@Gamergirl94 Hahaha. That's really kind of funny - imagine cancelling a game over some slight differences in dialogue. Yikes. People will bitch about anything these days, won't they?? Damn.
Hard pass. Easily the worst Xenoblade game of all time with an even worse cast. The soundtrack was pretty good though. Not picking this one up; we already have three great Xenoblade games. There really was no reason for Nintendo to put this on the Switch too.
@Anti-Matter No problem! The levels are still pretty difficult though, I have to say - especially in the Shadow campaign; But it's still alot of fun too with ALOT of content; I already put in over 10 hours and I'm not done with the main stories yet haha Personally my third favourite game of 2024!
@Anti-Matter Actually, they got rid of the lives in this remaster, so no worries about game overs this time around! The later levels really do get annoying though, so I understand where you are coming from
Absolutely fantastic to hear. The game is phenomenal and just a blast to play through. Not all levels are hits (Urgh Planet Wisp and Radical Highway...) but otherwise it's one fantastic package. Favourite level remains Rooftop Run of course!
YS Lacrimosa of Dana is not just the best YS game for me, it's also the best jrpg I've ever played; While it takes awhile to get going (my only complaint about it too), once it does kick off it becomes one of the most engrossing, interesting and badass stories of all time - with Dana and Adol both in the centre. It works SO well and there's so much to do.. add to that the fact that the soundtrack is also incredibly well done and you have a perfect package. Easily 10/10 for me (Slow start is only a minor concern). YS X Nordics so far is also very fun - and very different which makes a tremendous difference (Can't fully rate this one yet as I've yet to finish it, but so far a 9!)... unlike Monstrum Nox, which was not only depressing and boring to look at, but also has a really odd and confusing storyline and an unmemorable soundtrack to boot. The characters were really fun and their abilities made traversing kiiinda fun, but being isolated in only ONE city and a few small roads was not my idea of fun (3/10).
@MirrorFate2 They actually do - and they understand how irrelevant these changes are. It doesn't change the great gameplay or the love poured into this game.
@LikelySatan Of course you are. You're likely satisfied with the bloated, over the top assassins creed games, like most gamers, yeah? No need for diversity or other games when you can play the 1000000th exact same open world game with some minor differences.. Haha.
I want to hope, but uhm.. Ubisoft's track record is not exactly good. Wake me up when an actual good company takes the franchise over and blows some new life into it
Good to see that Astro Bot is still doing reasonably well! That game was so much fun - unlike slow-mo mario party... Good grief rounds last FOREVER in that game, especially with CPU's. Unless they add a fast forward feature I don't think i'll be going back to that one
Of course they did... EVERYTIME they release something good and interesting (Rayman Origins+Legends, Immortals Fenyx Rising and now PoP The Lost Crown), they abandon them immediately and focus instead on the generic, cliché and boring Assassins Creed games..
No wonder pretty much nobody has any faith left in Ubisoft.
Looks absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to play this on the PS5 tomorrow and then on Switch coming friday!
And unlike SOME people here, I can easily see through these... minor censorship things and actually enjoy the game for what it is. Baffles me that some people just can't be happy and complain about every little thing. Sad, sad times.. But then - good lesson for the rest of us to BE better than them and just be grateful instead of nagging about the small stuff!
I tried to get into Mario Party Jamboree, but wow is the gameplay incredibly sluggish and slow. It should NOT take 90 minutes to wrap up a 10 turn board.. So I ditched that one rather quickly. For me, this weekend consists off:
Pokémon Scarlet
Super Mario Bros Wonder
YS X Nordics (Got it in the mail yesterday; so lucky)
@LikelySatan Microsoft is negligent with ALOT of stuff - which is probably why their gaming division won't last much longer. I'll give them two, maybe three years before much of their stuff is all on Playstation (and some of it on Nintendo)..
