I was planning on buying a PS5 almost entirely for this game.... after hearing how THPS4 has been Flanderized into an entirely different game, my hype levels are completely gone.
Well that's super disappointing. Why in the bloody hell do these bum ass sub-par devs get put in charge of handling games from a beloved franchise when they are obviously not up to the task?? Absolutely pathetic.
Mediocre port/10. Shame on Nintendo for letting a mid-tier (at best) developer like Forever Entertainment work on one of their most beloved franchises.
I'll be shocked if even one of those games gets released in 2025. Level 5 has delayed release dates so many times you'd have to be a fool to take anything they say at face value.
I had a lot of fun with this one too. People that dismissed it for not being and NES Remix game, but they missed the point, while it's very similar... this game is also a completely different thing.
The Switch demo ran great (which makes the issues with the full release even more frustrating) though , when you say it "had not so great performance" what exactly are you referring to?
It's difficulty is on par with the other games in the series. As with most Kirby games, the option to ramp up the difficulty is in the post-game content.
Home? I have no home. Hunted. despised. living like an animal! The jungle is my home. But I shall show the world that I can be its master! I shall perfect my own race of people. A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world!
I'm a diehard Karate Kid fan, would have happily bought this day 1..... however the ridiculous price tag (which is something I hardly ever complain about) is an absolute joke. On to the wish list it goes.
Gonna have to strongly disagree with you on that. I'm a diehard fan of the OG game and find this sequel to be inferior in nearly every aspect. There's nothing offensively bad about it, but the entire game just feels, for a lack of a better descriptor, soulless.
Their track record for the Switch has been spotty at best the last couple years. The Switch ports of Operation Galuga and River City Girls 2 were atrocious.
One of my favorite games of the past couple years, going to wait until all of the DLC drops before I give it a second playthrough, even though it's super tempting to play again now for the Dredge and Godzilla stuff, don't want to get burned out.
Jools is a joke and will never get a cent of my business. Way to completely alienate any potential customers.
My question is why in the love of god does Nintendo Life devote so much time and space giving this fool and his company coverage that they very much do not deserve?? There are umpteen hundred DESERVING indie devs that would kill to get some of the publicity that you shower on Jools/Atooi. Is he friends with someone on the staff or something? I really don't get it.
@BradlyOverrated It doesn't matter to YOU. It matters to them, to me, and to plenty of other gamers. Take a bit of your own advice and just enjoy the game and don't worry if other people care about FPS.
I stg, every game I'm interested in gets delayed. These delays are alot easier to stomach if it's every console getting delayed and not just selected ones. Was a day 1 purchase, now I'll wait and see...... it better run flawlessly.
They should really be offering a FULL REFUND, not a "key change". The majority of Switch gamers aren't PC gamers, and if they were they likely would already own it on PC anyways. Lame.
I'm also in the camp that thinks "in-progress" reviews are kinda lame. If it takes another couple days or even a week for a "real" review, so be it, we'll wait.
As a diehard Karate Kid fan (I've seen the first movie 500+ times, and the 2nd and 3rd 100+ each) and a diehard fan of old school beat em up's this is like my dream game. Easy day 1 buy.
I was always kinda interested in the first game, so I checked out the demo of this one..... I'm no longer interested in the series. Jank is an understatement, this very much feels like a budget game.
I really enjoyed Steamworld Build, and was/am majorly PO'd that Thunderful decided to screw Switch owners out of the DLC. This is a company that obviously thinks of Switch owners as second class, gonna have trouble supporting them in the future.
@Coalescence Jools/Atooi ran a kickstarter 6+ years ago to port Hatch Tales/Chicken Wiggle to the Switch. The goal was met and enough funds were raised for the port to happen. Then years go by with complete radio silence on the port, meanwhile Jools/Atooi kept releasing shovelware garbage like a crappy nonogram game, while ignoring all of the fans who had been patiently waiting for years on the game that they already funded. It's nice that Hatch Tales is FINALLY getting released, but the constant delays are just par for the course with Jools.
