Chris Pratt has been talking up The Super Mario Bros. Movie for some time now, and following the first-look poster reveal yesterday, he's taken to social media once again to hype the upcoming movie.
In a brief message, he reiterated how "very special" this project of his is going to be - adding how he can't wait for the official reveal, and informing Mario fans to "get ready to be blown away" by the teaser trailer. He's now even promoting Nintendo's Direct presentation.
As noted in the tweet above, the teaser trailer will be premiering on October 6th in a special Nintendo Direct broadcast. In the lead-up to this reveal, Pratt has mentioned how he has "updated" the voice of Mario and it's apparently "unlike anything" fans have heard in the Super Mario world before.
Apart from Chris Pratt, other cast members include Charlie Day (Pacific Rim) as Luigi, Anya Taylor-Joy (The Queen's Gambit) as Princess Peach, Jack Black (School of Rock) as Bowser, Keegan-Michael Key (Toy Story 4) as Toad and Seth Rogan (Pineapple Express) as Donkey Kong.
Bowser (Jack Black) - has also acknowledged the latest announcement:
What are you expecting from this teaser trailer now that we've had our first glimpse? Comment down below.
Comments 72
I really like Chris as an actor/ voice actor so I'm really excited for this. The poster they released looks pretty cool to so hopefully we're in for something good
Well the poster looks really good, so I've moved from caution to optimism regarding the movie. Hopefully the trailer also gives some good impressions.
I think the new Mario voice will sounds sexy and masculine.
Honestly, I feel like hearing the Mario characters voiced by Hollywood celebrities is going to be extremely cursed.
I don't think I'll be able to get over that.
It’s looking good so far, but how is it sounding?
He worked on it, so it's only natural for him to be proud of it. I've enjoyed almost every role Pratt's taken (bad or otherwise), so I think his Mario will be great. The fact that Nintendo, as protective as they are of their IP, has not voiced disapproval only solidifies this.
I just want to hear how my boi Bowser will sound like hopefully in the trailer on Thursday
It's a me. A mario.
Idris Elba would have been a better choice for Bowser, Jack Black just doesn't have enough gravel in his voice.
British actors shouldn’t need to play baddies because American actors don’t want to be unliked.
Hopefully Mario has an interesting voice and doesn't just sound like Crisp Rat in real life.
@Lordplops IDK, I like the idea of a heavy metal Bowser and if they go that direction, Jack Black is perfect.
The poster looks awesome, can't wait to watch this.
Exactly, I think the Charles Marinette brigade do not understand this, his voice is awesome for a few lines of dialogue in a video game, but I feel would be very annoying in a full length movie.
This is just planned PR - "live on Nintendo Direct" is hilarious. That's what my Mum would say!
The children in "Despicable Me" are totally lovable. Heck, even Gru becomes lovable.
Your heart must be so dry.
(and note to the author : it's Seth Rogen, as in Rogen Fedenen, not Rogan)
Wouldn’t it be something else if nobody hyped the movie? Just release it and let people find their own way?
I can't help but feel like even he knows he was incorrectly cast. I have basically never heard of an actor so consistently being like "No guys I promise my voice is good! I swear I'll do a good job"
EDIT: Wow he sounds like normal Chris Pratt. "Unlike anything you've ever heard" huh.
Im kinda hyped for this movie after seeing this poster.
Man imagine a next gen Nintendo console with a mario game looking like this 👀👍
@Anti-Matter I think it will sound like boring ass Chris Pratt with a kinda shotty Italian accent.
@Lordplops I thought Kevin Micheal Richardson should have been Bowser. That guy can make his voice go so deep it's terrifying.
@NinjaNicky Good attitude. Alot of them do sound horribly miscast, but honestly who knows? I guess at best we are basing it on the sound bites we've heard through the years along with the physical images we've come to know.
Come the 6th we finally have a somewhat vague answer until release date.
@Hajilee You're kidding right? He's already voiced a high energy "everyman" character like Mario as Emmett in the Lego Movie.
It's alright to have doubts, but you're basically veering into needlessly cynical.
@Heroofthenexus That is my main fear. I don't need a popular song to pull me out of the movie.
