Comments 161

Re: Nindies Showcase For Nintendo Switch Airing Next Week


@CairiB I finally found something a little more current about Seasons of Heaven. There was a developer interview on YouTube I watched and apparently they are just a very small studio. They had to shop the game around to a new studio to be able to continue development. Along with that the developer just had a kid so he also had his hands full. I do believe he eluded in the interview that the game would first be released in France sometime around June or so which makes me think that it should be released elsewhere around the fall?

Re: Soapbox: Miitomo's Days Are Numbered, But Its Death Was Written In The Stars From The Start


I liked miitomo, but my issue was I had little to no friends that were interested in using it. I tried to convince some to download it and create their own mii but I never got past 9 friends. I really did like how you could create a character and it would be the same character for my.nintendo. I hope Nintendo incorporates something like this with your Switch Profile.

Re: This EA Star Wars Pitch Could Have Been The Rogue Squadron Reboot You Always Wanted


@davey1983 I know it probably means nothing and I realize that but at least it’s something. I mean, what else can we do? Not buy their games? Well that’s easy for me seeing as the only thing they’ve ported to switch is FIFA and though I realize a lot of people like the FIFA franchise, I am one of the few that could care less for it. And even if they ported battlefront, it’s still not a proper Star Wars representation.