Comments 210

Re: Switch 2 Patent Suggests You Can Flip The Console Upside Down


im still waiting for the Nintendo NX, i mean make a external dock (like it is now) but make it ultize a more powerful GPU chip. Plug in your Switch just like we did with the expansion slot on the N64s. But as we all know Nintendo isnt about power its about good quality games but for the 3rd party companies it would be nice. I know alot of people who want CoD on switch but are forced to either PC, Xbox, or PS5. Way past time im hoping to see alot more love for these type of games on the Switch 2 now that it is more beefier alot more beefier.

Re: Nintendo President Reiterates Switch Online Will "Continue To Be Available" For Switch 2


@Mgalens at this point and time all companies honestly should be on the same level for online services as Microsoft. I know they have a edge being a mainly computer company and running monopolys on ALOT of software related things but i mean cmon. Nintendo does however run alot of singleplayer type games so i see why it may not be needed but allow us in the Nintendo community to have friendlists and invites and all the good stuff that Xbox currently has it would be perfect. We shouldnt have to use a cellphone app for services that should be embedded into the actualy console itself. Nintendo has been around way to long and i understand that they kind of just focus on the gaming side which i myself love but its time to give us access to more. I should be able to invite, micup, send messages, and everything else right while on my console. Lets get it done (b ' ' )b

Re: Xbox Is "Really Looking Forward" To Supporting Switch 2


yea Nintendo doesnt really need anyone else but themselves. i mean Xbox doesnt have anything special about them anymore and their "exclusives" are so non existent or lackluster that there is no need. Now when it comes to their community software and how they hande online gaming and what not hands down still the best to this day. I wouldnt mind seeing them help Nintendo with a better UI for sure cause lets be honest the Nintendo UIs have been poop.

Re: Review: The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak (Switch) - A Strong Entry With Some Confusing Quirks


demo was awesome, first time experiencing a trails game. Made me buy Cold steel 3 then I heard about 1 2 and how they all interconnect. BAH going to be busy as hell now, sucks they are not localized over here in the west. would deff love to get them both on Switch but for those who care there is a deal on Steam till july 11th and the games are half off. If your interested in playing them all deff go over there and get the ones that were on PC only at the time real good deals.

Re: Soapbox: 'Switch 2' Is Nintendo's Chance To Adopt The PC Feature It's Desperate To Take For A Spin


@Antraxx777 ive had every Zfold since the first one, the "fold" in the middle is hardly visible when u got the screen going and gaming on them is a no brainer. IMO best phone still till this day will take Zfold over any regular old phone any day. With my experience with the zfold phones have yet to have any issues with the phone in regards to the screen breaking or tearing ever since the 1st and its only gotten better. pair it with a gamesir usb c controller adapter and BAM so nice to game on but I would much rather just have Switch 2 with 2 seperate screens like the 3DS was for sure.