
Topic: The Great HD Irony....

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So many seem to think that Wii needs to 'upgrade' to HD - or else. And yet the market has thus far spoken otherwise - and it spake loudly. And why should we believe the future will be any different? Take a look at these games :

Wii Sports Resort
Wii Fit Plus
New Super Mario Brothers Wii
Super Mario Galaxy 2

All non HD - and yet all virtually guaranteed to be massive hits. In fact I am not sure any game on 360 and/or PS3 will be able to touch them in sales or in lives made better by the entertainment they will provide.

What would HD add to those games - beyond extended develoment time?

Is 'HDWii' truly 'inevitable'? I think not.....

[Edited by uriahheep]



uriahheep wrote:

What would HD add to those games - beyond extended develoment time?

better graphics? thats the whole point of HD

Wii :6638 - 2205 - 3294 - 3850
SSBB: 4812 - 5583 - 8961
3DS: 4038 - 6000 - 1698
"Tiger Man was wise"


uriahheep wrote:

So many seem to think that Wii needs to 'upgrade' to HD - or else.

Yeah.. I don't know anyone that thinks that.



AlexSays wrote:

uriahheep wrote:

So many seem to think that Wii needs to 'upgrade' to HD - or else.

Yeah.. I don't know anyone that thinks that.

Actually, there are some video game analysts that are predicting an HD Wii by 2010.



Well - 'better' is relative.

#1 - Mii's already look appealing in 480p or 480i. What is the advantage of HDMii? - that soulnd like a 'new' xbox live experience

#2 - Galaxy is already a fine looking game - I do not see HD visuals selling any more copies of the sequel. From Nintendo's point of view that is the point right? If the graphics are pleasing, and they can sell 10 million copies, and 'better' graphics would cost more, add to the dev time, and not sell anymore copies that ED would - why do it?

#3- New Super Mario Wii -despite that in the heart of this old fanboy does not looks as good as the NES Mario games - looks iconic today. Iconic - it is a FANTASTIC brand....

So essentialy - Nintendo has many advantage by not going the HD route, and the graphics styles they choose to create work great in their current resolution.



**Scans thread for even one instance of irony**
**finds nothing**
**moves on with life**




Hi Eugene, welcome back.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


zss_shadow wrote:

AlexSays wrote:

uriahheep wrote:

So many seem to think that Wii needs to 'upgrade' to HD - or else.

Yeah.. I don't know anyone that thinks that.

Actually, there are some video game analysts that are predicting an HD Wii by 2010.

Predicting, sure.

No where does it say Pachter believes the Wii NEEDS to upgrade.. or else.

Like I'm predicting the world will end tomorrow. That's totally different than me saying the world NEEDS to end tomorrow. lol



OK, but it needs to end by Monday at the latest. I have a lot of worlds to destroy and only so much time.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Eugene's back,I need to spread the news.
I don't care about the Wii's graphics,I care about the games for the Wii.



While I'd love to see an HD Wii, it's not imperative. But I'll say this, if I have the choice of the same game on the Wii in non-HD or on the Xbox 360 or PS3 in HD, it's not even a contest. I'll take the HD every time. And in truth, the Wii should have been HD-capable to begin with.

Plain old gamer :)


i wish the wii was hd but its not a huge deal for me that it isn't. though if it did do hd there would be more of a chance for some titles like kof XII to come to the wii

I don't think they gained anything by not going hd though

[Edited by jbrodack]

wii code: 2630-2655-0027-8482
onslaught friend code: 1977-7779-8949
bomberman blast: 1634 2282 0930


The motion controls are fun, but they don't mean much to me. I still prefer the Wii games that use a more traditional form of play control.

Plain old gamer :)


Chicken+Brutus wrote:

**Scans thread for even one instance of irony**
**finds nothing**
**moves on with life**

It's ironic that Microsoft/Sony fanboys are making a hullabaloo about HD, when the games he mentioned are almost certainly going to blow anything Microsoft and Sony has to offer out of the water.

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero


Nintendo is just a bit slow to move on. When all the other console makers switched over to disc media, Nintendo hung on to the carts for one more round with their Nintendo 64 system. Now they're hanging onto the ED and I'm sure it won't be long until the HD console comes, be it a Wii upgrade or their next console down the line.

Plain old gamer :)


HD really isn't necessary, especially if you've got a real kick-butt TV. I have some friends who have some massive wall-mounted 1080p HDTV, with their Wii connected with composite cables, and it has an AMAZING upscaler that makes it look better than MY Wii connected to my my 26" 720p with component cables! Seems I picked the wrong brand for the best in Wii graphics on an HDTV, though. Samsung is WAY better at that than Westinghouse. What I have is good enough, though.

I just tried the Sam & Max demo on Xbox Live Arcade, and was wowed by not only the HD (Wii graphics were awful), but also the not-buggyness (Wii version was crappy in that way, too)!

Generally, if a game is available on Wii AND something else, I get it on the other system. Only Wii game worth playing is MADE for the Wii (many of those aren't either, but all the best Wii games are exclusive)!

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P


weirdadam wrote:

Hi Eugene, welcome back.

Who is this Eugene you speak of?



AlexSays wrote:

zss_shadow wrote:

AlexSays wrote:

uriahheep wrote:

So many seem to think that Wii needs to 'upgrade' to HD - or else.

Yeah.. I don't know anyone that thinks that.

Actually, there are some video game analysts that are predicting an HD Wii by 2010.

Predicting, sure.

No where does it say Pachter believes the Wii NEEDS to upgrade.. or else.

Like I'm predicting the world will end tomorrow. That's totally different than me saying the world NEEDS to end tomorrow. lol

Good point, the keywords there were "needs" and "or else."

Now, this has nothing to do with an HD Wii, but it shows that Nintendo themselves are actually adding HD technology for their next console, meaning the chances of an HD Wii now are probably pretty slim. (Yes, pretty old)



grenworthshero wrote:

Chicken+Brutus wrote:

**Scans thread for even one instance of irony**
**finds nothing**
**moves on with life**

It's ironic that Microsoft/Sony fanboys are making a hullabaloo about HD, when the games he mentioned are almost certainly going to blow anything Microsoft and Sony has to offer out of the water.

That's...not irony.

Irony is the fact that Microsoft and Sony made fun of the Wii's motion control and wrote it off as infantile, and are now playing catch-up to do the same thing. That is irony.

Irony is not "somebody says the Wii should have HD but, thinking about it, it doesn't really need it." That's just an observation.

This is more like somebody telling you that you should sell your car and buy a school bus instead. Then you calmly explain the reasons that driving a school bus would be impractical. DUDE! HOW IRONIC!!

[Edited by Philip_J_Reed]




Chicken+Brutus wrote:

grenworthshero wrote:

Chicken+Brutus wrote:

**Scans thread for even one instance of irony**
**finds nothing**
**moves on with life**

It's ironic that Microsoft/Sony fanboys are making a hullabaloo about HD, when the games he mentioned are almost certainly going to blow anything Microsoft and Sony has to offer out of the water.

That's...not irony.

Irony is the fact that Microsoft and Sony made fun of the Wii's motion control and wrote it off as infantile, and are now playing catch-up to do the same thing. That is irony.

Irony is not "somebody says the Wii should have HD but, thinking about it, it doesn't really need it." That's just an observation.

This is more like somebody telling you that you should sell your car and buy a school bus instead. Then you calmly explain the reasons that driving a school bus would be impractical. DUDE! HOW IRONIC!!

Exactly, I blame that awful song.


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