Comments 156
Re: The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Soundtrack Sounds Expectedly Rockin'
I love Motorhead, but if I never hear "Ace of Spades" again in my life, I'm 100% good with that.
Re: The Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Soundtrack Sounds Expectedly Rockin'
I don't expect every song from the OG's, but good lord they are missing so damn many, and the new additions are hot garbage.
Re: Opinion: The Best Tony Hawk Game Is Grinding Back, And I Can Only Hold My Breath
I was planning on buying a PS5 almost entirely for this game.... after hearing how THPS4 has been Flanderized into an entirely different game, my hype levels are completely gone.
Re: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 Has Been Butchered For The Switch Remake
Well that's super disappointing. Why in the bloody hell do these bum ass sub-par devs get put in charge of handling games from a beloved franchise when they are obviously not up to the task?? Absolutely pathetic.
Re: Konami Adds Incredibly Rare Slice Of GBA Ninja History To The Switch eShop
I rarely complain about price.... but $25 is laughable. Good game though, wait for a deep discount.
Re: Nintendo Expands Switch Online's GBA Library Next Week With Wario Land 4
I know there are people that really love WL 4, but I always found it a major disappointment after the absolute gems that were WL2 and 3.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Donkey Kong Country Returns HD?
Mediocre port/10. Shame on Nintendo for letting a mid-tier (at best) developer like Forever Entertainment work on one of their most beloved franchises.
Re: Video: We've Spotted Some Secrets In The Nintendo Switch 2 Reveal Trailer
"Secrets"??? There was absolutely nothing secret about the way Nintendo showed off any of those things in the trailer.
Re: Stardew Valley Has Now Sold More Copies Than Mario Kart Wii
It's one of the most beloved games of all time, so yeah I'd say it's "actually good"
Re: Level-5 CEO Shares Another Update About Its 2025 Switch Game Schedule
I'll be shocked if even one of those games gets released in 2025. Level 5 has delayed release dates so many times you'd have to be a fool to take anything they say at face value.
Re: Opinion: It's Not My GOTY, But This Nintendo Game Was A Standout 2024 Memory
I had a lot of fun with this one too. People that dismissed it for not being and NES Remix game, but they missed the point, while it's very similar... this game is also a completely different thing.
Re: Review: Antonblast (Switch) - Channels Wario Land’s Madcap Energy To Great Effect
The Switch demo ran great (which makes the issues with the full release even more frustrating) though , when you say it "had not so great performance" what exactly are you referring to?
Re: Rumour: One Of Kirby's 3DS Titles Will Return Next Year, It's Claimed
It's difficulty is on par with the other games in the series. As with most Kirby games, the option to ramp up the difficulty is in the post-game content.
Re: Upcoming Pirate Metroidvania Mixes Hades-Style Visuals & Soulslike Combat On Switch Next Year
Game looks nothing like a "Metroidvania" unless every single action/adventure game with some gated progression is now considered one.
Having "metroidvania structure to the exploration" doesn't make it a "Metroidvania", that is just one single element of the genre.
Re: Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind "Slightly Delayed" For Switch
Nintendo Switch owners once again getting the shaft.
Re: Review: Divine Dynamo Flamefrit (Switch) - Inti's Creation Burns Bright, But Only For A Night
I really wanted to like this one, but it's a 5/10 at best. The dungeons are as mediocre as they come for top down 2d Zelda-like dungeons.
Re: Castlevania Tribute Starring Classic Dracula Actor Launches Today On Switch
Home? I have no home. Hunted. despised. living like an animal! The jungle is my home. But I shall show the world that I can be its master! I shall perfect my own race of people. A race of atomic supermen which will conquer the world!
Re: More Zelda-Like Puzzle Crawling Arrives On Switch This Month In 'Dungeons Of Dreadrock 2'
I bought the first one on the day of release..... and still haven't played it yet.