@Savage_Joe The only ''damaged reputation'' GF got for Galar and Paldea is by the online community.. Like you said, offline people really don't care if a small minority online hate the games :' I, for one, absolutely loved Gen 8 and 9 (Despite their flaws), much more so than previous Gens.. Although 4 and 5 will remain the GOAT for me forever
@Tyranexx Yeah, I have to agree with you there.. Unfortunately, this cyber world is becoming more and more like this every day and unless there's going to be actual HARSH punishments (Like shutting one's PC off completely by remote.. if that's even possible, but one can dream), it's only going to get worse.
Also, unrelated: Love the Halloween Boo profile pic you got going on!
Finally, somebody with a decent mindset. I'm still baffled that developers will still continue this stupid trend - even though most if not all Fortnite type of games tend to fail.. Miserably. Yes, Helldivers was a hit.. but Concord, Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones and many others were a complete and utter failure.
Here's hoping developers will finally grow a spine - and brain - and make ACTUAL games again.
... Oh no, what have I done.
You really should give Nordics a try at least; aside from the sailing, the rest of the game seems really good.. and YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana is my personal favourite Playstation title AND JRPG of all time. It's such a wonderful title; would be a shame to pass up on it!
@GameName Isn't that one getting a remake/remaster next year? I thought I'd heard that, but i'm not sure.. I know for sure it's very beloved though, perhaps more so than Lacrimosa of Dana
@Yalloo It's very true, unfortunately.. But you can't change these people; you can, however, change yourself to make the world a better place! I know I'm striving to be that kind of person.
... This comment really does contradict my avatar though lmao
Bah, damn leakers... Can't they find anything USEFUL to do with their time? Then again, the fact that this happend either means these leakers are super skilled hackers... or that the cyber security at GF is just really bad
I beat Zelda yesterday, so I decided to replay Dragonball Xenoverse 2 again on Switch. It's been awhile, and I can't wait to play as a Saiyan... again. It's just too much fun haha. Other games include:
It's kinda alarming to me that some people in this comment section defend the leaking culturue.. Perhaps it's best for everyone if the entire internet takes a week or three off.
Certaintly wouldn't bother me at all and it would do the world some good.
No AC? So... no plugging it into the wall? That's really kind of odd. I don't have my PC next to my bed, at all, so I wouldn't even be able to use it.. and for that price tag.. yikes. Probably the oddest thing Nintendo has done in years
@Serpenterror The PS5 is doing horribly in Japan, - so by proxy, Astro Bot would be doing terrible there too.. But hasn't it sold really well outside of Japan? At least, that's what I heard
Dragon Ball Sparking Zero (Possibly). And yes, I'll be buying Generations twice. It's such a fantastic game and I want to be able to play Rooftop Run on the go haha
@TheExile285 Ooof, really? .. I don't want to gatelock anyone (I think that is the term?), but the Crossbell duology is some of the best story telling in any JRPG, ever. So play these two as well.
As much as I love Cold Steel.. you can probably skip these ones. I love them too bits, but yeah, all four of them are quite lengthy and I understand why you wouldn't want to invest in them. But Crossbell.. is a whole 'nother story
Haha it actually baffles me that people complain so much - not just about this game, but modern gaming in general. People WILL find the smallest thing to complain about and then act it's the end of the world. It's quite pathetic really.
Sometimes, like with Scarlet and Violet's framerate issues, these complaints have merit.. but most of the time they do not.
Nice - but still no Donkey Kong 64/Diddy Kong Racing.. Until they add these two, I don't care what they add.. However, seeing so many F-Zero support IS really good too
Comments 276
Re: 'Ys Memoire: The Oath In Felghana' Finally Comes West January 2025
Looks a bit too retro for me and not that good looking. Probably big skip; especially since we JUST had Nordics released.
Re: What Review Score Would You Give Sonic X Shadow Generations?
@Gamergirl94 Hahaha.
That's really kind of funny - imagine cancelling a game over some slight differences in dialogue. Yikes.
People will bitch about anything these days, won't they??
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Confirmed For Switch
@Duncanballs Haha yeah true enough. Doesn't make the game any less garbage in my eyes though.
Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Confirmed For Switch
Hard pass. Easily the worst Xenoblade game of all time with an even worse cast. The soundtrack was pretty good though.
