
Topic: Hyrule Warriors (& Legends) - OT

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I love Zelda, and I really enjoyed Samurai Warriors: Chronicles, so if I had a Wii U I'd be really excited for this.

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Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Can we all at least agree, this is one of the best looking Link designs?

Game Industry News; Discussed and Debated -



Warruz wrote:

Can we all at least agree, this is one of the best looking Link designs?

Yeah, I like how it looks like a mix of OoT and TP Link. And it's so stylish~

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games get repetitive. Does that mean they get boring? Maybe to some people. Me, I like the repetitive button mashing u__U

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Warruz wrote:

Can we all at least agree, this is one of the best looking Link designs?

Yeah, Link looks pretty awesome in this one (as others have said, a cross of OoT & TP styles).

With the visible chain mail, lone shoulder guard, and epic blue scarf, he looks just a little more war torn than usual, which is a cool design.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Dang, this looks intense. I've been a Warriors fan since early PS2 days and put an embarrassing amount of time into DW7 and DW7:XL, so I'm definitely excited for this.

It better let me play as Sheik though.

DudeSean wrote:

WingedSnagret wrote:

Seems like it won't come out for some time though considering how unpolished it looks.

But at the very least I'm interested.

No, it's not going to look much or any better. In order to have so much going on at once (all those enemies have AI running) they have to sacrifice graphics.

Dynasty Warriors 7 is much more detailed than this trailer was, and it was on a last-gen system.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


Hopefully they make him talk.



I disagree. I just looked at DW8, and the textures and animations aren't as good as the ones in this Hyrule Warriors game. There might be more textures and such, but those textures aren't as good.

I'm using this as reference:

Watch this, then the Hyrule Warriors trailer. In HD, there's no question that this Zelda collaboration with Tecmo Keoi is overall an improvement compared to the DW series. I'd give it some time, but there are improvements that are noticeable, right off the bat.



Anyone expecting anything other than a Dynasty Warriors game in the Zelda universe is going to end up being disappointed. That being said, I think the game looks pretty cool so far.

Like someone else said though, a Fire Emblem version like this would be pretty interesting.



I think it looks awesome to be honest. I'm aware it'll probably be repetitive and shallow to a degree, but it looks fun either way. If there are plenty of moves, weapons, levels to unlock, I could really enjoy this.



Really, I'm just glad Tecmo Koei is making something for the Wii U.

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Linkfan1012 wrote:

Hopefully they make him talk.

I still don't want Link to speak. Link is great silent, why would anyone want a voice for him?

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


There will probably be tons of weapons and characters, if games in the Dynasty Warriors series is anything to go by.

Fairy Sword
Iron Hammer
Maybe the Kokiri Sword and Gold Plated Sword(from MM)
Bow and Arrows
Maybe the hookshot
Bombs(as seen in video)
Biggoron Sword
Mirror Shield
Ice/fire rod in vid

Maybe Sheik

Just some of the things in consideration, maybe. There could be a ton more characters, but who knows. We don't know if this takes place during the timeline, or if it's a "throw everything in there" type of game. My guess is that it will be part of some sort of story, but they'll just let players use whatever they want anyway. This is just speculation...

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]



The average DW game has upwards of 50 characters, so hopefully we get a fairly extensive roster in this. I'm not expecting 50, but a good variety of characters and races from across the series would be nice. Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, and all of the sages would be a good start.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


As for characters, I'm guessing:

  • Link
  • Zelda (Sheik?)
  • Ganondorf
  • Vaati
  • Dark Link
  • Ashei
  • Nabooru
  • Girahim
  • Demise
  • Zant
  • Midna (true form?)
  • Anganhim
  • more.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


King Zora XVI for Hyrule Warriors please.

"No one said you could touch."


Is it just me or when people say DW my first thought is Doctor Who lol.

For playable Characters I would like to see: Link, Goron, Zora, Deku. Kinka like the different masks in Majora's Mask. Each Mask had a different way of playing and could translate to different playable character very well. I am not against a Sheikah but maybe not Sheik because if Zelda is playable it would be hard to make sense that both Sheik and Zelda could be there.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


The only thing I don't care for are the knights fighting alongside Link (which can be seen during the clip with King Dodongo, I believe).

Not only do they not look anything like any incarnation of the Hylian knights, but they look awfully generic to boot.

I may be looking too much into it, since it's still early in development, but with every single enemy type being easily identifyable, I can't help but think they could have done the same for the Hylian guard. Heck, their current design doesn't even look "Zelda-ish" in any way.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


@RR529 As you said, it's probably just because it's early in development. When you think about the importance of the Guards, it makes sense that they would be after the enemies in the grand scheme of things. The environments are also looking rather bland, but after the jump we've seen in 3D World, I'm betting that won't be a major issue.

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


People are going to buy this game for the namesake alone no matter what people say or even how it reviews.

Personally I think the Link character model looks too good not to have it at this point even if it's just a button mash. I await further info however before I think about it too much. I


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