For years now fans of the Mario Party series have been pleading with Nintendo to just go back to the roots of what made the series great; no cars, no bizarre new modes, not just a collection of minigames that when presented in a vacuum lose all context or purpose — just Mario characters running around a board grabbing stars and destroying friendships. Super Mario Party definitely took that feedback to heart, but only a handful of playable boards and limitations in other areas definitely left some die-hard classic fans wanting.
In that spirit, Mario Party Superstars seems to be Nintendo at last saying ‘fine, here’s your stinking old Mario Party’. The whole game from top to bottom is 100% old-school with all the warts included, besides the visuals of course. You’ve got two major modes to contend with if the idea of the options menu doesn’t get your motor running, namely Mario Party (!) and Mount Minigames. The latter is a method of simply playing any and all of the minigames on offer in one way or another with nothing more than a score counter keeping track of who won how many games.

This has always (aside from Mario Party: the Top 100) been the secondary focus of any game in the series — a means to have a quick dip in a specific minigame or just to have something to do with friends, and sometimes even a way for solo players to fun in a fashion that isn’t just replacing your friends with cold-hearted CPUs. This time around it’s a pretty basic no-frills affair. There are a few different ways you can delve into these with challenges and various themed ways to see who's the best, but they're all much for much.
But as the old saying goes, the real meat can be found in 'Mario Party', a mode which lets you play Mario Party in Mario Party Superstars. Tumble down a surprisingly long pipe in a clear nod to the original game that got the whole party started until you reach the board below. During said tumbling you’ll need to choose a character for each of the four players, with CPUs filling any slots not occupied by the meat machines you’ve selected to end your friendships with.
There’s also a somewhat pleasing number of options to tweak a game’s specifications, such as changing what kind of Bonus Stars will turn the tide at the end of the game — which is complete nonsense because I got the most number of coins and that’s way more important than landing on Event Spaces — plus how many turns the game will last (up to 30), whether minigames should tell you what you need to do, and whether anyone should start the game with a Star handicap. It’s not a list of options that will set the world on fire, but it’s a decent enough offering that you’ll be able to happily adjust to suit your party needs.

But then we run into the most important decision, and that’s which board to play on. At launch there are five boards available (but recent developments suggest there could be even more to come). Mario Party is represented by Yoshi’s Tropical Island and Peach’s Birthday Cake, Mario Party 2 boasts Space Land and Horror Land, and lastly Mario Party 3 has Woody Woods. The last three we mentioned are all pretty damned excellent, with a range of branching paths and fun event spaces that can be used to completely ruin any and all relationships you may have. Sadly, the same can’t be said for the other two.
Yoshi’s Tropical island is fine. It has a few branching paths and the Star can be in one of two places, but it’s a bit simplistic in truth. Peach’s Birthday Cake on the other hand is a truly bizarre inclusion. In essence it’s a loop with an unmovable Star, so you’re doing nothing but trying to roll high enough to get around the board as quickly as possible. There is a secondary loop that takes you to a more dangerous area with Bowser in it, and going this way will allow you to loop round more quickly to potentially grab another Star, but our time with it was actively dull, and we just wish we’d played another board.

One thing we could’ve done, but didn’t do because reviewing games requires you to not overlook something just because it’s boring, is quit and come back to that particular game later. We knew this was an option and at first assumed it was a single option of either resuming an old party or starting afresh and forgetting that game in Space Land where you rolled a five when you’d just used a Triple Dice item ever happened. Not so, as it goes — the game will save up to ten active games at once, which is a huge deal if you’re hankering for a 30-turn game but have an urgent breakfast meeting that you simply can’t miss.
On the flip side, if you’re playing a shorter game and your croissant and coffee liaison is cancelled, you can even add turns to extend the game beyond its original lifespan up to the maximum of 30 turns. Nice!
