Comments 204

Re: Sonic Fans, Don't Get Your Hopes Up For A Standalone Chao Garden Game


@JohnnyMind just giving my two cents here; while I’d adore a new version of the adventure games as a diehard fan, a full-blown remaster would unfortunately be necessary as opposed to a simple emulated port. Most versions (minus the Dreamcast one but that one doesn’t let you skip cutscenes so) have some gigantic technical issue that was thankfully fixed by BetterDX, a mod, but that’s PC only obviously. I think a full technical rework would be essential to give SA1-2 the love they deserve, rather than be left in the current state they’re in on PS360steam.

Re: Poll: Box Art Brawl: Mega Man Zero 3


@FullMetalWesker I know and I know.
I posted that edit of the overseas cover because I found it humorous. I apologize if that confused you.
Also, not to bother you, but you pinged a different username. My username ends with a hyphen. xD (it’s not a big deal or anything I just found it ironic you called me out for allegedly making an error (that wasn’t there)/not paying attention while you yourself are the one who made an error/didn’t pay attention. All good tho don’t worry we’re all human)

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (3rd August)


@Yalloo oh I forgot to reply to your comment. Enjoy legacy collections, so many of my favorite games there. I really adore the classic series in particular. Don’t really have a favorite cuz so many of them are great and I replay them often.
Happy pride. I extend all the sentiments expressed. : D
Best of wishes.
One love.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (3rd August)


@JohnnyMind fantastic picks, a lot of games there I plan to plan to buy/play including TotK, Engage, PoP (corn) and of course, can’t forget strikers. Though I’m likely getting that on steam, less I find it physically on switch like the fate games which are my next physical purchase. Best of wishes. : D
@Zuljaras Beautiful stuff, my man. I always gotta stop and admire a cool setup. : D
Steam deck bros for life. ✌️

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (3rd August)


  • Gears of War
  • Grand Theft Auto IV (favorite game of all time, doing a playthrough that’s simultaneous with another buddy’s replay)
  • Dynasty Warriors 6 (ps2 version, which has more characters than the ps3 version due to releasing after, trust me you’ll need a few re-reads to understand this paragraph)
  • Dynasty Warriors 8XLCEDXDE (trust me that wasn’t a keyboard mash, I just happen to have bought all three modern versions of the game. CE on steam, DE on switch and DX on switch which is Japanese, I’m trying to beat all three although I’ll need an SD card, also my L bumper stopped working, that sucks)
  • Conker (part of my participation for the Pure Xbox club, I’ve also voted for Gears 2, hence why I’m playing Gears 1)
  • Way of the Samurai 1-2 (both fantastic games, this is the best samurai sandbox game, if there’s even other games that fall under the label)