membership base so it’s not a “Epic vs Steam” scenario. Just helps further incentives their memberships.
I came up with exactly this concept about 3 years ago and it's actually come to fruition I can't believe it!
I hope they add games pretty regularly though because they have a lot of soundtracks from the last 40 years and if they're gonna release them at the same rate as NSO games, then that would be pretty disappointing. A weekly surprise drop of a few games would be really fun!
Nintendo after the random bomb-shell announcement of Xenoblade X yesterday: " You wanna see me do it again?"
@N8tiveT3ch thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.
Already have a huge selection of Nintendo music on my Plex server including stuff I'm sure they'll never add like the Teleroboxer and Wand Of Gamelon osts. I love that interface but it's not as robust as plexamp and I don't want to juggle multiple music apps. But it's cool they're giving some options for people who aren't as fanatic as me.
Hopefully they regularly add more because atm it’s on the scarce side.
LOL pass. I have my mp3 folder files that I can listen to locally on Spotify. Plus it's a laughably awful paywall Nintendo is putting it behind and I ain't about that.
Idk how to feel about this to be honest. Don't want it to be the exciting news about nso... Guess it kills my hopes that they won't paywall online play on the next system too. Decouple these services! Think it compromises the experience for some.
As for the music itself, yea, it's good to acknowledge their worth(edit: apparently without credit to the composer?) but now they're in this walled garden where it'll only be easy to listen to Nintendo video game music back to back instead of mixed with other songs, and they might be more aggressive about it going forward.
@ancientlii That walled garden is like a quid a month. Get a grip!
I'm in.
Also unlike PS Plus or Game Pass, NSO actually offers things not otherwise available whilst being much cheaper.
That's how you do it.
OK this app is actually BLOODY BRILLIANT!
@Kirbyo meh, its nice i suppose but it's nothing compared to what existed on YouTube.... Like 15 games worth of music? Surely they can do better
To greedy to put it on Spotify, huh?
So there's an option to download the tracks within the app, but you can't actually save them to your system like to set as an alarm or anything, right?
I can't wait to be dripfed music with maybe if we're lucky 4 pieces per month.
Great news! Although I would prefer the songs be on Spotify, this is much better than having to listen on original hardware. Nintendo, please consider official soundtrack releases elsewhere!
While this is a nice step in the right direction for NSO, I would appreciate the option to buy the albums even more (of which some here I already own).
@SillyG I think it's less about giving the music value and more about giving NSO value.
Oh OH! Okay! I already have my own several hour long video game music playlist but this is cool!
@OctoCallie20 What are you talking about? What paywall? Did you even read the article? If you had a NSO membership already (which most of the Nintendo base does for you know…playing online. You don’t need the higher tier one either.) you’re not paying anything extra. Two min ago I booted up a random Scarlet/Violet song from the app and I didn’t pay a dime for it.
I get your the type that probably would rather download Nintendo music off YouTube, but that doesn’t make you any more correct in your post.
Oh sweet, still not going to use it since I listen to a mix of other game soundtracks that aren't Nintendo but still not bad at all.
They will announce anything BUT the Switch 2. That being said I do like me some Nintendo tunes without having to rely on YouTube exclusively.
iPad optimized version please!
Awesome, but, still not available in Latin America
I love this so much 😆
@RobotReptile Yup and now we know why they were shutting those music channels down
This made my whole week!!!!!!!!!!
@OctoCallie20 Why is that laughable. Nintendo has every right to charge for their music, but here it as at least added to the Nintendo Online Service with no extra fee on top
Removed - trolling/baiting
I already have a lot of my favorite soundtracks on my phone, but I think this is worth it just for the ability to play a straight hour loop of the Wii Shop music.
They actually did it. They finally put their music somewhere official. Holy *****.
No relation to the NSO Playtest, right? Honest question, as I haven't seen anything about it to avoid spoilers, so to speak.
Anyway, it's too bad that the music from Rare games most likely won't be here, but I cannot deny it's a nice NSO bonus. They had me at the Wii Channels music.
We got Nintendofy before Metroid Prime 4!
@ParadoxFawkes Cmon, it's the thought that counts. Besides, they're adding more games as time goes on.