And games won’t even take as long as you might think, as player movement is far faster than it has been in the past, particularly for CPUs. Turning the text speed to ‘fast’ can actually result in you missing what a computer-controlled player achieved in their turn if you get distracted for a brief moment, and it’s bliss. The last thing anyone wants to do is to hang around waiting for the seat-warmer Luigi to be faffing around trying to work through which item he wants to buy with his AI monkey mind, and Nintendo have made certain that it’s as painless as possible.

The minigame selection is also top-drawer. Classics from all the way up to Mario Party 10 are included, and whilst there are one or two that don’t quite hit the mark for us, a vast majority are absolutely superb. You can even choose to limit what minigames you’ll encounter when you’re doing that pipe-falling charade we mentioned above, so if you only want to play minigames from the N64, you can do just that. You can even narrow it down to GameCube minigames, or ones that require skill, ones that are more suitable for families. It’s hard to argue all that much.
Despite all this, it does feel as though there’s been a missed opportunity to inject something new or even just relatively modern into the formula. We’re not talking competition-negating cars or suggestively motion-controlled minigames, but everything mechanical about this new entry is old. No personalised dice for each character like Super Mario Party, no Ally Phones, no new minigames at all. It doesn’t so much feel like a step back as it does a lack of confidence in anything that might mess with the classic formula. Don’t get us wrong, old Mario Party is good Mario Party, but such a stark reversal from forcing unwanted new mechanics onto players to a complete absence of any new ideas whatsoever – even as options that could be turned off – it's slightly disappointing.

But when it all comes down to it, Mario Party Superstars is just fun. There’s a good reason people have been crying out for a return to the old ways, and even though it may be a little too safe in our opinion, we have exactly that return right here. We couldn’t tell you the last time we had this much fun with a Mario Party game, and even if the board offerings are a little bit limited, a 30-turn jaunt around Horror Land is hard to top, and that’s even if Birdo is a cheating cheater and couldn’t possibly have got that many Stars through legitimate means.
And the best part of all this is that it can all be done online with friends, or even strangers. Be it Mount Minigames' daily challenge or the much more appealing prospect of Mario Party, it works almost as well online as it does as a technological hermit. The only caveat is that the games tend to take just a hair longer as other players examine the map, spend time deciding which item to purchase from the shop, and a bit of a delay between multiple dice rolls. It's super minor and doesn't skip a beat when it comes to the minigames, which is the most important thing. It may be a long overdue feature, but this time they're got it right for launch.

On the presentation side of things, Mario Party Superstars is an absolute belter. The main menu is one of many callbacks to the first game in the series, the classic board music has been re-recorded to be much more modern on the ears (although you can choose to listen to the classic N64 tracks instead if you wish), and every character and environment is just gorgeous. Even the minigames that load nigh-on instantaneously boast some jaw-dropping vistas used as nothing but a backdrop. Sometimes the lighting does give some objects a slightly plastic-y look about them, but most of the time everything looks just as you'd expect and about twice as pretty.
Animations are also super-appealing, such as DK clasping his hands together above his bowed head as he prays he hasn't pressed the lever that will make the bomb shaped like Bowser's head explode, or Waluigi tossing his signature rose in the air and catching it in his mouth, or DK giving himself a weighty applause whenever he wins a minigame, or DK subtly scratching his head with one finger as he tries to decide which item to use. It's all about DK, baby.
And to top it off it's all happening at a super-solid 60fps. Every roll of the die, every minigame, every real-world pummelling on the person who just activated Bowser Revolution with three coins whilst two spaces away from a Boo and now has enough to steal the Star you just got — it never drops a frame.
Mario Party Superstars is a love letter to the parties you remember attending 20 years ago. A disappointingly slim selection of boards takes the shine off things somewhat, but it’s hard to argue that this is the best Mario Party has been in over a decade. No new ideas absolutely feels like a missed opportunity, but by the same token we’d much prefer to have all these classic ideas intact rather than potentially tainting them with unwanted and unnecessary inclusions only added for the sake of being new. Grab a can of Tango and a fistful of 10p Freddos — you’re going to party like it’s 1999.
