What could be more innocent than a Inkling girl giving a fist pump in the air when taking out one of their opponents in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? Well, it seems using the other hand to clench her flexed bicep might cause offence in various countries including France, Spain, Italy, Georgia, Portugal and Latin America, where this Bras d'honneur gesture is akin to flipping the bird.
We reported on the v1.1 patch for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe earlier today, and it was noted that 'Inkling Girl’s animation has been adjusted', and now thanks to NeoGaf user Neiteio we can see exactly how the change looks in before and after screengrabs:

It's understandable that the developers would have thought that adding this simple flourish to an innocent arm pump would cause no offence. Indeed in North America and the UK (for example) it's not offensive at all, but it makes sense for Nintendo to patch this out now that it has come to its attention. Oops!
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 137
It's like a spot the difference! I can only find one though...
Offensive in Spain? WTF? Nope, not at all. This is a pretty innocent gesture here too…
Well, I didn't know and never mind;
But, if for some people is offensive, ok, this is "fixed" and all right!
I find it offensive that this is offensive.
I only know about this gesture because Gavroche did it in Les Miserables. Pretty sure it basically means "Up yours".
It's not super offensive in America but it's still seen as insulting if you do it at someone. But it's an old school thing, I've never seen it done legit
Can't offended anyone, need to be PC!
@chewytapeworm The yellow Toad behind the fence is jumping in the 2nd picture, not the first. Another difference!
EDIT: Actually, the blue one is jumping as well, so 3 differences
Good change — it even makes the animation more distinct without her other arm in the way.
It's not especially offensive in those countries! It's just mildly offensive everywhere, or at least my understanding of it (Scottish) is an implication of flipping the bird, without actually doing it
Probably saved countless lives from devastating hatespeech there Nintendo !
Its probably the reason so many people are complaining about the "Womans RIghts Movement". Its because their poster is so incredibly offensive !!! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/We_Can_Do_It%21.jpg
The next patch will probably remove gestures that happen after hitting someone else with an item, because that's literally promoting "Violence is Fun" !
Im literally shaking right now... So offensive...
you gotta be kidding me...
It's really a shame that somewhere somebody has to be offended by something all the time. So many things are meant to be totally harmless. It's a video game. I could understand if it was being taught to school kids by the gym coach. All the PC stuff is just out of hand.
The trivial things that some people can get offended by now is beyond pathetic.Imagine being so soft in life that you complain to Nintendo because a cartoon character fist pumped at you.
That's not offensive in italy >_>;;;
At most is considered not elegant, but anyway we do it with the arm at a completly different angle (which make me doubt it can even be considered the same gesture); indeed if it wasn't for the update and the article pointing it out, I couldn't even tell the inkling girl was doing that gesture at all ^^;
...But of course I can't speak for all the other countries, so maybe their call and change was more needed then I can imagine.
The gesture signifies sticking one's entire forearm and fist up someone's rectum. It's pretty gross when you look at it that way (the other arm symbolises the depth that the fisting arm is going)
I'm surprised it made it into the game at all tbh.
Oh for goodness sake, I think it's about time we got over stupid gestures offending people. If I want to hold my two fingers up and wave them around, I'll blooming well do it.
Being offended isn't a right, it's a choice.
If Nintendo didn't intend for the Inkling Girl to make the "up yours" gesture at her opponents, then this should be removed.
Right on the money. Thats not a polite gesture in Brazil.
I thought it was pretty well known that gesture is akin to "flipping the bird" in some countries... I'm very surprised that made it into the final version of the game... I could care less, but removing that gesture is more legit than most of the other PC issues I hear about... it's funny to think about a little kid doing that and then his mom asking "Where did you learn that?" and the kid responding "Mario Kart!".
@OorWullie The trivial changes that some people get offended over are pathetic.
Catch my drift?
@Spoony_Tech @shaneoh Do you think it would be okay to have Inkling Girl flip off her opponents in MK?
Cultures exist outside of the US and UK. It's not okay to have such an obscene gesture present in a game with a large audience of children. Unless you think it would be worth it to change the game's rating and keep the gesture in there?
I'm not sure if you fully understand, this gesture is literally the equivalent of giving the middle finger in several major countries that this game is being sold in.
@mateq Played!! I've never been handy at those puzzles...
Actually, the blue lines on the anti-gravity tyres!!!