Re: Mini Review: Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - The First Console War (Switch) - Once More Unto The Breach
Video Pinball is a gem, been waiting for them to add it, will happily purchase the game now.
Re: Review: NYXI Warrior Bluetooth Controller - A Great GameCube Pad For Switch, With The One Big Quirk
Here's your controller bro: Gamecube Edition. The d-pad screams "cheaply made third-party controller", and looks painful to play with.
Re: Review: Hatch Tales: A Heroic Hookshot Adventure (Switch) - It's Here, Finally, And It's Very Good, Surprisingly
Jools is a flake, but Mutant Mudds is awesome and this looks fun, I'll pick up when it's on sale.
Re: US Hurricanes Delay Wario Land-Inspired Platformer 'Antonblast'
If you didn't like Pizza Tower, I can wholeheartedly guarantee you that you won't like Anton Blast.
Re: Poll: Are You Bothered By The Frame Rate In Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom?
I was expecting the worst, it was nowhere near as bad as some were making it out to be. Definitely not as bad as LA
Re: Light The Beacons! 'Tales Of The Shire' Gets Cosy On Switch In March 2025
I don't know about a "warm hug", but it definitely looks like a warm pile of something.
Re: Review: The Karate Kid: Street Rumble (Switch) - A Great-Looking, Offline-Only, Co-op Brawler
I'm a diehard Karate Kid fan, would have happily bought this day 1..... however the ridiculous price tag (which is something I hardly ever complain about) is an absolute joke. On to the wish list it goes.
Re: Gimmick! 2 (Switch) Review: A Fluid, Feel-Good Platformer That Lives Up To Its Name
"and a no-brainer for lovers of the original."
Gonna have to strongly disagree with you on that. I'm a diehard fan of the OG game and find this sequel to be inferior in nearly every aspect. There's nothing offensively bad about it, but the entire game just feels, for a lack of a better descriptor, soulless.
Re: Devolver Digital Confirms The Plucky Squire Won't Run At 60 FPS On Switch
Expected, but disappointing nonetheless.
Re: Level-5's 'Vision 2024' Showcase To Share Multiple Project Updates And Announce Brand New Title
Oh boy, more release dates.... that they have zero intention of honoring.
Re: First Minecraft Movie Trailer Features Creepers, Piglins And Jack Black's Steve
Jack Black is a talentless hack.
Re: Yars Rising Story Trailer Reveals Boss Characters And Space Bugs
Their track record for the Switch has been spotty at best the last couple years. The Switch ports of Operation Galuga and River City Girls 2 were atrocious.
Re: Pizza Tower Finally Dashes Onto Switch Today
So damn happy! Insta-purchase for me.
Re: Quirky Puzzler 'Can Of Wormholes' Wriggles Onto Switch This Week
I'm a sucker for these type of games, easy purchase.
Re: Dave The Diver Gets Even More Crossovers With mxmtoon, Balatro, Potion Craft
One of my favorite games of the past couple years, going to wait until all of the DLC drops before I give it a second playthrough, even though it's super tempting to play again now for the Dredge and Godzilla stuff, don't want to get burned out.
Re: Atooi's Switch Game Hatch Tales Is Finished, But It's Been Delayed Again
Jools is a joke and will never get a cent of my business. Way to completely alienate any potential customers.
My question is why in the love of god does Nintendo Life devote so much time and space giving this fool and his company coverage that they very much do not deserve?? There are umpteen hundred DESERVING indie devs that would kill to get some of the publicity that you shower on Jools/Atooi. Is he friends with someone on the staff or something? I really don't get it.
Re: Reminder: Dredge's New Expansion Update 'The Iron Rig' Is Out Now
Loved this game, was waiting for all the DLC to come out before I did a second playthrough.