WHOA! That's actually pretty sick. They've built up quite an impressive number of soundtracks over the years and some of them have only really been available through game rips.
We could potentially be hearing some HQ music for the first time for some games!
Hopeful they don't dripfeed this stuff like they do their NSO library and just give us the goods.
@tameshiyaku Guess I’m a slightly insane adult then. I listen to video game music more than any other genre: Nintendo, Sega, Mega Man, Castlevania, Ys, Final Fantasy, Lufia, Street Fighter, Shenmue, Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive…
Music is music, yo. What makes you think video game soundtracks aren’t legit?
Would be better if I could buy the music outright, but I'm not canceling my family subscription anytime soon so I'm pretty excited. Even as limited as the selection is at launch, they picked some good stuff to put up there.
LOL nah. Still paywalled for folks who either don't have enough to pay for said paywall or whatnot.
You still would need to pay for a paywall that is still a laughable comedy of mistakes and errors like terrible netcode for Splatoon 3, among other things.
Like I said, I already have all the mp3 Nintendo OST folders and files that I'll ever need to enjoy locally on Spotify and enjoy so that I won't have to put up with a draining battery on a smartphone, among other things.
Wonder if that NSO test thing had anything to do with them, behind the scenes, stress testing audio streaming around the world..?
Just want to point out that Kirby Star Allies 100% deserved to be on the starting roster. That game is home to my #2 all time favorite game soundtrack after Mario Galaxy. If you haven't listened to it, I HIGHLY encourage it.
@OctoCallie20 um, about that, Splatoon 3 now has a better netcode than Splatoon 2.
Update: YES THERE’S PIKMIN MUSIC!!! But there’s not Wii U songs!!!!! 😭
@tameshiyaku you kidding? I have playlists for every single Nintendo console except the Virtual Boy. Now, I do make sure every song is the standard one loop/two loop setup and not extended, but I love my setup.
Weirdly (and almost unnaceptable) is the absence of some basic music! and I am not talking about some logical absences (Capcom and Konami games) but S. Mario Bros 2? S. Mario Bros 3?
@OctoCallie20 also, NSO's worth 100% comes from the retro games and DLC, which far exceeds the benefits of online. Yes, I'm aware the value is less if you already own the games elsewhere (I'm not counting unofficial emulation), but it's still great value, especially at $20/$50 a year.
And again, they improved the netcode for Splatoon 3.
@Zequio they're focusing on Switch with the app right now, but chances are high that almost every Nintendo OST will end up on the app.
I look forward to the Wii U and Virtual Boy catalogues. (or not)
@Joekun At this point what would get you enough to subscribe. It’s 20 dollars a year…
They don’t even have TotK what a disappointment
I'm glad to see Nintendo make their music more readily available.
Someone please tell me Driftveil City is on there
Lets go! Nintendo finally listened now we can listen to their music without worrying the music will be suddenly taken down lol
@coolioam I hate subscriptions, so they likely won’t entice me unless there’s a really great multiplayer game. I did about 2-3 years when I was playing Splatoon 2. I prefer single player games anyway.
It's about time! It seems to work very well too. This week's announcements probably mean that Switch 2 won't be announced soon.
Let the Alarmo connect to my app to play music as an alarm and I’d be getting an Alarmo.
This feels like an April Fool's joke. This is incredible!! It seems like they really put a lot of thought into it, as well. They have definitely considered what fans want for this. The organization options for the music are so cool. Wow, I'm going to listen to this a whole lot. I can't believe it's a perk with NSO. So happy about this.
I wonder if they still feel comfortable with the current NSO price point?
Anybody knows what happens if you download music and after that your subscription expires? Can you still listen to the downloaded music?
So this is why they were striking music on YouTube.
@batmanbud2 It is on there. 213 Star Allies tracks are there btw.
@SBandy1 yea because who wants modern games that you get with gamepass and ps plus
@Antraxx777 I was always surprised when I found out that none of the students in my electronic music production classes respected game composers. They are all totally famous DJs now...
But yeah mainly Jesper Kyd's and Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis stuff was my college soundtrack.
Lot of people here who would take a a turd and put it on their shelf if it had a Nintendo logo on it... While this is cool its pretty weak and definitely not worth shutting down all the channels that had Nintendo music up for years so we can get a handful of albums that was already free on YouTube but whatever...