Comments 129
Thanks to the leaks I've been able to learn everything I wanted to know before deciding whether or not to buy the game. I ended up deciding to buy it as while it's still not perfect, it seems to be a bit of a return to form for the series and an actual fun game unlike the last few. Looking forward to jumping into it in a bit as it's been way too long since we've had a proper Mario Party game.
@Alex Is the game worth it for people like me who would mostly play it alone?
I've never played, but what's the reason they released a new game so soon, instead of DLC? Seems like it will kill sales of the other game.
@BenAV Good, now NDCube doesn't have too shut down lol
@TryToBeHopeful They decided to wipe the slate clean (and/or cash in with a separate game).
It would be a lot of content for DLC. Plus it is probably using the new online standard which is supposed to be more reliable.
I'm a dad and don't like to dance, so it's a hard pass from me. LOL
Was interested in this until all my Joy Cons went kaput.
Seriously excited for this one. Especially if it works with the N64 controller, someone needs to check that!
@TryToBeHopeful The Gamecube had 3 Mario Party games. Trying to remember, N64 had 2 or 3 as well.
@TryToBeHopeful Whatever the reason, I'm glad they chose to go that way as Super Mario Party is garbage mechanically so no amount of DLC would have mattered. Hopefully this one might get some extra support as there's actually a good base to work with this time around.
I will be buying this, never played a Mario party game
@TryToBeHopeful . Super Mario Party has motion controls that are unplayable on the Switch Lite (unless you have extra joycon - in my opinion the series loses with no motion controls). Also the proposition here is different, a throwback to past titles (is Koopa's Tycoon Town from MP8 here?). Last but not least, a new game instead of DLC means a higher price.
Glad to see it’s good fun, as I’d hoped! Now I just need to find people that will play with me, haha.
Surprised it got penalised for keeping things safe. I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing... "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
10p for a Freddo, yip, they were the good ol’ days alright 😊
@TryToBeHopeful Super Mario Party doesn't let you get past the initial controller screen before the title screen without having a Joy-Con connected so if Superstars was DLC, Switch Lite players would need to buy a Joy-Con just to get to the normal controls Superstars content.
Makes more sense to release the Superstars content as its own game and then give Superstars DLC.
I'm very excited to get this one for christmas. Classic Mario Party Is Back!
Ideal Xmas gift for kids, Nintendo know what they’re doing
@Brink N64: 1-3, NGC: 4-7, Wii: 8-9, WiiU: 10. GBA, DS and 3DS have MP too, but those were never numbered.
Glad to see the game turned out great and is a true return to form. My only gripe is the 30 turn limit (my friends and I sometimes play 35 or 40 in the older games) but it’s not that big of a deal. Looking forward to playing it this weekend!
@Paulo Its just the N64 boards because they're the only good Mario Parties
@Thrallherd Yes the game is worth it if you go it alone. You can use Options to make the CPU move along faster on the board as well as when they pick items. Also make faster text to get the game flow quicker.
I cancelled due to the lack of boards. Not paying $60 for a game that needs to have 3 times that number
@TryToBeHopeful The other Mario Party game is three years old. Everyone who was gonna buy Super Mario Party already did.
It's time for a new one.
I’ve never played a Mario Party, this seems a good place to start
Got friends over on Saturday. Can't wait for this
It's sad to keep hearing the same thing: Mario Golf - few courses, Mario Party - few boards. I bought Mario Golf and had a lot of fun with it but I have to admit it got old quickly as I'm not an online player. More courses (which they promised to add) will make me go back to it.
As for Mario Party, I'm not sure about it
Still dont get why this could not have been a paid DLC for Super Mario Party.
Only 4 boards on that one, so was a quick money grab with online finally coming out a few years later, it was a shame
I've looking forward to this game for months, so I'm glad this got a good score! (Definitely playing with friends and family ) If the only flaws are that it plays it safe and two of the boards are kinda "eh", then I'm buying. Mario Party is back once more!
Sounds good...I might go for it after all. Going to wait for the public opinion just a bit longer though.