Yeah why not, I flip off other drivers.
@OorWullie 'There I was, innocently thumbing my favourite pages of the Bible, when what should I see but an animated arm, held aloft, in the embrace of a brutish hand!
I was so shocked by this awful display of sinful symbology that I staggered back, tripping over my backdated subscriptions to White Liberal Snowflake Guilt Monthly!
So extensive were the injuries to my paper-like skin that I was unable to mount my unusually tall horse for a month!
Nintendo- I demand you remove such offensive imagery immediately, lest I will never turn up to annoy you again! '
Congratulations Nintendo, you just lost a lot of Mario Kart and Splatoon players, either before you patch this game, or after.
@MattFox Oh grow up. Maybe if she was holding up a sign saying F******As#####I kicked You Pan###sses! #DI**S!
Ironically, despite my extensive efforts to censor this, a Nintendo related authority will remove it.
It's a sad world we live in where can't find this funny:
@TF-Warrior I don't think it's quite that serious. But I agree, it shouldn't be removed. Inkling Girl is sassy.
I didn't even notice this and don't really see why it was fixed, but if some people were offended, guess this is the right thing to do
Nintendo will never overcome their fear of American soccer moms...

@HappyMaskedGuy Oh you poor thing,let me get some cotton wool to wrap you in and a chamomile tea.Then we'll take to the streets with our peace and love placards and set fire to some cars and loot some small businesses.
Raw and uncut Inkling girl for life. She's the real OG.
Well, that escalated quickly.
I'd actually argue that if my feces somehow made it onto someone else's arm, the joke would not be on me, but on them!
"The gesture signifies sticking one's entire forearm and fist up someone's rectum. It's pretty gross when you look at it that way (the other arm symbolises the depth that the fisting arm is going)
I'm surprised it made it into the game at all tbh."
Heh, about that... here's a bit of historic trivia for you guys, as this symbol in Poland is both offensive and iconic.
You see, in Poland the gesture is known as "wał", or "gest Kozakiewicza" ("Kozakiewicz's gesture"), named after Władysław Kozakiewicz, a brilliant Polish athlete, who famously displayed this gesture after winning the gold medal in the pole vault at the 1980 Summer Olympics in front of a hostile crowd in Moscow. This coincided with the rise of the Solidarity Union in Poland in 1980 (keep in mind that Poland was still a communist country in the 80's - the systemic transition didn't occur until 1989). It had such an impact, that the USSR embassy in Poland wanted to disqualify Kozakiewicz, and strip him off his medal.
Wait, so this gets removed, yet fairy designs in Ocarina of Time remained. Not like I would want it to be removed. My child form found it... educational.
@The_Mysteron : Get your mind out of the butter.
@JubilifeRival What I don't understand is if this gesture is that offensive then why hasn't there been a ratings change before launch in those country's? If the people rating the game thought this was a problem surly we would've heard about it a while ago and Nintendo could've taken care of it then.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world moves on without getting flustered and invoking Gamergate-like actions.
Lawdy lawd.
Inkling girl knows what's up.
She was silenced by the man.
@BakaKnight I don't know what part of Italy you're from, but I have several friends in Italy who have told me, even before I read this article, that this gesture is extremely offensive.
I quite liked the gesture, it looked kinda gutsy.
But the funny part is watching some people argue that others shouldn't be so easily offended while they burst a blood vessel because a squid girl's arm is no longer placed on a bicep in an animation they probably never realised existed in the first place.
Well, it means 'take it in your ass'. Isn't it offensive? Eventually english people thinks differently, it's because of that they are out of Europe.
Eventually they can from now on share game versions and sales figures with U.S.A. and being fagocitated by it becoming the 51th State. "Hi Donald, we salute you."
I'm not for censorship, it doesn't personally affect me that gesture, though I understand it's no good per se nor towards children.
Not good enough nintendo. Need to remove her from the game completely and ban anyone who streams and talks about it. /s
@chewytapeworm woah, nice find!
I've been looking at those 2 screenshots for 5mins and didn't realize the tires are different! I wonder if there's more...
yep - that's a pretty rude gesture here in South Africa.
@OorWullie comment of the thread, right here.
@Waninoko The USSR, eh? What a bunch of millennial snowflakes! At least that explains the region's excessive snowfall.