That's a wonderful addition! Listening to the DKC soundtrack now. I just hope new tracks won't be added as slowly as games are added to NSO. The "starting lineup" is absolutely limited. Waiting for more tracks/albums
No it’s still not worth it. I want to own the media I purchase not pay a subscription over and over.
I wonder if Gerudo Vally is the most listened to track yet.
Love it! Jet Force Gemini and Majoras Mask please
Finally found a link to the app (not showing up in the App Store search results) and it is SMOOTH and crisp like Spotify, much better than Youtube Music's UI.
I'm literally holding back nostalgia tears fluidly hopping between Wii Channels Forecast: Daytime, FE Blazing Blade Girl of the Plains, Metroid Prime File Select, Scarlet/Violet's Together With Nemona / Earnest Feelings, etc etc 🥲
@OFFICIALMichi YES I had the same thought! Update Alarmo to connect with Nintendo Music and that little alarm clock suddenly becomes 10x more valuable!! While we're on the subject, another way to improve it is to give it a smartphone app to remotely customize its settings and preferences, that way you could input passwords and etc much more easily.
@KimBread More like Hateno Village, but that's just IMO of course 😋
They missed a chance to have Xenoblade at the beginning to that people who haven't played it can discover the awesomeness. When they eventually add it, there will probably be so many other boxes checked that it will get drowned out.
I'm loving this slow-motion Nintendo Direct! Alarmo, this, XCX!
I now have Wii Shop Channel and Mii Plaza on my phone, and I’m happy. 😁
As a soundtrack lover this app is like Christmas morning I can't believe how hype this is I'm just at a loss for words other than the words spilling out of this keyboard I'm just playing all the long lost favorites like Fossil Falls and discovering new favorites like Pikmin 4 Title Screen I just can't I don't think I'll sleep tonight
This was a nice thing to wake up to. Downloaded it instantly.
@Fizza Not sure I understand the question. It has nothing to do with any other apps you've got or not got. It needs you to have an active NSO subscription.
Nintendo sure took their time doing something official like this with their music, but atleast its here now.
Wow, I am already in love with this app! Now I just hope they'll make a pc version of it so I can listen to the Wii Shop theme while I'm webshopping...
You can anytime listen to video games music for FREE via rainwave!! It contains not only from Nintendo but from other games / systems too. You can vote also. I'm listening to it every single day.
Amazing app, what a great surprise!
I’m very glad they introduced their own app instead of using Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube. Luckily Nintendo keeps following their own path!
I love relaxing to videogame music, so this a very pleasant surprise. I hope the app will be available for the Switch and its successor.
It'd be nice if they let you use the music for ringtones.
Kirbyo wrote:
"I'm not paying to rent music I want to OWN the music blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah"
@ParadoxFawkes I don't mind unofficial videogame music channels as long as they are not monetized (if they are, they deserve to be taken down). However, official solution is always better, whether it's an app, official Youtube channel or uploading them to Tidal/Spotify/Apple music etc.
That said, I'm glad they didn't go with a Youtube channel because Youtube kind of sucks as a music platform. I wouldn't mind having these tracks on Tidal, though.
This is amazing! Thanks Nintendo!
My phone seems to be too old to use it.
This is pretty sweet from a shareholder perspective. Nintendo has a massive catalog of music and this is a fantastic way to leverage it in a way that adds value to NSO, makes it easier to defend their IP and provides a larger profit margin than a third party streaming service. I am beyond curious about what is under the hood. So looking forward to the investors meeting recap.
@batmanbud2 @Antraxx777 I absolutely love game soundtracks. Final Fantasy and square Enix in general (great official music channel on Spotify/yt), xenoblade, modern Zelda, Nier, persona, Yakuza, journey, last of us, ghost of Tsushima, metal gear solid, signalis, etc just to name a few.
What I'm talking about is mostly Nintendo soundtracks and pre PS1 game era in general that are meant to loop indefinitely and accompany gameplay. In a gaming context I find them very enjoyable, but outside that context that sort of jingle-like music can get grating very fast.
There is great craftsmanship behind that kind of music as well, but it's designed for a very specific kind of listening.
