@Giancarlothomaz Interesting video, but I still don't get why she isn't Italian. The whole Super Mario universe seem to revolve around an Italian theme (it's not just Mario and Luigi, there also are the ""goombas"). So it's strange that she isn't Italian.
@CountDrakeulah Here in Italy no-one considers anything in The Lady and the Tramp (or any other classic Disney movie for that matter) offensive, we're not Italian-Americans.
Rant on:
Italian Americans complain about stuff like this and then they tolerate and glorify the mafia. Mafia men are scum, you shouldn't do that.
Rant off.
@Benjiro Not a fantastic human being? Are you sure? He seem to stand out as a genuinely good dude amongst the vain Hollywood crowd. Maybe not at Keanu Reeves levels, but almost.
@DashKappei It depends, Netflix Italian anime dubs are excellent, while Yamato video ones are trash, along with video games dubs (that most of the times employ the same voices as the Yamato dubs).
@DashKappei @Azuris I don't like Bowser in the Italian dub, his performance is flat. Toad is fine and Mario sounds like an amateur, I'm sure they've cast some kind of "celebrity" (probably a comedian) instead of a professional voice actor. The Penguin stands out as the only above average performance (he's also a deep voice, he should have done Bowser instead).
@RogerFederer As an Italian, I can tell you that most characters with an Italian-American accent get dubbed with either a Sicilian or a Neapolitan accent in the Italian version, but I really hope that they don't that because it sounds awful.
@NintendoByNature As Italian, I prefer Mario to be a "neutral" character, and not be characterized by Italian-American stereotypes (like they did in the first movie).
@Ryu_Niiyama Accuracy is not important for Japanese style illustrations, quality is though, and these drawings are so low quality as to be embarrassing. A Japanese fourth-grader could produce better artwork.
@paburrows I't mostly Americans that grew-up with the NES version that don't like it.
Us Europeans know this version well (even though it was called Shadow Warriors due to UK's ridiculous fear of ninjas at the times).
They're two different games but objectively you can't say that one is better than the other, it's a matter of preferences, and neither of the two is a masterpiece.
@Richnj Although Nintendo always releases quality products, at least there's that.
@liveswired of Sonic Boom fame
Yeah, let's call it "fame", LOL
P.S. I bet that in 2020 is possible to release a game with the style of the actual comic book (which is beautiful: way more detailed and "realistic" than the cartoony cel shaded original version of the game), and that's what the developers should have done, I'd pay full price for a game like that.
@COVIDberry I'm sure someone would, but that someone would be deluded, not to be taken seriously.
However, for a me it's not a big deal, I'll just have a to remember to select German (or better, I'll just choose English since I don't need a translation ).
What about the patented Logitech D-Pads? They were rolling too, but silky smooth. You cannot say this is the best D-Pad until you have tried one of them.
I'll buy one of these controllers and confront it with my Logitech, only then I'll be able to say which is the best.
@ReaderRagfish You're right about it being good, I have this for the PS2 and it's the best 3rd party controller ever made for that console (it also features the patented D-Pad).
P.S. There also was a white "Final Fantasy" variant of this controller, that one looked less cheap.
@LUIGITORNADO The "pedo" excuse completely crumbles after you learn that they censored Dead or Alive Xtreme, where all girls are more than adult, or prohibited the publication of a game (Sony did this) set in a college, were all the girls are, again, adult (I don't remember the name of the game).
Now, tell me the truth: would you stop complaining if all the Japanese explicit visual novels would feature only grown women, or would you find some other reason to complain?
It's nice that it's got back buttons (finally they're starting to add them to non crazy-expensive controllers), but the lack of rumble on the other hand... meh
@LUIGITORNADO Just watch an Adventure movie instead of playing Uncharted, Just watch a war movie instead of playing Call of Duty, just watch a horror movie instead of playing Resident Evil, just watch a game on TV instead of playing PES, just watch Rally on TV instead of playing Dirt Rally, just watch Grand Tour instead of playing Gran Turismo, just watch Independence Day instead of playing Space Invaders, Just watch the wizard of OZ instead of playing Rainbow Islands, just get a fungi infection on your toilet so you can call an italian-american plumber and watch him while he he jumps on the fungi's heads, and so on...
@Crono1973 @GravyThief Exactly, actually I'm searching for the reverse of this product: I'd like to be able to use the brand new SNES controllers on an original SNES/SFC.
I don't care about this game, but: no I didn't. On second thought, yes, but because of this sentence, not for the game. Why do you feel the need to judge every single sexual content? The persecution of LGBT people didn't teach you anything?
@MegaTen Yes, it's sad, but if you think about it, the US is quite a hard place to deal with too, but a huge difference with Japan is that in the US fantasy is heavily policed, and this kind of escapism is not possible.
Also remember that mass "shootings" (actually, they use knives there) are pretty rare, and crime in general is very low in Japan, so which system is better?