@John_Deacon Yeah, Nintendo's sports and Mario Party games have been thoroughly lacking for a while now. Extremely barebone games, yet they charge full price for them even though they obviously lack content.
I don't understand why games like Splatoon 2 and ARMS get expanded for "free" (technically, you pay full price for these as well and they are just as barebones at launch) over time, but they can't seem to do that for others.
@CharlieGirl Time flies! Thanks everybody for the schooling!
@TryToBeHopeful No problem!
I'll grab this around Christmas I'd imagine
I'll buy it, because I'm a fan of the series. But I would've liked to see more gameplay options. like different dice for characters like in the last game and I also liked that you can recruit CPU characters that add to your roll. Those things and others would be nice to have as optional gameplay setting that you can chose to activate.
this game also sounds like it could be expanded by dlc, which could potentially add more boards or gameplay options from other games..
Anyway, as I haven't played anything below MP7, this is still all new to me. so yay!
This sounds like it has been worth the wait for sure. I am pretty disappointed that Partner Party hasn't made a return though. That was the mode I played the most with my girlfriend since we enjoy being able to take on games together. Also, there is no game like the river rafting adventure in Super Mario Party? To me, the main game itself looks like it will deliver, but I can't help but feel I will be missing not having extra modes to play besides Mount Minigames which doesn't really count for me. Maybe if they really are planning on releasing new boards, it will justify my purchase which I will be making since my girlfriend is so excited to play it.
Need some help from this group!
Super Mario Party is my first Mario Party and me and the kids have been having lots of fun with it. Should I sell it though in favor of this one? Seems silly to keep both.
I grew up with these games. I already have it downloaded. I cannot wait to play it this weekend.
I have plenty of good questions about the game, I think. How does game work in handheld mode? Does game is fully playable in handheld mode? How many playable characters in the game? How does it's work in Single Player/VS. CPU Mode?
What's this about possible DLC mentioned in the review? Just curious
@invictus4000 they are both very different style of mario parties. Super Mario Party is a very condensed version of mario party, built for short times on the go and motion controls.
none of that is in classic mario party. No motion controls. The full, original, experience is there. Large boards, choices, endless destroying of friendships by attacking, impeding, or outright stealing stars, coins, and items.
its board games when they was actually fun but nobody likes being on the receiving end~
@PikaPhantom the game got datamined and placeholders files with no data in them was found alongside the existing boards.
@invictus4000 : Not at all. If the kids completely abandon the previous game in favour of the new one, then perhaps selling it would be sensible, but each Mario Party game holds up on their own.
It’s almost like suggesting that older Pokémon games aren’t worth keeping because there’s a new one out.
@Nalverus Ah, I see. Thanks! If they are doing DLC, I hope they add in some new characters. A roster of 10 is very small for a Mario spinoff these days, and I'm a bit bummed that Diddy Kong was cut
I had fun with the last Mario Party, but boy, did those boards get old real quick. I'm grateful for the remastered boards in this outing & I'm really hoping they will support it with DLC in the future.
I have no intention of buying this game, but I believe that it's unfair to charge customers $60 for the limited amount of boards being included in the base game.
"It goes on the internet and everything"
Only with nintendo is this ever a big deal lol
I preordered it just because I want to support this direction of the series.
Classic boards with great minigames.
I hope we get some dlc (free or paid) for this one with more boards and characters.
I wasn’t expecting much beyond a safe recreation of past games. Totally fine, love the boards and mini games. Will pick up tomorrow and play with some friends I haven’t seen in almost a year 😎 (thanks covid)
If I understand Alex's intention correctly, the clause in the conclusion that says 'but it’s hard to argue that this is the best Mario Party has been in over a decade' is missing a 'not'. It currently reads as if there have in fact been better entries in the series in the last 10 years.
Surprised people are still interested in Mario Party. I bought 8, 9, 10 and the DS one and I am definitely over this series.