I absolutely hate the trend that started with Shrek where every animated feature has to end with a dance number, and that trend is still going strong for some odd reason. I hope that won't be the case here.
@Dr_Lugae Nothing wrong with being cynical. It's just a healthy as being optimistic.
@Hajilee Well, yeah, because he was laughed at when it was announced he will voice Mario.
The poster helps a ton. I was worried they'd feel the need to put some sort of artistic spin on character models we've enjoyed for decades, but at first glance, this looks fairly close
Yeah. Mario's ass is special. Flat and special
I bet he sounds like star lord.
Poster looks great. Chris and Jack are awesome actors. The fact that I totally forgot Jack Black was in this movie shows how much the media have obsessed over Chris being in the film. I think he'll prove the haters wrong just like he did with Guardians.
For how controversial he may be, I find Chris Pratt to be a rare example of an A-List celebrity who's actually very good at voice-acting in animated movies (I would never be able to imagine any other voice for Emmet for instance). I'm still very iffy on him being MARIO of all characters but I'll keep an open mind.
Also what universe are we in that Chris Pratt of all people is promoting a Nintendo Direct.
Nice poster! So there's finally a teaser coming up. Its still a teaser, but I hope it still gives a impression.
@johnvboy Wario Ware Gold proved Charles Martinet could do a feature film with one of the characters he voice.
If this is anywhere near as good as the Detective Pikachu movie it's gonna be incredible. I'm pretty confident this will be amazing, Nintendo will have had so much input and control over this they won't risk it not being 'Nintendo' standard.
@Anti-Matter same, I'm hoping mario is as sexy as they come for a cartoon half size Italian American plumber 😃
Kind of a missed opportunity not to have an Italian American voice mario. Seems like sebastian maniscalco would've been a nice choice instead of playing spike. Come to think of it, he might be the only Italian American represented in the film.
Of course he could do a full film, the question is weather or not it would be bearable for a wider market, which is why I assume he is not voicing Mario in this movie.
@Dr_Lugae Dude, No I am not kidding, it's called an opinion try not to get too offended by it. Mario pretty much has two canon voices, one's an Italian accent, the other is a Brooklyn accent. I personally don't believe Chris Pratt could pull off either of them well. He doesn't have much of a range, he sounds the same in every movie he's in. My issue is that Chris Pratt was clearly hired because he's popular and not because he's fit for the roll. Hell, he's even going to be playing Garfield who is anything but an everyman. Chris Pratt is literally training with a speech therapist to get his voice to sound good, that's pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Instead of hiring someone who can actually pull of a Mario voice, they hired Chris Pratt because he's a popular celebrity and are training him to sound different. Worst case scenario he will just sound like normal Chris Pratt. Best case scenario he won't sound like Chris Pratt at all. Either one raises the question as to why he was hired at all. I never said the movie was going to be bad or anything, I just said Chris Pratt was incorrectly casted in my opinion. The movie could be good in spite of that, just like it could be good in spite of Illumination's track record. I don't think anything I said is "needlessly cynical" it's just an opinion opposing to yours.
@MatoFilipovic Ha! True...
They should have hired real voice actors like Frank Welker.
Not so sure what Mario is supposed to sound like, of course we have the high pitched Italian accented version of the video games, but this is hardly fitting of an American plumber, of course Mario is effectively from his own world, so again I guess any accent would be o.k, as I am sure it will be for the majority of people who watch the movie.
@johnvboy Of course nothing is set in stone, they can do whatever with his voice. But people would probably be upset if he doesn't sound Italian since that's pretty accepted at this point. I personally don't want Chris Pratt to do an Italian accent because I think it would sound horrible. I would rather he do his normal voice and embrace how stupid this whole thing is.
@Hordak Sadly Hollywood doesn't believe in people like Frank. If it's animated it has to be voiced by big name actors. Just look at at Scoob, although Frank voiced Scooby-Doo but all the other original VA were recast.
@Heroofthenexus What caused you to be such a miserable pessimist? Jesus Christ, dude.
Not sure people outside of core video game fans will care that much about the voice, as he could be an American with Italian heritage, you don't see the people in the Goodfellas movies running round shouting mama mia!.
@Fizza what's supposed to be controversial about him to you?That he's a Conservative or a Christian.