@BakaKnight not true, it is quite offensive in Italy, and if you add the middle finger it gets even more offensive. However, I find it appropriate in this context, many soccer players do this gesture after scoring
@UK-Nintendo I bought the Japanese version of SF 2 Turbo as soon as it came out (with an adapter). I still remember the cheat to make it go even faster.
Comments 38
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@NatiaAdamo Well, it seems that some people really like to grasp at straws in order to have an excuse to hate someone.
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@Giancarlothomaz Interesting video, but I still don't get why she isn't Italian. The whole Super Mario universe seem to revolve around an Italian theme (it's not just Mario and Luigi, there also are the ""goombas"). So it's strange that she isn't Italian.
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@CountDrakeulah Here in Italy no-one considers anything in The Lady and the Tramp (or any other classic Disney movie for that matter) offensive, we're not Italian-Americans.
Rant on:
Italian Americans complain about stuff like this and then they tolerate and glorify the mafia. Mafia men are scum, you shouldn't do that.
Rant off.
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@Benjiro Not a fantastic human being? Are you sure? He seem to stand out as a genuinely good dude amongst the vain Hollywood crowd. Maybe not at Keanu Reeves levels, but almost.
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@DashKappei It depends, Netflix Italian anime dubs are excellent, while Yamato video ones are trash, along with video games dubs (that most of the times employ the same voices as the Yamato dubs).
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@DashKappei @Azuris I don't like Bowser in the Italian dub, his performance is flat. Toad is fine and Mario sounds like an amateur, I'm sure they've cast some kind of "celebrity" (probably a comedian) instead of a professional voice actor. The Penguin stands out as the only above average performance (he's also a deep voice, he should have done Bowser instead).
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@Giancarlothomaz So, Peach is not Italian?
Re: Video: Here's What Mario's Movie Voice Sounds Like In Other Languages
@Vil "a slight Brooklyn accent"
They couldn't resist, couldn't they? As of now the American version seem the only one where Mario has some kind of accent (luckily).
Americans really can't really help themselves, it was vain to hope they wouldn't mess with accents.
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@RogerFederer As an Italian, I can tell you that most characters with an Italian-American accent get dubbed with either a Sicilian or a Neapolitan accent in the Italian version, but I really hope that they don't that because it sounds awful.
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@NintendoByNature As Italian, I prefer Mario to be a "neutral" character, and not be characterized by Italian-American stereotypes (like they did in the first movie).
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@johnvboy I find Marinette already annoying in the games.
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@MatoFilipovic Ironic how Shrek, whose whole point was making fun of Disney tropes, ended up creating industry's current tropes.
Re: Chris Pratt Hypes The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Again), Says It's "Very Special"
@calbeau Don't Forget that Nintendo also approved the Bob Hoskins Mario movie.
Re: Sony's Censors Strike As Switch Gets '20 Ladies' While PS4 Gets '20 Bunnies'
@Purgatorium The game is indeed awful, but if this is not censorship what is it then?
Re: Sony's Censors Strike As Switch Gets '20 Ladies' While PS4 Gets '20 Bunnies'
@ThatGirlFinley So, you wish the comment section was censored? What if I don't like your stance? Can I wish for the censorship of your comment?
P.S. people disagreeing with censorship =/= toxicity.
Re: Sony's Censors Strike As Switch Gets '20 Ladies' While PS4 Gets '20 Bunnies'
@Ryu_Niiyama Accuracy is not important for Japanese style illustrations, quality is though, and these drawings are so low quality as to be embarrassing. A Japanese fourth-grader could produce better artwork.
Re: Ninja Gaiden
@paburrows I't mostly Americans that grew-up with the NES version that don't like it.
Us Europeans know this version well (even though it was called Shadow Warriors due to UK's ridiculous fear of ninjas at the times).
They're two different games but objectively you can't say that one is better than the other, it's a matter of preferences, and neither of the two is a masterpiece.
Re: XIII Remake Was Received So Poorly That The 2003 Original Actually Sold Better Last Week (UK)
@Richnj 3D All Stars' limited availability is certainly questionable, but IMO the price is right: it's 60 euros for three big games, 20 euros each.
P.S. The cartridge is now 45 euros for Black Friday.
Re: 30 Years After Nintendo's "Operation Midnight Shipping" And Console Launches Are Still Fraught With Danger
What is happening in the UK? I guess that this is what you get for lowering labour cost and job security.
Also, porch pirates? Does tracked shipping not exist in English countries?
@Oh-Please-Goron Their PS5 got nerfed.
Re: XIII Remake Was Received So Poorly That The 2003 Original Actually Sold Better Last Week (UK)
@Richnj Although Nintendo always releases quality products, at least there's that.
@liveswired of Sonic Boom fame
Yeah, let's call it "fame", LOL
P.S. I bet that in 2020 is possible to release a game with the style of the actual comic book (which is beautiful: way more detailed and "realistic" than the cartoony cel shaded original version of the game), and that's what the developers should have done, I'd pay full price for a game like that.
