Comments 161

Re: Talking Point: Is The Switch 2 Going To Be Too Big?


I’ve always felt they should go a similar route to what Apple has done. Create 3 versions of the switch 2; a home console version only (similar to Apple TV); an switch xl (similar to iPhone pro max); and a switch lite (similar to iPhone pro). Give consumers the option to purchase what fits their needs best. I personally would love a switch lite version that could also be docked.

Re: Switch Online N64 Wireless Controller Restocks Coming Later This Week


I have completely given up on trying to get one of these. They’re impossible to get. I have no idea why you would come out and promote a product that you can’t even keep in stock. It’s completely unfair to the consumer. What angers me is that I bought the deluxe online switch because of the ability to play N64 games with this controller. And here we are years later and still no controller.

Re: Metroid Dread Staff Say They've Been Left Out Of The Game's Credits, MercurySteam Responds


Though it’s not ideal, I don’t see this as a big deal. It’s up to the company to do what it wants to do, unless there was some breach of contract. The people in this article who are upset are no longer with the company and since their work was done under company time, it is their intellectual property. We also don’t know everything behind the scenes here. How do we know that perhaps maybe some of the people in this article maybe left on bad terms? Anyone here who has ever worked for a company where someone quit or was let go, left for a reason and perhaps that’s why Mercury left them out of the credits too.

Re: Federal Court Rules $10.1 Million Case Against Nintendo's Wii Remote As Invalid


@BarefootBowser perhaps it did cost quite a bit. But imagine if they lost? Imagine other companies seeing that, thinking they could also take a chance at winning against a large company like Nintendo. And imagine all the royalties they’d have to pay if they had lost this case? This was probably a small battle but in the larger scheme of things, it’s wins like this to keep the integrity of the company intact.

Re: Poll: What Other Wii U Games Do You Want To See On Switch?


This is probably not popular opinion but they should not port windwaker HD to switch. It’s the perfect port for the Wii U because it utilized the touch screen; something that originally was going to also happen with BOTW but they axed it for whatever reason. If the 20% who voted for it haven’t played it on Wii U then they’re missing out but since the switch has no additional screen I just wouldn’t see the switch version as something to rave about.

Re: Poll: Have You Downloaded Mario Kart Tour On Your Mobile Device Yet?


@STAGGLY I also don’t understand the hate. Just like any new game, there is a learning curve to the controls and once you get it; it’s actually quite fun. I’ve also earned lots of rewards without spending any real money. Plus I like the quick races it offers. Obviously this thing doesn’t compare to Mario kart 8 but as a stand alone mobile game it’s really not that bad.