Nice! Happy with the score. I have pre-ordered a digital copy
@HorridCrow But they actually DID like Arms and Splatoon to Mario Tennis and Golf too. The first one got double the characters, costumes, three minigames, online tournaments for 2vs2, some post game story missions and more option for free play, while in Golf they already added 3 characters and 3 full 18 holes courses (bringing the total from 6 to 9,and now its second only to World Tour), together with difficulty options for CPU and online ranked matches.
Personalized Dice Blocks and Allies break the game... glad they are gone.
I have owned every Mario Party since the Gamecube Era and none have been great since that era. Hopefully this game corrects that and I will probably get rid of my Super Mario Party copy.
The best board from my memory is Windmillville from MP7, where players decide how many coins to deposit and "own" the stars allocated to each windmill. That was a great board with a lot of strategy... hopefully it makes it into the new game.
But as the old saying goes, the real meat can be found in 'Mario Party', a mode which lets you play Mario Party in Mario Party Superstars
Gramps used to always rattle this saying after the war.
@Brink yeah the n64 has 3 mario party games but the gamecube has 4
The review...didn't quite answer the question that my mind still has...can you indeed play online with randoms? THAT, alone, will sell it for me if the Online is good, and the review implied it was, although giving less than a sentence to something so integral to the game is...weird.
Very excited about this. Mario Party 2 is my favorite, so I'm really glad they are fully going back to their roots. I would have maybe liked a bit of innovation, but I'd rather have them go fully classic than add useless and annoying features cough cough Mario Party 9 through Super
I swear to god if i hear one more person whine about price im going to lose it. do we have to bring this out for every game ever
I have no interest in the Mario Party series, so this is an easy pass for me.
@EmmatheBest you can play online with randoms, and according to gamexplains review the online works pretty well too
@Gumbo1995 MP 2 might be the best, but I also enjoy 5, 8 and amiibo Party (from MP.10).
"Keeping it safe". The story of Nintendo every day since Iwata passed.
Forget the game, this is in every possible way the PERFECT review of a Nintendo game.
All the old games sucked because they did new things.
The one thing wrong with this game is that it doesn't do anything new.
That is Nintendo fandom to the letter. Great work.
@InkIdols it could be £15 and they’d still wet the bed. The views in here mean nothing in the real world. About as relevant as a bunch of dudes crying over a tweak on a figurine in Games Workshop.
@WiltonRoots Yeah. Most games are worth their asking price and if not, they'll make that choice. people just want evverything for free
Won’t be day 1 unfortunately but I will get this. Looks fun
I will be cautious with this one. SMP was great fun until you ran out of boards (which weren't all that great to begin with). Waited forever for that game to get some updates, but nope.
Having said that, only 5 boards? Come on, Nintendo...
@TryToBeHopeful The Gamecube had four Mario Party games the N64 and 3DS three each, this is nothing new.
@InkIdols Well Nintendo's offerings have been on the paltry side lately. Mario Party superstars having less boards than average, for example. It's not a matter of "wanting it for free" it's a matter of wanting what you paid for, instead of mindlessly buying everything a company makes because you're worried the poor indie company known as Nintendo will go out of business if we don't.
That being said, I decided to take the loss this time and buy this game in the hopes that they'll make less super Mario party and more games like these.
Why not just remaster them all and sell them as 3 separate collections? Or make it so at one point in the future every board and minigame in the series is available for download or something.
@ATaco And that ;last argument is overused. It's not a defense, but it seems like nothing will make you happy
@InkIdols I'm not trying to defend myself. I don't have to, not to you. Not to Nintendo. I don't owe them anything. I'm just telling you why people are complaining about the price. Take off the fanboy goggles and maybe you'll see from other perspectives.
I have never played any of the Mario Party games. I skipped the last one because of the 'required joy-cons'. Now that my kids are playing on my Switch I have enough regular controllers to dole out to save any drifting on my OG switch.
Funny enough, this is currently tying Mario Party 1 as the highest-rated game in the franchise on Metacritic (though review scores for decades old games should be taken with a bit of a grain of salt compared to how modern games are reviewed).