Re: Nintendo's New Super Mario Bros. Game & Watch Will Ship With A Language Error
@COVIDberry I'm sure someone would, but that someone would be deluded, not to be taken seriously.
However, for a me it's not a big deal, I'll just have a to remember to select German (or better, I'll just choose English since I don't need a translation ).
Re: Guide: Where To Pre-Order Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Mini
@retro_player_22 Eternal Champions is on the US/EUR version.
Re: Guide: Where To Pre-Order Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Mini
@MrJed For strange as it may sound: Yes, I did hack my controller to add some buttons.
I hacked my 360 controller to add two buttons on the back.
Re: Hardware Review: 8BitDo M30 - The Best Retro Controller On Switch
"the best D-Pad design of all time"
What about the patented Logitech D-Pads? They were rolling too, but silky smooth. You cannot say this is the best D-Pad until you have tried one of them.
I'll buy one of these controllers and confront it with my Logitech, only then I'll be able to say which is the best.
You're right about it being good, I have this for the PS2 and it's the best 3rd party controller ever made for that console (it also features the patented D-Pad).
P.S. There also was a white "Final Fantasy" variant of this controller, that one looked less cheap.
Re: Senran Kagura: Peach Ball Won't Be Censored Here In The West
@LUIGITORNADO The "pedo" excuse completely crumbles after you learn that they censored Dead or Alive Xtreme, where all girls are more than adult, or prohibited the publication of a game (Sony did this) set in a college, were all the girls are, again, adult (I don't remember the name of the game).
Now, tell me the truth: would you stop complaining if all the Japanese explicit visual novels would feature only grown women, or would you find some other reason to complain?
Re: Pre-Orders Are Now Live For This Gorgeous Switch Zelda Controller
It's nice that it's got back buttons (finally they're starting to add them to non crazy-expensive controllers), but the lack of rumble on the other hand... meh
Re: Senran Kagura: Peach Ball Won't Be Censored Here In The West
@Pod It's tragic for whom? For the SJWs, or for the people affected by their complaining?
Re: Senran Kagura: Peach Ball Won't Be Censored Here In The West
@Peterjr1 Seriously, a game like Senran Kagura not being censored IS news. For any other game you would be right, but not for this kind of games.
Re: Senran Kagura: Peach Ball Won't Be Censored Here In The West
@LUIGITORNADO Just watch an Adventure movie instead of playing Uncharted, Just watch a war movie instead of playing Call of Duty, just watch a horror movie instead of playing Resident Evil, just watch a game on TV instead of playing PES, just watch Rally on TV instead of playing Dirt Rally, just watch Grand Tour instead of playing Gran Turismo, just watch Independence Day instead of playing Space Invaders, Just watch the wizard of OZ instead of playing Rainbow Islands, just get a fungi infection on your toilet so you can call an italian-american plumber and watch him while he he jumps on the fungi's heads, and so on...
Re: Hyperkin Controller Adapter For SNES Classic Mini Lets You Use Your Original Pads
@Crono1973 @GravyThief Exactly, actually I'm searching for the reverse of this product: I'd like to be able to use the brand new SNES controllers on an original SNES/SFC.
Re: Video: Here's What Senran Kagura Looks Like On Nintendo Switch
"Did you die a bit inside?"
I don't care about this game, but: no I didn't. On second thought, yes, but because of this sentence, not for the game.
Why do you feel the need to judge every single sexual content? The persecution of LGBT people didn't teach you anything?
Re: Video: Here's What Senran Kagura Looks Like On Nintendo Switch
@MegaTen Yes, it's sad, but if you think about it, the US is quite a hard place to deal with too, but a huge difference with Japan is that in the US fantasy is heavily policed, and this kind of escapism is not possible.
Also remember that mass "shootings" (actually, they use knives there) are pretty rare, and crime in general is very low in Japan, so which system is better?
Re: Video: Here's What Senran Kagura Looks Like On Nintendo Switch
@MrGawain Only in the "land of the free", if you live somewhere else people just don't care.
Re: New Splatoon 2 Switch Accessories And Hardware Bundle Announced
The nineties called, they want their neon pink&green back.
Re: Preview: Ultra Street Fighter II On Switch Offers Nostalgia In Spades, But New Features Disappoint
@Laxeybobby you need a proper joystick, can't play fighting games with a d-pad
Re: Preview: Ultra Street Fighter II On Switch Offers Nostalgia In Spades, But New Features Disappoint
@Ebefren Isn't SFV a "console-exclusive" of Playstation?
Re: Random: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Patch Removes Offensive "Bras d'honneur" Gesture
@BakaKnight not true, it is quite offensive in Italy, and if you add the middle finger it gets even more offensive. However, I find it appropriate in this context, many soccer players do this gesture after scoring
Re: First Impressions: Round One With Ultra Street Fighter II On Nintendo Switch
@UK-Nintendo I bought the Japanese version of SF 2 Turbo as soon as it came out (with an adapter). I still remember the cheat to make it go even faster.