Maybe if those guys hadn't spent all their money on avocado toast, the Soviet Union might not have disbanded.
Fun fact: this exact same change happened to Bowser's victory animation in Super Mario RPG when localized from Japan to everywhere else.
Bit daft but hey these things happen.
Maybe they should've changed the animation to actually flipping the bird. That way everyone could be equally offended. Problem solved.
Apparently most of the commenters don't actually understand the problem. It's not about being offended, it's about the fact that this gesture has a meaning and is considered an insult in most european countries. It's basically the same as flipping the bird or just shouting "nibelsnarf you!" at the guy you just hit. Is it ok in your books to have a character just shouting insults in a game aimed at kids?
I live in Belgium and it's a pretty common gesture here, so I was quite surprised when I saw it in the game. I personally found it funny that they would put such a gesture in the game, but I totally understand them removing it since kids might want to imitate her and get in trouble for it.
Can't wait for Wario to be fixed, he's so offensive!
I just figured Inkling Girl was giving President Scroob a salute! LOL. Now how will she let everyone know she's a patriot of Planet Spaceball?
I dunno about offensive but it's definitely a gesture that means something different, from all I can infer from its usage.
Introducing the newest DLC racer for MK8D: Conker.
While I'm not offended by the gesture I see how it could be offensive. Still in Mario Kart when you get cut off by any other driver it can become offensive. What next? Luigi's "death stare" will be replaced with a smiling face even more sinister than before.
@Spoony_Tech They probably never even saw it. Game ratings rely on the developer declaring everything that might affect the rating, they don't actually play the entire game.
@Einherjar I honestly thought that they were referencing Rosie the Riveter. Which I thought was a really cool easter egg. I may not update until I feel like racing online. Which will be until I unlock everything.
When I play as Wario in Smash,one of my favourtie things to do is fart on my opponent,turn round wiggle my ass at them and go "meh heh". Never fails to amuse me.I'm pretty sure that would be considered a much more offensive thing to do to someone,anywhere in the world.
For those mocking it' removal I'm from Canada and even I know it's highly offensive. I do it as a joke to people I know all the time.
It's actually a lot worse than giving the finger.
Why? There is nothing wrong with it for eel.
This is part of the problem with global markets. If something offends any culture, it gets banned in every culture. A better solution would be to let countries where this is deemed offensive increase the age rating, or ban it completely if they really want to (hypothetically - I know that would be an overreaction here).
This seems like a justified reason to alter the animation. I had no clue this was an offensive gesture in some countries.
The more you know.
In France, this is considered HIGHLY OFFENSIVE, so much so that Paul Pogba got in big trouble for it just a few years ago and it became a scandal in France. Search Paul Pogba Bras d'honneurs on Google and you'll get a ton of stories back. This was a HUGE deal in France.
In 1980, a Polish athlete made the sign during the 1980 Moscow Olympics, to the Soviet crowd and received a deluge of boos. It caused a diplomatic incident between Poland and the USSR. Recently, a Ukrainian Athlete did it against Russia in the Olympics.
Those of you ragging on Nintendo for this are totally out of the loop...it is highly offensive in many countries, even if it isn't in yours.
I quite frankly couldn't believe they included it in Mariokart. This is the type of stuff Nintendo doesn't need. This would've caused certain parents and others to not buy a Switch or MK.
Haven't noticed this gesture in MK8D, for example in Russia it means f@@k u Sad it was removed )))
@PtM - I wouldn't do either; I'm just saying let those with the problem make the adjustments... for them. I couldn't care less about an animation in Mario Kart, but if you apply this principle to everything, things become very bland.
@Agent721 I totally agree with you, analogue to this gesture in USA is a middle finger up but middle finger way less offensive.
Nintendo should change this gesture to middle finger ))
I liked just for "Lord Racist Satan".
@Ryu_Niiyama Yup, i also thought so. I mean, its would fit nicely, as it would fit the Inklings personality quite well.
But that's why we can't have nice things. People get offended by them. By all of them...all the time...
Better censor that. Quick.
@Agent721 isn't everything offensive in France?
