I really like Dynasty Warriors and similar games so I'll be keeping an eye on this. That trailer is ROUGH though. I dont think I've ever seen a trailer that was as blatantly rushed as this one.
I dunno. I should be excited for this game, but it just looks like a repetitive button masher.. They'll need to really wow me in the future in order for me to get excited about this.
@MAN1AC: The graphics may not be polished (and the title card was atrocious, I can make (and have made) better looking titles than that), but damn does it look like fun! And that's the most important thing!
Actually, trailers for Nintendo games have always looked "rough" at one time or another. If you look back at N64 betas or GCN demos(stuff like this), games always looked weird or unfinished.
They eventually put more work into them and they turn out anywhere from ok to top-notch. Just an observation to keep in mind, I guess.
Actually, trailers for Nintendo games have always looked "rough" at one time or another. If you look back at N64 betas or GCN demos(stuff like this), games always looked weird or unfinished.
They eventually put more work into them and they turn out anywhere from ok to top-notch. Just an observation to keep in mind, I guess.
But this isn't a Nintendo game per say. The Musou games ususally have meh graphics its how Tecmo Keoi is able to push so many out.
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I mean, im almost starting to think it's nintendo's strategy to show a somewhat underwhelming trailer first, wait a while, then show a trailer with a ton more content. Probably a weird comparison, but it reminds me of sales jobs i had where they taught you not to throw out all your info at once because then you have nothing to counter with.
It almost seems like Trailer 1 is minimal, it's sole goal to make people aware of it's existence, but to keep people guessing and wanting to know more about it.
Then, just as everyone's gettin worried, Ninty unleashes a trailer showing all the stuff they know people have been praying is included and then boom, they're hooked.
If they showed a great, untoppable trailer first, hype would probably peak early and then dissipate vs. build with each trailer being better than the last.
This is a Zelda game. I'm pretty sure Nintendo and Tecmo Keoi know that they can't be messing around with the Zelda IP.
I agree with @LetsGoRetro . They're showing the minimum, so you can crap your pants later when they care to show more. Whether they actually have more than that done isn't the kind of information we have.
If anybody wants to know what this is going to be like, you can pick up tons of used Dynasty Warrior games for dirt cheap. So you'll know what you're getting into before you get into this.
@SCAR392 It's not a main series game, odds are it'll end up about as important as Link in Soul Calibur 2.
But I'm digging the more stylish combat, can't wait to see how the final product looks.
[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u
@SCAR392 It's not a main series game, odds are it'll end up about as important as Link in Soul Calibur 2.
But I'm digging the more stylish combat, can't wait to see how the final product looks.
It's a Zelda game. 'Nuff said. They might tie it in to the main plot or something, for all we know.
I don't think Nintendo would allow Tecmo Koei to handle one of their biggest IPs if they didn't have some sort of plan to make at least an above average game. Combat is the emphasis here, so it's obviously going to be different than a traditional Zelda game. They can do more with the series by going "off track" like this.
It's a Zelda game. 'Nuff said. They might tie it in to the main plot or something, for all we know.
I don't think Nintendo would allow Tecmo Koei to handle one of their biggest IPs if they didn't have some sort of plan to make at least an above average game. Combat is the emphasis here, so it's obviously going to be different than a traditional Zelda game. They can do more with the series by going "off track" like this.
I agree with you, it seems like there is a bunch of people wanting Zelda to have more of a fighting element and I think that this might be Nintendos way of answering that, to a certain extent. I don't think they would just let another company use their IP and let them release junk. I have faith that this will be a good game, the trailer is only showing what I'm hoping is alpha gameplay. It certainly looks like it at some points (sketchy graphics, enemies popping out of nowhere). I don't expect this game to have very many Zelda elements aside from the characters and weapons. Definitely not expecting dungeons with puzzles or the like. I just hope the combat has some depth to keep it interesting.
Eh. I'm not a big fan of fighting enemies who just stand in place looking at you. Hopefully they'll remedy that problem, among the many others, but until then you can count me out.
Just Someloggery
You have the right to disagree with me and the ability to consider anything valid that I say; Please exercise both.
Remember how everyone said Super Mario 3D World was a joke when it was first revealed?
Look at Super Mario 3D World now. The game is constantly praised and is considered a must buy for Wii U. Its also helping the Wii U in sales.
The same thing will happen to Hyrule Warriors.
At the moment to me it looks shallow and repetitive, but I know this can all change in due time so I'm not going to rule it out. Does kinda look like an E Shop game though..
Remember how everyone said Super Mario 3D World was a joke when it was first revealed?
Look at Super Mario 3D World now. The game is constantly praised and is considered a must buy for Wii U. Its also helping the Wii U in sales.
The same thing will happen to Hyrule Warriors.
It's being developed by a third party, that's an immediate red light for a lot of people. Regardless of whatever anyone thinks of it, it can't be worse than the Cdi games.
[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u
And to all those people who think this game will get too repeitive... Look at the highly loved and praised Kingdom Hearts. I luv Kingdom Hearts but even I know its just a button mashing game with a crazy story. Kingdom Hearts doesn't even suck.
Topic: Hyrule Warriors (& Legends) - OT
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