Although it's not exactly a problem, I'd like to clarify a few things so that I don't have problems in the future
I've had my 3DS (standard) since launch, and it's really gone through a lot of physical uh....wear and tear, and I was thinking of getting a new 3DS (not XL/LL, but the standard size possibly in a few months. I have 2, 3 years of data (activity log, streetpass, etc.) stored on the actual 3DS, which doesn't include games, and I'm wondering whether or not the system transfer option that nintendo has provided also includes those things, so that when I open the new 3ds's activity log or streetpass (for example), I'll be able to view the same statistics that I saw on my old 3DS.
A system transfer will send all data to the new 3DS including game licenses, save data, activity log, streetpasses, etc.
Keep in mind that your SD with games and data must be taken out when instructed. And after the transfer, digital games can only be played on the second 3DS.
Current games: Everything on Switch
Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky
Topic: 3DS Information Transfer to Another 3DS
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