Sonic X Shadow Generations sped into its early access period earlier this week (on other platforms) and, just like the blue blur himself, fans were quick to point out the notable changes this remake makes to the 2011 original.
On the whole, these changes seem to be positive - we haven't had a chance to review the Switch version yet, but our sister site Push Square called the new Shadow content "one of the best 3D entries in recent memory". However, it's the changes to the old content that's provoking some less-than-satisfied comments from fans, particularly with how cutscene alterations and dialogue/writing tweaks impact Amy and Knuckles' characterisations.
Starting with Amy, the main issue centres on a cutscene where, in the original, Sonic kept an over-enthusiastic Amy out of his and Tails' conversation by holding her face with an outstretched arm behind him. In the remake, as highlighted by eastasiasoft's @JoshuaMFrench, there's no face-holding, and Amy instead appears in the background with a serving of cupcakes.
Her character bio also appears to have been tweaked, with the original's "Amy can be a bit obsessed about chasing Sonic. She even claims to be his 'girlfriend!'" being replaced with, "Sonic inspired her to be her very best!"
It's much the same on the Knuckles side of things. At least two moments starring the Echidna seem to have been tweaked in the remake: one moment of slapstick which sees Amy punch him into a tree and another where he comments on classic Sonic's weight. Both moments have undergone minor rewrites — the former still sees him hit in the face while the latter has been rewritten completely:
There's also some online discourse surrounding changes to Rogue the Bat's attire thanks to a more modest, modified costume design that covers more of her chest and back.
In the interest of balance, many other fans are pleased with the above tweaks and how, for example, this 'retcon' presents Amy in a slightly different light. But hey, you can't please everyone, we suppose.
As we mentioned, we still don't have a review yet for Sonic X Shadow Generations here at Nintendo Life since we haven't received Switch code prior to launch. We'll endeavour to share our thoughts on the Switch version with you soon, so keep an eye on the site over the coming week.