@PtM "Anything that rustles some gamersgate jimmies is fine in my book"
Not to further ruin your already cringeworthy comment, but gamer*S*gate is a PC game distribution service (alá GoG)
So if you want to mock your boogeyman, please pick the right one ^^
Well then
Umm it's a fist pump y'all and it's meabt to be a fist pump plain and simple. It just so happens to look like a good ol' go f*** yourself. Not really a big deal. I for one find censorship appalling and I'm offended it was removed lol. Certain cultures are more sensitive than others well so be it. Remove the animation for their country. I think this is stupid and sad to see people get worked up over this enough that Nintendo had to do an update. Ridiculous.
Also yes I do see a problem if kids start doing it and say I learned it in Mario Kart guess what people we live in the real world they see Many more offensive things on a daily basis that they're not censored from. The correct response is to be a parent and talk to your child about what is and isn't proper and cultural differences. God forbid we educate our children and prepare them for the atrocities of real life and a******s.
@mateq I've found another!
The two yellow twisty things next to the red cogs on the right hand side of the track. They're in slightly different positions.
This is pretty fun!
@Tetsuro "Eventually english people thinks differently, it's because of that they are out of Europe.
Eventually they can from now on share game versions and sales figures with U.S.A. and being fagocitated by it becoming the 51th State. "Hi Donald, we salute you."
...what the bloody hell are you on about? Is that even relevant to the article?
OK, so people are angry about this...?
Either gesture is fine to me. I don't really care...
@BensonUii Ack, please don't give me nightmare flashbacks... jeez, that one dude who wouldn't shut up about it...
@Markiemania95 After: 'Indeed in North America and the UK (for example) it's not offensive at all'.
Before: 'Well, it seems using the other hand to clench her flexed bicep might cause offence in various countries including France, Spain, Italy, Georgia, Portugal and Latin America, where this Bras d'honneur gesture is akin to flipping the bird'.
I'm suggesting him to get a US version and to flew to US borders since he isn't happy about the patch and europeans and latins are the culprit. ^^
Also he can ask to Nintendo to not patch 'their' version.
@BensonUii @Vee_Flames hands a sharpie
scribble in the "u".
@PtM - I am civil. You're the one being sarcastic. Do you really not champion the ideas of artistic freedom and ownership of product at all? I have no wish to offend anyone by using this gesture. I'm saying it should be filtered out at the ratings board stage by each country that finds it offensive... but not for countries who don't.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are we not talking about something being censored in a product people have already bought? I know it's minor, and I do not care about this particular animation, but it's the principle. Some people may have liked the animation, and now the product that they bought has been changed.
Imagine you have something in your house (a magazine, for example). Someone from a foreign country doesn't like it, so comes round and rips out the pages they don't like. Is that fair? This is where we've got to with a global, homogenised culture.
If this is removed in north America then I will make sure not to update then! Its one if her most charming character traits and is why it's fun to play her
@MaSSiVeRiCaN While I don't agree with the change (I'm not bothered by it either and I understand why it was made), your solution wouldn't work easily since the game has a globally commingled multiplayer. It is more work to make certain countries not see the gesture and keep it for others online. So it is easier to just change it overall.
Why do people care that this was changed? I mean seriously, the difference is negligible....
It seems people on both sides of this "PC issue" like to complain about nothing.
@Ryu_Niiyama GLADLY.
@Agent721 "Those of you ragging on Nintendo for this are totally out of the loop...it is highly offensive in many countries, even if it isn't in yours."
This is the thing. It's like people don't understand that other languages exist, body language included. If a company discovers that they've stuck a taunt in a game that means "I want to ram my arm almost entirely up your backside" in certain target regions, they may well think, "Oops, that's a bit awkward" and make some readjustments.
Similarly, if a Western company were to use the character "糞" to add certain 'Eastern aesthetic' to an environment, the majority of the Western audience wouldn't question what it meant at all. But if it were to be released in a country that used the Chinese character set, some may wonder why the character for 'faeces' was smeared all over a temple. It's not 'universally offensive', obviously. But nobody should really lose their... "糞" over the character being replaced if developer sees fit.
Oversensitivity is definitely an issue that can end up doing more harm than good, but the most evident display of it in this case is by those who can't deal with a hand being taken off a bicep in split-second taunt because it's an affront to their sense of... I dunno. But it's somehow offensive, apparently.
Really, I think the most extreme reaction to this is, "meh". Anyone more exercised than that is trying too hard.
Well said sir! I assume you're a full grown adult!
