
Topic: Where's the difficulty in Metroid Prime?

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I just finished Metroid Prime for the first time, clocking in at just under 10 hours. The thing is, I never died. Never even got below half health. Am I just good, or it the game this easy for other players?

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I think most of the difficulty for me in the first game was finding the friggen artifacts with hints turned off.



Hyper Mode, also Prime isn't the hardest of the three.

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I find some of the bosses difficult, but I feel that the difficulty in the first game was pretty evenly perfect. I don't like games to be frustratingly hard. That isn't fun to me.

[Edited by grumblebuzzz]

When I close my eyes, I see pixilated blood.


I thought the Chozo Mines was hard,and finding the artifacts was frustrating for me. Other than that I did beat it,it was a fun game




The game is challenging in it's exploration. It's not supposed to be 'die a lot' difficult. If you really want this adventure to be challenging I suppose you can try to speedrun it. Finishing the game in 5 hours or less is pretty difficult.

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Metroid games aren't about hardcore difficulty. With that said, try Metroid Prime 2 if you want a more challenging game experience. The bosses are harder, the overworld is more dangerous in parts... I can only imagine how challenging higher difficulty modes are for that game.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Ugh. Men.


No I don't think I died either, and I'm not what you would call a good videogames and particularly FPS or just Metroid games in general. Didn't want difficulty, it was all about the adventure and the combat, which was still really fun despite the fact I had more energy tanks than Mega Man towards the end, and therefore wasn't really in danger. Though I'd agree with the other suggestions, Prime 2 is probably the most challenging of the 3, whilst Corruption's Phazon Mode shakes things up a lot and I died several times throughout due to my own stupidity when using it still I think Corruption was my favourite out of the 3.



Back when I first played Prime, I had a weird tendency to panic around Metroids easily, which killed me more than it helped. By now, I do most of the game with barely ever getting hit at all.
But yeah, the Prime games at their core aren't difficult. If you unlock Hypermode difficulty, it only increases the amount of damage you take from attacks, but it's still very manageable, since most attacks can be avoided easily. However: if you really wanna challenge yourself, try a low% run (no glitches), which means you're gonna be on low health constantly, and you're not even getting the Charge Beam. It technically only makes some fights more tedious than challenging, but for bosses like Metroid Prime itself, this means having to manage a lot more tight situations with difficult attack patterns.

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Hmm... really? I found Metroid Prime hard. I can beat most games (except for games like Contra and Super Gouls 'n Ghosts) but MP stands at as one of the few "modern" games that I struggled with =/ I got stuck on the part where you're first introduced to the different colored space pirates, and you have to use the corresponding weapon to defeat them. Seemed like they just kept spawning endlessly until you got past that part... and I never did.



Only time the first game gave me any trouble was Phazon Mines in the beginning, mainly because of no save point until you get to that invisible drone. Also I guess the Trilogy version of Meta Ridley. (The NA GCN version had Ridley bugged, so he constantly kept charging at you the entire time)

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If you rush through the game it is easy. However if your like most of us and search for all the items, and artifacts it will get frustrating. Like imaging attempting to go deep into the phazon mines without the proper protection or equipment. That is like Space balling into the atmosphere of Metroid II.

Prime 1 = Unofficial sequel/prequel of Super Metroid and or Metroid, and or Metroid II. While in production it was not clear if they should make it an gaiden or have it take place afterwards.

Prime 2 = A game where the "RetroStudios" had the freedom to do what they wanted.

I am not even counting prime 3. They screwed up that game as it could have been on the Gamecube. Also the whole MetaRidley WeakSpot is lame as well. Saying that Fuison/Zero are also screwed up games. Why even bother playing Metroid from Nintendo when somebody made an "Metroid Prime" in 2d, with full graphics.

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@RegalSin What do you mean, "unofficial"? The Prime games evidently follow after the events of Metroid/Zero Mission, and are in turn followed up by Metroid II, and then Super Metroid, from a chronological standpoint. Also what game are you referring to as "Metroid Prime in 2D"?

<insert title of hyped game here>

Check some instrumental Metal: CROW'SCLAW | IRON ATTACK! | warinside/BLANKFIELD |


I think I died 3 or 4 times. So yeah, not too hard a game on the whole. Just about right though.

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Metroid Prime's difficulty was pretty fair I think. I'm not the best gamer especially FPSs, but I only died a couple times, mostly on stupid things. Except the final boss which was really challenging in my opinion but the entire game was a pretty fair difficult. I think you, TC, are probably more skilled than the average gamer then if you never died or got lower than half health.


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