@MatoFilipovic They should end the movie with a MARIO PARTY
So do you think that in the dubbed Italian version, Mario will speak Italian with an American accent ?
Not sure, I guess it would usually be in the accent of the country it's being dubbed in, although why this is relevant to how Mario sounds in the English/US original version is a mystery to me.
@johnvboy You know I thought the same thing. But after the announcement Chris Pratt was voicing Mario I asked a bunch of people at my church about it and they all said the same thing. "What? Isn't he supposed to be Italian?". They don't play video games at all, it definitely wont bug them as much but they still found it strange.
Hoe embarassing!!! Almost everyone here makes 8 year old me look like the coolest guy on the planet. The amount of energy spent speculating on stuff like this and then defending it could was totally unheard of when Mario was new. When I was a kid and saw previews for the live action Mario movie I thought it was weird and maybe my friends and I talked about it for a few minutes but that was it. It came out, it was as strange as it looked, and nobody lost any friends. It's so shocking to see how enthusiasm for this particular hobby evolved.
@calbeau Don't Forget that Nintendo also approved the Bob Hoskins Mario movie.
@MatoFilipovic Ironic how Shrek, whose whole point was making fun of Disney tropes, ended up creating industry's current tropes.
@johnvboy I find Marinette already annoying in the games.
@NintendoByNature As Italian, I prefer Mario to be a "neutral" character, and not be characterized by Italian-American stereotypes (like they did in the first movie).
@RogerFederer As an Italian, I can tell you that most characters with an Italian-American accent get dubbed with either a Sicilian or a Neapolitan accent in the Italian version, but I really hope that they don't that because it sounds awful.
@NovaPrime As an Italian, how do you feel about the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp being considered an egregious offense of the highest order while nobody ever mentions the owner of the Italian restaurant where they share their famous kiss?
To small of a focus group to be definitive, but I personally never thought the movie would use an Italian accent.
@johnvboy Wasn't saying it was definitive. Those were just the opinions of everyone I've asked so far.
@NovaPrime True, but they were still testing the waters on a movie then. I suppose we can thank that movie for making Ninty more protective of their IP now.
It's nice that your religious representative announced Chris Pratt as Mario in church.
I guess we will have to see how well the movie does at the box office, and what the critic and user revies say, although even that will not give us a great deal more insight.
Personally I am more interested in the story and animation of the movie, as long as Mario's dialogue is good I am not really bothered if he sounds Italian or not.
I am glad they have not used Charles Marinette however, as that would have been a mistake imho.
@RogerFederer Ha xD
@johnvboy Charles Martinet would have been a mistake, but I do wish he got an actor with more of a blend between the high energy Mario from the games and the more monotone Mario from the trailer. I really hope the story is loosely based on the Super Mario Adventures comic, I think it had a lot of great ideas and I love the characterization everyone has.
I think it's tough to judge on such a small amount of dialogue thus far, as I said Chris Pratt is fine for the role, but saying his voice is objectively bad based on one line, as some have on here, is just wrong.
I will as always wait to see the finished product before passing judgement on it, but from what I have seen thus far is pretty good.
@CountDrakeulah Here in Italy no-one considers anything in The Lady and the Tramp (or any other classic Disney movie for that matter) offensive, we're not Italian-Americans.
Rant on:
Italian Americans complain about stuff like this and then they tolerate and glorify the mafia. Mafia men are scum, you shouldn't do that.
Rant off.
@johnvboy Saying anything like this is objectively bad is stupid. This is an opinion based thing, and it's nice to hear others side
So true, for the most part discussions on here are pretty rational, and I do get that people have grown up with Mario sounding a certain way, hell I am one of them.
But I am a massive movie fan as well, and I do think this is for the best... but who knows until the movie comes out.
But nice to discuss this with you in a reasonable manner.
@johnvboy Oh definitely, it's always so nice talking to someone capable of nice conversation on the internet
@johnvboy These are just my opinions so far, a "first impression" if you will. The Mario voice isn't objectively bad or anything, I personally am not a fan but everyone can like what they want . Here's to hopping the voice pleases more people in the future!
I think this is very much a case of waiting for a more substantial trailer to drop, and of course the movie itself.
@johnvboy Agreed.
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