Not picking this one up; we already have three great Xenoblade games. There really was no reason for Nintendo to put this on the Switch too.
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Surpasses One Million Sales In Opening Weekend
@Anti-Matter No problem! The levels are still pretty difficult though, I have to say - especially in the Shadow campaign; But it's still alot of fun too with ALOT of content; I already put in over 10 hours and I'm not done with the main stories yet haha Personally my third favourite game of 2024!
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Surpasses One Million Sales In Opening Weekend
@Anti-Matter Actually, they got rid of the lives in this remaster, so no worries about game overs this time around! The later levels really do get annoying though, so I understand where you are coming from
Re: Sonic X Shadow Generations Surpasses One Million Sales In Opening Weekend
Absolutely fantastic to hear. The game is phenomenal and just a blast to play through. Not all levels are hits (Urgh Planet Wisp and Radical Highway...) but otherwise it's one fantastic package. Favourite level remains Rooftop Run of course!
Re: Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Receives A New Update, Here's What's Included
Damn. Must've been an empty year for you then, with little to no games... Oh well, here's hoping 2025 will be better for you!
Re: Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed Receives A New Update, Here's What's Included
I did - and actually had alot more fun with this than Zelda.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (26th October)
For me, this weekend consists of:
My backlog for the Switch is HUGE.. And it's going to become even bigger when LEGO Horizon Adventures comes out in a few weeks!
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ys Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking
@Truegamer79 Whine whine, cry cry...
Heard that complaint a million times before, good grief.
You lot need to leave it alone already.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ys Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking
YS Lacrimosa of Dana is not just the best YS game for me, it's also the best jrpg I've ever played; While it takes awhile to get going (my only complaint about it too), once it does kick off it becomes one of the most engrossing, interesting and badass stories of all time - with Dana and Adol both in the centre. It works SO well and there's so much to do.. add to that the fact that the soundtrack is also incredibly well done and you have a perfect package. Easily 10/10 for me (Slow start is only a minor concern). YS X Nordics so far is also very fun - and very different which makes a tremendous difference (Can't fully rate this one yet as I've yet to finish it, but so far a 9!)... unlike Monstrum Nox, which was not only depressing and boring to look at, but also has a really odd and confusing storyline and an unmemorable soundtrack to boot. The characters were really fun and their abilities made traversing kiiinda fun, but being isolated in only ONE city and a few small roads was not my idea of fun (3/10).
Re: Random: Oops! It Looks Like Banjo-Tooie's Idle Demo Is Sped Up On NSO
@mercilessrobot Didn't Sony also do this with their digital movies recently on PS5 or something? At least I think I heard about this
Re: Some Fans Aren't Happy About Sonic X Shadow Generations' Changes To The Original
@MirrorFate2 They actually do - and they understand how irrelevant these changes are. It doesn't change the great gameplay or the love poured into this game.
Re: Some Fans Aren't Happy About Sonic X Shadow Generations' Changes To The Original
Of course they did. It's not a Sonic release without some bratty 30 year olds whining about something. Sad, but inevitable.
Re: Rumour: A Rayman Remake May Be On The Cards At Ubisoft
@LikelySatan Of course you are. You're likely satisfied with the bloated, over the top assassins creed games, like most gamers, yeah? No need for diversity or other games when you can play the 1000000th exact same open world game with some minor differences.. Haha.
But you do you.
Re: Rumour: A Rayman Remake May Be On The Cards At Ubisoft
I want to hope, but uhm.. Ubisoft's track record is not exactly good. Wake me up when an actual good company takes the franchise over and blows some new life into it
Re: UK Charts: Mario Party Jamboree Rolls A Winner In Its Debut Week
Good to see that Astro Bot is still doing reasonably well! That game was so much fun - unlike slow-mo mario party... Good grief rounds last FOREVER in that game, especially with CPU's. Unless they add a fast forward feature I don't think i'll be going back to that one
Re: Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown Dev Team Reportedly Disbanded By Ubisoft
Of course they did... EVERYTIME they release something good and interesting (Rayman Origins+Legends, Immortals Fenyx Rising and now PoP The Lost Crown), they abandon them immediately and focus instead on the generic, cliché and boring Assassins Creed games..