@PtM - No, I do like other cultures. It's getting harder and harder to see something that is genuinely foreign precisely because of homogenisation.
|sf>This is an example of the reason why we used to have region coding in video games. If this were a Wii U or 3DS version, Nintendo could target the patch to regions where the gesture is offensive.
"Comment censored by Nintendo"
Right, in my country there is a very similar gesture that is used to offend the people, and it's considered obscene. I live in Latin America - Chile.
It is derogatory in North America (same as flipping the bird), and I do not want my kids doing it.
Amazing it was there in the first place. . . . .NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
@MetalKingShield To be fair, Mario Kart is a Japanese game named after an Italian-American plumber who lives in a magical Mushroom Kingdom and likes racing against evil turtles based on Germany's Ludwig van Beethoven, England's Lemmy, and the USA's Iggy Pop around the interior of Chinese temples.
If you were after some distilled sense of cultural purity, this wasn't really the right game to be starting with. A hand on a bicep is really neither here nor there when discussing the game's 'cultural identity', which never concretely existed in the first place.
More importantly than that though, is the simple fact that this is a game released to a globally, and played globally via the internet. It was never going to be a shining example of the local identity of anywhere, precisely because it's a global product. By all means make efforts to preserve the character of the places where you live and work, but criticising a global multiplayer game for being, well... overly 'globalised' seems like something of a lost cause.
Maybe the world would be better if Mario Kart had never made it out of Japan, or possibly even Nintendo's Kyoto HQ - we'll never know - but now it's here, it's there, and it's everywhere. And as a result, it's constructed so as not to infer that any character wants to perform a deep rectal excavation of any other when viewed from the perspective of any region it's released it.
At the risk of sounding patronising, if you want nice things from Japan, this is part of the deal; if it's going to leave the Far East, it's likely going to go end up in many countries as a result, and that is going to affect the final product. In this particular instance, I'd argue the removal of a hand from an arm in one character's taunt isn't a huge price to pay.
Well said Maxz, you're a more patient man than I am.
@BornInNorway81 "I'd actually argue that if my feces somehow made it onto someone else's arm, the joke would not be on me, but on them!"
Yep, if someone shoved their forearm up your back passage then you would be the real winner.
The gesture, by its very nature, is meant to offend. You don't tell someone "Up yours!" without the intent to offend. You don't flip someone off without the intent to offend. You don't give someone the DX crotch chop (am I dating myself?) without the intent to offend. Marshawn Lynch doesn't grab his crotch after completing the best run in NFL playoff history without the intent to offend. So, everyone needs to settle down when people actually get, you know, offended. That said, now I have one less excuse when my five year old repeats this behavior at day care. "He learned it from his mother" is starting to run a little thin.
This is probably one of those cases were a very vocal 1-10% minority (in the countries mentioned in the article) finds it offensive and the rest just doesn't care.
In my opinion people living in a democracy should be able to tolerate those things, even insults. They are just part of our lives/reality and shouldn't be excluded.
It's like parents forbidding their kids to use cursewords (while all the other kids are using them anyway) despite the fact that adults around the whole world use cursewords all the time and kids will grow into adults eventually. Why keep this form of communication from them when it's an integral part of our lives? Kids should learn the meaning and usage of insults as early as possible, otherwise they drop behind the other kids in their linguistic development. This leads to kids starting to use cursewords later without knowing what they actually mean.
But then again, I don't really care about that animation, so whatever. ^^
@Spoony_Tech ah yes, because a gesture that means "F- you" belongs in a rated E game
@th3r3ds0x @Spoony_Tech Not everything that's offensive is political. This has literally nothing to do with PC. It's just a gesture that accidently means something that shouldn't be in a game of its rating.
Oh no, they slightly changed an animation on a character that had no bearing on how the game actually plays. Whatever will we do with ourselves now?
(Y'all need to like, find some actual things to be annoyed by.)
Oh, sure, what we call in Italy the "umbrella".

How Bowser's Japanese victory pose in Super Mario RPG was confused as this, though, is beyond me.
(In case you're wondering, it's a famous scene in Italian cinema. The caption reads "Workers!".)
Lavatory, workers... they both get pooped on.
@amiiboacid ok so maybe not political but the point is that it's really a shame that an imaginary squid girl making a gesture in a video game can really offend anyone. People have become far to thin skinned...
