Comments 276

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ys Game? Rate Your Favourites For Our Upcoming Ranking


YS Lacrimosa of Dana is not just the best YS game for me, it's also the best jrpg I've ever played; While it takes awhile to get going (my only complaint about it too), once it does kick off it becomes one of the most engrossing, interesting and badass stories of all time - with Dana and Adol both in the centre. It works SO well and there's so much to do.. add to that the fact that the soundtrack is also incredibly well done and you have a perfect package. Easily 10/10 for me (Slow start is only a minor concern). YS X Nordics so far is also very fun - and very different which makes a tremendous difference (Can't fully rate this one yet as I've yet to finish it, but so far a 9!)... unlike Monstrum Nox, which was not only depressing and boring to look at, but also has a really odd and confusing storyline and an unmemorable soundtrack to boot. The characters were really fun and their abilities made traversing kiiinda fun, but being isolated in only ONE city and a few small roads was not my idea of fun (3/10).

Re: Rumour: A Rayman Remake May Be On The Cards At Ubisoft


@LikelySatan Of course you are. You're likely satisfied with the bloated, over the top assassins creed games, like most gamers, yeah? No need for diversity or other games when you can play the 1000000th exact same open world game with some minor differences.. Haha.

But you do you.

Re: Round Up: The Reviews Are In For Sonic X Shadow Generations


Looks absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to play this on the PS5 tomorrow and then on Switch coming friday!

And unlike SOME people here, I can easily see through these... minor censorship things and actually enjoy the game for what it is. Baffles me that some people just can't be happy and complain about every little thing. Sad, sad times.. But then - good lesson for the rest of us to BE better than them and just be grateful instead of nagging about the small stuff!

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (19th October)


I tried to get into Mario Party Jamboree, but wow is the gameplay incredibly sluggish and slow. It should NOT take 90 minutes to wrap up a 10 turn board.. So I ditched that one rather quickly.
For me, this weekend consists off:

  • Celeste
  • Pokémon Scarlet
  • Super Mario Bros Wonder
  • YS X Nordics (Got it in the mail yesterday; so lucky)

Happy weekend everyone!

Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?


@Savage_Joe The only ''damaged reputation'' GF got for Galar and Paldea is by the online community.. Like you said, offline people really don't care if a small minority online hate the games :'
I, for one, absolutely loved Gen 8 and 9 (Despite their flaws), much more so than previous Gens.. Although 4 and 5 will remain the GOAT for me forever

Re: Talking Point: Just How Damaging Is This Big Pokémon Leak?


@Tyranexx Yeah, I have to agree with you there.. Unfortunately, this cyber world is becoming more and more like this every day and unless there's going to be actual HARSH punishments (Like shutting one's PC off completely by remote.. if that's even possible, but one can dream), it's only going to get worse.

Also, unrelated: Love the Halloween Boo profile pic you got going on!

Re: Tales Of Kenzera Director Slams Publishers' Desire To Create "The Next Fortnite"


Finally, somebody with a decent mindset. I'm still baffled that developers will still continue this stupid trend - even though most if not all Fortnite type of games tend to fail.. Miserably. Yes, Helldivers was a hit.. but Concord, Suicide Squad, Skull and Bones and many others were a complete and utter failure.

Here's hoping developers will finally grow a spine - and brain - and make ACTUAL games again.

Re: Video: 9 Exciting Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In October 2024


I have ALOT to buy this month..

  • Super Mario Party Jamboree
  • Sonic x Shadow Generations
  • YS X Nordics
    And then on PS5:
  • Sonic x Shadow Generations
  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard
  • Dragon Ball Sparking Zero (Possibly). And yes, I'll be buying Generations twice. It's such a fantastic game and I want to be able to play Rooftop Run on the go haha

Re: Japanese Charts: Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Trounces The Competition


@TheExile285 Ooof, really? .. I don't want to gatelock anyone (I think that is the term?), but the Crossbell duology is some of the best story telling in any JRPG, ever. So play these two as well.

As much as I love Cold Steel.. you can probably skip these ones. I love them too bits, but yeah, all four of them are quite lengthy and I understand why you wouldn't want to invest in them. But Crossbell.. is a whole 'nother story

Re: Poll: Are You Bothered By The Frame Rate In Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom?


Haha it actually baffles me that people complain so much - not just about this game, but modern gaming in general. People WILL find the smallest thing to complain about and then act it's the end of the world. It's quite pathetic really.

Sometimes, like with Scarlet and Violet's framerate issues, these complaints have merit.. but most of the time they do not.