No wonder pretty much nobody has any faith left in Ubisoft.
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Sonic X Shadow Generations
@Serpenterror Doesn't make the video itself painful though. Complaining, complaining, complaining.. Yikes.
What ''message'' though? That people have too much time on their hands? If so, they succeeded...
Re: Mario & Luigi: Brothership Developer Has Supposedly Been Revealed
Nice. Will probably pick this one up after a huge discount
Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Sonic X Shadow Generations
Looks absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to play this on the PS5 tomorrow and then on Switch coming friday!
And unlike SOME people here, I can easily see through these... minor censorship things and actually enjoy the game for what it is. Baffles me that some people just can't be happy and complain about every little thing. Sad, sad times.. But then - good lesson for the rest of us to BE better than them and just be grateful instead of nagging about the small stuff!
Re: Cat Quest: The Fur-tastic Trilogy Scores A Physical Switch Release
I've never played these! I might pick a copy up
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (19th October)
I tried to get into Mario Party Jamboree, but wow is the gameplay incredibly sluggish and slow. It should NOT take 90 minutes to wrap up a 10 turn board.. So I ditched that one rather quickly.
For me, this weekend consists off:
Happy weekend everyone!
Re: Xbox Studio Rare Excited About The Return Of Banjo-Tooie Next Week
@LikelySatan Microsoft is negligent with ALOT of stuff - which is probably why their gaming division won't last much longer. I'll give them two, maybe three years before much of their stuff is all on Playstation (and some of it on Nintendo)..
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's N64 Library Next Week
Great news!! I always wanted to replay this one.
Sooooo... DK64 and Diddy Kong Racing next please?
Re: Universal Orlando's Super Nintendo World Opens Its Doors May 2025
So... when is Europe getting a Nintendo park?
Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?
@Savage_Joe The only ''damaged reputation'' GF got for Galar and Paldea is by the online community.. Like you said, offline people really don't care if a small minority online hate the games :'
I, for one, absolutely loved Gen 8 and 9 (Despite their flaws), much more so than previous Gens.. Although 4 and 5 will remain the GOAT for me forever
Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?
@Tyranexx Yeah, I have to agree with you there.. Unfortunately, this cyber world is becoming more and more like this every day and unless there's going to be actual HARSH punishments (Like shutting one's PC off completely by remote.. if that's even possible, but one can dream), it's only going to get worse.
Also, unrelated: Love the Halloween Boo profile pic you got going on!
Re: 'Sonic X Shadow Generations X Chao' Manga Announced, Here's A First Look
Really wish they'd be bringing this to Europe as well; Would love to read more about the Chao in Flynn's style. Excellent writer
Re: 'Sonic X Shadow Generations X Chao' Manga Announced, Here's A First Look
Removed; user is banned
Re: Tales Of Kenzera Director Slams Publishers' Desire To Create "The Next Fortnite"
Finally, somebody with a decent mindset. I'm still baffled that developers will still continue this stupid trend - even though most if not all Fortnite type of games tend to fail.. Miserably. Yes, Helldivers was a hit.. but Concord, Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones and many others were a complete and utter failure.
Here's hoping developers will finally grow a spine - and brain - and make ACTUAL games again.
Re: Review: Ys X: Nordics (Switch) - Another Great Entry, Though We're Not Sold On The Sailing
... Oh no, what have I done.
You really should give Nordics a try at least; aside from the sailing, the rest of the game seems really good.. and YS VIII Lacrimosa of Dana is my personal favourite Playstation title AND JRPG of all time. It's such a wonderful title; would be a shame to pass up on it!
Re: Review: Ys X: Nordics (Switch) - Another Great Entry, Though We're Not Sold On The Sailing
@GameName Isn't that one getting a remake/remaster next year? I thought I'd heard that, but i'm not sure..