@MH4 i will when i get it buddy. Friend code is in my profile 👍
More safe and boring Nintendo releases.
I miss the days when they would innovate and put out really different and interesting titles. Splatoon was the last great Nintendo innovation.
As a person who has no experience with any Mario Party its seems to me from this review that this would be the one to get, not Super Mario Party? Or is the previous game more fun and presenting what the Switch can do if you turn off the nostalgia goggles? Sadly this review doesn't seem too helpful to someone who isn't already familiar with the series (though I assume few people using this site aren't).
Same score as the previous one, eh?
Will try to sell my copy of the other Mario Party and with the money will get this one second hand.
This time, I'll not buy it new. Won't be fooled twice.
Can you save local multiplayer games too? That’s the reason my family never really played the other since we almost never had time to finished and only single player games could be saved.
@EmmatheBest The overview trailer Nintendo put out a little while ago says you can play with friends or people across the world
The hype is real! I can't wait to play this with my sister and nephew's tomorrow night! I'll show them all who the Mario Party champ (still) is.
My nephew's gone learn tomorrow 😂😂😂.
So does this one work with pro controllers?!
I'm glad this doesn't add any new gimmick like Ally phones and unique dice. They kinda wrecked the playing field, certain characters were objectively better than others.
It would be cool, harder to implement maybe, if each board operated with the Mario party mechanics it was derived of.
Eg. Capsules on a MP5 map, costumes on a MP2 map.
Can I play this with the N64 controller?
How many MP7 mini games are there in this game? Just asking for a friend. (And by friend I mean me)
Finally, a return to form!
Good review. Sounds better than the last few games though I enjoyed the last few with the family anyway. Already pre-ordered
My copy is on its way! My kids are going to play the heck out of this!
@moakle If you live in the US you can have your Joy-con repaired (or typically just replaced) by Nintendo. We have five Switch consoles in our home and I have sent in at least a dozen Joy-con sets at this point. Twice I received back beat-up (but working) controllers, while every other time I've received brand new controllers.
Pros: it’s the Mario party you want!
Cons: it’s to much like the Mario party you want?
I love Mario Party, but after paying full price for the last one I think I can hold out for it at $40 on sale next year.
I always hoped they'd do this one day, glad to hear it's everything I wanted it to be! (No complaints about weird controlling minigames, or boards that don't play like they used to! )
This is the first game I ever pre-ordered, can't wait till it's here!! ❤️
Not had a Mario Party since the Wii so will defo have this under the Christmas tree with GTA.
Which thinking about it its a very strange mix lol.
Need some MP3 boards with shops with the reverse mushroom, that item alone makes it the best as it gives you more chances to mess with your friends
@SmaggTheSmug definitely this one, I’m sure supers not awful as a first game but this game just generally has more actual Mario party content than super like having more boards and minigames. The games also just generally better but again supers not terrible. I would 100% recommended superstars over super though
loved the N64 Mario parties, might, just might dust off my switch for this.
Seems like a perfect game for family game night
I don't really have any friends or family who play Switch games-- is this game meaningful as a single player game or does it really need family play to be fun? I've never played a game in the series.
I've only played Mario Party 9 and 10, wonder if I'd enjoy this.
@Brink 4 5 6 7
@CharlieGirl then there is Mari kart 8
@TryToBeHopeful It's really not soon. Plenty of other franchises have new entries every year. Super Mario Party released OVER three years ago. If anything, over three years is usually when people are going crazy that a sequel hasn't happened in many franchises.
And while it's true it'll probably slow sales of Super Mario Party, the sales have already slowed a lot. It probably only had a couple million left in it over the next year or two and they'd rather strike before the iron has cooled completely and get a new game out there with immediate, big sales.