Re: Review: Trinity Fusion (Switch) - A Roguelite Fusion Of Ideas That’s Worth Your Time
I've heard nothing but positive things about this game, but the demo didn't impress me much at all.
Re: Review: Cat Quest III (Switch) - A Pretty Much Purrfect Pirate Adventure
It doesn't matter to YOU. It matters to them, to me, and to plenty of other gamers. Take a bit of your own advice and just enjoy the game and don't worry if other people care about FPS.
Re: Shadow Of The Ninja - Reborn Is Getting A Demo On Switch
"but if you're waiting to try out the handheld experience on Nintendo's console, well, you'll just have to wait for the drop."
....or you can just set up a Japanese e-shop account (very easy to do), where the demo is already live.
Re: Mining Sandbox Adventure 'Core Keeper' Gets Delayed On Switch
I stg, every game I'm interested in gets delayed. These delays are alot easier to stomach if it's every console getting delayed and not just selected ones. Was a day 1 purchase, now I'll wait and see...... it better run flawlessly.
Re: Crypt Custodian Is A Zelda-Like Metroidvania Where You Play As A Dead Cat
"Metroidvania" is such a meaningless bastardized descriptor. This looks like a great ACTION/ADVENTURE game though.
Re: Coral Island Switch Port "In A Place Of Uncertainty" Following Publisher Layoffs
They should really be offering a FULL REFUND, not a "key change". The majority of Switch gamers aren't PC gamers, and if they were they likely would already own it on PC anyways. Lame.
Re: Review In Progress: The Garden Path (Switch) - A Green-Thumbed Ode To Animal Crossing That Needs Tending
I'm also in the camp that thinks "in-progress" reviews are kinda lame. If it takes another couple days or even a week for a "real" review, so be it, we'll wait.
Re: 'The Karate Kid: Street Rumble' Chops Its Way Onto Switch In September
As a diehard Karate Kid fan (I've seen the first movie 500+ times, and the 2nd and 3rd 100+ each) and a diehard fan of old school beat em up's this is like my dream game. Easy day 1 buy.
Re: WayForward Is Reviving Its GBA Game 'Sigma Star Saga' For Modern Platforms
Great game.... unfortunately Wayforward has done a really crappy job handling their Switch ports lately.
Re: Review: Frogun Encore (Switch) - A Sure-Footed 3D Platforming Throwback
I was always kinda interested in the first game, so I checked out the demo of this one..... I'm no longer interested in the series. Jank is an understatement, this very much feels like a budget game.
Re: Hands On: SteamWorld Heist II Expands On A Beloved 3DS Title, But Is It What Fans Really Want?
I really enjoyed Steamworld Build, and was/am majorly PO'd that Thunderful decided to screw Switch owners out of the DLC. This is a company that obviously thinks of Switch owners as second class, gonna have trouble supporting them in the future.
Re: Round Up: Yacht Club Games Presents - Every Shovel Knight Switch Announcement And Much More
Mina the Hollower looks so damn good, but man it sure would have been nice to at least get an expected year for it's release.
Re: 'Master Key' Is An Intriguing Monochrome Take On Classic Zelda Gameplay
I had a lot of fun with this one, one of the best Zelda-likes on the Switch imo
Re: Atooi's Switch Game 'Hatch Tales' Has Been Delayed (Again)
Jools/Atooi ran a kickstarter 6+ years ago to port Hatch Tales/Chicken Wiggle to the Switch. The goal was met and enough funds were raised for the port to happen. Then years go by with complete radio silence on the port, meanwhile Jools/Atooi kept releasing shovelware garbage like a crappy nonogram game, while ignoring all of the fans who had been patiently waiting for years on the game that they already funded. It's nice that Hatch Tales is FINALLY getting released, but the constant delays are just par for the course with Jools.
Re: Tomba! Special Edition Is An Enhanced Release Of A Beloved PS1 Platformer, Out August
The sequel was 2.5D, not full 3D.