Love to see it finally happening (fingers crossed they'll eventually make it available on Switch and/or its successor as well at the very least) and even more so considering all the features - being able to download tracks to play them offline was far from guaranteed, filtering game OSTs due to spoilers is surprising but perfect for this kind of music, extending tracks and all the categories beyond the games themselves are nice!
This is a great way to increase the value of NSO and further proves that the service isn't getting discontinued anytime soon (although I wonder how the app checks if you still have a subscription after the first login because if that's similar to the retro game apps then you'll be able to access it at least through modding when the service does get discontinued - would be great if Nintendo straight up made a paid version at least then à la Pocket Camp, but I kind of doubt that will happen).
Nice, its about time they did something like this
Nintendo are on a roll lately. Alarmo, Xenoblade Chronicles X on Switch and now a music app.
It's a good time to be a Nintendo fan.
Pretty great feature to add considering their library.
its not really made for tablets on android, the app is fixed at an ultra wide screen aspect ratio so you have black bars on the left and right
Just don't ignore certain game OST's from your vast history of games and also remove said songs from YouTube. Don't drip feed songs as you've done with old games on NSO.
Do these and I'll be a happy customer, Nintendo.
i guess i have "impetus" to start* downloading the many youtube uploads that ive already been enjoying for years, while nintendo showed zero interest. 👍
Seriously though it's good to see a company only 15-20 years behind their most dedicated fans.
*spoiler alert i already do this.
"Just don't ignore certain game OST's from your vast history of games and also remove said songs from YouTube. Don't drip feed songs as you've done with old games on NSO."
this is precisely what is going to happen ✌️
So this is the reason why they have been aggressively going after content creators for so long is because of this app? It makes sense now smh
@ParadoxFawkes yeah, pretty much what I said...
@Ade117 "readily" as means locking their music collection to a subscription based eco system? I don't see anything free or liberating in that at all 😕
kinda overrated. u get any ost u want on yt ad free if u just use an adblocker.
Never thought I would, but just downloaded it and straight away on to Kirby on Gameboy - Green Greens
Super Castlevania 4 please!
This is pretty rad, but I hope they don't drip-feed the music in as slowly as they do with NSO games.
Also I wish there was a web-based version of this so I could listen to the music while I work. I guess I'll stick to YouTube videos for that for now.
Finally a legal way to stream Nintendo soundtracks, always wondered why they never uploaded anything to Spotify but this explains why
now we just need an app for configuring Nintendo's alarm clock and we will be set for 2024. or at least until we get official details about the Nintendo switch 2. (which ever one comes first)
Loving the nitpicking, like v1 of this software is the definitive and final edition and that's all you're gonna get for the next 6 months until they drop another track. Kids these days
Looking good, like the interface and the 13 or so franchises that are on there, nice start but there's room for improvement, the entries from previous consoles like the gameboy advance and n64 could use some love. Also glad they're adding franchises like F Zero, so maybe Xenoblade too I hope Nintendo. I'm glad they'll be updating this overtime.
@RobotReptile You could just use an adblocker like uBlock Origin. I forget the internet even has adverts on it until I see a comment from someone without an adblocker.
@NielsNL do you honestly not think they would have considered this before going through all of the effort of making a dedicated app? They are essentially the only video game company in the industry who has their pricing model figured out in 2024 so it would be a stretch to assume they hadn’t thought about this. They clearly weighed it up and think it’s better investing into and building their sub service. The streams don’t outweigh the value they can generate from the subs, which is a more strategic long term play for them. Whether you agree with that or not is fine but they clearly see value in that. More to the point, I work in the music industry. It is a terrible comparison comparing the major label and catalogue business models and how they make money from streaming apps (which rely on one artist going stratospheric and leaving the rest to die to make their dough because streams pay so pitifully) than to Nintendo and how they’d use the app, which would be fundamentally less valuable imo compared to driving more value into the sub. It’s fine to be frustrated if you wish they made that move for you personally, but you shouldn’t mix that up with it making strategic business sense and arguing with people about it when it’s clear you don’t really know what you’re talking about lol.
@RupeeClock I do see your point, but I still think this is a huge win because many many many people do not have those files downloaded or saved down and never would, it really opens up things to those people (myself included and I’m a lifelong Nintendo fan). Don’t underestimate the power of that!
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