Its a culture thing. Sometimes it got duel meaning. In this case its supposed to be mean workers but instead people view it as "Screw you" insult. You can't go to other country and use some slangs since they could mean something totally different. For example, "We going kill those guys!" mean we going beat them in some form of contests.
@JubilifeRival Sincerely surprised to hear so, have been living in Italy since I was born and noone I know would consider that gesture really offensive, especially not in the context of a Mario kart race and done like inkling girl used to (while I admit it may come across as offensive in a different context and with the gesture done properly).
SJWs at work, I see.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Well, it means up your @$$, so it is very offensive here in Latin America.
However I thought that in the United States meant the same as here. There was a Pokemon game (I think Diamond), that had a trainer, dressed as a sailor, that was changed due to the same reason.
The story says it's not considered offensive in the US or U.K. I can't speak for the U.K., but it's been an obscene gesture in the US all my life. It's the equivalent of the middle finger here. I'm glad they just altered the animation instead of removing it completely, because it makes Inkling Girl look like the badass she is.
Pathetic just pathetic.
@Ras Depends on where you live in the US. I've never seen it in person and I've lived in NC (born and raised, Carolina girls...best in the world!), PA and AZ. I had no clue this was considered offensive.
Edit: My age group may have something to do with it too, but I've literally NEVER seen it.
@Spoony_Tech Nintendo should have known better. they have removed the same gesture in several of its games in the past.
@Ryu_Niiyama I haven't seen it in the game (no Switch yet), but it could be a little different. The obscene gesture involves the one arm up like the Inkling, and the arm behind it has the forearm in the crook of the elbow, rather than the hand resting on the bicep. It was an '80s schoolyard favorite here in Texas.
Just makes me wanna listen to Fist Banging Mania by Stormtroopers of Death.
@BakaKnight not true, it is quite offensive in Italy, and if you add the middle finger it gets even more offensive. However, I find it appropriate in this context, many soccer players do this gesture after scoring
It's Nintendo's game so they can change what they want? I don't get the problem, but when these articles come up I rarely do.
It's like if Nintendo released a game with a Jiggypuff sprite...but they didn't like it (because they thought it was ugly), so after the game was released they patched it with a different Jiggypuff sprite. They made the original sprite, and they decided the sprite should be different. This stuff happens in development all the time I'm sure, but you can't get mad at it because you haven't seen it.
@The_Mysteron why are you surprised? It makes it into anime all the time.
Cassie cage flips off her oppent before the match,no one complained lol
"catch my drift"
get it
because mario kart
Never knew about that gesture, but it seems it's pretty offensive in France.... one of the (if not the best) selling markets for Nintendo in Europe, so I see why they would want to patch it out. That kind of thing can lead to a marketing disaster.
Does anyone here know if this was censored in the Japanese version too? It wouldn't be a problem to me if it was.
It probably was since someone playing from another country with a japanese player could possibly see it still. Unless it would patch the other player too from visibly doing that.
I think it's widely considered offensive in Australia (where I'm from). In the context of mario kart though it's funny in an inappropriate way.
@Assassinated I think that's waht it means, basically. When I was i kid, my grandma, who was Italian and introduced me to Mario, randomly asked me if I knew what Goomba meant. I said no, and she made that same gesture and said "A-Hole!"
I will never forget how awesome my grandma was, lol.
What nonsense! But then again, I don't live in those countries.
@HappyMaskedGuy Grow up? I don't care about the sign, but that does not change what people understand by said act. Here it means "up yours", that's just a fact..
You have to look at it from the proper point of view, if you're Nintendo. If you're from a made up country and developed a game where bending over and spreading your butt cheeks is somehow socially acceptable, and you added that gesture to your game clueless on how the public in the United States might react to it, it would be understandable to remove that gesture from the game. What one person from that country thinks because they find it acceptable is irreverent.
@-DG Isn't Goomba a slang term for Italian American?
@OorWullie Sounds reasonable to me.
@HappyMaskedGuy Hmm... Yeah, I guess you're right. Maybe some people used it in a more derogatory way? Either that or my grandma just really liked the word "a-hole"
@-DG lol, I think your grandma didn't like Italian americans?
She sounds like a good laugh
@Koudai1979 because that gesture isn't offensive in Japan
@sillygostly Get your fist out of the butt...err.
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