@FishyS I won't lie to you. I've never had fun playing Mario Party alone. The AI isn't that good and it doesn't look like this game has much in terms of unlocking/progression. So it's just if you find the games fun. And they can be fun, particularly because they've picked the best/most popular mini games, but even then.. they're very simplistic and a lot of the excitement and fun is going head to head in those games against friends and loved ones and screwing up or doing really well. It can be a laugh filled barrel of fun.
The addition of multiplayer may capture some of that fun with strangers, but I still suspect your hard earned money is better spent on a game that isn't so wildly skewed towards local multiplayer.
@Greatluigi There are 6 games from MP7. They're as follows:
The Final Countdown
Stick and Spin
Spin Doctor
Monty’s Revenge
Pokey Pummel
@Meteoroid Mine is the lack of Deep Bloober Sea.
Glad to see this Mario Party Superstars get a good reception!
Is there a story mode?
The online mode is perfect
This sounds awesome, even if I don't know what a Tango or a freddo is. There's not much that can beat the triple threat of short load times, fun gameplay, and native frame rate (60fps of course in this case)! I'll be getting this as soon as I make to a store that's selling it.
So on the Switch, there’s one game called Super Mario Party and another called Mario Party Superstars. Um, I’ve never played a Mario Party game, but these essentially sound like the same thing. Wii and Wii U anyone?
@tseliot it doesnt need one
@Lyricana the stickers that everyone can use at any time online are quite funny and elevate the mode a lot
Played our first game last night, used the haunted bird. Really enjoyed it, other than getting very frustrated at shy guy during the postman mini game. Beat the wife by 5 stars too!
I'm so mad with Nintendo
Why don't they just allow us to access any rooms not only friends room??
I mean, I have a friend who live across the state I want to play with him, also I want to play with random players, but Nintendo doesn't allow me, or I choose to play with only this friend or random people
AC has the same problem
Is that hard to let us see all the rooms availables? I mean we already have rooms in Mario party just allow us to see the one are opened!! So annoying
I’m glad to hear you say that, since this will be my first MP game and I bought it for a Xmas gift for my kiddos.
It just looked like a fun time (as long as I let them win) 😅
@Teksetter I would argue it’s one of the best family game series that can be bought, and don’t let your kids win all of the time! Have fun
@Mgene15 you’ve made me remember Mystical Ninja. I’m now sad that is probably won’t be one of the N64 games, hope you’re happy!
@TryToBeHopeful Yeah three years.....why so soon?!
@Mattock1987 I have fond memories of choosing the different hotels to sleep in, as weird as that miss that game.
@Beatley82 In fairness the last year and a half has been a bit of a blur...
My friend's wife worked on this game! Therefore, he says I'm required to buy it. Oh well, I haven't played a Mario Party since maybe 3, so it's not like I'm going to get bored of playing through the classics.
@TryToBeHopeful Fair point!
@Mgene15 for me it was always the music and the robot fights. There’s a small chance this will be in the NSO expansion, I can but hope
Does it have the minigame where you had to shake coins out of everyone else's backpacks? That was my favourite.
Ah, I believe you mean "hard **not to argue..." (conclusion, first sentence)
I think this game is by far the absolute cheapest and cheesed game in the franchise thus far. Never have I seen the game play so unfavorably to non CPU players
I have a question for the masses. Is anyone having control issues with the game, specifically the mini game that is sort of like tetris? I was playing along with my daughter when I realized that I was NOT controlling my character. I literally sat the controller down and the "hand" was still picking up pieces and moving them around the play area. Is this part of that particular mini game?
Here is list of things I do not like about this game:
1. The bowser blaster on the space board sucks so bad because I was right next to the star and I had enough coins to get it and IT WIPED OUT ALL OF MY COINS! I was so close to becoming a star collector in my rewards. It is true. I was so close. I was one star away.
2. The banks on the spaceboard don't do anything, they should not even be called a bank if it is just taking away your money!
3. On the spaceboard the police stations are just a scam because they don't do anything.
4. On the spaceboard l think they should get rid of the middle part because it is just scary to some people. They think they are going to fall into space.
5. The spaceboard makes no sense because I do not understand how they are breathing in space.
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