I know for sure it's very beloved though, perhaps more so than Lacrimosa of Dana
Re: Review: Ys X: Nordics (Switch) - Another Great Entry, Though We're Not Sold On The Sailing
I can't wait for this; YS 9 was kind of disappointing, but from what i've read in the review Nordics is actually alot better. Fantastic
Re: Pokémon Developer Game Freak Reportedly Hacked, Massive Amounts Of Data Allegedly Leaked
@Yalloo It's very true, unfortunately.. But you can't change these people; you can, however, change yourself to make the world a better place! I know I'm striving to be that kind of person.
... This comment really does contradict my avatar though lmao
Re: Pokémon Developer Game Freak Reportedly Hacked, Massive Amounts Of Data Allegedly Leaked
@calbeau And even if they do.. People WILL find a way to complain/cry/throw a temper tantrum over it, as they always do lmao.
Makes me really wonder if people these days can actually ENJOY a game without finding something to complain about..
Re: Pokémon Developer Game Freak Reportedly Hacked, Massive Amounts Of Data Allegedly Leaked
@PipeGuy64Bit Haha yeah, he would say such a thing wouldn't he? Personally big fan of Shido, just because of how big of a bad guy he is!
Re: Pokémon Developer Game Freak Reportedly Hacked, Massive Amounts Of Data Allegedly Leaked
Bah, damn leakers... Can't they find anything USEFUL to do with their time? Then again, the fact that this happend either means these leakers are super skilled hackers... or that the cyber security at GF is just really bad
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (12th October)
I beat Zelda yesterday, so I decided to replay Dragonball Xenoverse 2 again on Switch. It's been awhile, and I can't wait to play as a Saiyan... again. It's just too much fun haha. Other games include:
Happy weekend everyone!
Re: Super Mario Party Jamboree Has Reportedly Leaked Online
It's kinda alarming to me that some people in this comment section defend the leaking culturue.. Perhaps it's best for everyone if the entire internet takes a week or three off.
Certaintly wouldn't bother me at all and it would do the world some good.
Re: Review In Progress: Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo - Pricey But Delightful, And Something Only Nintendo Could Pull Off
No AC? So... no plugging it into the wall? That's really kind of odd. I don't have my PC next to my bed, at all, so I wouldn't even be able to use it.. and for that price tag.. yikes.
Probably the oddest thing Nintendo has done in years
Re: Japanese Charts: Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Summons Up Another Win
@Serpenterror The PS5 is doing horribly in Japan, - so by proxy, Astro Bot would be doing terrible there too.. But hasn't it sold really well outside of Japan? At least, that's what I heard
Re: Sonic Rumble Mobile Game Won't Use Gacha As "Such Mechanics Tend To Be Shunned Overseas"
@BLAZINOAH .... No. Absolutely not.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (5th October)
Finally it's the weekend. This week has been... eventful for me, so I'll be playing some games that are calming and relaxing - mostly!
Re: Ubisoft's Disastrous 2024 May Lead To The Company Going Private
Good. Now sell the Rayman IP to other developers - and then go private all you want.
Re: Video: 9 Exciting Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In October 2024
I have ALOT to buy this month..
And then on PS5:
Re: Japanese Charts: Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Trounces The Competition
@TheExile285 Ooof, really? .. I don't want to gatelock anyone (I think that is the term?), but the Crossbell duology is some of the best story telling in any JRPG, ever. So play these two as well.
As much as I love Cold Steel.. you can probably skip these ones. I love them too bits, but yeah, all four of them are quite lengthy and I understand why you wouldn't want to invest in them. But Crossbell.. is a whole 'nother story
Re: Poll: Are You Bothered By The Frame Rate In Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom?
Haha it actually baffles me that people complain so much - not just about this game, but modern gaming in general. People WILL find the smallest thing to complain about and then act it's the end of the world. It's quite pathetic really.
Sometimes, like with Scarlet and Violet's framerate issues, these complaints have merit.. but most of the time they do not.
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's GBA Library With Two More Titles
Nice - but still no Donkey Kong 64/Diddy Kong Racing..
Until they add these two, I don't care what they add.. However, seeing so many F-Zero support IS really good too